Politcs of meiji restoration

 3 January 1868: Iwakura Tomomi, a court noble with ties
to both Tozama daimyo; Choshu and Satsuma, is granted
an imperial rescript declaring the abolition of the
shogunate and imperial restoration is declared
 Yoshinobu, the Shogun flees to Shizuoka
New Emperor
 15 year-old emperor Mutsuhiro was “restored” to the
throne. He took the reign title of Meiji(Enlightened rule)
 However, most power was not transferred to him but to
the hands of the tozama that had lead the movement
which brought about the demise of the shogunate (Choshu
and Satsuma)
 There were 100 of these so-called advisors or regents that
governed the nation on the emperor’s behalf
 The Meiji emperor’s reign oversaw an abundance of
dramatic changes in Japan as many Western ideas were
Charter Oath
 April 1868 the emperor issued 5 article oath:
“1- Deliberative assemblies shall be widely established and all matters
decided by public discussion
2- All classes, high and low, shall unite in vigorously carrying out the
administration of affairs of state
3- The common people, no less than the civil and military officials,
shall each be allowed to pursue his own calling so that there may be
4- Evil customs of the past shall be broken off and everything based
upon the laws of nature
5- Knowledge shall be sought throughout the world so as to
strengthen the foundations of imperial rule”
Charter Oath
 Final point of oath is noteworthy
- There was a stark controst between this point and the
shogunate’s isolationist policy and sakoku jidai
(isolationist period)
 Evidence of willingness to embrace western thinking
for the benefit of Japan’s military and economic
New Government
 1868 The Deliberative Assembly (Daijokan) is established
 Two bodies constituted the Deliberative Assembly:
Council of State (Upper house) and Assembly (Lower
 In reality the majority of power was yielded by the Council
of State, dominated by the powerful former tozama daimyo
clans of Satsuma, Choshu, Hizen and Tosa
 The council members maintained a low-profile. Yet, they
were an oligarchy which ruled Japan and oversaw its
governing and administrative proceedings
End of Feudalism
 The Tokugawa shogunate was characterised the highly centralised
version of feudalism it had adopted.
 Dismantling feudalism in Japan was one of the aims of the ruling
oligarchy. Hence, the demise of the shogunate and resulting Meiji
restoration coincided with the end of feudalism and the bafuku system
in which daimyo’s ruled over their own domains
1868Imperial officials were appointed to every feudal region. This
was to emphasise to the daimyo the growing influence of the central
Daimyo Reactions to the end of
 Western Daimyo clans willingly surrendered their powers to
central government. The rest were forced to.
 They were granted compensation in the form of substantial
pensions and all debts were paid.
 They were permitted to act as governors of their previously held
domains+ they were granted titles in new nobility.
 Subsequently, most daimyo were satisfied. They enjoyed
prosperity and prestige.
 Their fortunes had changed dramatically from the later stages of
the Tokugawa shogunate, when merchants began their ascent in
society at the expense of the daimyo.
Samurai Reactions to
abandonment of Feudalism
 Peace time during the Tokugawa shoguante had
facilitated the demise of the samurai. Many were
forced to give up their positions as warriors and take
up teaching.
 The Meiji restoration and its forfeit of the feudal
system simply exacerbated their plight.
 They were given pensions not even sufficient for
subsistence. Consequently, many sought other sources
of income.
 This fueled discontent among the samurai
Samurai Reactions to
abandonment of Feudalism
 1876 Pensions proved burden for government. They
were replaced by single lump sum.
 Many samurai were incensed by this decision and
joined the private army led by Saigo Takamori
 This anger manifested itself in an open rebellion in
Ministry of Education
 Meiji placed an emphasis on education as they recognised
it could serve as a medium for progress
 1871- Ministry of education established
 By 1906, 95% if Japanese children were gaining a primary
 There was a large Western presence in education. Western
subjects were taught: English, Maths, Science and there
were many foreign teachers
 All students were indoctrinated in unwavering devtion to
the Emperor
Legal Reforms
 The government felt humiliated by the concessions made
by the Tokugawa shogunate, notbaly extra-territoriality
which implied Japanese law was less civilised than Western
 1871 A Judicial department was established
 By 1889- Civil+Criminal law revised and codified
 1899- Extra-territorial rights dropped allowing foreigners
to be subject to be Japanese law
 Implying that the stature of the Japanese in terms of
civilisation had risen in Western Eyes.
Factionalism within the Oligarchy
 There were underlying tensions and divisions between the
Military Beareaucrats who wanted to strengthen Japan through
foreign wars and Civil Bureaucrats who wanted peace and
 1871 Loochoo Islands incident. Japan demanded
compensation. China refused military party wanted to declare
war. Peace party resisted demands for war.
 Saigo Takomori (Satsuma)= Leader of Military Bureaucrats
wanted to carry out invasion of Korea. Majority peace party
objected as it could lead to complications with Russia.
 Peace party believed that Japan should first strengthen its
economic position before embarking on such military ventures
Saigo Takamori
 Saigo Takamori and his supporters withdrew from the
government and became highly critical of the
government’s policy of conscription
 His opposition was often violent
 This discontent came to a climax in the form of a
rebellion in 1877
Itagaki Taisuke
 Another critic of the government. Prominent in
demanding the establish of representative government
(pushing towards a form of democracy)
 He was clearly influenced by liberal Western thinking.
This concept was alien to the Japanese
Politcal Parties
 The government was being inundated by demands for a
form of representational government
 Japan’s first politcal party the Jiyuto(Liberal Party)
 Then in 1881 the Kashinto (progressive party) was formed
by Okuma Shigenobu of the Hizen clan after he was forced
out of government by politcal opponents
 The two parties did not cooperate, making it exceptionally
easy for the government to keep a tight lid on their
activities and monitor them
 1881- Emperor announced that a constitution was to be
drawn up
 1889- The Emperor handed the constitution to the
PM, count Kuroda. It was emphasised that the
document was not a concession given after the
emperor had caved in to demands, but that it was a gift
to the people.
 Ito Hirobumi became Japan’s first prime-minister
Terms of the Constitution
 It stressed the Emperor was head of state.
 The cabinet were the Emperor’s subordinates, not the
 the diet was made up of two houses: House of Peers (life
appointments given by Emperor)and the House of
Representatives (elected every 4 years)
 However, only 5% had the right to vote, making it a rather
fraud representative government