Physical Science midterm Exam

Physical Science midterm Exam
Study Guide ~ fall 2014
*Physical vs. chemical properties --Chp 11/Actv 1 & 2
*Physical vs. chemical changes – Chp11/Actv 1
*Mass ratio of reactants to products given data -- Chp11/Actv3
*J.J. Thomson’s experiment – Chp11/Actv4
*Rutherford’s experiment – Chp 11/Actv4
*Periodic Table: metals, nonmetals, metalloids -- powerpt notes between Chp 11/Actv 3&4
Geography: Periods, groups/families
 History of the periodic table (ppt notes)
 Atomic number, atomic mass
*Atomic structure: protons, neutrons, electrons (on my!) location, charge, etc. –Chp 11/Actv 4
*Bohr’s model – Chp 11/Actv 5
 Calculating frequency & energy: know the units, formulas and constants (speed of light, Planck’s)
*Electron configuration -- Chp 11/Actv 7
 Sublevels –what are they, in order: s,p,d,f
 Max number of electrons possible in each sublevel
*Ionization Energy - Chp 11/Actv 6
*Valence electrons – Chp 11/Actv7
*Determining charge of elements, using charge to make compounds & write formulas – Chp11/Actv 8
*Scientific notation – Chp11/Actv 5 (and review handout)
Physical Science midterm Exam
Study Guide ~ fall 2014
*Physical vs. chemical properties --Chp 11/Actv 1 & 2
*Physical vs. chemical changes – Chp11/Actv 1
*Mass ratio of reactants to products given data -- Chp11/Actv3
*J.J. Thomson’s experiment – Chp11/Actv4
*Rutherford’s experiment – Chp 11/Actv4
*Periodic Table: metals, nonmetals, metalloids -- powerpt notes between Chp 11/Actv 3&4
Geography: Periods, groups/families
 History of the periodic table (ppt notes)
 Atomic number, atomic mass
*Atomic structure: protons, neutrons, electrons (on my!) location, charge, etc. –Chp 11/Actv 4
*Bohr’s model – Chp 11/Actv 5
 Calculating frequency & energy: know the units, formulas and constants (speed of light, Planck’s)
*Electron configuration -- Chp 11/Actv 7
 Sublevels –what are they, in order: s,p,d,f
 Max number of electrons possible in each sublevel
*Ionization Energy - Chp 11/Actv 6
*Valence electrons – Chp 11/Actv7
*Determining charge of elements, using charge to make compounds & write formulas – Chp11/Actv 8
*Scientific notation – Chp11/Actv 5 (and review handout)