HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR PROFESSION Цілі: практичні: вчити

Цілі: практичні: вчити учнів оглядового читання та читання з повним розумінням
прочитаного, розвивати вміння вести бесіду (діалог-розпитування), вчити учнів
аналізувати прослухану інформацію; аналізувати, синтезувати та представляти зібрану
інформацію; систематизувати знання учнів з теми; освітні: розширити знання учнів про
професії, допомогти сформувати чітке уявлення про правильний підхід до вибору
професії; розвивальні: розвивати здібності учнів до цілеспрямованої роботи для
досягнення мети, до самостійної праці, до формування висновків щодо прочитаного та
почутого; виховні: виховувати ввічливість у стосунках з людьми, виховувати повагу до
людей різних професій, прищеплювати любов до праці.
Тип уроку: комбінований.
I. Початок уроку
Вступне слово вчителя
Teacher. We’ve talked a lot about different professions, about traits of character
necessary for certain professions, but there is still one more point to be discussed. I want you
to read this text and determine what we are going to talk about in the lesson today.
II. Основна частина уроку
1.Читання тексту
Plans for the future are a problem that worries all school leavers and their parents. The
reason is that at the age of 17 you have to make a very important choice in your life — the
choice of a profession. On the one hand, you are adult enough to have an opinion of your own
about what you are interested in and what you are good at. On the other hand, at this age, you
lack life experience and your inclinations sometimes don’t coincide with your possibilities.
There are as many kinds of careers as there are people. They vary greatly in day’s
lesson? the type of work involved and in the ways they influence a person’s life.
can determine where you live and the friends you make. It can reflect how much
education you have and can determine the amount of money you earn. Your career can also
affect the way you feel about yourself and the way other people act towards you. By making
wise decisions concerning your career, you can help yourself build the life you want.
To make wise career decisions and plans, you need as ‘much information as possible.
The more you know about yourself and career opportunities - the better you will be able to
choose a satisfying career.
People differ in what they want from a career, Many people desire a high income. Some
hope for fame. Others want adventure. Still others want to serve people and make the world a
better place.
Before you begin to explore career fields, you should determine your values, your
interests and your abilities. Most people are happier in jobs that fit their values, interests and
Each person has many values, which vary in strength. For example, money is the
strongest value for some people — that is wealth is more important for them than anything
else. As a result, they focus their thoughts, behaviour and emotions on the goal of earning a
high income. Other values include, devoting to religion, taking risks, spending time with
family and helping others. People should understand their values prior to making a career
You can develop an understanding of your, values by asking yourself what is most
important to you and by examining your beliefs. For example, is it important to you to work
as a member of a team? Or would you rather be in charge or work alone? If working alone
„or being in charge is important to you, independence is probably one of primary values.
Teacher. So, what is the topic of today’s lesson?
2. Бесіда за текстом
The kind of career you have can affect your life in many ways. For example', it
Teacher. In a year, you will become school-leavers. It’s not an easy task to
choose your future careers. What to begin with? Let’s discuss what you should take into
consideration choosing your careers.
Personal interests
• Abilities
, Requirements of the society
• Money Kind of mind Likes and dislikes
People’s experience
Future trends Prestige
Teacher. Why should we take into account all these facts? Prove your opinion. •
Pupil 1. We always try to choose something that is interesting for us. If I am not
interested in biology, I’ll never become an agronomist, for example.
Pupil 2. If you have a practical kind of mind, you’d better become an engineer or a
Pupil 3. As a rule, people try to choose well-paid professions. We can’t live without
money. The more money we earn — the better. Etc.
Teacher. .And now let’s put these factors in the order of importance. Suggest your ideas
and give your arguments in small groups.
Учні працюють спочатку в парах, потім у групах по чотири, а далі обговорюють
питання всією групою. Після цього один учень виходить до дошки і пояснює вибір.
Personal interests .
Abilities Kind of mind Likes and dislikes Requirements of the society Money
People experience Future trends Prestige
3.Презентація учнівського проекту
Teacher. Artem was given a task to look for some information about types of
professions and to find out the difference between the words a job, a work, an occupation, a
profession and a career. Listen to him carefully and determine which type of profession suits
you most.,
Доповідь учня про п’ять типів професій:
А г t е m. Before I start to talk about the types of professions, I want you to learn the
difference between .the following words: a job, a work, a post, a position, an occupation, a
profession and a career.
Your job is the work that you do regularly in order to earn money, especially when you
work for a company or public organization. *
E.g. My last job was with a computer firm.
