Agua urbana Urban water


Agua urbana

Urban water

Nicolás Pineda

¿Cuáles son los retos de seguridad del agua que resultan de la variabilidad climática y la escasez de agua en las regiones áridas del continente americano?

What are the water security challenges emanating from the intersections of climate and water scarcity in the arid


La urbanización de las Américas

The urbanization of the Americas

The Americas are growing and getting more prosperous

For year 2040 the Americas population will increase from 940 millions to 1,100 millions

At the same rates, the demand for basic commodities –water, energy, food- are rising.

Urbanization is going to be a driver

Around 80% of the Americas population will live in cities

The challenges of cities for the next 30 years

The 33% urban population increase will demand:

30% more water

50% more energy

40% more food

This is a « perfect storm » of a growing population, climate variability and diminishing resources for food production

There is an urgency for difficult policy decisions that must be taken now

Brainstorming on possible actions

To switch to removable sources of energy and to low energy-consuming technologies

Move forward to energy saving technologies

Increase the production of solar energy

Redesign cities so as to be cooler and energy efficient

Use more public transport, bike and walk

To do more with the same water and do it sustainably

Tend to more vulnerable groups (poor, children and elderly)

Use water more efficiently in networks

Treat and reuse wastewaters

Harvest rain water

Swap water rights from agriculture

Venture in desalination

To produce more food , and produce it sustainably

Switch from ditch to drip irrigation

Stop groundwater depletion

Promote urban agriculture

The Center for Water Security will play a strategic role in facing these challenges
