TODAY’s AGENDA: • Welcome and Introduction • Supplies for class • Expectations for notebook, homework, and assignments • Summer Reading assignment/assessment • Vocabulary REMINDERS: • • Weekly Lesson Presentations will be posted on my teacher web page at the end of every week. Also refer to my teacher web page for copies of handouts Thurs., Aug. 29, 2013 Open House “I can…gain an understanding of what my child will be doing in his/her seventh grade RELA class. DO NOW: (see side bar) TODAY YOU WILL NEED: • • • Pen/pencil Composition notebook Your brain! NOTES: 1. 2. Supplies for class • Composition book • Writing utensil • Colored pencils, scissors, and glue What supplies do I need for class? Expectations for notebook, homework, and assignments • Everything will be done or put into the composition notebook • What does not get completed in class should be done for homework prior to the next notebook check • Notebook checks every 2-3 weeks with several grades being taken, including a grade for the overall upkeep of the notebook • Cornell note-taking style • Benefits of the notebook What are the expectations for assignments? It is very important to be prepared for class everyday. The most important item I will need is my notebook b/c all of my work will be kept in it, and my parents can review it to see what I am learning. DO NOW: Parents, please fill out the sign-in sheet before you leave. (BACK SIDE) NOTES FOR OPEN HOUSE What about the Summer Reading? 3. Summer Reading assignment/assessment • 4. The Giver by Lois Lowry – reading needs to be completed before Sept. 23rd (pre-AP) or Oct. 7 (level) Knowsys Vocabulary • Cards will be handed out by the third week of September; students will be given the lists to prepare each week • Green order forms are still available if you need to purchase cards • Pre-test will be given tomorrow • Quizzes will be every Thursday, beginning next week • The expectation is that preparation for the quizzes will be done outside of school What about the vocabulary “stuff”? It is very important to read the summer reading text if I have not already done so b/c an assessment will be given towards the end of the grading period. I am also expected to prepare for vocabulary quizzes outside of school. Wed., Aug. 28, 2013 Character Descriptions “I can…develop descriptions of characters based on observations.” Ex.: the way they express themselves 1. 2. 3. NOTES: Traits Used to Describe a Person or Character 1.A person’s name (N) or nickname could reflect their personality? 2.The way they appear (A) or dress 3.The way they act (A) or behave alone or with others 4.A person’s mentality (M), or way of thinking, about topics, issues, or life in general 5.A person’s emotions toward him/herself or others? (E) 6.The way a person speaks (S) or uses his/her speech to express him/herself? Do not write in this space on your paper! DO NOW: General Observations of People: NOTES: Traits Used to Describe a Person or Character Copy down these notes as you see them. Be sure to leave a blank section (about three lines worth) at the bottom of your page.