He finally got a job in a supermarket.
Work is used in a more general way to talk about activities that you do to earn money,
either working for a company or for yourself.
E.g. Will you go back to work when you’ve had the baby?
I started work when I was 18.
You can’t say ‘what is your job?’ or ‘what is your work?’ Say: “What do you do?” or
“What do you do for a living?”
We use occupation to talk about the kind of work that someone usually does, for
example if they are a teacher, lawyer, driving instructor etc. Occupation is used mainly on
official forms.
E.g. State your name, age, and occupation in the box below.
You can’t use occupation to talk about your own job.
E.g. I am an accountant. (NOT My occupation is an accountant).
A profession is a kind of work for which you need special training and a good
education, for example teaching, law, or medicine. •
E.g. the legal profession
Your career is the type of work that you do or hope to do for most of your life
E.g. I’m interested in a career in television.
His career is more important to him than his family.
There is the psychological classification of professions, offered by E. Klimov.
According to the object of the lab our all professions can be divided into 5 following types:
a) human — human', professions dealing with:
Medical service Teaching and education Consumer services Legal assistance Public
assistance and defense
b) human — machinery; professions dealing with:
Making, mounting and assembling of machinery Exploitation of machinery Repairing
of machinery
c) human — sign system; professions dealing with:
• Texts
• Numbers, figures and tables Drafts and maps
Sound system
d) human — image; professions dealing with:
• Making, designing and modeling of works of art
Making different things per sample
e) human — nature: professions dealing with:
Studying nature
Looking after plants and animals
• Preventive measures and Animal treatment
4. Бесіда з класом
Teacher. Regarding all this information, say which profession you could advise to a
person who:
• likes children;
is fond of nature;
• has a practical kind of mind; has a musical ear;
is good at drawing; is a creative personality.
5. Рольова гра. Індивідуальні завдання
Teacher. OK. Now I’ll divide you into two groups. The first group will try to guess the
person’s profession judging by appearance. Do not forget to give your arguments. Take a
sheet of paper. You can make some notes. (Зразок малюнка наведений у додатку. )
The second group is offered a role-play. One of you is a careers officer and the other —
a school-leaver. With the help of questionnaires test the school-leaver and determine the most
suitable profession for him. Then make a report. (Зразок анкети наведений у додатку.)
Учні першої групи представляють свої виступи.
Natasha. Sometimes it is quite easy to name a person’s job judging by his appearance,
but sometimes it is not.
Some jobs have some certain professional signs or features, which help to identify this
job. But there are also professions, which don’t have signs and special features, so that
we can just guess who this person is.
For example, let’s look at this woman. Judging by appearance, she. is a businesswoman. I think so, because she has a business-like suit, a short haircut, which is peculiar
for busy people, who have no time to care for long hair. As for her make-up, it is also very
light, as you see, and it is known that busy people don’t have time for a heavy make-up.
She looks rather confident, too, and as you know, this trait of character is very
necessary for a businesswoman.
As far as I know, firstly, the word “businessman” meant an ambitious, purposeful,
exacting, firm in his decisions leader — and that was solely a man, as it was an idea, that
business is a deal for men only. But a lot of contemporary women don’t agree with this idea
and throw down a challenge to too self-confident men. Who said, that the woman .couldn’t,
have all these traits of character? Moreover, women have some other traits of character,,
which help them in business, in solving their problems, which are not peculiar for men.
The main female traits of character, which help in business, are purposefulness,
intuition, communicativeness, an interest to the details, flexibility in communication with the
partners. This woman seams to have the most of named traits of character. The folder in her
hand gives us one more reason to think that she is a busy person.
So, judging by appearance, I can make a conclusion, that this woman is a business lady.
Від другої групи виступають психологи-' консультанти. Вони пояснюють, чому
вони рекомендували ту чи іншу професію певним учням.
6.Презентація учнівського проекту
Teacher. I’ve got a surprise for you. Natasha analyzed the abilities and traits
of character of each of you and now you’ll hear which professions, in her opinion, suit
you most.
N a t a s h a. As you know, at the age of 15—16, people start to think about their future
profession. But as far as 1 know, it’s quite difficult to take the right decision at once. Before
choosing this or that profession, you must take into consideration many different factors —
they’re your personal peculiarities, traits of character, interests, skills and abilities. It is also
the income, you’d like to earn, perspective of the job, its necessity, so on.
