INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Sakarya Üniversitesi Teknoloji Fakültesi Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü T4 Blok • • • • • • • • Introducing the department Introducing the EEE Engineering ethic Unit systems Direct and alternative current Resistor, capacitor, and coil Voltage and current supplies Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s Laws Electrical and Electronics Engineering • • • • Circuit concept, Serial, Parallel and Mixed circuits Semiconductor technology General Occupational Health and Safety Occupational Health and Safety in Electrical 1 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING MEASUREMENT Measurement is the assignment of a number to a characteristic of an object or event, which can be compared with other objects or events. Also measurement is a counting process. If you want to measure your working desk, you should choose a length unit. Suppose that you choose your span and you measured 6 spans. In this example, you measured the desk with your own unit. Different Measuring Instrument Well, if everybody choose their own unit to measure different quantities, how we are going to agree, how we are going to trade, and how the scientists are going to communicate? Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention or by law, that is used as a standard for measurement of the same physical quantity. Any other value of the physical quantity can be expressed as a simple multiple of the unit of measurement. Different systems of units used to be very common. Today, there are five important unit systems: MKS unit system: It is also known as metric system. The metric system is a decimal systems of measurement based on its units for length, the metre, for time, the second, and for mass, the kilogram. FPS unit system: The foot–pound–second system or FPS system is a system of units built on the three fundamental units foot for length, pound for either mass or force and second for time. CGS unit system: It is a system of measurement based on its units for length, the centimetre, for time, the second, and for mass, the gram. MKSA unit system: It is known as Giorgi system. In 1946 the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) approved a proposal to use the ampere as that unit in a four-dimensional system, the MKSA system. SI unit system: The International System of Units (SI) defines seven fundamental units: kilogram, metre, candela, second, ampere, kelvin, and mole. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS A number of metric systems of units have evolved since the adoption of the original metric system in France in 1791. Today, units of measurement are generally defined on a scientific basis, overseen by governmental or independent agencies, and established in international treaties, pre-eminent of which is the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), established in 1875 by the Treaty of the metre and which oversees the International System of Units (SI) and which has custody of the International Prototype Kilogram. The International System of Units (Système International d'Unités) is the modern revision of the metric system. It is the world's most widely used system of units, both in everyday commerce and in science. The SI was developed in 1960 from the metre-kilogramsecond (MKS) system, rather than thecentimetre-gram-second (CGS) system, which, in turn, had many variants. During its development the SI also introduced several newly named units that were previously not a part of the metric system. Since the 1960s, the International System of Units (SI) is the internationally recognised metric system. Metric units of mass, length, and electricity are widely used around the world for both everyday and scientific purposes. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Base quantity Base quantity Base unit Symbol time second s angle length metre m Solid angle mass kilogram kg electric current Ampere A temperature Kelvin K amount of substance mole mol luminous intensity candela cd Electrical and Electronics Engineering Base unit Symbol radian rad steradian sr 5 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Meter is defined as the distance travelled by light in a specific fraction – about one threehundred millionths – of a second (17. CGPM, 1983). Kilogram, manufactured in 1799 and from which the IPK (International Prototype of the Kilogram) is derived, had a mass equal to the mass of 1.000025 liters of water at 4 °C (3. CGPM, 1901). Second: It is quantitatively defined in terms of a certain number of periods – about 9 billion – of a certain frequency of radiation from the caesium-133 atom: a so-called atomic clock (13. CGPM, 1967). Ampere: It is the constant current that will produce an attractive force of 2 × 10−7 newtons per metre of length between two straight, parallel conductors of infinite length and negligible circular cross section placed one meter apart in a vacuum (9.CGPM, 1948). Kelvin: It is defined as the fraction 1⁄273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water (exactly 0.01 °C or 32.018 °F) (13. CGPM, 1967). Electrical and Electronics Engineering 6 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Mole: It is defined as the amount of any chemical substance that contains as many elementary entities, e.g., atoms, molecules, ions, or electrons, as there are atoms in 12 grams of pure carbon-12 (14. CGPM, 1971). Candela: It is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540×1012 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1⁄683 watt per steradian (16. CGPM, 1979). Electrical and Electronics Engineering 7 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 8 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 9 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 10 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 11 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 12 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 13 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 14 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 15 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 16 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 17 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 18 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 19 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 20 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 22 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 23 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 24 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT SYSTEMS Electrical and Electronics Engineering 25 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICITY ATOMS The smallest particle of a material. Consist of electrons and nucleus. Nucleus has a positive charge. Electrons have negative charge and turn around the nucleus in the certain orbits. The number of electrons in an orbit is calculated by 2.n2. Unless there is an external effect, the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons. The outer orbit is called ‘valence orbit’. The electrons in this orbit is also called ‘valence electron’ or‘free electron. