Stereochemistry 1 Handedness Some things have a “handedness,” that is look at your right and left hand. They look alike, but are not the same. They are mirror images. 2 Nobel Prize - 2001 Their research deals with the fact that many molecules appear in two forms that are mirror images of each other, just like the left and right hands. 3 Chirality The mirror image of a chiral object is different and will not superimpose on the original object. Objects which are chiral have a sense of “handedness” and exist in two forms. 4 Mirror Image 5 mirror Cl Cl H H Are these two structures identical? 6 Stereoisomers Cl Cl H H 7 Stereoisomers 8 Stereoisomers 9 Stereoisomers 10 Stereoisomers 11 Stereoisomers 12 Stereoisomers enantiomers Stereoisomers that are nonidentical mirror images are called enantiomers. 13 Visualize, visualize …. F H Br Cl C C Cl H H Br Br Br C C H Cl H Br F F C C H Br 14 Visualize, visualize … F H Br Cl C C Cl H H Br Br Cl H Br F C C H Br Cl Br H F Br H Br H F 15 Visualize, visualize … CH3 CH3 C C Br F H F Br H enantiomer ODD: 1..3..5…etc interchanges = enantiomer EVEN: 2..4..6...etc interchanges = original compound 16 Are these identical or are they enantiomers? Br 1 Br CH3 H C C F CH3 Br C C F H CH3 CH3 H F 2 H ENANTIOMER YOU CAN USE INTERCHANGES Br F H H C C CH3 SAME F Br 3 CH3 Br F ENANTIOMER17 Isomers Isomers: different compounds with the same molecular formula Constitutional isomers: isomers with a different connectivity Stereoisomers: isomers with the same molecular formula, the same connectivity but a different orientation of their atoms in space that cannot be interconverted by rotation about a single bond 18 Chirality Mirror image: the reflection of an object in a mirror Objects that are not superposable on their mirror images are said to be chiral, that is, they show handedness Objects that are superposable on their mirror images are said to be achiral, that is, they do not show handedness. An achiral object has at least one element of symmetry 19 Chirality A molecule cannot be chiral if it has a plane of symmetry. 20 Chirality A plane of symmetry is a plane that cuts through an object in such a way that one half of the object is an exact mirror image of the other half. A molecule that has a plane of symmetry must be identical to its mirror image and therefore must be nonchiral, or achiral. 21 Stereogenic Carbons Cl H This is one type of …. stereocenter …. others are possible F Br A stereogenic carbon is tetrahedral and has four different groups attached. 22 Elements of Symmetry Plane of symmetry: an imaginary plane passing through an object dividing it such that one half is the mirror image of the other half F F Cl Cl Br Cl Br Cl 23 Elements of Symmetry Center of symmetry: a point so situated that identical components of the object are located equidistant on opposite sides and equidistant from the point along any axis passing through the point Br H Cl Cl H Br center of symmetry 24 Achiral F Br The plane of the paper is a plane of symmetry Cl Cl Cl Cl F Br Two identical groups renders a tetrahedral carbon achiral. 