Quality Tools and Techniques in the School and Classroom

Quality Tools and
Techniques in the
School and
Problem Solving Process
Identify the Problem
Find the Root Cause
If repetitive
If serious
Takes time and money to collect data
Determine the best Solution
Implement the Solution
Tools and Techniques
 Issue Bin
 Plus-Delta
 Flow Chart
 Brainstorming
 Affinity Diagram
 Why? Why?
 Run Chart
 Scatter Diagram
 Histogram
 Control Chart
 Process Identification
 Surveys
 PDSA Cycle
 Mission Statement
 Goals
 Checklist/Rubric
 Data Folders
 Student-Led
If you want
to do this:
Gather as
many ideas
as you can
Group your
Figure out
how ideas
See the
steps in the
Draw a
picture of
your data
Keep track
of your data
Help make
This tool
may be
Light Voting
Action Plan
Run Chart
Run Chart
Issue Bin
Tree Diagram
Force Field
Issue Bin
 It is a place to capture ideas, suggestions, or
challenging questions that deserve further
discussion at a more appropriate time.
 This can be important items that come up but do
not pertain to the present topic.
 This is used so that important ideas are not
 Once an individual sees that his or her idea has
been captured, he or she is normally willing to let
the group move on without interruption.
When to Use an Issue Bin
When the present time is not the most
appropriate time to address an issue or
When you want to give students, teachers,
or anyone the chance to bring up an issue
in a non-threatening manner
How to Use an Issue Bin
 Have a special space reserved on a bulletin board
or flip chart so that it is always in the same place.
 Write Issue Bin across the Top.
 Inform the group that suggestions and topics for
later discussion should be written on sticky notes
and placed on the Issue Bin.
 Encourage people to use the issue bin.
 Review the items on the issue bin at the end of
the day.
Using the Information from the
Issue Bin
 To get people to continue utilizing the issue bin,
they must be aware of the fact that you are
reading and addressing issues.
 After reading items on the issue bin, decide what
you will do with each item.
– Decide to make the change
– Decide not to make the change
– Decide to study the issue further
 Provide feedback to the team on items listed in
the issue bin.
Examples of Issue Bins
Also called Asides List or Parking Lot
Industry and Business
Flow Chart
Displays a picture of the separate steps of a
process in sequential order
Shows a picture of any process, sequence
of events, activities, or tasks that transform
inputs into outputs in a system.
Allows anyone to follow the sequence.
When to Use a Flow Chart
When you want everyone to do something
the same way
When better communication is needed
between the people involved with the
When you begin to study a process
When designing an improved
How to Use a Flow Chart
 Decide what you want to flow chart.
 Determine the beginning and end of the process.
 Observe the process in operation.
 Get input from the people who work with the
 Brainstorm all the process steps.
 Arrange the steps in proper sequence.
 List any inputs and outputs to the process.
 Draw arrows to show the flow of the process.
Questions to Ask as Flowchart is
Being Developed
 Where does the service or material come from?
 How does the service or material get to the
 Who makes the decision?
 What happens if the decision is no?
 What happens if the decision is yes?
 Where does the product or service of this process
 Is there anything else that must be done?
 What check points exist in the process?
Using the Information
Identify suppliers to the process
Identify customers of the process
Use the flow chart to train people.
Use the flow chart to make sure everyone
is doing things the same way.
Use the flow chart to analyze the process to
identify common mistakes or problems.
Examples of Flow Charts
Industry and Business
 A simple, yet effective tools used to stimulate
creativity and generate ideas.
 Brainstorming is the free, uninhibited
generation of ideas in a group.
 It allows each participant to state his
opinions in a non-threatening environment.
 The purpose is to list as many ideas as
possible without judging the merits of any of
the ideas.
 Quantity is more important than quality.
When to Brainstorm
When a broad range of options is desired
When creative, original ideas are desired
When participation of the entire group is
When generating a list of possible
problems, causes, or solutions.
How to Brainstorm
 State the objective clearly.
 Allow each member to take a turn in sequence.
 Go around the group, allowing each person the
opportunity to express only one idea.
 Allow participants to pass.
 Do not discuss or critique any idea.
 Write each idea on the flip chart
 Keep the pace lively and energetic.
 Continue until everyone passes.
