TJ Admin

Update notebooks
EQ: What occurred under TJ’s administration
TSWBAT evaluate the presidency of TJ
BOR Chart
Glue In, Fill out SPC
Ratification Order/Debate
New Republic LGS
New Republic SPC
GW Administration
JA Administration
TJ Administration
The student will be able to evaluate the
presidency of Thomas Jefferson, the election
of 1800, judicial review and the Louisiana
Purchase with 80% accuracy
Where does this objective fit into the NEW
REPUBLIC learning goal scale?
What do you need to be able to do with this
objective to SCALE Everest or reach mastery
Write was is in red today only!
The Federalists had
controlled the national
government in previous
terms, puppeteer-ed by
Alexander Hamilton
The election of 1800 would
change things…Jefferson
would base the running of
the government on
Republican values(He hated
elitism and he wanted to
stop Hamilton’s influence
in the government)
Jefferson referred to the
election as the “Revolution
of 1800” because things
were going to change!!!
Two parties running a candidate
Federalists: John Adams (65), CC
Pinckney (64), John Jay (1)
Republicans: Thomas Jefferson (73),
Aaron Burr (73)
Electoral votes were a tie; therefore
it went to the HOR to break the tie
and choose a president.
The men seated in the HOR had
been there since 1798 and were all
They all got one vote and voted a tie
35 times, on the 36th vote they
finally elected Jefferson as
Jefferson made a point to the nation
by showing up in ordinary clothes
and walking to his inauguration
instead of riding in a fancy carriage.
What was he trying to prove in this
12th Amendment: changed how
electors voted. Beginning in
1804, electors would vote
separately for President and
vice president
Hamilton meets his end!
In 1804, Aaron Burr (VP)
challenges Hamilton to a duel.
Duel’s were a way to resolve a
conflict (just a discharging of
weapons) not usually meant to
Hamilton is shot and killed by
the current Vice President of
the US and suffers no legal
Jefferson wanted to stop
Hamilton, his influence,
and policies.
Wanted to limit the federal
government’s power over
states and citizens
Jefferson believed in the
idea of laissez faire “let
alone” which means that
the government should not
interfere in the economy
Jefferson fired all tax
Shrank the military (down
to 13 ships)
Eliminated all federal taxes
William Marbury was signed at the
last minute by Adams as a federal
Jefferson’s Sec. of State James
Madison did not get deliver the
employment contract to TJ to be
signed..he looses the job
Marbury sues Madison
Justice John Marshall(federalist),
decides to declare the Judiciary Act
of 1789 unconstitutional. John
Marshall actually wins the case by
establishing judicial review.
Supreme Court ruled that Congress
cannot pass laws that are opposing
to the Constitution, and that it is
the role of the judicial system to
interpret what the Constitution
permits, not Congress.
The Supreme Court has the
authority to strike down
unconstitutional laws.
Complete your progress chart for I and J
Circle Map for Jefferson, describe his
administration and actions as president