25 Two Views of the Plane of Symmetry F plane of symmetry F Br Cl Cl Cl Br Cl side view edge view 26 Symmetry Plane Symmetry plane No symmetry plane COOH H C H CH3 H C OH COOH COOH achiral chiral 27 CONSTITUTIONAL ISOMERS ISOMERS Different compounds with the same molecular formula each isomer could have stereoisomers STEREOISOMERS Isomers with the same order of attachment, but a different configuration (3D arrangement) of groups on one or more of the atoms double bond or ring cis/trans ISOMERS (geometric) with a ring both can apply Isomers with a different order of attachment of the atoms in their molecules ENANTIOMERS Stereoisomers whose molecules are nonsuperimposible mirror images of each other DIASTEREOMERS Stereoisomers whose molecules are not mirror images of each other TYPES OF ISOMERISM 28 Enantiomers Enantiomers: stereoisomers that are nonsuperposable mirror images; refers to the relationship between pairs of objects 29 Enantiomers Cl H F Br F Br rotate H Cl this molecule is chiral H do interchanges in class Cl Br F note that the fluorine and bromine have been interchanged in the enantiomer 30 Enantiomers Lactic acid HO HO O O OH C C C C H CH3 H H3 C OH 31 Enantiomers OH CH3 CHCH2 OH 1,2-propanediol OH H3 C C H OH CH2 OH HOH2 C C CH3 H 32 Enantiomers Cl 3-Chlorocyclohexene Cl H Cl H 33 Br CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2 C CH2CH2CH2CH3 H 34 HO H CH3 H CH3 CH3 35 O CH3 O carvone spearment oil nootkatone grapefruit oil 36 Carvone CH3 O H 3C C (R)-carvone caraway and dill seed oils H CH2 CH2 H 3C C H (S)-carvone spearmint oil O CH3 37 Limonene CH3 (R)-limonene odor of oranges H 3C C H CH 2 CH 2 H 3C C H (S)-limonene odor of lemons CH3 38 Chiral Drugs Most pharmaceutical drugs are chiral thalidomide O O H N H O O N H N O O N H O O 39 Optically Active Refers to molecules that interact with plane-polarized light Jean Baptiste Biot French Physicist - 1815 He discovered that some natural substances (glucose, nicotine, sucrose) rotate the plane of plane-polarized light and that others did not. 40 Optical Activity angle of rotation, a a incident polarized light sample cell (usually quartz) transmitted light (rotated) a solution of the substance to be examined is placed inside the cell 41 Plane Polarized Light Ordinary light: consists of waves vibrating in all planes perpendicular to its direction of propagation Plane polarized light: consists of waves vibrating only in one plane Plane polarized light is an equal mixture of left and right-circularly polarized light. These two forms are nonsuperposable mirror images and, therefore, enantiomers. 42 Plane-Polarized Light Beam l wavelength SIDE VIEW . END VIEW polarized beam frequency ( n ) n = c l NOT PLANE-POLARIZED Sine waves are not aligned in the same plane. c = speed of light unpolarized beam 43 Plane Polarized Light Because of its handedness, circularly polarized light reacts one way with a stereocenter with R-handedness, and differently with its enantiomer The net effect of the interaction of plane polarized light with a chiral compound is that the plane of polarization is rotated Polarimeter: a device for measuring the extent of rotation of plane polarized light 44 Optical Activity optical activity - ability of certain molecules to rotate plane polarized light detected using a polarimeter 45 Polarimeter 46 Polarimeter a Na vapor lamp sample cell polarizer analyzer l (dam) 47 Optical Activity Observed rotation: the number of degrees, a, through which a compound rotates the plane of polarized light Dextrorotatory (+): rotation of the plane of polarized light to the right Levorotatory (-): rotation of the plane of polarized light to the left 48 Optical Activity Specific rotation: Observed rotation of the plane of polarized light when