Using the
Brainstormed list
Discuss any items that are not clear
Combine any items that mean exactly the
same thing. (Be careful not to overcombine and have three or four enormous
It is okay to add new ideas at this time.
This is the opportunity for the discussion
that should have been suppressed during
the quick pace of the brainstorming.
Brainstorm Examples
Business and Industry
Affinity Diagram
 Organizes large numbers of ideas into their
natural relationships.
 This tool taps a team’s creativity and intuition.
 Very similar to brainstorming, but it takes
students one step farther.
 It serves to organize ideas into natural groupings.
 Taps both the right brain and left brain
– Right brain – generates lots of ideas
– Left brain – begins to analyze and organize
When to Use an Affinity
If an issue is complex or hard to
If ideas seem to be uncertain, unorganized,
or overwhelming.
When breaking down a complicated issue
into broad categories
When group consensus is necessary.
Often used following brainstorming.
How to Use an Affinity Diagram
Brainstorm ideas directly onto sticky notes
Randomly put notes on wall so all can see.
Look for ideas that seem to be related.
Place the like ideas together until most of the
cards are grouped.
 It is okay to have loners that do not fit into a
particular group.
 Select a heading for each group
Using the Information
This process lets a group move beyond its
habitual thinking and preconceived
The issue is broken down into the large key
areas that can be further addressed.
Examples of Affinity Diagrams
Business and Industry
 It is a tool for quick list reduction while
maintaining team consensus.
 After brainstorming has been completed, a
process is needed to reduce or prioritize the list of
 Multivoting is a process of building a team
consensus on the most important items on the list.
 It is used to make sure all of the team members
have equal input into making the consensus
decision on what is most important.
When to Multivote
When you have a list of items that needs to
be reduced or prioritized
When you want to be sure all members of a
team are involved in the prioritization
When it is important that all team members
support the decision made by the team
How to Multivote
 First, count the number of items in the list.
 To determine the number of votes each person
gets, divide by 2 and add ½ or 1.
 Each person gets this number of votes to a
maximum of 10 votes.
 Team members do not have to use of all their
votes, but they cannot vote for an item more than
 Informally discuss the criteria individuals should
consider when voting ; things to consider include
cost, stakeholder impact, seriousness, difficulty.
How to Multivote Part 2
 Record the number of votes for each item.
 Eliminate the items that receive the lowest number of
 Look for a natural break in the vote totals, but only
eliminate about half of the items at a time.
 Count the number of items remaining and repeat the
 Continue until you have reduced the list to 3-6 items if
your goal is to select only one item. You will use a
decision matrix to finish the list reduction.
 If you are using multivoting to prioritize the list, you can
stop after 2 to 4 rounds of voting. Remember to include
all items on your prioritized list.
Using the Information
 Multivoting is usually done for these reasons:
– prioritize a list of items
– to help a team reach a consensus on the most
important items
 Once the list is prioritized, a determination can be
made on how to address the top items.
 If the objective is reduce the list to 1 item, a
decision matrix is used once the multivoting has
reduced the list to 3-6 items.
Decision Matrix
 The decision matrix allows a team to utilize a
formal set of criteria to determine what is most
important to the team.
 Organized criteria are established for evaluating
the 3-6 items remaining after multivoting.
 It helps the team compare the items by organizing
the decision making into one chart.
 It helps the team to fully understand various
aspects of the issues.
When to Use a Decision Matrix
When comparing six or fewer items
When trying to understand how a group of
issues relates to each other
When trying to reach a consensus on which
issue to select
When a more formalized method of
prioritization is needed
Drawing a Decision Matrix
 A decision matrix starts with a blank table.
 The items being compared are listed in the first
column on the left.
 Write the criteria across the tops of the columns.
Example criteria could include this:
– What is problem costing? How serious is the problem?
Can our team solve the problem? How difficult will it
be to solve? What will be the impact various on our
 It is best to draw the matrix on a flip chart.
How to Use a Decision Matrix
 Draw the matrix on a flip chart
 Complete the matrix by going down each column
that represents one criteria.
 You are attempting to compare the 4-6 items with
each other.
 It is helpful to use some type of scoring system
like H, M and L or 1, 2 and 3.
 A facilitator should be used to work through this
tool rather quickly. Time and reaching a
consensus for each block are the two key
Rating Items
 Since you are comparing all the items in each
column, it does not help if you give all the items
the same rating.
