
Part 1: Check Your Understanding
Instructions: Answer the questions below for more practice with key terms and
concepts from Part 1. Visit to check your
answers and to find other activities related to the chapter.
Multiple Choice
1. Which is not an example of a smartphone operating system?
a. iOS
b. BlackBerry
c. Android
d. Linux
2. You are most likely to find a real-time operating system (RTOS)
a. in your automobile
b. on a laptop
c. on a smartphone
d. on an iPad
3. All of the following are key attributes of an operating system EXCEPT
a. manages memory and storage b. provides a user interface
c. manages the CPU
d. tracks connections to external networks
4. Modern operating systems such as Windows and OS X use a _____________
a. command-driven
b. graphical user
c. menu-driven
d. text-based
5. If your computer can’t store all the required operating system data in RAM, it can use
a temporary file on the hard drive to store data. This is known as a _________ file.
a. Linux
b. non-volatile
c. swap
d. thrash
_____ 1. Each device attached to your computer needs a device driver to communicate
with the operating system. (True)
_____ 2. The first step of the boot process is the Power-on self-test (POST). (False)
Part 1: Critical Thinking
1. Market Dominance
Microsoft and Apple are large corporations and have control of most of the OS market.
Although there have been some innovative changes to both of their proprietary operating
systems, does their size and market dominance prevent more innovation? Why or why
not? Linux, as an open source environment, is poised for greater innovation. Why do you
think the Linux OS doesn’t have a greater market share?
Responses may vary but students should provide examples to support their
position regarding Microsoft’s and Apple’s innovations. Students may discuss the
radical changes in Windows 8 and Apple’s reputation for releasing new and
innovative products. When considering Linux, students may compare the ease of
use of all three operating systems, and research the ability to obtain technical
support and documentation.
2. A Web-Based OS
OS interfaces have evolved from a text-based console format to the current GUI. Modern
operating systems such as Windows and OS X are starting to include features that store
and retrieve data from the cloud (the Internet). Many believe the OS of the future will be
totally web-based and not require the installation of an OS on a specific device. Discuss
the implications of this type of OS. What are the potential security issues of a totally
web-based OS?
Student responses will vary but should address some of the following scenarios
regarding availability and dependability: What do you do when the power goes
off? Even if you are using a laptop and wirelessly accessing the Internet, at some
point, you would be out of power and then would be unable to use your
computer. On the other side, an advantage is that your software could be
upgraded online and you would not have to continually upgrade the operating
system each month. Are you ready to depend on your Internet connection in
order to be able to work, as your computer must be connected and will be
completely dependent upon the Internet? If not, what would it take to make you
comfortable with this alternative? Students should also consider security issues
such as malware and hackers.
Part 2: Check Your Understanding
Instructions: Answer the questions below for more practice with key terms and concepts from
Part 2. Visit to check your answers and to find other
activities related to the chapter.
Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following is not considered an accessibility utility?
a. System Restore
b. Magnifier
c. Narrator
d. Speech Recognition
2. Windows 8 Metro apps
a. run on the desktop
b. run full screen
c. can’t be closed down once started d. use a large amount of RAM
3. The Windows app used for file management is
a. Disk Manager
b. Task Manager
c. File Explorer
d. Library Explorer
4. The location of a file on a drive such as C:\Documents\CIS110\Homework\Termpaper.docx is
known as the
a. document location
c. file position
b. file path
d. file address
5. The _________ utility is used for detecting lost files and fragments of files on your hard drive.
a. Disk Cleanup
c. Error checking
b. Disk Defragmenter
d. System Refresh
_____ 1. You can terminate non-responsive programs with Task Manager. (True)
_____ 2. System restore points can only be automatically created by Windows on a regular
schedule. (False)
Part 2 Critical Thinking
3. To Hackintosh or Not: That Is the Question
Using Mac’s Boot Camp, or virtualization software such as VMware, it’s easy (and legal)
to install Windows on a Mac. It isn’t quite as easy to install Mac OS X on a PC, but it can
be done. A PC that has been modified so that Mac OS X can be run on it is called a
Hackintosh. What are the benefits of tweaking a PC to run Mac OS X? Is it okay to
violate Apple’s End User Licensing Agreement (EULA), which prohibits installation of
OS X on non–Apple-branded equipment? If Apple changed its EULA to allow the
installation of its software onto PCs, would that ultimately hurt Apple-branded
Responses should include the fact that it is never OK to violate a licensing
agreement. The benefits of creating a Hackintosh may range from cost
considerations (own a Mac at the cost of a PC) to the ability to run Apple-specific
software and apps to the geek/coolness factor of accomplishing such a feat.
Student opinions regarding the effects of changing Apple’s EULA may vary, but
should include a valid defense for their opinion.
4. What App Is Best for You?
There are plenty of interesting apps available for Windows and Apple devices—some for
fun, some to aid in productivity, some with specific utilitarian roles. Design or describe
what the best app for you would be. What features must it have? Why would you need it?
Student responses will vary but should provide detailed information regarding the
type of app they would create, the features the app should have, and the purpose
of the app.