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-- DRAFT-Media Release
September 2, 2014
(SCHOOL) Featured in Guide to Sustainable Business Programs
Net Impact Releases 2014 Business as UNusual Guide
(San Francisco, CA) – Net Impact, a leading nonprofit that inspires a new generation to work for a
sustainable future, released its 2014 edition of Business as UNusual: The Social and Environmental
Impact Guide to Graduate Programs – For Students by Students. Key findings suggest that social and
environmental issues are a growing priority for students who pursue a graduate education, and that
student expectations have increased as a result.
First published in 2006, Business as UNusual is the only publication for students, by students that ranks
and highlights graduate schools at the forefront of social and environmental innovation, featuring over
3,300 student perspectives on nearly 100 graduate programs, including a profile on (SCHOOL). The
guide provides student ratings of their graduate program’s integration of social and environmental themes
into curricula, career services, and student activities. Student ratings of (SCHOOL) reveal 3 top strengths
in areas of [fill in top 3 here from profile].
This year, more than half the schools surveyed reported new innovations in impact-oriented curriculum or
experiential learning to meet increasing demand. And yet, students want more! For the third year in a
row, student satisfaction with their programs’ integration of these issues has declined.
“Over the years, students have become increasingly committed to making an impact, and expect more
from their education as a result,” says Liz Maw, CEO of Net Impact. “Graduates want to leave their
programs fully equipped to create social and environmental change in the workplace and the world.”
Major conclusions from Business as Unusual 2014 include:
Next-generation leaders expect companies to integrate social and environmental issues
into business practices to succeed. Of the student respondents, 93% think focusing on social
and environmental issues is very important or essential to a business’ long-term success and
over 80% feel that business is doing better on this issue than 5 years ago. Looking forward,
students identified climate/energy and sustainable product development/marketing as the two
priority areas for business to get right in the next decade.
Students report over half the schools have new curricular or co-curricular innovations in
how they integrate social or environmental impact themes. Trends include increasing peer-topeer mentoring programs; cross-club, cross-school, and cross-discipline approaches; infusion of
design thinking to drive social innovation; and impressive innovations in experiential learning
offerings. One example includes University of Chicago Booth School of Business School’s
introduction of the new D4 Foundations course, which teaches design thinking via experiential
projects with education and healthcare organizations.
Students want programs to do even more to incorporate social and environmental issues.
While 88% of respondents feel learning about these issues is a priority, an increasing number of
students felt their schools could do a better job of integrating social and environmental themes
into core curriculum. This year’s findings showed a nearly 15% decrease in student satisfaction in
regard to curriculum integration of these issues.
Students are willing to make sacrifices for a job that makes a difference. According to the
survey, 83% are willing to take a 15% salary cut for a job that makes a social or environmental
difference in the world, a notable increase over last year. In a highly competitive job market,
though, not all students can be picky. Over a third of students surveyed feel pressured to take
any role, a 30% increase over last year’s data.
Programs must prioritize concrete job and internship opportunities. Students cited impact
career and experiential learning support as the top areas where graduate programs could
improve. Respondents expressed interest in complementing social and environmental education
with concrete skill building opportunities, such as the Berkeley Haas Impact Investing Network or
Loyola University Chicago’s Microenterprise Consulting course.
“It’s an exciting time in higher education, as we see more inventive opportunities to combine real world
impact and learning” says Maw. “In order to compete, graduate programs must respond to this profound
student demand for building a sustainable future.”
The 2014 Business as UNusual guide is available at www.netimpact.org/business-as-unusual starting
September 2, 2014. For the first time, we will also be publishing the guide online, enabling search for
programs by name and by key features.
About Net Impact
Net Impact is a leading nonprofit that supports a new generation to work within and beyond business for a
sustainable future. With more than 50,000 student and professional members and over 300 chapters
worldwide, we make a net impact that transforms our lives, our organizations, and the world. Visit
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Net Impact
Linda Gerard
VP Brand Marketing and Innovation
415-495-4230 x 309