Syllabus Spanish 3

Spanish 3 Class Procedures and Policies
Class Goals:
Students will strive to achieve level competence in reading, writing, listening and responding in
¡Realidades! This text is available online or upon request from administration. Workbooks will stay in class and are
available online.
Supplies to be brought at start of year: A 3 ring binder with 5 dividers and a pack of paper.
Supplies to be brought EVERY day!
(Supplied by student)
Students need: Binder or organizer, dividers, blue or black pen for assignments, red pen for grading, wide-ruled 3-hole
notebook paper. Assignments may be submitted in pencil, blue or black ink.
Class Rules
Strive to Be …
Courteous & Cooperative
Alert & Active
Relevant & Receptive
Punctual & Prepared
Not allowed
No eating
No drinking
No gum chewing
No cellular phone use
5 Tips for Success
Study daily
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
Build on what you already know
Take your best guess
Use your knowledge of English
Grading Principles
Grades are determined by major and minor assignments:
Major grades:
70% (Exams & Projects = 60%, Participation = 10%)
Minor grades:
30% (Daily assignments & Homework = 10%, Quizzes = 20%)
There are NO extra credit projects.
District Guidelines for Make-up work
Students are responsible for obtaining work they miss due to absences. It is understood that the nature of some work make
it impossible to complete, e.g., science lab, group activities, etc. Students have the same number of class days missed to
complete work and the work will be due the class meeting following. For example, 2 days missed - the work will be due
on or before the third day back (2 missed days plus 2 days attended to turn in work). In certain circumstances where a
prolonged illness is involved, an extension of this limit may be arranged between student and teacher. Exceptions to the
normal make-up policy would be where in certain situations where the deadline was communicated-Example: research
paper due on or before May 3rd.Exams missed are to be taken outside of class time within the make-up period at the
convenience of the teacher. Students are usually informed of exams in advance. Pre-announced exams will be taken when
the student returns to school after being absent unless other arrangements are made at the teacher’s discretion. Students
who are truant will not be able to receive credit for make-up work or exams. A suspension will be considered an
extenuating circumstance for attendance purposes and make-up work will be allowed for 70% credit of work
completed. Failure to do the work within the designated time may result in a grade of zero.
District Guidelines for Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
• Copying, text messaging, faxing, e-mailing, or in any way duplicating assignments that are turned in wholly or in
part, as original work
• Giving or receiving answers during tests or quizzes
• Taking credit for group work when you have not contributed an equal or appropriate share toward the final result
• Accessing a test or quiz for the purpose of determining the questions in advance of its administration
If your child is caught cheating and you are called, please remember that this is a learning experience. Please help your child to accept
the consequences for his/her inappropriate actions.
Consequences of Plagiarism/Cheating: Any student who is caught cheating or plagiarizing shall receive a grade of “zero” for the
academic work involved, and the parent(s) of the student(s) will be notified. When work is copied from another student, both students
shall be penalized with a grade of “zero”. Grades of “zero” which are the result of any form of academic dishonesty are irrevocable.
Tutorial Opportunities
Barring scheduling conflicts, Mon. - Thur.
7 ― 7:20 AM
& 2:40 ― 3:30 PM
Speak Spanish
Students are encouraged to speak Spanish whenever possible. Participation points will reflect effort and acquired skills.
Spanish 3 Class Procedures and Policies
Practice every night: Students have homework in this class every night. Even when not specifically assigned, students
have vocabulary and grammar lessons to master outside of class.
Prentice-Hall Websites &
Prentice Hall Website for the Spanish 3 workbook:
Email for Ms. Alworth Web Site:
Montgomery High School Re-testing Policy – FOREIGN LANGUAGE
This policy does not apply to Advanced Placement Courses or Dual Credit Courses.
Re-testing Guidelines:
Only tests may be re-taken. Only written chapter exams can be re-taken.
The maximum grade recorded for a re-test will be 75; if the retest score is lower than the original score, the original
score will remain.
Students may only re-take a test once.
The re-test may be different from the original, but will cover the same material.
Tests may be re-taken if at the end of the 6 week grading period, but cannot change eligibility.
Re-tests must be taken within 4 calendar school days after tests are returned (even if student is absent as grades can
be checked on-line) regardless of absence.
Re-tests must be taken before or after school depending on time required to complete the re-test and must be
prearranged. If student misses the pre-arranged time, then the opportunity for re-testing may be forfeited.
Student must meet teacher guidelines for re-takes (may include specified amount of tutorials, etc.) as stipulated in
syllabus. One ½ hour tutorial is required for test corrections tutorial.
If a student fails a test due to cheating, student loses opportunity to re-take the exam.
Re-testing is a privilege, not a right.
Montgomery High School Late Work Policy:
Late work will not be accepted for full credit. Late is any time after the assignment is collected by the teacher.
Work turned in 1 school day (one class period) or less after the due date will reflect a 20 point or 20% loss of
Work turned in 2 school days (2 class periods) late will reflect a 40 point or 40% loss of credit.
Except for extenuating circumstances, work will not be accepted more than 2 school days
(2 class periods) after the due date. Do not confuse with make-up work after being absent.
In addition, please note:
 AP courses will not accept late work.
Long term or major assignments will not be taken late.
An assignment graded in class will not be taken late.
Revised 8/17/2015