However, I think, the first aspect is the most important, because to be happy, a person
should like his job, and to like it, he must be able to find himself in it.
So, now I’d like to make a short analysis of our group, to analyze everybody’s main
and most peculiar traits of cha,- acter and try to choose the most suitable jobs for them.
I’d like to begin with Artem. To my mind, he is a very active and sociable person. He
likes to communicate with people. I think, he is also rather capable and, as you see, he is in
good form. Taking into account all these peculiarities, I can advise him to become a journalist, or maybe a tourist guide.
As for Andrew, he is known to be a calm and unemotional boy. But he has rather agood
and impressive bodybuilding. To my mind, the best job for him is a bodyguard.
Lena Ponomarenko. She is a very calm girl, and I think she is not very communicative.
Nevertheless, it must be noticed she is very responsible, patient and hardworking. I think
Lena could be an irreplaceable book-keeper.
As for Lena Subbota, she is rather calm and unemotional, too. But.she is loyal and
tolerant with people, she is patient and kind in communication. I think Lena could take on a
profession of a social worker, such as a teacher or a doctor, or something like that.
The next one is Vera. She is known to be reserved and not very sociable person. Such
traits of character as patience and calmness are peculiar for her, so considering all aspects
Vera could choose a profession of a secretary or an interpreter.
And as for me, I think I’m rather sb- ciable, communicative and active. I don’t consider
myself to be a calm and patient person. I think I can choose the profession of a tourist guide
or some other social worker, except jobs connected with children, such as a teacher or a
doctor, because I’m not a patient person. So, after such a short analysis, I can make a
conclusion that everyone has his own personal skills, abilities and interests, according to
which they have to choose their future profession.
Teacher. You’ve already heard Natasha’s opinion. But Ira conducted a group survey
and she knows all your secret wishes. Let’s listen to her and compare whether your wishes
coincide with Natasha’s opinion.
1 r a. As a result of group-survey we see that rnost of students want to have a well-paid
job. It tells us about our financial wishes and hopes, dreams to live happily and be well-to-do
people. In addition, a big part of us chose an interesting profession for him.
The most popular profession in our group is the profession of a manager. I can say that
it is very actual nowadays, especially a tourist manager. Many students have chosen this job
for it is interesting and attracts young people for its future trends and prestige. For example,
Andrei, Natasha, Olia and Tania like to travel very much. So, they want to connect their lives
with tourism, to be exact, they want to be tourist managers.
And there are some professions, which have the same number of points. So, the second
place belongs to businessmen and psychologists. Our boys Artem and Olexiy want to have
the job of a businessman, because they want to be independent in their future and also they
are anxious about, their material status, so they want to have highly-paid jobs like this.
Two girls, Vera and me want to be. psychologists. As we like to analyze people’s
actions and give advice, we want to have social work. We consider the profession of a
psychologist to be the most interesting and we also take care about our future trends. And the
rest of the group have chosen the profession for their own interests. For example, Tolia wants
to be an economist, Lena
Subbota — an interpreter and Lena Ponomarenko — a computer operator. Nobody of
us has chosen a badly paid job.
The most undesirable profession in our group is the profession of a teacher. Though it
is one of the most important professions, nobody has chosen it. I think it is because of a poor
salary and it is very nervous. The next place of undesirable jobs belongs to the profession of a
gardener, because you understand all of us want to have a higher education. It tells about our
ambitious characters and wishes of future perspectives. And the same place belongs to
professions connected with sciences. Because most of us don’t understand sciences well, so
we consider them to be boring for us and uninteresting. And the most undesirable job is the
profession of a driver.
I think that each of us wants to be a respected person, who will find the place under the
sun and make his life the happiest on the planet.
7.Бесіда про потреби суспільства у професіях у майбутньому
Teacher. And now let’s talk about the future. Which professions will enjoy popularity
in the future?
Учні дають прогноз на майбутнє.
Teacher. Scientists aren’t indifferent to this problem either. I offer you to read this text
and make your point on this problem.
Учні читають текст “Survival of the fittest” з підручника “Opportunities Pre-Intermediate”
“Between now and the 21st century citizens of the world’s richest and most
technologically advanced nations will find it increasingly difficult to keep up with the
demand for change. For them, the future will arrive too soon”. So begins Alvin Toffler’s
book Future Shock, written back in 1970.
Now people are beginning to pay attention to Toffler’s prediction, because the speed of
change is accelerating rapidly. It is sometimes difficult to work out the patterns of change.
