What in the World is Geography? Hint: Pretty Much Everything 5 Themes of Geography (These help us describe every single place on Earth) • • • • • Location Place Region Movement Human-Environment Interaction Location • Absolute Location – Exact spot on Earth – Described with Latitude and Longitude • Relative Location – Described in relation to another place (ex. Directions) Place • Answers the question: “What is it like there?” – Physical Characteristics • Terrain, weather, rural vs. urban, plant life, etc. – Cultural Characteristics • Languages spoke, how they dress, what types of music, what sort of transportation they use, etc. Region • How is a place similar or different from other places? – This is the best way to know if places are in the same region or different regions – Can be Physical or Cultural Regions – We are in a physical region of the Coastal Plains, and a cultural region that is “The South,” or even “Cajun Country.” – Cultural Regions usually overlap one another Types of Regions • Formal Region – Defined by close proximity and similar cultures (ex. US and Canada for several reasons) • Functional Region – Defined because of how they interact together • Big Metropolitan areas and surrounding communities • Perceptual Region – Defined by how they are “viewed.” • A good example is “The West” in the media Human-Environment Interacion • This is defined by how people relate to the physical world around them (or better yet, how we use what the world give us). • Any way that humans use natural things on Earth, or any way that humans change the Earth can be in this category. • What are some examples? Movement • How people, ideas, and products move from one place to another. – Everything comes from somewhere else before it gets to you. • Distance – Linear – How far you travel across the Earth – Time – How long it takes you to cover that distance – Psychological – How long it feels like it takes