I have the Model T. Who has the King who started to fund trips to the

I have the Model T.
Who has the King who started to fund trips to the Congo to find resources such as rubber?
I have King Leopold II.
Who has the race of European powers to set up colonies on the African continent?
I have “The Scramble for Africa”.
Who has the economic system that values exporting more than importing?
I have Mercantilism.
Who has the explorer who sailed around the southern side of Africa searching for an Indian Ocean trade route?
I have Vasco Da Gama.
Who has the horrific journey that many enslaved people embarked on from West Africa to the Americas?
I have the Middle Passage.
Who has the man who is known for introducing the assembly line to modern manufacturing?
I have Henry Ford.
Who has the man who organized the Berlin Conference?
I have Otto Von Bismarck.
Who has the concept that different regions of the world become more interconnected through economic, social,
and cultural aspects when they interact?
I have globalization.
Who has “what makes something valuable?”
I have scarcity.
Who has the economic concept introduced by Adam Smith, that emphasizes a free market economy based on
supply and demand?
I have capitalism.
Who has the man who improved the light bulb?
I have Thomas Edison.
Who has the document that introduced the idea that a leader is accountable to their people?
I have the Magna Carta.
Who has the man that introduced the idea of a “social contract” between the government and the governed
I have John Locke.
Who has John Locke’s 3 “natural rights”?
I have life, liberty, and property.
Who has the explorer who sailed from Spain to the Americas?
I have Christopher Columbus.
Who has the exchange of ideas, plants, disease, etc. between Europe and the Americas that began after
Columbus’ travels?
I have the Columbian exchange.
Who has the concept that it was the obligation of Europeans to spread their culture, religion, and way of life to
other cultures?
I have “the White Man’s Burden”
Who has the policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force?
I have Imperialism.
Who has a system of governing where the community or family leaders make decisions instead of a single
I have “stateless societies”.
Who has the man that is well known for studying gravity?
I have Isaac Newton.
Who has a period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when changes in agriculture, manufacturing, and
transportation affected the socioeconomic and cultural conditions Europe and North America?
I have the Industrial Revolution.
Who has the word that describes “African professionals moving away from their own country?”
I have “the Brain Drain”
Who has the man who created the cotton gin?
I have Eli Whitney.
Who has a country that relies on one resource for much of their income?
I have “one commodity countries”.
Who has the rebirth of learning that happened between the 1600s-1700s?
I have the Enlightenment.
Who has the treaty that split all previously unexplored lands in the Americas between Spain and Portugal?
I have the Treaty of Tordesillas.
Who has a Spanish conqueror of the Americas?
I have conquistadors.
Who has the establishment of regions or colonies that are owned by another country.
I have colonization.
Who has the man who invented sewing machines?
I have Isaac Singer.
Who has the man who invented the steam boat?
I have Robert Fulton.
Who has the man who made the first American sewing machine?
I have Elias Howe.
Who has the “father of modern chemistry”?
I have Robert Boyle.
Who has the first mass produced car created by Henry Ford?