Meiji Restoration

Meiji Restoration
Mr. Millhouse
AP World History
Spring 2006
Internal Problems
By early 19th century, Japanese society
was in turmoil
– Declining agricultural productivity
– Periodic crop failures, famine, and starvation
– Harsh taxes on peasants
– Samurai and daimyo are in debt to merchants
– West arrives demanding trade with Japan
Challenge of the West
Arrival of Matthew
Perry (1853)
– Unequal Treaties
Similar to the treaties
signed by the Qing
– Perry’s “Black Ships”
steam into Tokyo Bay
– Force the Japanese to
establish trade and
diplomatic relations
with the U.S.
Japanese depiction of Admiral
Matthew Perry
Internal Conflict
Shogunate’s deals with West viewed as
– Popular slogan: “Revere the emperor, expel
the barbarians”
Demands for reform include lowering of
rice prices and expulsion of foreign
Two minor wars between supporters of
emperor and supporters of the shogun
– January 3, 1868, the last shogun abdicated
and the shogunate was destroyed
Modernization: Meiji Restoration
Abolish feudal order
– Administrative districts replace feudal domains
– Daimyo removed from power
– Samurai class is abolished
Constitutional government
– Constitution of 1889 based on German model
Establishes constitutional monarchy with legislature
– Emperor commanded armed forces, named
prime minister, and appoint the cabinet
Left: Structure of Meiji
Governement; Above:
Mutsuhito, the Meiji
Modernization: Meiji Restoration
Constitutional government (con’d)
– Recognized individual rights
Could limit rights in the interest of the state
– Suffrage limited
Only 5% of population could vote in 1890 election
Japanese industrialization
– Modernize transportation, communication,
and education
– Sold government businesses to private
Modernization: Meiji Restoration
Japanese industrialization (con’d)
– Creation of zaibatsu
Combination of state initiative and private
Consolidates economic power into the hands of a
few powerful families
Many companies started by men of samurai origins
Social Developments
No reforms to ease burdens on rural
Massive population growth
– Strained resources and kept labor costs low
Role of women
– Maintain inferiority of women in the home
– High-school education for women (1899)
– Silk industry relied upon women working in
Japanese Imperialism
Sino-Japanese War
– Japan gains influence
over Korea
Russo-Japanese War
– Japan’s navy leads to
victory over Russia
Japan annexes Korea
in 1910