What should you do? First of all, don’t panic. Take a deep breath and try to get a sense of the
good things the future has to offer.
You don’t need to be a genius to predict the job areas which will be most affected by
technological change. Agriculture, textiles, coal mining and heavy industry are all doing
badly. On the other hand, business and professional Services, the media, information
technology, and the biosciences are doing really well.
Without doubt, the number of jobs in. information technology will rise dramatically.
There are currently over 100 million computers in the world and by 2020 the number will be
around one billion. Because of ‘this, computer programmers and systems analysts will be in
much greater demand.
There are also many other important changes taking place in the workplace. First, the
job market is getting more and more competitive and the idea of a ‘job for life’ has already
become old- fashioned. Because of this, workers will і have to be more flexible. According to
Mark Hastings of the Institute of Management, in the future people will organize their
working life around a variety of contracts, instead of working just for one company.
In the same way, companies will change; they will be organized more democratically.
People will move sideways to do different jobs, rather than moving up the ‘company ladder’
as before. Many more people will work for small, dynamic companies, which can react
quickly to changes in the market. Other people will give up working for a boss and become
self-employed. All this means that companies will require people who are flexible and
responsible. They will also need people who can work co-operatively and get on well in a
Good communication skills will be essential. According to Dr Lawrence Lyons of the
Future Work Forum, women will -initially have an advantage in this area. James Tragic, of
the training agency Menswork, explains that many men will have to be retrained. “It’s not
about making men more like women, but helping men to communicate as well”.
We are undoubtedly moving towards a global economy. English will probably remain
the international business language, so learning Russian or Chinese is not a priority.
However, understanding other people, their minds, culture and history will be vital. Above
all, a manager will need to feel comfortable" working with people from other cultures and
coping with cultural differences.
New technology is the driving force behind the rapidly changing workplace, so don’t
get left behind. You don’t need to become a computer expert, but you must consider
improving your computer skills. Work with more than one program in case you have to use
them at work, and try to read about all the latest technology.
Undoubtedly, all this new technology is changing the way we work and offering many
alternative ways of working. Rather than go into an office, a lot of people are connected to
the Internet and now work from home. Working like this may give you the flexibility you
want — to live where you want, to continue your studies and to have a lot more free time.
That must be good news.
8.Презентація учнівського проекту
Teacher. It’s time to find out which professions enjoy popularity in this town. Tania
was given a task to interview some careers officers in our employment agency. And this is
what she got.
Tania. We visited our town employment agency and interviewed 3 careers offices. As
we found out there are 255 vacancies now. There are a great number of professions in our
town but not all of them are popular. We found out that the professions of an insurance agent,
tram driver, engineer, bookkeeper, doctor, electrician, shop-assistant, electrical and gas
welder, tractor- driver, driver, turner, joiner, engine driver, painter, social worker, teacher,
mechanical engineer enjoy the greatest popularity in our town. Not very popular are: a tailor,
an electronic engineer, an electrical engineer, a radiotelephone operator, a design-engineer, a
quality expert, a gas-cutter, a glazier, a seamstress, a steel-maker, a driver, a mechanic, a
fridge operator, a„shoe-maker, a jeweler, a lawyer, an agronomist, a milling machine
We also found out that there are vacancies for such rare professions as a diver and an
interior designer. But to our regret there are no representatives of such jobs. The interviewed
also noticed that such professions as a seamstress, a tutor and a technologist are not required
at all. And because of this a lot of people are unemployed. When we asked them if the
demand correlates with the, supply we got the answer “No”. But they also said that it depends
on the seasons. A discrepancy between the demand and supply on the lab our market is one of
the problems, as the majority of vacancies which are proposed by the employers are the
vacancies for men, but 60% of people who are on the registration are women. Besides the
employers often invite experienced workers with high qualification. So it is very hard to
satisfy these needs.
We also asked them about the youth and the most popular professions with them. And
the answer was: for men — painters, drivers, electrical and gas welders, and fitters; for
women - shop assistants and book-keepers. Among dangerous professions were named
divers, operators of gas boiler-rooms.
So after our interview we can make a conclusion that the situation with work, especially
for women in our town, is very difficult and needs an urgent decision if we want our society,
town and country industry to develop.
9. Бесіда з класом про необхідну освіту
Teacher. And now let’s discuss what is necessary to get a profession.
Учні висловлюють свої думки.
