The Giver: Jonas Character Analysis

The Giver Jonas Character Change
David Morales
Oct 17, 2013
The book of The Giver by Louis Lowry is a Science Fiction book. It is a very
interesting book because you see different things from a utopia world and our world.
In the book, Jonas is a boy that has so many problems and he wants to change. Jonas is
a very interesting character, he is very smart. Jonas changes a lot in his characteristics
throughout the beginning, middle and end of the book.
In the beginning, Jonas starts as a very honest person (he never lied), he was
very respectful and he wanted all to be equal. First, Jonas was very honest and he
never lied. To support the point, Jonas never lied because he couldn’t lie, nobody
could. People where not allowed to lie and they where not even tempted to lie. Also,
he didn’t know what lying was, he didn’t know how to do it. Next, he always shared his
dreams with his parents. Like the one he had about Fiona. He saw Fiona naked. It was
against the rules to see people naked, but it was only a dream. Secondly, Jonas was
very respectful with all the people. To support the point, he was respectful because he
treated every person the same way. Also, he followed all the rules of the community.
The leaders of the community are the Chief Elders. Chief Elders are people who are in
charge of organizing everything and leading all the people. Finally, in the beginning,
Jonas ends up as a person that wants to be as everyone else and he wants to be equal.
To support the idea, he wants to be equal because he didn’t like to be superior than
others. For example, he told people he wanted to be as others, he helped the people
who needed help and he followed rules as others. He wanted to live a normal life with
his family. Also, he accepted being the receiver because he was assigned that job.
Jonas at the beginning was honest, respectful and he wanted to be equal.
In the middle of the book, Jonas starts to change and he becomes more close,
liar and serious. First, he starts to become closer and he stops seeing the world as he
used to. He becomes more close by not seeing his family that much as he used to. Also,
he focused more in his job instead of the family. Jonas was more interested in his job
because he was the only one who had the opportunity to receive memories. So he
liked it and wanted to learn more. Then, he doesn’t like the community anymore
because he realizes what they do wrong and should be changed. Secondly, he starts to
lie. Before he didn’t lie, but when he became receiver, he had the permission to lie. To
support the point, he lies because he cant tell anybody what he sees in his memories.
Also, he lies because he could see what nobody else could. Then, he lies because he
can’t tell what it is like to be a receiver to anybody. Finally, he becomes more serious
and he sees a change in his world and community. To support the idea, he becomes
more serious because he realizes what is wrong in his community. Also, he starts to
want to change it and what is wrong. Then, he also saw that the release was killing. So
he becomes more serious and starts to change even more. Jonas at the middle
becomes more close, liar and serious for those reasons.
Finally, in the end of the book, he becomes hat, sad and so smart. First, hated
the community and everyone except Gabriel and the Giver. He hated because he
doesn’t like anything in his world anymore. Also, because he didn’t want to be home
anymore, he wanted to be with the Giver now. Then, he hated because he saw
everything different in his world bad, when in the beginning he saw it normal.
Secondly, in the end of the book, he becomes very sad. To support the idea, he became
sad because he realized what was wrong and how bad the government treated him.
Then, he also was sad because he noticed his dad made releases. Also, because he saw
the world horrible and different as he saw it in the beginning. Finally, in the end of the
book Jonas is so smart. He is so smart because he planned the escape with Gabriel
perfectly. Also, he was smart because he thought good what he was going to do next in
his escape always and what was convenient for him. Then, he tricked everyone to
escape with Gabriel.
Jonas in The Giver changes so much. In the beginning of the book he is so
positive. Then, he starts to be more negative because he realizes all the wrong things
in his world. I think the author is trying to communicate with us by showing us what
would happen if we are all equal and we let the government control us. The author
tells us that we should like ourselves and see that everyone should be himself or
herself. Everyone is different and you are here for a purpose. So what can happen to
Jonas next?