Mean systematic error of 500 hPa geopotential height fields LOWRES HIGHRES Mean systematic error of 500 hPa geopotential height fields LOWRES HIGHRES • Reduction of z500 bias in all simulations with model-refinement SKEBS Berner et al., 2012 Potential of stochastic parameterizations to reduce model error Ball in doublepotential well Weak noise Strong noise Unimodal Multi-modal PDF Potential of stochastic parameterizations to reduce model error Potential Weak noise Strong noise Unimodal Multi-modal PDF Potential of stochastic parameterizations to reduce model error Potential Stochastic parameterizations can change the mean and variance of a PDF Weak noise Strong noise Unimodal Multi-modal PDF Impacts variability Impacts mean bias Key message Random numbers can improve weather and climate predictions Outline The stochastic parameterization schemes Climate application: Impact in coupled and uncoupled simulations with the Earth System Model CESM Weather application: Improving reliability and reducing analysis error in cycled and uncycled forecasts with the weather model WRF Stochastically perturbed tendency scheme (SPPT) Rationale: Especially as resolution increases, the equilibrium assumption is no longer valid and fluctuations of the subgrid-scale state should be sampled (Buizza et al. 1999, Palmer et al. 2009, Berner et al. 2014) ¶X = DX + (r+1)PX ¶t Local tendency for variable X Dynamical tendencies => Resolved scales Physical tendencies => Unresolved scales Perturbs accumulated U,V,T,Q tendencies from physical parameterizations packages Same pattern for all tendencies to minimize introduction of imbalances Stochastic-kinetic energy backscatter scheme (SKEBS) Rationale: A fraction of the subgrid-scale energy is scattered upscale and acts as random streamfunction and temperature forcing for the resolved-scale flow (Shutts 2005, Berner et. al 08,09). Here simplified version with constant dissipation rate: can be considered as additive noise with spatial and temporal correlations. ¶X = DX + PX + dDX, STOCH ¶t Local tendency for variable X =U,V,T Dynamical tendencies => Resolved scales Physical tendencies => Unresolved scales Additive stochastic perturbation tendencies => Unresolved scales Stochastic Forcing Pattern Outline The stochastic parameterization schemes Climate application: Impact in coupled and uncoupled simulations with the Earth System Model CESM Weather application: Improving reliability and reducing analysis error in cycled and uncycled forecasts with the weather model WRF Northern Annular Mode (MAM) 1st EOF of sea level pressure over Northern Hemispheric Extratropics CAM4 AMIP NCEP 21% CNTL 50% simulations (prescribed SSTs), 1900-2004 Stochastic parameterization improves pattern and reduces explained variance Degenerate response: SKEBS and SPPT have same effect SKEBS 35% SPPT 37% Northern Annular Mode (MAM) 1st EOF of sea level pressure over Northern Hemispheric Extratropics CAM4 AMIP NCEP 21% CNTL 50% simulations (prescribed SSTs), 1900-2004 Stochastic parameterization improves pattern and reduces explained variance Degenerate response: SKEBS and SPPT have same effect SKEBS 35% SPPT 37% Sketch: CAM4 behavior Including a stochastic parameterization does not lead to large changes in the pattern of modes of variability, but to decreased explained variances This is consistent with a flattening of a potential well Stochastic parameterizations can also lead to a depending of a potential well. Potential without stochastic perturbations Potential with stochastic perturbations Sketch: CAM4 behavior Including a stochastic parameterization does not lead to large changes in the pattern of modes of variability, but to decreased explained variances This is consistent with a shallowing of a potential well Stochastic parameterizations can also lead to a depending of a potential well. Potential without stochastic perturbations Potential with stochastic perturbations First EOF of 500hPa-field over Atlantic sector NCEP SKEBS 49% 46 % CNTL SPPT 44% 53% First EOF of 500hPa-field over Atlantic sector NCEP SKEBS 49% 46 % CNTL SPPT 44% 53% Impact of SPPT on sea surface temperature (SST) variability Coupled simulations with CAM4, 1880-2004 Too much variability in SSTs in Tropical Pacific SPPT reduces bias in SST variability in Tropical Pacific How can a stochastic parameterization reduce variability? Impact of SPPT on sea surface temperature (SST) variability How can perturbations to the atmosphere improve the ocean? SPPT reduces variability in u850 variability over the Western Pacific Impact of SPPT on El Niño Southern Oscillation Probability density function of daily temperatures over North America (JJA) AMIP simulations with CAM4 Too much variability in daily