MIKE STEWART FITNESS www.mikestewartfitness.com 5909 Fairdale Lane #3 * Houston TX 77057 Phone: (713) 785-5126 * Email: Admin@mikestewartfitness.com HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE This Health Questionnaire is designed to provide as much information as possible about your past and current health history. The objective is to critically examine your health history in order to actively engage you on what you can or cannot do in terms of resistance (weight) training and body-weight strength (cardiovascular) training. Our primary objective is your safety. Please be as honest and complete in your answers so that we can tailor your program to your current health condition. OBJECTIVE. Name: _________________________________________________________________ Marital Status: ____ Married ____ Single. Sex: _____ Male ___ Female. Age: _____ Address: ________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________ / Cell Phone: ________________________ Occupation: ______________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________ Physician: _______________________________________________________________ Office Phone: ____________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________ 1. CURRENT PHYSICIANS DIAGNOSIS. Have you ever had or do you currently have any of the following current diagnosed conditions? Please check mark each one: _____ Arthritis _____ Broken bones _____ Chronic cough _____ Dislocation (bone) _____ Kidney problems _____ Measles (German) _____ Asthma _____ Cancer _____ Convulsions _____ Heart Disease _____ Malaria _____ Seizures 1 _____ Back trouble _____ Chicken Pox _____ Diabetes _____ High Blood Pressure _____ Measles (red) _____ Scarlet fever _____ Shortness of breath _____ Tuberculosis _____ Sinusitis _____ Weight issues _____ Stomach problems If you have marked any condition, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ . 2. CURRENT PHYSICAL PROBLEMS. Has your physical activity been restricted in the past five (5) years due to any stress related problems? _____ Yes _____ No. If you have answered YES, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ . 3. MEDICATION. Are you currently taking medication? _____Yes _____ No. If so, please explain what type of medication and if it would restrict you from resistance training (weight lifting) or body-weight strength training (cardiovascular) training: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ . 4. YOUR PHYSICIAN. Are you currently under the care of a physician, chiropractor, or other health care professional for any reason? _____ Yes _____ No. If so, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ . 5. ALLERGIES. Please list any allergies you have: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ . 6. PERSONAL QUESTIONS. In order for our personal training sessions to be effective (to gain muscle, lose weight or both), please be honest in your answer to the following questions: Has your doctor ever said that your blood pressure was too high? _____ Yes _____ No Has your doctor ever told you that you have a bone or joint problem That has been or could be made worse by exercise? _____ Yes _____ No 2 Are you over the age of 65? _____ Yes _____ No Are you accustomed to vigorous exercise? _____ Yes _____ No Have you ever experienced chest pain associated with exercise? _____ Yes _____ No Are you currently under a doctor’s prescription for mental health medication (Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Xanex, etc)? Is work extremely stressful? _____ Yes _____ No _____ Yes _____ No Is there any reason not mentioned within this Health Questionnaire Why you should not follow a regular exercise program? _____ Yes _____ No 7. FAMILY HISTORY. Do you have a family history of any of the following conditions? Heart disease, Hypertension, Gout, Abnormal EKG, Asthma, Heart Attack, Cardiovascular Disease, High Cholesterol, Angina, Diabetes, Other Heart Condition(s). If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ . 8. SMOKING. Do you currently smoke? _____ Yes _____ No. 9. MUSCOSKELETAL (MUSCLE / BONE) PROBLEMS. Please explain or describe any past or current muscoskeletal conditions have incurred such as muscle pulls, sprains, fractures, surgery, back pain or general discomfort: Head / neck _____________________________________________________________ Upper back ______________________________________________________________ Shoulder / clavicle ________________________________________________________ Arm / elbow _____________________________________________________________ Wrist / hand _____________________________________________________________ Lower back ______________________________________________________________ Hip / pelvis ______________________________________________________________ Thigh / knee _____________________________________________________________ Lower leg / ankle / foot ____________________________________________________ 3 10. NUTRITION. Are you on any specific food / nutritional plan at this time? _____ Yes _____ No. If so, explain: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ . 11. SUPPLEMENTS. Do you take nutritional supplements? _____ Yes _____ No. If so, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ . 12. WEIGHT. Have you experienced a recent weight gain or loss that seemed abnormal? If so, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ . 13. ALCOHOL. Do you currently drink alcoholic beverages? _____ Yes _____ No 14. EXERCISE. Do you currently exercise? _____ Yes _____ No. If so, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ . 15. STRESS LEVEL. I would currently say my stress level is: _____ Extremely high due to __________________________________________ . _____ High due to various reasons. _____ About normal. _____ Normal. _____ No stress or very little. _____ None. 16. EMERGENCY. In the event of an emergency, please contact: _____________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ Home, Work or Cell Phone _____________________________________________ Relationship 4 17. SIGNATURE. Please sign below: ________________________________________________________________________ Client Name (printed) _______________________________________________________________________ Client Name (signature) ________________________________________________________________________ Personal Trainer (printed) Michael W. (Mick) Stewart, BST(I), PT ________________________________________________________________________ Personal Trainer (signature) Michael W. (Mick) Stewart, BST(I), PT Mike Stewart Fitness (MSF) Health Questionnaire, V.2 Updated 7-9-2011 5 MIKE STEWART FITNESS www.mikestewartfitness.com 5909 Fairdale Lane #3 * Houston Texas 77057 Phone: (713) 785-5126 * Email: Admin@mikestewartfitness.com or MichaelWStewart@yahoo.com. INFORMED CONSENT FORM This Informed Consent Form is designed to advise the client / customer of the risks associated with resistance (weight) training and body-weight strength (cardiovascular) training. Our primary objective is your safety. OBJECTIVE. Participation in a regular program of rigorous, physical activity (weight lifting, bodybuilding or cardiovascular (body-weight strength) training) has been shown to produce positive changes in a number of organ systems for overall body health and wellness. These changes include increased work capacity, improved cardiovascular efficiency, and increased muscular strength, flexibility, power and endurance. I recognize that exercise carries some risk do the musculoskeletal system (sprains, strains, etc.) and the cardioresporatory system (dizziness, discomfort in breathing, heart attack). I hereby certify that I know of no medical problem (except those noted below) that would increase my risk of illness and injury as a result of participation in a regular exercise program. BENEFITS AND RISKS. I understand that I will undergo initial testing and evaluation to determine my current physical fitness status. The testing will consist of completing the: TESTING AND EVALUATION. Health Questionnaire Health and Wellness Interview, and Taking a Body-weight Strength Training (BST) test (pushups, pull-ups). I further understand that such screening is intended to provide Mike Stewart Fitness (MSF) and its Personal Trainers, Instructors and Officers with essential information used in the development of individual fitness programs. I understand that my individual results will be made available only to me. I also understand that the testing is not intended to replace any other medical test or the services of my physician. I will be provided a copy of all test results. I may share the results with whomever I please, including my personal physician. By signing this consent form I understand that I am personally responsible for my actions during my tenure at Mike Stewart Fitness (MSF) and that I waive the responsibility of Mike Stewart Fitness (MSF) and its officers if I should incur any injury as a result of my negligence. Signed: _________________________________________________________________ Client Name Witness: ________________________________________________________________ Michael W. (Mick) Stewart, BST(I), PT Date: ___________________________________________________________________ 6