Teacher. As you know, Lena’s parents work at a vocational school. So Lena was given
a task to analyze people’s attitude to professional education. >
О l e n a. Nowadays we can hear such opinions that we can get the most important and
prestigious professions only at institutes and universities.
But employers confess that children with prof-education are more skilful than those
with a higher one. It means that graduates can get practical skills only in prof-education. But
prof-education is not prestigious and popular with schoolchildren and future students. Why?
Here are some myths:
only after higher educational institutions we can get good jobs;
• people, who work “by hands”, are usually treated scornfully;
• it is possible to earn much only with institute diplomas.
I am going to destroy these myths. The only true opinion from all these is that we
scornfully treat people who do manual work. It is true, because we don’t respect people, who
do anything for us.. To our regret, our culture is too low.
Almost in all cases people first of all respect excellent specialists and kind people —
but not their abstract professions.
Also we always think that graduates from institutes sit in nice offices and do nothing.
This is a false idea. First of all, they are not top-managers and don’t work in the best firms.
And of course they really work (not sit) in these beautiful offices. Finally, always,
everywhere and anywhere people are paid for real skills but not for documents about finishing the higher educational institution.
I hope you’ll agree with me that such professions as a nurse, a pharmacist, a specialist
of printing trades, a seamstress, a cook are veil important and irreplaceable. In future
worker’s professions in Ukraine would be more prestigious than nowadays. The most
important thing for our youth is ‘to forget about pride and ask “What do I really want?” Of
course, higher education is desirable, but it doesn’t guarantee professional success.
III.Заключна частина уроку
Заключне слово вчителя
Today in the lesson we talked about professions. We know which professions you like,
which of them are popular and which are necessary.
But to choose a profession is very difficult. You can’t do it in one lesson.
But I do hope that today’s lesson will help you to cope with the task.
Ask the school-leaver the following questions and write down “Yes” or “No” next to
the number of each question. Then write out the numbers of all “Yes” answers and look in the
Key to find out what profession he / she is cut out for.
1. Are you interested in the causes of different diseases and their cure?
2. Do you like to read critical articles after you’ve read a book?
3. Do you like to take responsibility in organizing things (e.g. parties)?
4. Do you like to read historical novels?
5. Do you ever go to listen to symphonies?
6. Do you like to explain to your classmates how to do a sum or write a
grammatically correct sentence?
7. Can you say that your first impulse when you see somebody hurt is to give first
8. Do you like to write poetry and prose?
9. Do you like to observe people’s behavior?
10. Would you like to find out about the history of your family, the street you live
in, your city, etc.?
11. Are you fond of singing, reciting poetry, dancing, etc. in front of the audience?
12. Do you enjoy spending time with kids, reading them books, playing with them,
helping them, etc.?
13.- Are you irritated when your sick relatives ask you to help them?
14. Do you soon get tired when you work with dictionaries or. Reference books?
15. Can you quickly switch from one job to another?
16. Do you like to make reports on history?
17. Do your hobbies include playing musical instruments, drawing or woodcarving?
18. Have you ever wanted to give a class instead of your teacher?
19. Are you interested in people’s anatomy?
20. Do you like to discuss books with your friends?
21. Do you like to analyze the events that have happened in your or. your friends’
and relatives’ lives?
22. Are you interested in your country’s past?
23. Do you enjoy reading about the history of arts?
24. Can you say that you find more positive than negative sides in the _ work of a
25. Have you ever wanted to work as a nurse during your summer holidays?
26. Are you interested in word origin?
27. Do you keep a diary?
28. Are you interested in the past of , other countries?
29. Do you like to watch one and the same film or play several times?
30. Have you ever tried to teach your younger brothers (sisters, cousins, etc.)?
1. If you positively answered questions No. 1,7, 19 and 25, and negatively No. 13
— we would recommend you to think of choosing a medical profession.
2. If you have written out No, 2, 8,14, 20,26 — your special field is literature and
3. If you have marked No. 9, 19, 21, 27 — your vocation is journalism.
4. If you have chosen No. 4, 10, 1 6, 22, 28 — you are mostly interested in history.
5. If your answers include No. 5, 11, 17, 23,29 — you’d better choose arts as your
future profession.
6. If your, choice is No. 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 — you are a born teacher and you’ll
regret it all your life if you don’t follow your vocation.
Agriculture, hunting, forest agriculture
Fishing industry
Mining industry
Production of water and electricity
Wholesale and retail trade
Transport and communication
Financial activity
Operations on property, rent, services for legal entity
Health service and social help
Consumer services
Home service
External activity