a sample is placed in a tube 1.0 dam in length and at a concentration of 1g/mL. a T D a a cl = observed rotation c = concentration ( g/mL ) l = length of cell ( dm ) D = yellow light from sodium lamp T = temperature ( Celsius ) 49 Optical Activity For a pair of enantiomers, the value of the specific rotation of each is the same, but opposite in sign OH HO C H CH3 CH2 C CH3 (S)-(+)-2-Butanol 25 [ a] D +13.52 H3 C H CH2 CH3 (R)-(-)-2-Butanol 25 [ a] D -13.52 50 Discovery of Enantiomers Louis Pasteur Recrystallized tartaric acid Two different kinds of crystals that were mirror images. Each type of crystal rotated light in opposite directions. 51 Discovery of Enantiomers “There is no doubt that in dextro tartaric acid there exists an assymetric arrangement having a nonsuperimposible image.” - COO Na + H C OH HO C H - COO Na + 52 OH OH HOOC meso COOH H HAcid Tartaric OH OH HOOC H OH OH H COOH (+)-tartaric acid H HOOC enantiomers OH OH HOOC H H meso COOH meso -tartaric acid OH OH H COOH (-)-tartaric acid ALSO FOUND (as a minor component) [a]D = 0 more about this compound later OH OH 53 R,S Convention Priority rules (Cahn, Ingold, Prelog) 1 H Each atom bonded to the stereocenter is assigned a priority, based on atomic number. The higher the atomic number, the higher the priority 6 CH3 7 NH2 8 16 17 35 53 OH SH Cl Br I Increasing Priority 54 R,S Convention If priority cannot be assigned on the basis of the atoms bonded to the stereocenter, look to the next set of atoms. Priority is assigned at the first point of difference. 1 CH2 H 6 CH2 CH3 7 CH2 NH2 8 CH2 OH Increasing Priority 55 R,S Convention Atoms participating in a double or triple bond are considered to be bonded to an equivalent number of similar atoms by single bonds H H C O C O O C 56 Naming Enantiomers 1. 2. 3. Locate the stereocenter Assign a priority to each substituent from 1 (highest) to 4 (lowest) Orient the molecule so that the group of lowest priority (4) is directed away from you 57 Naming Enantiomers 4. 5. Read the three groups projecting toward you in order from highest (1) to lowest priority (3) If reading is clockwise, configuration is R (from the Latin rectus). If it is counterclockwise, configuration is S (from the Latin sinister). 58 R, S Convention clockwise 1 2 2 1 C C 4 view with substituent of lowest priority in back counter clockwise 4 3 R 3 (rectus) S (sinister) 59 Bromochlorofluoroiodomethane 1 1 I 4 I 4 C F Cl Br 2 C F 3 Cl Br 3 2 R S Enantiomers 60 Priorities 1. 2. 3. 4. -OH -COOH -CH3 -H HO H C COOH CH3 (R)-(-)-lactic acid HOOC H C OH CH3 (S)-(+)-lactic acid 61 You try it! 1. 2. 3. 4. Br COOH CH3 H H H3C CH3 Br COOH COOH H Br 62 Diastereoisomer Enantiomers: opposite configurations at all stereogenic centers. Diastereomers: Stereoisomers that are not mirror images of each other. Different configuration at some locations. 63 Diastereoisomer Stereoisomers that are not mirror images of each other. Different configuration at some locations. COOH NH2 H C H C OH CH3 COOH H 2N C H H C OH CH3 64 Two Stereocenters Cl Br H3C H H Br Cl CH3 H3C H H CH3 entaiomers Cl Br H3C H Br Cl H CH3 H H3C H CH3 d i a s t e r o m e r s entaiomers 65 Diastereomers Threonine: 2 pairs of enantiomers COOH NH2 H C H 2R,3R 2S,3S 2R,3S 2S,3R 2S,3S 2R,3R 2S,3R 2R,3S 2R,3S & 2S,3R 2R,3S & 2S,3R 2R,3R & 2S,3S 2R,3R & 2S,3S C OH CH 3 2R, 3R COOH H C NH2 C COOH H H 2N C C HO H H 3C 2S, 3S COOH H 2N C H C HO H H 3C H OH CH3 2R, 3S 2S, 3R 66 Enantiomers & Diastereomers For a molecule with 1 stereocenter, 2 stereoisomers are possible For a molecule with 2 stereocenters, a maximum of 4 stereoisomers are possible For a molecule with n stereocenters, a maximum of 2n stereoisomers are possible 2n-1 pairs of enantiomers 67 Enantiomers & Diastereomers For tartaric acid, the three possible stereoisomers are one meso compound and a pair of enantiomers. Meso compound: an achiral compound possessing two or more stereocenters. 