U.S. and Global Regents Prep

Global Regents Prep
Unit 1: Geography
Concept 1: Geograpy & Its Relation to History
Before We Begin . . .
• SWBAT/Aim: Illustrate what is geography and how can
knowing geographic features of the world help you on
the Regents exam?
• Do Now:
First: Copy the Aim, Date, Homework below.
Then: Answer the following question in two to three sentences:
“If the Transportation Department of New York City were to remove
all of the street signs in NYC, please explain how would you find
your way home?
• Homework:
– Begin working on Geography and World Religion/Philosophy Review
– Obtain and Organize your binder
• The Five Themes of Geography are: (1) Location (2) Place (3) Region (4)
Movement (5) Human-Environment Interaction
Location: Where is it?
There are two types of locations:
Absolute: A location can be absolute (specific) as in coordinates of a map using longitude and latitude
Relative: A location can be relative - examples: next door, nearby, a short drive, down the road a ways. Or, it
can be in the same general location as another location - example: next to the post office.
Place : A place is an area that is defined by everything in it. All places have features that
give them personality and distinguish them from other places.
If you refer to your school as a place, then that place would include walls, windows,
gym, cafeteria, classrooms, people, clothing, books, maps, mops, brooms, hallways, mice
(if you have them) and everything else in the school, including the languages spoken.
Region: A region is an area that is defined by certain similar characteristics. Those
unifying or similar characteristics can be physical, natural, human, or cultural.
Movement : Movement refers to the way people, products, information and ideas move from one
place to another. This can be local such as how did you get to school today, or it can be global such
as how did humans get to North America?
Human-Environment Interaction : Human-environment interaction looks at the relationships
between people and their environment; how people adapt to the environment and how they
change it.
Geographic Landforms
• Geographic landforms are
placed into two categories:
• (1) Elevation (Mountains,
Plateaus, Plains, River
• (2) Sides which border water
(Land Mass (Continent or
countries that are connected,
Peninsulas (3 sides) , Islands
(4 sides)
Bodies of Water
Oceans & Seas
• A body of water is any
significant accumulation of
water, usually covering the
Earth or another planet.
The term body of water
most often refers to large
accumulations of water,
such as oceans, seas, and
lakes, but it may also
include smaller pools of
water such as ponds,
puddles or wetlands.
• Humans throughout history have used waterways to
transport goods, armies, and themselves. Oftentimes they
have had to travel on waterways between large bodies that
were either made by nature or when necessity called for it
created their own passageways. The three passageways
are straits, channels and canals.
Types of Maps
• To show geography of
the planet
cartographers use
three types of maps:
• (1) Political Maps
• (2) Physical Maps
• (3) Climate Maps
Finding Locations:
Longitude and Latitude
• Latitude (shown as a horizontal line) is the
angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and
seconds of a point north or south of the Equator.
Lines of latitude are often referred to as
Longitude (shown as a vertical line) is the
angular distance, in degrees, minutes, and
seconds, of a point east or west of the Prime
(Greenwich) Meridian. Lines of longitude are
often referred to as meridians.
• Now label all 50 states with their proper capitals
• After completing the U.S. political map, label the
“World Continents” map, place all capitals and
countries on your Political Map of Europe.
• Time permitting . . . Continue working on
Geography Review packet #1 using your notes,
binder, and textbook.