 It is usually easiest for the team to agree on
which item is the highest and which is the lowest.
 Then the team can quickly agree where the others
fit by using moderate, moderately high, and
moderately low.
Using the Information
 Once the chart is completely filled in, the team needs to use the chart
to determine which item is rated the highest.
 It is easier to eliminate items than to look at the chart and pick the
most important.
 If the team cannot solve a problem, it should be not be selected.
 Items that are very difficult to solve should be eliminated next.
 Items with a low cost or that are not very serious should be
eliminated next.
 Usually a team will select something easier to solve, even it is not
quite as serious as something that is difficult to solve.
 Some teams like to give the criteria different weightings due to the
relative importance of each criteria.
Mission Statement
A mission statement needs to communicate
to your stakeholders the essence of your
 A mission statement helps everyone focus
on the same thing.
Effective mission statements are concise
and easy to remember.
Mission statements should be supported by
measurable objectives or goals.
When to Use a Mission
A Mission statement can be used with any
group that needs to work together to
accomplish a common goal.
Each School and Classroom should have a
mission statement.
It is more important to understand what the
mission statement means than to memorize it.
How to Use a Mission Statement
 All members of the group should have the
opportunity to have input.
 Normally, a small group representing all the
different stakeholders is used to develop the
mission statement.
 The mission statement should be prominently
posted and frequently referred to.
 The statement needs to be concise
and understood by all.
Using the Information
Check with all involved to be sure they
understand the mission statement.
Get individuals to discuss what the mission
statement means to them.
All stakeholders can check what they are
doing at any time to see if it consistent
with the mission statement.
Examples of Mission Statements
PPG will provide a safe workplace, protect
the environment, be a low cost producer,
and meet customer requirements.
District – Provide a Quality Education for
all Students.
School and Classroom examples
 Goals are what the organization plans to
accomplish in the next 12-24 months.
 Goals provide the specific direction
 Goals should be SMART
Agreed upon
Time bounded
 Goals should be developed by the people in the
organization and aligned with the goals of the
higher organization.
When to Use Goals
 Anytime you want to help everyone focus on the
same key objective
 Anytime you want to be sure what you are doing is
aligned with the next level
 Needed for continuous improvement
 Developed on a pre-determined time frame
– District – every two years
– School – every year
– Classroom – at the beginning of each school year
How to Set and Use Goals
Get input from all stakeholders.
Prioritize the goals. (We all have limited
resources to work on goals or projects.)
Make sure the goals are aligned with higher
Ensure that each goals is specific, measurable,
agreed-upon, realistic, and time bounded.
Review progress on the goals periodically
throughout the year.
Using the Goals
Make sure the goals are aligned.
Make sure the goals are SMART.
Review Periodically.
Measure progress.
Revise and update throughout the year.
Examples of Goals
Business and Industry
Data Folders/ Journals
A folder or binder where students graph
their grades, behavior, absences, etc.
It can also be used to keep important
papers like the student’s mission statement
and goals.
When to Use Data Folders
It should be used throughout the year.
It can be used to review a child’s progress
during a parent conference.
How to Use Data Folder
Provide a separate data binder for each
Provide a separate page with a graph on it
for each item you want the child to track.
As the child receives a grade, it should be
plotted on the proper graph.
If the child has a problem with attendance
or behavior, it should be plotted.
Set a goal for each item tracked.
Using the Information
Periodically, the kids can average their
grades and track their progress.
Kids can see how their daily grades affect
their report card grade
This provides a visual display of progress
toward goal.
It can be used for conferences.
Examples of Data Folder
Business and Industry
Chart Considerations
 Never display a chart with students’ names on it.
 Charts displayed in the classroom should
represent how the entire class is doing.
 Students will be able to see how what they are
doing is affecting the entire class.
 Students should plot individual charts in their
journal or data folder to see how they are doing.
 Students can compare their individual charts to
the class charts to see how they are doing in
relationship to their fellow students.
Run Chart
It is a graph that shows a measurement
against time.
The data can be measurements or counts
The purpose is to look at performance over
By collecting data over time, trends or
patterns in the data can be detected.
When to Use a Run Chart
 During data collection
 When you want to compare a performance
measure before and after a change
 When you are looking for trends or changes in
the data.
 An abnormality is easier to see in a graph than in
a table of numbers.
 Draw a horizontal line to represent the average
line after at least 25 points.