68 Symmetry Plane 2R, 3S and 2S, 3R are identical Molecule has a plane of symmetry perpendicular to C-C and is therefore achira COOH H C OH COOH H HO C C HO H COOH 2R, 3R COOH H C OH H H 2R, 3S OH COOH 2S, 3S COOH H HO C C OH COOH C HO C H COOH 2S, 3R 69 Symmetry Plane 2R, 3S and 2S, 3R are identical Molecule has a plane of symmetry perpendicular to C-C and is therefore achira One meso compound and a pair of enantiomers COOH H C OH COOH H HO C C HO H COOH 2R, 3R COOH H C OH H C OH COOH 2R, 3S H C OH COOH 2S, 3S COOH Mirror H HO C is image C identical HO H COOH 2S, 3R 70 CH3CHCHCH3 Cl Br 2-Bromo-3-chlorobutane mirror Cl Br S CH3 H R H S CH3 CH3 H R H CH3 enantiomers 1 diastereomers CH3 Br Cl Cl Br Br Cl S S H H CH3 R H CH3 R H CH3 enantiomers 2 71 CH3CHCHCH3 Cl Cl 2,3-Dichlorobutane Cl Cl S CH3 H Cl Cl R H diastereomers CH3 mirror image CH3 is identical CH3 meso H Cl Cl CH3 H Cl Cl S S H H CH3 R H CH3 R H CH3 enantiomers 72 Meso Meso compounds are achiral by virtue of a symmetry plane, but contain a stereogenic center. plane of symmmetry mirror Cl Cl H3C H H Cl Cl CH3 H3C H H CH3 73 Racemic Mixture Racemic mixture (d,l;): an equimolar mixture (50:50) of two enantiomers because a racemic mixture contains equal numbers of dextrorotatory and levorotatory molecules, its specific activity is zero. 74 Properties of Stereoisomers Enantiomers have identical physical (except for a) and chemical properties. Diastereomers are different compounds and have different physical and chemical properties Meso-tartaric acid, for example, has different physical and chemical properties from its enantiomers 75 Tartaric Acid (-) - tartaric acid [a]D = -12.0o mp 168 - 170o solubility of 1 g 0.75 mL H2O 1.7 mL methanol 250 mL ether insoluble CHCl3 d = 1.758 g/mL (+) - tartaric acid [a]D = +12.0o mp 168 - 170o solubility of 1 g 0.75 mL H2O 1.7 mL methanol 250 mL ether insoluble CHCl3 d = 1.758 g/mL meso - tartaric acid [a ] D = 0o mp 140o d = 1.666 g/mL solubility of 1 g 0.94 mL H2O insoluble CHCl3 76 CH 3 H Fischer Projections OH CH 2 CH 3 Fischer projection: a two-dimensional representation showing the configuration of a stereocenter horizontal lines represent bonds projecting forward vertical lines represent bonds projecting to the rear the only atom in the plane of the paper is the stereocenter 77 Fischer Projections COOH COOH OH H C H CH3 OH CH3 How? (R)-lactic acid 78 Fischer Projections COOH C H H OH CH3 COOH OH CH3 79 Fischer Projections COOH COOH OH OH H H CH3 CH3 80 Fischer Projections 1. 