First Five Presidents Chart ● Use this to check your answers on the Presidents Chart we did in class. ● Helpful information organized to help you study for the Early Republic Test Event President Protective Tariff Washington Adams Farewell Address XYZ Affair Washington Adams National Debt Washington Borders of Louisiana Purchase Jefferson Information on Event A tax on foreign goods. Part of Hamilton’s Plan, encourages people to buy American goods No alliances; no political parties French try to force a bribe; almost leads to war Foreign or Domestic? Domestic and Foreign Domestic Foreign Buy old bonds and issue new bonds under Federal gov’t.; Part of Hamilton’s Plan Domestic Mississippi River in the east; Rocky Mountains in the west Domestic Free Enterprise Marbury v. Madison ALL Jefferson Creation of Washington National Bank Louisiana Purchase Jefferson Jay’s Treaty Washington Minimal gov’t. interference in the economy Domestic 1st example of Judicial Review; S. Court overturns a law Domestic Part of Hamilton’s Plan, opposed by Jefferson who thinks it is unconstitutional Domestic Jefferson’s greatest achievement as president; doubles size of U.S. Treaty with Britain; very unpopular with DemReps and France; keeps U.S. out of war Domestic and Foreign Domestic and Foreign Event Embargo Act Federalists President Information on Event Foreign or Domestic? Jefferson Jefferson’s policy that bans trade with foreign countries; bad for U.S. economy Domestic and Foreign Adams Favored STRONG cent. Gov’t. Domestic Favored WEAK cent. Gov’t. Domestic With Britain; issues include: shipping, impressments, natives Foreign No more Euro. COLONIZATION; U.S. will remain neutral Foreign Jefferson Democratic- Madison Republicans Monroe War of 1812 Monroe Doctrine Madison Monroe Federal Washington Establishes the Federal Court system Judiciary Act Domestic Whiskey Rebellion Washington Jefferson Strict Madison Construction Monroe Washington Loose Construction Adams Sedition Act Adams Alien Enemies Adams Act First Political Adams Parties Rebellion against tax; Washington puts it down; strength of new gov’t. Domestic Gov’t. can only do what Const. says Domestic Gov’t. can do what it needs to do to manage the country Domestic Cannot criticize the gov’t.; Unconstitutional Domestic Executive can arrest/deport non-citizens Domestic Formed because people have different opinions on gov’t. Domestic