How to Use a Run Chart
Decide on the measure to be tracked
Gather the data and decide on the scale
Create the graph with time across the x-axis
and measures along the y-axis.
Plot in measurement in the time order it
Look for patterns
Using the Information
Notice the position of the average line.
Is it where you want it to be?
Notice the amount of variation.
Is it where you want it to be?
Look for unusual patterns
Determine what changes you can make to
move the average line, reduce the
variation, or eliminate the patterns.
Examples of Run Charts
Business and Industry
A bar graph of data
Show how often the different values occur
Shows basic information about the data
– Center location
– Amount of spread or variation
– Shape – is it a normal distribution
When to Use a Histogram
When you have a set of related values,
either measurements or counts
When it is important to visualize central
location, shape or spread of the data
To quickly communicate the data to others
To analyze quickly how things are going
To see whether a change has occurred from
one period of time to another
How to Use a Histogram
 Determine the range for each bar. (Ex. 91-100 in first
bar, 81-90 in second bar, etc.)
 The x-axis represents the different ranges.
 The y-axis represents the number of times a
measurement or counts falls in each range.
 Study the shape of the histogram.
 Look for an outliers, a point that is not close to any
other data points.
Using the Information
Satisfy yourself that the process you are
measuring was stable; that is there were no
significant changes.
Analyze the meaning of your histogram’s
If the center or spread is not where you
want it, determine what needs to be done to
the system to make the necessary changes.
Determine the cause for any outliers.
Examples of Histograms
Business and Industry
 Measures a group’s perceptions and provides a
chart of the frequency of distribution of the
 Allows individuals to view their response in
relation to the entire group.
 Can be used to identify the group’s perception of
effort, commitment or understanding.
 Can be used with a large group of
people when time is limited.
When to Use a Consensogram
Assessing needs, attitudes, or knowledge
Building consensus
Focusing the group
Exploring multiple perspectives
Rating student’s understanding of a given
How to Use a Consensogram
 Clearly state the objective of the exercise.
 Determine the degree of measurement.
– Numerical Scale
– Words like – I don’t know, I have basic info, I know
answer, I understand why, I can explain to others
 Draw the chart with empty columns.
 Have each person put a sticker above the number
or words that they agree with.
Using the Information
By observing where most of the stickers
are, you can tell if there is group consensus
on the issue.
The completed chart will indicate the
degree of knowledge on the issue.
The teacher can adjust her lesson based on
the knowledge of the students.
Examples of Consensogram
Business and Industry
Scatter Diagram
Helps identify relationships between two
Used to identify the direction and strength
of the relationship between the variables.
Used to determine objectively if a
particular cause and effect are related.
When to Use a Scatter Diagram
When trying to identify possible root
causes of a problem.
When trying to determine the relationship
between two variables.
By comparing a scatter diagram of students
and their grade on a pre-test with a scatter
diagram on post-test, you can visually see
the improvement.
How to Use A Scatter Diagram
 Collect paired data points for the variables.
 Plot the paired data points on a graph.
 Look at the pattern of points to see if a
relationship is obvious.
 A positive relationship is indicated if the general
grouping of points goes up.
 A negative relationship is indicated if the general
grouping of points goes down.
 If it is difficult to determine if the trend is up or
down, there is no relationship.
Using the Information
 First determine the relative direction and strength
of the relationship.
 If you want to increase one variable, you can use
this data to determine what you need to do to the
other variable to get the desired result in the first
 This is only an indication; both of these variables
may be influenced by a third variable and just
appear to influence each other.
Examples of Scattergrams
Business and Industry
Control Charts
A control chart is a run chart with limits.
These limits are used to separate the noise or
normal variation from the signal.
These limits are set at 3 standard deviations,
so that for a normal distribution 99.7% of the
data should be within the limits.
Limits are calculated based on the data
collected, the overall average, and variation.
When to Use a Control Chart
When determining whether a process is stable
When you want to predict the expected range
of outcomes from a process
When determining how to improve a process
– Signals – cause can be identified and addressed
– Noise – cause of variation is unknown, so system
must be changed to reduce
the noise
How to Use Control Chart
Determine the subgroup size.
Collect about 25 subgroups of data.
Determine the overall average of the data.
Determine the variation within the subgroup.
Calculate the upper and lower control limits
and central line by using the formula.
