
Casey Clune
May 1, 2015
Hindu Idea of Karma
Within twenty-first America today when one thinks of Karma they often think
about the effect of one’s actions in read to later actions. If you fail to escort an elderly
lady across the street it will be likely that the universe will punish you in some way: you
will miss your bus, your coffee will get spilt, your dog with urinate it the house. Within
Hindu culture, the original creator of the concept of Karma, the idea is much grander and
complicated. Karma is not a social trend, it is a belief that can ultimately free your soul or
cause you a life of agony.
Tied into the idea of reincarnation, karma is basically the Hindu idea that actions
within this life will be weighed upon the conclusion of this life, and the next life will be
determined as a result of this life. For example, if you are a cruel, evil, thieving person in
this life, according to Hinduism, you will be reborn into a ore difficult life than your
present one. Hindus believe you can be anything that has a soul, which could range from
even the smallest insect to the most godly of kings. If one does not wish to return to life
as an insect, then they should practice a good life that will ensure an even better next life.
The ultimate goal in regards to karma, is eventually becoming such an
enlightened person that the cycle of reincarnation gets broken; the soul is finally
free from the binding cycles of life and death and the soul reaches the level of
moksha which is basically becoming united with Brahman. This is the ultimate goal
within Hinduism. And only by having good karma can any soul ever be able to reach