Backdrop/the background of an event Evoke/to call up or produce Anticipatory/expressing anticipation

Backdrop/the background of an event
Evoke/to call up or produce
Anticipatory/expressing anticipation
Ramp/a sloping surface connecting two levels
Allot/to divide by portion
Conspicuous/easily seen or noticed
Embassy/a body of persons entrusted with a mission to a government
Accommodate/to do a kindness or a favor to
Prosthetic/a device that substitutes for a missing or defective part of the body
Confidential/spoken or written in strict privacy or secrecy
Clarity/freedom from distinctness or ambiguity
Recruit/a newly enlisted member of the armed forces
Licorice/a Eurasian plant
Monetary/of the currency of a country
Substantial/of considerable amount
Sustain/to keep going
Agenda/a list of things to be done
Austerity/strict economy
Recession/the act of withdrawing