SUPREME COURT NOTES—Process Getting there Petitioner vs. respondent Petition for certiorari Appellate system Rule of 4 Ripeness Importance—constitutional THEN—Writ of Cert. --Amicus curae? Interest groups invited Argument Written Briefs (precedent cases, constitution) Oral argument—30 minutes each Conference Decision Written opinion—majority, dissenting, concurring Legally binding Injunction? Possibility What to Look for Landmark case? Strict or loose constructionist? Originalism or Living Constitution? Court Styles Judicial restraint Judicial activism Strict vs. Loose Breyer’s model 6 factors going into a decision #1-4=considered by a strict constructionist #1-6=considered by a loose constructionist 1. Text itself 2. Origins, intentions behind text 3. Use—how has the text been applied over time 4. Precedent (stare decisis) cases 5. Purpose of the law or statute 6. Consequence of the decision on society