BIO 204 Course Review for Final Exam



This material will make up 50% of your final exam. The other 50% will be from new material.

Chapter 18 - Endocrine

Know the site of release trigger, inhibitor, and action for each of the following:



T4, Calcitonin, PTH

Insulin, Glucagon

Cortisol, Aldosterone

Epinephrine & Norepinephrine

Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone

EPO, Gastrin, CCK, Secretin, ANF

Chapter 19 - Blood

What are the functions of blood?

Components of blood: what percent formed elements & what percent plasma?

What are the formed elements? What is the general function of each?

Plasma contains? Is mostly? What are some examples & functions of plasma proteins? which organ synthesizes plasma proteins?

What is hematocrit? What is a normal range? What factors increase and decrease it?

What hormone controls it? What stimulates its release?

What is the normal pH range of blood? what is normal blood volume?


What are the dietary requirements for red blood cell production?

How long do RBCs live? What organs break them down? What happens to bilirubin?


Functions of granulocytes and agranulocytes: which is most numerous? Which is least numerous? Which is largest?


Functions? hemostastis: what are the three steps? What is a procoagulant? Know some examples. What is an anticoagulant? Know some examples? What are some factors that increase clotting risk?

Clinical Information: definition & causes of: anemias (all types), leukemia, thrombocytopenia, thrombus, embolism, polycythemia

Know A, B, and O blood types and which can receive from which

Rh blood group potential dangerous situation

Chapter 20: Heart

Located in mediastinum, apex and base

Location of membranes (pericardium), visceral pericardium (epicardium) parietal pericardium, pericardial cavity, pericardial fluid

Four chambers: names/location and bloodflow through heart

Chamber walls consist of three layers - know the layers and their functions

Heart valves - know location and structure of the AV and semilunar valves and which chambers they prevent backflow into

Coronary arteries – know part of the heart they supply

Contraction - what is importance of Ca++

Compare/contrast cardiac and skeletal muscle

Conduction system of the heart and how it corresponds to EKG

Cardiac output - HR X SV

Factors affecting SV - Frank Starling law, what is most important factor controlling SV? What factors affect venous return and EDV? what factors change HR? (chemical, hormonal, temperature)

Regulation of HR: ANS - sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers release which neurotransmiter? How do they effect HR?

What is vagus tone?

Where are baroreceptors found and what is their function?

Clinical Information: Definitions: tachycardia, bradycardia, MI, angina pectoris

What factors increase risk of CAD? What is CHF?

What meds are often used in the tx of heart disease? Why? (what does each type do?)

Chapter 21: Blood Vessels

What are the three tunics and which is found in all blood vessels?

Blood flow through systemic circuit.

Pulmonary artery vs. pulmonary veins: type of blood, location, function differences b/w systemic and pulmonic circuit

Structure and function of: arteries, arterioles, capillaries & sinusoids, venules, veins

Elastic vs. muscular arteries – which causes arterial pulse?

Compare and contrast arteries and veins

Physiology of circulation - Definitions & factors affecting: blood flow (Q),blood pressure & peripheral resistance

What factors affect resistance? Which is most important?

What is MAP? Why is it important?

What factors aid venous return?

Regulation of blood pressure: nervous system controls - how do these affect BP vasomotor center – baroreceptors/chemoreceptors: what stimuli do they respond type of stimuli would result in an increased BP? to? What

How do higher brain centers regulate BP?

Which hormones affect BP? How do they regulate it?

Renal regulation: what effect does renin have? What reaction does it catalyze?

Capillary dynamics definitions of HP and OP – factors that affect each.

If HP>OP what happens? If OP>HP what happens?

What happens to extra fluid lost at capillaries?

Chapter 22: Immune functions of lymphatic system: components of lymph: what is not found in lymph? lymph transport: which direction? how does lymph circulate? compare/contrast lymphatic vessels with systemic vessels (capillaries/veins) lymph nodes: location, function, functions of spleen, thymus gland, tonsils, & peyers patches specific vs. nonspecific defenses how are they different? know the 7 types of nonspecific defenses and the function of each.

