River Valley Civilizations


River Valley


• 3500 to 500 BC

The “Cradles of Civilization”

Where did the earliest civilizations develop?

River valleys

Why did ancient civilizations develop in river valleys?

• They had rich soil for agriculture

• Periodic flooding left silt which made the soil rich in nutrients

Geographic Barriers

( mountains , deserts , seas , jungles,etc.)

Helped protect many early civilizations from nomadic invaders

Where were the earliest civilizations located and when did they exist?




River Valley Civilizations

(3500 BC to 500 BC )

Mesopotamia in the Tigris and Euphrates

River Valleys. (Southwest Asia )

Egypt in the Nile River Valley and Delta

( Africa )

India in the Indus River Valley in South Asia

China in the Huang He Valley ( East Asia).

From west to east “EMIC”

• What were the geographic, social, political, and economic characteristics of the Ancient

River Valley civilizations?


• The land between two rivers (Tigris and Euphrates)

• Part of the

Fertile Crescent

Fertile Crescent

Arc of fertile land stretching from the

Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea



• Present day


( Middle East ).

• The first of many civilizations to arise in


Protected by mountains, deserts and the

Persian Gulf



Sumer was made up of 12 independent city- states

• City-state: A city and the surrounding land it controlled


• Mesopotamia had a dry climate

Irrigation was required to bring water from the rivers to the fields during the dry summer months

First Writing

• Invented the first written language: cuneiform

( w edge writing)

Invented Bronze

• Smelted from copper and tin

Other Sumerian




Wheeled vehicles

Number system based on 60

Babylonian Empire

• The first empire to arise in Mesopotamia

• Empire: several peoples, nations, or previously independent states under the control of one ruler.

Code of Hammurabi

First set of published laws

• Based on the principle of an

“ eye for an eye”

• Laws differed based on class


• Nile Delta and Nile

River Valley

(Northeast Africa)

• Protected by deserts and seas

Nile Delta

• Located in


Egypt ( northern

Egypt - lower in elevation)

Delta : broad, marshy, triangular area of land formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of a river.

Lower Egypt

• View from space shuttle


Pictures could stand for sounds as well as ideas


•Egyptian god-kings

• They had absolute power (complete control)

• Thought to be responsible for making the sun rise, the Nile flood , and crops grow.


• Like other River

Valley peoples,

Egyptians were polytheistic

(believed in many gods).

Class System

• Egypt, had a rigid class system and slavery was accepted.


• Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley Civilization

• Located on the Indus

River in present-day

Pakistan (Indian subcontinent ).

Indus River Flood Plain

Natural Barriers

• The

Himalayan and the Hindu Kush Mountains as well as the Indian Ocean protected the Indian subcontinent from invasion .

Indus Valley Civilization

• Made up of independent city states including

Harappa , and Mohenjo-Daro (and 2500 other sites)

Indus Valley Achievements

• Plumbing

The great bath at Mohenjo-Daro

Cotton Cloth

• Indus valley people were the first to cultivate cotton and weave its fibers into cloth

Written Language

• has not been deciphered


• Huang He River

•Also called the

Yellow River and the River of

Sorrows (yellow silt caused flooding)

Huang He

Flooding of the Huang He

• Satellite images before after

Geographically Isolated

Gobi desert, Himalayan Mountains,

Pacific Ocean, dense jungles

• China was ruled by a succession of ruling families called dynasties (Early dynasties: Shang and Zhou)

Shang Dynasty

• Chinese rulers were considered divine ( god like).

Divine Rulers

• They served under a mandate of heaven

( approval of the gods) only as long as their rule was just

Mandate of Heaven

Dynastic Cycle

• Explains the rise, decline, and replacement of families of rulers

Chinese Silk

• The Chinese invented silk cloth (made from the cocoons of silkworms).


• Characters stood for ideas , not sounds.

• The earliest evidence of Chinese writing is found on oracle bones.

Ancestor Worship

• The Chinese believed that the spirits of family ancestors could bring good fortune or disaster

• They paid respect to family ancestors and made sacrifices in their honor

Bronze vessel used for sacrificial food


Water wheels were used to bring river water to the fields
