Parent Referral Primary Talent Pool Shelby County Public Schools | P. O. Box 159 | 1155 West Main Street | Shelbyville, KY 40066-0159 Phone: 502-633-2375 | Fax: 502-633-1988 November 10, 2014 Dear Parent, You indicated your interest in referring your child to the Primary Talent Pool. At this time, we would like for you to review the attached descriptions of the gifted areas and consider whether you think your child could be 'potentially gifted' in one or more of these areas. It is very important you indicate which area(s) reflect your child's strengths. Please fill out the attached documents to help us in our consideration of your child. You may wish to send work samples, art samples, anecdotal stories, tapes, etc that you think would be helpful. If you do send these samples, be sure to send copies rather than the originals since these materials will not be returned to you. Be sure to return these forms to your child's teacher by December 1, 2014. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of your child's potential abilities. If you have any questions, please contact your child's school. Sincerely, School Based Gifted Review Committee Shelby County Public Schools | P. O. Box 159 | 1155 West Main Street | Shelbyville, KY 40066-0159 Phone: 502-633-2375 | Fax: 502-633-1988 Shelby County Public Schools Parent Referral Form for Primary Talent Pool Student's Name: Date of Birth: Parent's Name: Daytime Phone: Present School: School for next year: Present Teacher's Name: Grade for next year- please circle one: 1 2 3 You may refer your child in any of the areas listed below, please mark your area(s) of referral with a checkmark (J) GENERAL INTELLECTUAL ABILITY SPECIFIC ACADEMIC APTITUDE __Language Arts ___Math CREATIVE THINKING ABILITY LEADERSHIP ABILITY (Must attach one or more letters from someone other than a family member describing your child's Leadership Ability) VISUAL ARTS ABILITY (DRAWING/PAINTING/SCULPTURE) PERFORMING ARTS ABILITY ___Music What Instrument? _Vocal Music _Dance _Drama PLEASE RETURN ALL REQUIRED INFORMATIONTO YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL BY THE DEADLINE. Shelby County Public Schools | P. O. Box 159 | 1155 West Main Street | Shelbyville, KY 40066-0159 Phone: 502-633-2375 | Fax: 502-633-1988 Descriptions of Gifted Domains Domain: General Intellectual Ability means that students possess (a) either potential (Primary Talent Pool) or the demonstrated ability (in grades 4 thru 12) to perform at an exceptionally high level in general intellectual ability, which is usually reflected in extraordinary performance in a variety of cognitive areas, such as abstract reasoning, logical reasoning, social awareness, memory, nonverbal ability and the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information; and (b) a consistently outstanding mental capacity as compared to children of one's age, experience, or environment. Domain: Specific Academic Aptitude means that students possess either potential (Primary Talent Pool) or demonstrated ability (in grades 4 thru 12) to perform at an exceptionally high level in one (1), or very few related, specific academic areas significantly beyond the age, experience or environment of one's chronological peers. Domain: Creative Thinking means that students possess either potential (Primary Talent Pool) or the demonstrated ability (in grades 4 thru 12) to perform at an exceptionally high level in creative thinking and divergent approaches to conventional tasks as shown by innovative or creative reasoning, advanced insight and imagination, and solving problems in unique ways. Domain: Leadership Ability means that students possess either potential (Primary Talent Pool) or demonstrated ability (in grades 4 thru 12) to perform at an exceptionally high level in social skills and interpersonal qualities such as poise, effective oral and written expression, managerial ability, and the ability, or vision, to set goals and organize others to successfully reach those goals. Domain: Visual or Performing Arts Ability means that students possess either potential (Primary Talent Pool) or demonstrated ability (in grades 4 thru 12) to perform at an exceptionally high level in the visual or performing arts and demonstration the potential for outstanding aesthetic production, accomplishment, or creativity in visual art, dance, vocal or instrumental music, or drama. Definitions: Primary Talent Pool means a group of primary age students informally selected as having characteristics and behaviors of high potential learners. Demonstrated ability in grades 4 thru 12 means that students entering these grades or enrolled in these grade levels must go through a process of formal identification and are diagnosed as having gifted characteristics and behaviors specific to a domain or category of giftedness. 1/03 Shelby County Public Schools | P. O. Box 159 | 1155 West Main Street | Shelbyville, KY 40066-0159 Phone: 502-633-2375 | Fax: 502-633-1988 TALENTED AND GIFTED (TAG) PARENT INVENTORY CHILD'S NAME __________________________________ SCHOOL ________________________ GRADE _________ DIRECTIONS: Please read the ratings and check the appropriate column for each item. NIA- the item does not apply to your child, is not of interest to your child, or is not a priority for your child at this time. Need- something that you think is a priority for your child to be able to do or to improve within a short time. Interest- something that your child especially enjoys. Ability- something that your child is able to do very well. N/A Need Interest Ability Plans ahead Completes assigned tasks without supervision Organizes study time and/or materials Sets goals Makes friends easily Adapts/adjusts to new situations quickly Enjoys group work/projects Prefers working independently Writes for enjoyment Reads for enjoyment? What types of books? Enjoys playing various games? What kinds of games? Enjoys working puzzles? What kinds of puzzles? Enjoys communicating ideas verbally Uses Computers/Technology Assumes leadership roles & responsibilities Generates many ideas/solutions to problems Makes generalizations easily Recalls facts easily Knows a lot of information about many topics Knows a lot of information about a specific topic. What subject? Excels in areas outside the regular school curriculum? What areas? If your child is interested in any hobbies or special areas, please list them: If your child is interested in art, music, or drama, etc., please describe projects or performances that highlight your child's interests or abilities: On the back of this inventory, please provide any additional information about your child that was not covered within this survey. Signature of person completing checklist_______________________________Date ____________ Shelby County Public Schools | P. O. Box 159 | 1155 West Main Street | Shelbyville, KY 40066-0159 Phone: 502-633-2375 | Fax: 502-633-1988