Learning Support Center Programs & Services Supporting Every Student & Beyond Kellogg 2005 FLC 1 Tuesday Workshop: Professional Challenges/Opportunities Network Learn Research Present Publish Consult Kellogg 2005 FLC 2 Wednesday Workshop: The Newest Challenge for Learning Support Professionals Online Students Online Instructors Online Course Designers Significant Others Kellogg 2005 FLC 3 Learning Support Center Programs & Services Supporting Every Student & Beyond Kellogg 2005 FLC 4 Workshop Abstract This workshop will include definitions, interface with developmental education programs and services, tutoring, traditional and online; reading and study skill, one-on-one, small group, invited classroom presentations, and campus-wide workshops; writing and math services ,and ESL services (Conversation LABS). In addition, program and center management, record keeping, and publicity and public relations. Research on effectiveness of services, and integration into mainstream of institution Kellogg 2005 FLC 5 Workshop Overview Part One Learning Support Centers: A Brief History Definitions Programs & Services Delivery Modes Kellogg 2005 FLC 6 Workshop Overview (continued) Part Two Program Management Public Relations & Publicity Program Evaluation Benchmarking & Best/Promising Practices Next Steps Unfinished Business Kellogg 2005 FLC 7 Workshop Collegial Groups Kellogg 2005 FLC 8 Time Out . . . Kellogg 2005 FLC 9 LSC: A Brief History 1875 First Psychological Laboratory founded by William James at Harvard University 1936 Reading Laboratory established at NYU 1946 Bureau of Study Counsel at Harvard with William G. Perry as its first director 1963 First published article using the term, “learning center,” in higher education Kellogg 2005 FLC 10 LSC: A Brief History •1965 First published article on a community college learning center (Brown, E. T. Wilson Library Bulletin) •1966 WCRLA began at San Bernardino College •1970 First article on the learning center as change agent. (Hultgren, D. “The role of the individual learning center in effecting educational change.” 19th Yearbook of National Reading Conference. •1971 First published use of the term, “learning assistance” •1972 First comprehensive LAC (LASS) founded at CSU Kellogg 2005 FLC 11 Long Beach LSC: A Brief History 1973 First article published on LAC data collection by Margaret Devirian 1975 First major book on learning centers in higher education (Peterson, G. T. The learning center: A sphere for nontraditional education. Hamden, CT: Shoestring Press) 1975 ACPA appointed a task force on learning centers becoming Commission XVI in 1977. 1977 First annual institute for learning center directors and staff founded by Martha Maxwell at UC Berkeley Kellogg 2005 FLC 12 LSC: A Brief History 1977 First published article on learning center management (Christ, F. L. “Management of a learning assistance center” 10th annual Proceedings of WCRLA) 1978 First and only national survey of learning centers (Sullivan, L. A guide to higher education learning centers in the US and Canada. Entelek) 1978 First annual National Conference on College Learning Centers sponsored by Long Island U Kellogg 2005 FLC 13 LSC: A Brief History 1978 First issue of JD&RE with opening article on ACPA Commission XVI by Hunter Boylan and Robbie Nayman 1979 Publication of Improving Student Learning Skills by Martha Maxwell 1980 First Kellogg Institute at Appalachian State University 1983 CRLA institutes its LC Management SIG with Patti Dozen as its leader. Kellogg 2005 FLC 14 LSC: A Brief History 1980 First volume of 12 in New Directions Series for Learning Assistance 1983 First recipient of the John Champaign Memorial Award to the LAC at CSU Long Beach 1985 MCLCA founded. Becomes NCLCA in 1999. 1994 LRNASST began with Guillermo Uribe, UA, as its manager. Moved to USF in 2001with Winnie Cooke as the new manager Kellogg 2005 FLC 15 LSC: A Brief History 1996 LSCHE began as collaborative arrangement with Maricopa CCD (Lindex 1965) 2001 CRLA published learning center monograph. 2001 First annual LSCHE award for learning center websites. 