Trial of the Three Goddesses Questions

Trial of the Three Goddesses Questions
This is the messenger of the gods.
This Trojan was supposed to be put in the wilderness to die.
This is the Greek goddess of wisdom and war.
This Greek woman is Agamemnon’s wife.
This was the greatest of the Trojan heroes.
This Goddess was Achilles’ mother.
Helen chose to marry this Greek hero.
This is the Greek goddess of beauty.
This is the Greek goddess of discord and chaos.
10. This Greek is the most beautiful woman in the world.
11. This was the leader of the Greek armies.
12. This was the supreme ruler of the Greek gods.
13. This woman was Odysseus’ wife.
14. This was Odysseus’ home island.
a. Ithaca
c. Aulis
b. Rome
d. Sparta
e. Pylos
15. This was Menelaus’ home.
a. Ithaca
b. Rome
e. Pylos
c. Aulis
d. Sparta
16. Which of the following forced all of the Greek kings to sign a contract?
a. Tyndareus
c. Calchas
e. Ajax
b. Nestor
d. Peleus
17. How was Achilles made nearly invulnerable?
18. Which goddess offered to make Paris the greatest of heroes?
a. Athena
b. Aphrodite
e. Hera
b. Oenone
e. Thetis
19. Which goddess offered to make Paris the King of Asia?
c. Athena
b. Aphrodite
e. Hera
d. Oenone
e. Thetis
20. Which goddess offered to make give Paris the most beautiful woman?
e. Athena
b. Aphrodite
e. Hera
f. Oenone
e. Thetis
21. Which goddess would give birth to a son much greater than his father?
g. Athena
b. Aphrodite
e. Hera
h. Oenone
e. Thetis
22. Who was the nymph abandoned by Paris in favor of Helen?
i. Athena
b. Aphrodite
e. Hera
j. Oenone
e. Thetis
23. Who came up with the idea for the Greeks to sign an oath not to harm Helen or her family?
a. Calchas
c. Agamemnon
b. Odysseus
d. Achilles
24. What does the word ‘Kallista’ mean in Greek?
a. For the Fairest
c. In the middle
b. Machine of the God
d. Pride
25. What does the word ‘Hubris’ mean in Greek?
c. For the Fairest
c. In the middle
d. Machine of the God
d. Pride
26. What does the word ‘In Media Res’ mean in Greek?
e. For the Fairest
c. In the middle
f. Machine of the God
d. Pride
27. What does the word ‘Deus ex Machina’ mean in Greek?
g. For the Fairest
c. In the middle
h. Machine of the God
d. Pride
28. What did Agamemnon refuse to give to Chryses?
a. Gold
c. Jewels
b. His daughter
d. A statue
29. Chryses is a priest of which god?
a. Apollo
b. Artemis
c. Athena
d. Hera
30. How does this god punish the Greeks?
31. What is the name of the seer who explains what the problem is?
a. Nestor
c. Oraculas
b. Tirius
d. Calchas
32. Who stops Achilles from killing Agamemnon?
a. Apollo
c. Athena
b. Artemis
d. Hera