Plot the points on the chart.
Identify causes for any points outside the
control limits.
Using the Information
Everything has some variation in it.
Most important use is to separate the
signals from the noise.
All signals, both good and bad, should be
investigated to determine the cause.
If you are not happy with the amount of
noise in the system, you must modify the
Examples of Control Charts
Business and Industry
Root Cause
There is almost always more than
one true root cause.
A problem is usually caused by at least one
condition and one action.
The cause or causes, which when removed,
result in the problem disappearing.
If you do not identify the root cause, you
are just putting a band-aid on the problem.
Root Cause
 A root cause is normally not a who? Instead, you
need to ask the question,”Why?”
 Not following procedure is not a root cause?
 Continue to ask, “Why?”
Didn’t know or understand
Procedure doesn’t work or is outdated
Don’t agree with procedure
Did it this way before with no problems
 The solution will be different for each why.
Why? Why?
The Why-Why diagram helps to identify
the root causes of a problem.
It helps a group recognize the broad
network of problem causes and the
It can indicate the best areas to address for
short term and long term solutions.
It is very easy to use.
When to Use a Why-Why
When you need to find the root cause of a
When the many contributing causes to a
problem are confusing
As a graphical communication tool
How to Use the Why-Why
Clearly state the problem.
Brainstorm a list of possible causes and ask
why the problem exists.
Identify which causes are the most
important through data collection.
Then ask why the problem exists.
Continue to ask why until you get to
something basic – Often takes 5 whys.
Example Why-Why
Problem – Student failed a test.
Why – Student was not prepared.
Why – Student could not focus when material
was presented.
Example Why-Why
Problem – Student failed a test.
Why – Student was not prepared.
Why – Student couldn’t focus when material
was presented.
Why – Student did not get much sleep
Why – Student was not home that night.
Why – Student’s brother was in an accident.
Using the Information
Do not stop when you reach a who. Who is a
convenient way to point a finger, not a root
If you stop asking why too soon, you may
only be putting a band-aid on the problem.
The deeper you go, the more you will get to
underlying fundamental systemic problems.
Examples of Why-Why
Business and industry
Plan – Do – Study – Act
A concept for continuous improvement
Also called PDCA
– Plan – Do – Check –Act
Also known as the Deming Cycle or the
Shewhart Cycle
First discussed by Dr. Walter Shewhart in
 Plan
– Define and assess the current system.
– Analyze Causes.
 Do
– Try out improvements.
 Study
– Collect data to determine the impact.
 Act
– Standardize the actions.
– Plan for further improvement.
When to Use PDSA
When starting a new improvement project
When planning data collection and analysis
in order to assess and improve current
When implementing a solution
When reviewing your improvement
process to see what you have learned.
How to Use PDSA
 Plan – Identify what change you think will result in
improvement and how you will test the change.
Do – Put the plan in practice and collect the data.
Study – Review and reflect on the data and ask,
“What else can be done differently?”
Act – Decide to standardize what you have done or
make further changes.
 Continue the cycle again and again.
Using the Information
Involve others to:
Help identify problems.
Identify solutions.
Collect data.
Determine ways to further improve.
Standardize the improvements.
Examples of PDSA
Industry and Business
Plus Delta
 A critique method
 A way of letting everyone consider what went
well and what could be changed.
 Plus – what went well with the activity that was
just completed.
 Delta – what would you like to see changed on
done differently next time.
 This is not a good vs. bad evaluation.
 A way to reinforce what went well
 A way to identify opportunities for improvement
When to Use Plus Delta
Plus Delta can be used anytime feedback is
At the end of the day or week
At the end of a lesson or unit
At the end of a project or report
After an event is complete
How to Use the Plus Delta
 First, clearly state the objective of the plus delta.
 Ask each person to consider the activity or event and
think about what worked well and what did not.
 Go around the room, giving each person a chance to
state one issue that went well.
 It is okay to pass.
 Write the issues on a chart in front of the room for all
to see.
 If an item is mentioned more than once, just put a
check mark next to it.
 Repeat for things that should be changed/delta.
Using the Information
Just collecting the information helps get
things into the open and people thinking
about them.
Positive Reinforcement tool
Evaluate the deltas to determine
– Is this an issue with just one person or does it
affect several people?
– Is there something that can be changed?
– Make the changes .
Examples of Plus Delta
Industry and Business