temperatures in summer compared to reanalysis General extreme value distributions fitted to annual monthly temperature maxima and minima Tagle et al. 2015 CAM4 has to high return values for both, TMAX and TMIN Overestimation of extreme temperatures SKEBS and deteriorates 20yr return values for TMAX, but slightly improves values for TMIN Impact of SKEBS on precipitation bias Coupled control run shows significant bias due to split inter-tropical convergence zone SKEBS reduced bias in precipitation Outline The stochastic parameterization schemes Climate application: Impact in coupled and uncoupled simulations with the Earth System Model CESM Weather application: Improving reliability and reducing analysis error in cycled and uncycled forecasts with the weather model WRF Representing initial uncertainty by an ensemble of states Forecast uncertainty in weather models: Initial condition uncertainty Model uncertainty Boundary condition uncertainty Represent initial forecast uncertainty by ensemble of states Reliable forecast system: Spread should grow like ensemble mean error \ Predictable states with small error should have small spread Unpredictable states with large error should have large spread RMS error t0 t1 ensemble mean analysis t2 Resolution g) h) CNTL 0.04 0.09 SKEBS 0.08 PHYS10_SKEBS 0.03 PARAM PHYS10 PHYS3_SKEBS_PAR Spread and error near the surface Resolution SKEBS PHYS10 PHYS10_SKEBS PHYS3_SKEBS_PARAM Brier Skill Score Spread;Error PARAM 0.06 0.02 i)a) CNTL 0.07 0.05 0.2 2 0.1 1.5 1 0 0.5 0 0.11 12 24 36 48 Forecast Lead time Brier Score 0.2 Dashed: spread 60 0 0 d) 12 0.12 24 36 48 Forecast Lead time 0.24 0.14 Ensemble is underdispersive (= not enough 0.16 spread) 0.26 0.18 Unreliable and over-confident 0.28 Depending on cost-loss0.2 ratio potentially large socio-economic impactf)(e.g. should roads be salted) 0.22 e) liability Temperature at 2m 0.3 3 2.5 0.2 2 c) Solid lines: rms error of ensemble mean j)b) Zonal Wind U at 10m 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.02 60 Resolution Reliability 0.28 g) 0.04 e) h)0.2 f) 0.09 0.02 0.03 0.08 0.01 0.07 CNTL PARAM SKEBS PHYS10 PHYS10_SKEBS PHYS3_SKEBS_PAR Brier skill score near the surface Resolution 0.06 i)a) 2.5 g) SKEBS PHYS10 PHYS10_SKEBS PHYS3_SKEBS_PARAM Resolution Brier Skill Score Spread;Error CNTL PARAM 0.06 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.02 j)b) 0.3 h) 3 Zonal Wind U at 10m 0.2 0.04 2 0.1 1.5 0.03 1 0 0.5 0.02 0 12 24 36 48 Forecast Lead time 60 0.11 0.07 0.06 0 0.050 d) 0.12 j) SKEBS PHYS10 PHYS10_SKEBS PHYS3_SKEBS_PAR 12 24 36 48 Forecast Lead time 60 0.16 0.2 0.18 0.1 0.2 0.280 liability PARAM 0.3 0.14 0.22 0.2 0.24 0.1 0.26 e) 0 Brier skill measures probabilistic skill in regard to a 0.02 reference (here CNTL). Verified event: μ<x<μ+σ 0.04 CNTL 0.09 0.2 2 0.08 Brier Score Brier Skill Score c) i)0.2 Temperature at 2m 12 24 36 48 Forecast Lead time 60 f) 00 0.01 0.02 12 24 36 48 Forecast Lead time 60 Berner et al., et al 2015 Reliability diagram for rain-thresholds, averaged over forecast hours 18–36 using a 50-km neighborhood Romine et al., 2014 WRF-DART: Verification of surface analysis against independent observations V-10m CNTL SKEBS PHYS T-2m Including a model-error representation reduces the RMS error of the surface analysis (also prior) in 10m wind and Temperature at 2m Ha et al. 2015 Sketch: WRF behavior Verifying observation Including a stochastic parameterization increased ensemble spread Potential without stochastic perturbations In cycled forecasts is reduces the mean analysis error Potential with stochastic perturbations Debate in the field: A priori vs a posteriori Model uncertainty added a posteriori: Model Process uncertainty added a priori during model development: Stochasticity Forecast uncertainty Conclusions Random numbers can improve weather and climate predictions by impacting variability and mean in expected (increase variability) and unexpected (decrease variability) ways Berner, J, K. Fossell, S.-Y. Ha, J. P. Hacker, C. Snyder 2015: “Increasing the skill of probabilistic forecasts: Understanding performance improvements from model-error representations, Mon. Wea. Rev., 143, 1295-1320 Berner, J., S.-Y. Ha, J. P. Hacker, A. Fournier, C. Snyder, 2011: “Model uncertainty in a mesoscale ensemble prediction system: Stochastic versus multi-physics representations” , Mon. Wea. Rev, 139, 1972-1995 Romine, G. S., C. S. Schwartz, J. Berner, K. R. Smith, C. Snyder, J. L. Anderson, and M. L. Weisman, 2014: “Representing forecast error in a convection-permitting ensemble system”, Mon. Wea. Rev, 142, 12, 4519–4541 Ha, S.-Y., J. Berner, C. Snyder, 2015: “Model-error representation in mesoscale WRF-DART cycling”, under review at Mon. Wea. Rev.