2005 and Beyond You and I are the writers of learning assistance history Kellogg 2005 FLC 16 Time Out . . . Kellogg 2005 FLC 17 Some Definitions Kellogg 2005 FLC (HO) 18 Time Out . . . Kellogg 2005 FLC 19 Programs & Services Tutoring Supplemental Instruction Writing Math Study Strategies Special Populations Other? Kellogg 2005 FLC 20 Tutoring CRLA Certification Association for Tutoring Profession National Tutoring Association Kellogg 2005 FLC 21 Supplemental Instruction Kellogg 2005 FLC 22 Writing Skills Kellogg 2005 FLC 23 Math Skills Kellogg 2005 FLC 24 Study Strategies: What are They? Goal Setting Time Management Task Organization Study-reading Listening/Notemaking Test Taking Memorization Writing a Research Paper Other Kellogg 2005 FLC 25 Study Strategies Materials Diagnostic Surveys Skills Guides Writing Math Kellogg 2005 FLC 26 Study Strategies: Can We Justify at the College Level? References to Answer Questions Like the Following: Do students need such programs? Do such programs work? Are programs cost-effective? Do they help to retain students? Are learning skills important for academic success? Why should we develop a learning assistance support program? Kellogg 2005 FLC 27 Study Strategies: Who Needs Them? Indeed, Who Does Not? Kellogg 2005 FLC 28 Learning Center Justification Books Articles Program Justification Dissertations & Theses Annual Reports Kellogg 2005 FLC 29 Time Out . . . Kellogg 2005 FLC 30 Delivery Modes Workshops Classroom Presentations Small Groups One-on-one and Paired Referral to Study Strategies Materials: Print and Internet Kellogg 2005 FLC 31 Delivery Modes Workshops Classroom Presentations Small Groups One-on-One Paired Referral to Print and/or Internnet Materials Kellogg 2005 FLC 32 Workshops Campus Wide (Open to All) Faculty Invited At Orientation Programs With Special Populations Kellogg 2005 FLC 33 Special Populations Workshops Clubs and Associations Fraternities and Sororities Athletes Online Students Kellogg 2005 FLC 34 Non Student Populations Clerical and Administrative Staffers Faculty Deans, Vice-presidents, and the President Kellogg 2005 FLC 35 Outreach Alumni Secondary Schools Business & Industry Non Institution Online Students Kellogg 2005 FLC 36 Delivery Modes Workshops Classroom Presentations Small Groups One-on-One Paired Independent Activities: Print and/or Internet Kellogg 2005 FLC 37 Survey Protocol Diagnose Prescribe Follow-up Kellogg 2005 FLC 38 Time Out . . . Kellogg 2005 FLC 39 Next Steps So, what have I learned in this workshop? With whom can I share what I have learned? What practical use can I make of what I have learned? What can I do with what I have learned when I get back to my institution? How can I insure that I follow through with my next steps? Kellogg 2005 FLC 40 Next Steps Phase 1: Quiet Time Phase 2: Paired Sharing Phase 3: Table Group Sharing Phase 4: Group Show and Tell Phase 5: Sum is Greater Than Its Parts Kellogg 2005 FLC 41 TO KNOW IS NOT TO DO! Kellogg 2005 FLC 42 Be Proactive NOT Reactive Kellogg 2005 FLC 43 Time Out . . . Kellogg 2005 FLC 44 Kellogg 2005 FLC 45 Learning Support Center Programs & Services: Part Two Supporting Every Student Accountably, Effectively, Efficiently Kellogg 2005 FLC 46 LSC Program Management Accountable Management Public Relations & Publicity Program Evaluation Benchmarking & Best Practices Next Steps Unfinished Business (etc) Kellogg 2005 FLC 47 Some Types of Program Managers Has Prior Effective Performance Requires New Knowledge and Skills Learns to Manage by Managing Has a Management Mentor Kellogg 2005 FLC 48 Management Styles Seat of the Pants Manager Trial and Error Managers Crisis to Crisis Managers Do It All Myself Managers Apathetic and Unmotivated Managers Management Approach Managers Kellogg 2005 FLC 49 Accountable Management MBO: The Manager’s Tool Box Kellogg 2005 FLC 50 Some Management Models Total Quality Management Continuous Quality Management Re-engineering MBO: A Systems Approach Kellogg 2005 FLC 51 MBO •What is MBO? •IS MBO Outdated? •Why Use MBO? •Steps in Implementing MBO •Advantages of MBO •Disadvantages of MBO •MBO and the CSU Long Beach LASS Kellogg 2005 FLC 52 What is MBO? A systems approach. A planning tool. A dynamic process. A participative system. A broad concept. Deegan and Fritz defines it as "a total system of management, an attempt to incorporate all the things a manager ought to be doing into an organized effort." They go on to say that MBO "... is not any one of the many tools a manager will find helpful from one situation to the next; it is the whole toolbox." Kellogg 2005 FLC 53 Is MBO Outdated? Kellogg 2005 FLC 54 Why Use MBO? •Participative Management Accountability Results Oriented Cost-effectiveness Institutionally Acceptable Kellogg 2005 FLC 55 Steps in Implementing MBO Ownership Mission, Goals, Objectives, Tasks and Responsiblitity Monitoring Evaluating Revising Kellogg 2005 FLC 56 MBO Advantages Program Congruence with Institution Mission Participative Planning Identification and Solution to Problems Basis for Setting Budget and Staffing Priorities Clarification of Job Responsibilities Less Supervision of Subordinates Kellogg 2005 FLC 57 More MBO Advantages Increased Communication Among Staff Increased Staff Morale More Fair Appraisal of Staff Satisfaction with Observable Results Managerial Efficiency and Effectiveness Increased Accountability to Students and Upper Management