What are the 4 signs of inflammation? what specifically causes each? differences and examples of innate vs. acquired active/passive immunity and examples of each types of immunoglobulins – which largest? which released first? which more numerous? where are lymphocytes made? definitions of humoral and cellular immunity? Which lymphocytes are associated with which?

what is an antigen? where are T lymphocytes trained? Where are B lymphocytes trained? functions of helper T cells and killer T cells what do B cells do? specifically does stress effect the immune system? what is the timeframe for the primary vs. secondary immune response? what is active immunity? What are examples of active naturally acquired and active artificially acquired? how do cytotoxic T cells fight infections? What are some chemicals they release? what do helper T cells do? Why are they so critical to the immune system? what are some which cells are the first responders to an infection? Which are the last to respond? What is an antibody titer? Why might it be used clinically? what are some causes of autoimmune disorders? What are some examples? what are allergies? Why do they happen? What type of treatment is used? Why? what is anaphylaxis? Why is it so serious? How is it treated?

Chapter 23: Respiratory

Flow of air to alveoli – pathway – function of conduction zone

Lungs: definitions of pleura, location of lungs, #lobes

Characteristics of respiratory lining & cells: functions of pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelial tissue, dust cells, type I cells, type II cells

What is the respiratory membrane? Why is it important? How does it affect diffusion?

Mechanisms of breathing - pressure relationships and why are they important atmospheric pressure, intrapulmonary pressure, intrapleural pressure what changes them for breating? How does inspiration occur? What 2 things are necessary for exhalation?

Respiratory Volumes – Definitions of: TV, RV, VC, FRC

External respiration - why are the following factors important for respiration? PP gradients, thickness of resp. membrane, surface area?

How is O2 loaded? How is it transported? How is CO2 unloaded?

Internal respiration – definition? association/dissociation of O2 and Hb – what is Hb saturation of arterial blood? and venous blood?

What are the effects O2 unloading with, temp, pH (Bohr effect), 2,3, DPG changes?

Three ways of CO2 transport? Majority transported as?

Control of respiration: Medullary center contains/controls what?

Pons contains/controls what?

Factors influencing RR: How do the following affect RR? irritant reflexes, Hering-Breuer reflex, higher brain center & chemicals: PO2, PCO2, pH which is most important stimulus for breathing and why?

Chapter 24: Digestive

Accessory and alimentary organs and mechanical vs. chemical digestion

Characteristics of GI tract: four tunics and functions of each

Characteristics and functions of: mouth, tongue, teeth, salivary glands

Components and functions of saliva

Functions of: pharynx & esophagus

Gross anatomy of stomach

What do gastric glands produce and what do they do?

What type of digestion occurs in the stomach?

Motility/emptying of stomach what is it and what causes it?

Small intestine: divisions of the small intestine? adaptations of mucosa/submucosa?

type of digestion/absorption occurring here? motility?

Liver and gall bladder functions: know all functions of the liver

characteristics of liver: hepatocytes: functions composition of bile and what does it do?

CCK - what is it and why is it important?

Pancreas: characteristics of pancreas and its juice which two hormones control pancreatic juice?

Large intestine: gross/micro anatomy, 3 functions and motility importance of bacterial flora

Chapter 25 Metabolism

How much in diet and functions of each: CHO, fat, protein

Characteristics and why imporatant: minerals, vitamins, water, fat

Metabolism: Definitions of anabolic vs. catabolic

CHO metabolism: know the 3 stages and end products of each

Definitions of: glycogenesis - glycogenolysis - glyconeogenesis

Lipid metabolism: glycerol and FA metabolism - how are they metabolized (betaoxidation, etc) what is ketoacidosis? Why does it happen? How are ketones excreted?

Definitions of: lipogenesis, lipolysis, ketones

Protein metabolism: oxidation of AA where occurs, by products and what happens to them?

Absorptive vs. postabsorptive state

Absorptive principle hormone? Main activities?

Postabsorptive - how does body get glucose and why does it need it? effects of: insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, GH, Cortisol

Role of liver in metabolism: functions

Cholesterol: types and functions, factors affecting it which is the good cholesterol? Which is the bad?

What factors affect appetite? (hormonal, neurotransmitters, blood nutrient levels)

Body temperature regulation: core vs. shell temp

Heat promoting center: what does it do?

Heat loss center: what does it do?