2. Orient the stereocenter so that bonds projecting away from you are vertical and bonds projecting toward you are horizontal Flatten it to two dimensions OH H CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 (1) C (S)-2-Butanol (3-D formula) H C CH 3 OH (2) H OH CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 (S)-2-Butanol (Fis cher projection) 81 Assigning R,S Configuration Lowest priority group goes to the top. View rest of projection. A curved arrow from highest to lowest priority groups. Clockwise - R (rectus) Counterclockwise - S (sinister) 82 Assigning R,S Configuration 4 H 2 3 H 3C COOH OH 1 s-lactic acid 83 Rules of Motion Can rotate 180°, but not 90° because 90° disobeys the Fischer projection. COOH H OH CH3 Same groups go in and out of plane COOH =H OH CH3 CH3 180 HO H COOH = CH3 HO H COOH 84 Rules of Motion Can rotate 180°, but not 90° because 90° disobeys the Fischer projection. COOH H OH CH3 Different groups go in and out of plane This generates an enantiomeric structure COOH =H OH CH3 (R)-lactic acid H H 90 H 3C COOH = H 3C OH COOH OH (S)-lactic acid 85 Rules of Motion One group can be held steady and the others rotated. COOH H OH CH3 COOH same as HO CH3 H 86 Rules of Motion To determine if two Fischer projections represent the same enantiomer carry out allowed motions. C 2H5 H H 3C C2H5 OH A HO H CH3 B OH H CH3 C2H5 C 87 C 2H5 H H 3C C2H5 HO CH3 OH Rules of Motion H CH3 B A H CH3 C2H5 C B By performing two allowed movements on B, we are able to generate projection A. Therefore, they are identical. CH2CH3 HO H OH CH3 HO H H CH2CH3 CH3 CH3CH2 CH3 CH2CH3 HO A 88 C 2H5 H H 3C C2H5 HO H C2H5 C B H CH2CH3 CH3 CH2CH3 C CH3 Perform one of the two allowed motions to place the group with lowest priority at the top of the Fischer projection. OH H A H CH3 OH Rules of Motion OH 180 H H3C OH OH 90 CH3 CH2CH OH not A 89 Priorities 1. 2. 3. 4. NH2 COOH CH3 H HOOC CH3 H 2N H HOOC CH3 NH2 CH3 HOOC H NH2 HOOC CH3 H HOOC H NH2 CH3 H 2N H CH3 S - stereochemistry 90 Stereochemistry of Reactions Br CH3CH2CH CH2 achiral H Br ether CH3CH2CHCH3 chiral 91 Addition of HBr H H Br CH3CH2CH CH2 C ether - Br CH3 Br C H CH3CH2 CH3CH2 CH3CH2 CH H 3 C CH3 - Br CH3CH2 CH3 H C Br 92 Addition of Br2 Cis a H H C C CH3 CH3 Br2 b Br H C C CH3 CH3 b a Br H Racemic mixture Achiral bromonium ion Br H H a C C CH3 Br CH3 b CH3 Br CH3 C C H Br H 93 Addition of Br2 Trans a H CH3 C C CH3 Br2 H b H Br CH3 C C CH3 H a Br- b a H Br C H3C Br b H C H3C Br C CH3 H BrCH 3 C H Symmetry plane, therefore meso Models are superimposible 94 Addition of Br2 H H3C Br C C CH3 Br H BrCH 3 H C C H H3C Br Br Br CH3 H3C C C H H 95 Addition of HBr to a Chiral Alkene CH3 H HBr CH3 H H - Br C CH3 CH3 H Br H CH3 H H Br CH3 CH3 2S,4R 2R,4R 96 Addition of HBr to a Chiral Alkene Chiral intermediate is not attacked equally from top and bottom because of steric reasons. Therefore, a mixture of product is formed in unequal amounts. 97 Chirality in Substituted Cyclohexanes Symmetry plane No stereogenic centers 1,4-disubstituted Only cis & trans diastereomers CH3 CH3 98 1,3-disubstituted Cis Symmetry plane Meso compound CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 99 1,3-disubstituted Trans No symmetry plane Therefore enantiomers CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 100 1,2-disubstituted Trans Enantiomers CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 101 1,2-disubstituted Cis Meso CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 102 1-Bromo-2-chlorocyclohexane Br Cl Cl Br cis Br trans enantiomers diastereomers Br Cl Cl enantiomers 103 1-Bromo-2-chlorocyclopropane Br R S Cl Cl R S Br cis diastereomers Br R enantiomers R S S Br trans Cl Cl enantiomers 104 1,2-Dibromocyclopropane mirror image identical Br Br Br Br cis diastereomers meso Br Br trans Br Br enantiomers 105 (S)-ibuprofen H COOH C CH3 106