Visible Accountability for Upper Management Kellogg 2005 FLC 58 MBO Disadvantages Start-up Time Difficulty in Quantifying Objectives Potential to Become a Verbal & Paper Shuffling Exercise Lack of Rewards from Upper Administration Institutional Reaction Kellogg 2005 FLC 59 MBO & the CSULB LASS Christ, F. L. (1998). . Using MBO to create, develop, improve, and sustain learning assistance programs. In Mioduski, S. and G. Enright (Eds.). Proceedings of the 17th and 18th annual institutes for learning assistance professionals: 1996 AND 1997. Tucson, AZ: University Learning Center, University of Arizona. Kellogg 2005 FLC 60 Visible Accountability Kellogg 2005 FLC 61 Public Relations & Publicity Kellogg 2005 FLC 62 Public Relations Kellogg 2005 FLC 63 Publicity Kellogg 2005 FLC 64 Program Evaluation Collecting Data Evaluating Data Reporting Data Disseminating Data Kellogg 2005 FLC 65 Program Evaluation Benchmarking Best & Promising Practices Kellogg 2005 FLC 66 Benchmarking Kellogg 2005 FLC (HO) 67 LSC Best/Promising Practices Kellogg 2005 FLC 68 Best and Promising Practices of Learning Support Centers: A Preliminary List Kellogg 2005 FLC [HO] 69 Best and Promising Practices 1 - 3 An LSC has a mission congruent with its division and institutional mission An LSC has the support of central administration An LSC has an adequate budget to support its mission, goals, and objectives Kellogg 2005 FLC 70 Best and Promising Practices 4 - 6 An LSC has an adequate clerical staff to support its mission An LSC has an adequate professional staff to support its mission An LSC uses volunteers to support its mission Kellogg 2005 FLC 71 Best & Promising Practices : 7 - 9 An LSC has an Advisory Board An LSC has learning materials for student use that allows for learning style choices An LSC serves the total campus community: students, faculty, administration, staff, alumni Kellogg 2005 FLC 72 Best & Promising Practices : 10-12 An LSC serves academic departments and their faculty through orientations to the center’s programs and services, faculty invited course presentations and/or workshops, student referral and feedback service • An LSC chief administrator has recognized status as a program manager • LSC staff is recognized by administration and faculty for its academic publications, research, consulting, and leadership Kellogg 2005 FLC 73 Best & Promising Practices : 13-15 An LSC is visible as an institutional support service in institutional publications LSC staff are represented on relevant campus committees and task forces such as retention, distance education, faculty development, TLTRT An LSC is listed and/or described in institutional publications such as its catalog, web site, and recruitment literature Kellogg 2005 FLC 74 Best Practices in Learning Support Centers: 16-18 An LSC is centrally located and is accessible at convenient times An LSC facility is visible through campus signage An LSC has adequate equipment and furnishings to implement programs & services Kellogg 2005 FLC 75 Best & Promising Practices : 19-22 •An LSC has a virtual presence through its web site An LSC has developed and follows a systematic plan based on feedback and program monitoring •An LSC has developed a Five Year Plan that is shared with administration An LSC is involved in the institutional student orientation program Kellogg 2005 FLC 76 Best & Promising Practices:23-25 An LSC is involved in the institutional new faculty orientation program An LSC is involved in supporting the learning needs of online students An LSC offers, upon faculty invitation, classroom presentations on learning and study strategies appropriate to a course Kellogg 2005 FLC 77 Best & Promising Practices : 26-28 An LSC offers or partners online tutoring with academic departments An LSC partners with academic departments that have high risk courses to develop and manage Supplemental Instruction An LSC partners with the campus bookstore to display learning and study skills materials used in the center’s programs and services. Kellogg 2005 FLC 78 Best Practices in Learning Support Centers: 29-31 • An LSC has program descriptive bookmarks that it disseminates to faculty, students, •An LAC’s tutorial training program is accredited by CRLA •An LSC has received campus, district, and/or national recognition Kellogg 2005 FLC 79 Integration into Institution Partnering Services Being on Learning Assistance Related Campus Committees Kellogg 2005 FLC 80 LSC Resources LSCHE (HO) LRNASST CRLA Monograph Improving Student Learning Skills Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research Kellogg 2005 FLC 81 Unfinished Business You can email me at Frank.christ@lsche.net with your questions and comments. Collegial dialogue never ends………….. Kellogg 2005 FLC 82