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 26 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICITY Coulomb’s Law: If the two charges have the same sign, the electrostatic force between them is repulsive; if they have different signs, the force between them is attractive. Coulomb's law can also be stated as a simple mathematical expression. where ke is Coulomb’s constant (ke =8.9875517873681764 x 109 N∙m2∙C-2), and q1 and q2 are the signed magnitudes of the charges, the scalar r is the distance between the charges. the charge of 1 e- : 1,6 ∙ 10-19 Coulombs Electrical and Electronics Engineering 27 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICITY CONDUCTORS: They conduct electricity. The number of valence Cupper Atoms Valence electron electrons are less than 4. The conductivity depends on the number of valence electrons. If it is one, good conductivity! Copper, gold, silver, aluminum, iron… Electrical and Electronics Engineering 28 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICITY INSULATORS They don’t conduct electricity basically. The number of valence electrons is higher than 4. (5-8) The number of electrons in the valence orbit can’t be more than 8. If the number of electrons in this orbit is less, insulation level is also low. If high voltage and frequency signal is applied to an insulator, it may conduct electricity a little. Plastic, rubber, glass, ceramic, air… Electrical and Electronics Engineering 29 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICITY SEMICONDUCTOR: It conducts electricity under certain conditions. The number of valence electrons is 4. Silicon, Germanium (they are insulators in their a) Silicon Atoms pure state) Can be inductor with doping elements (Arsenic, Galium, İndium etc.). Used to produce some electronic devices such as diode, transistor, integrated circuits, etc. b) Germanium Atoms Electrical and Electronics Engineering 30 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICITY bandgap (forbidden) conductivity band bandgap (forbidden) energy level conductivity band energy level energy level Energy bands in conductor, semiconductor, and insulator atoms: conductivity band bandgap (forbidden) valence band valence band valence band a) Conductor b) Semiconductor c) Insulator Electrical and Electronics Engineering 31 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Electrical and Electronics Engineering resistance Electricity can be liken to running water from a tap plugged to a container filled with water, as illustrated in figure. The height of the water Voltage The quantity of running water Current The tap Resistance Volt Current, Voltage, Resistance current 32 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Current, Voltage, Resistance Moving electrons in a conductor is called ‘CURRENT’. Electron flow occurs from negative to positive. Copper wire Hole flow occurs from positive to negative. Copper atoms Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electron flow Electron nucleus 33 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Current, Voltage, Resistance Unit: Ampere (A) 1A current: It represents 1 coulomb charge movement in a second. 1A= 1C/S (Coulomb/Second) 1 C = 6,250,000,000,000,000,000 electron 1,610-19C = 1electron Q I t I=current (Ampere) Q: charge quantity (coulomb) t: time (second) Electrical and Electronics Engineering I,i Akım kaynağı Current Source + I,i - 34 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Current, Voltage, Resistance The energy forced the electrons to flow is called ‘VOLTAGE’. It is a measure of potential difference between two points. Unit: Volt (V) Example: The voltages in a circuit have been measured as VA=5 V (at the point A), and VB=2 V (at the point B). So, what is the potential difference from A to B point (VAB)? What is the potential difference from B to A point (VBA)? Electrical and Electronics Engineering A V + - E, U V1 B + + - - 35 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Current, Voltage, Resistance The opposition to the flow of electric current is called ‘RESISTANCE’. It consists of friction between atoms and other particles in the conductor, and electrons, moving in the conductor. Unit: Ohm () Electrical and Electronics Engineering R 36 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Current, Voltage, Resistance On which physical conditions the resistance of a conductor depends? It is inversely proportional to the cross section, It is proportional to the length, It is proportional to the temperature, It depends on the type of conductor. Resistivity of all conductors are different. For example, the resistances of Cupper and Aluminum wires in the same length and same cross section are different. Resistivity: It is the resistance of a conductor 1 meter in length and 1 mm2 in cross sectional area. (20 ̊C) Electrical and Electronics Engineering 37 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Current, Voltage, Resistance Bir iletkenin direnci: Length (meter) L R S Resistivity (ohm) Cross-section (mm2) Resistivities of some metals CONDUCTOR Silver Cupper Gold Aluminum Iron Electrical and Electronics Engineering RESISTIVITY (ρ) 0,016 0,017 0,023 0,028 0,012 38 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Current, Voltage, Resistance R1 T t1 R2 T t 2 Resistance R1 : value of a resistor at t1 temperature CONDUCTOR T COEFFICIENT ( ̊C) Lead Silver Cupper Aluminum Zinc Brass 218 243 235 236 250 650 Electrical and Electronics Engineering R2 : value of same resistor at t2 temperature All metals have a ‘T coefficient’. 39 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Current, Voltage, Resistance Example: The resistance of a Cupper wire at 20 ̊ C is 5 . Find the resistance at 60 ̊ C. for Cupper, T=235 20 60 5 5,78 Example: The resistance of a Lead wire at 20 ̊ C is 5 . Find the resistance at 60 ̊ C. for Lead, T=218 Electrical and Electronics Engineering 20 60 5 5,84 40