Minutes - Rose Hill Elementary PTSA

Rose Hill Elementary PTSA
Board of Directors Meeting
January 8, 2012
7:00 PM
RHE Library
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Co-President Laurel McRae.
Introductions were made. [Attendance sheet is attached.]
Approval of Minutes – Minutes were approved as read.
Principal’s & Teachers’ Report (Jennifer Hodges & Jason Reisenauer)
Thanks to the PTSA for all the fall events.
The staff has developed a new mission statement, available for viewing on the school’s website. Next,
they will be developing a vision for the school, i.e., what do they need to do for the school to look the way
they envision in five years, keeping the new mission statement in mind.
Principal’s Fund – The money assigned hasn’t been utilized in the same was as in the past. She is
hoping to address that for spring and is considering investing it in continuing education for the teachers.
Artist in Residence – She is running the idea of a second, more art-focused, opportunity by the advisory
board to make sure it would not take too much time away from classroom instruction.
Safety Committee – Post-Sandy Hook, at the district principals meeting, they were assured of the district’s
commitment to safety. The superintendent has received parental concerns; all recommendations and
concerns are being printed and considered for viability. Rose Hill El has an active and involved safety
committee. Their next meeting is January 22, and they will reassess the current practices, including
adding peepholes to the three interior classroom doors without windows. Several other suggestions for
future ways to address safety were discussed and noted.
Pantry Packs – Thirty Rose Hill families are benefitting from this program. Families interested in
contributing can donate funds online.
Treasurers’ Report (Mako Guest and Jennifer Lowry)
A question has been raised as to whether the PTSA has savings accounts. There is a $10,000
savings account cushion to be used in case of emergency.
Taxes were completed and filed in early December.
January membership dues have been paid.
Presdents’ Report (Laurel McRae & Melody French)
Kindergarten orientation and registration is scheduled and needs volunteers. January 22 and
February 7.
Vice Presidents’ Report (Joann Smith & Laurie Boyd)
Movie Night – Good turnout, with a $40 cost. Popcorn was happily donated by Big Picture in
Redmond. Thank you card requested.
The Food and Toy Drive before winter break was a huge success. At least 25 families received
two bags of food and toys and gift cards, and, in addition, the staff “adopted” specific families for
the holidays.
After School Enrichment registration is up and running. A paper form will be sent home to
encourage more registrations.
Secretary’s Report (Aimee Woolwine)
Please email Aimee with correspondence requests. (Thank Yous, etc.)
The binders need to be weeded through and organized.
Aimee will be out of town during the February meeting and needs someone to fill in on taking
minutes. Colleen Rutherford volunteered.
Committee Reports
FUNDRAISING & ADVOCACY (Colleen Rutherford)
Colleen asked if the board were interested in continuing the Jamba Juice fundraiser for the
spring. She will pursue it.
She has received several solicitations for fundraisers but none fit the PTSA’s vision at this time.
Miguel at Tres Hermanos is awesome and needs a thank you card. December dining out was
sparse. Considering using sandwich boards in the future to remind families to visit on dining out
BINGO (Melody French)
Almost here! Volunteers are coming from RHMS, and eight teachers have signed on to help.
Need more parent volunteers. Sending out flyer this week. Pizza, water and soda may be
We DO have a resellers permit. It has been printed for the legal binder. Copies will be
distributed to board members at the next meeting.
Kim Dare has signed on to join the committee.
Several emails have been sent to gauge interest in nominations. Awaiting responses.
A baked potato bar potluck will be provided for the staff on Thursday, Jan. 31 during
conferences week.
She has the schedule and would like the board to look at possible dates for scheduling.
The Meeting was adjourned at 8:53 PM.
Aimee Woolwine, Secretary
RHE PTSA Board Mtg. Minutes
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