Reconstruction Lesson 1: Goals of the Different Groups 5

Lesson 1: Goals of the Different Groups
5-1.1 Summarize the aims and course of Reconstruction, including the effects of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination,
Southern resistance to the rights of freedmen, and the agenda of the Radical Republicans.
1. Reconstruction:_________________________________________________________________________
2. Assassination:__________________________________________________________________________
3. Pardon:________________________________________________________________________________
4. Freedmen: _____________________________________________________________________________
5. The Freedmen’s Bureau: _________________________________________________________________
6. 13th Amendment: _______________________________________________________________________
7. 14th Amendment: _______________________________________________________________________
8. 15th Amendment: _______________________________________________________________________
9. Radical Reconstruction: __________________________________________________________________
Many different groups had different goals after Reconstruction:
10. Abraham Lincoln’s goal was to _____________________________ and
11. He promised an “___________” Reconstruction in order to persuade southern states to surrender.
12. Lincoln promised that if ____% of the people of a state would pledge their allegiance to the United States
of America and _______________________________________, which abolished slavery, they could fully
participate in the Union again.
13. Lincoln was assassinated soon after the end of the Civil War, but his assassination did not
14. However, Reconstruction policy did change within __________________.
15. When Vice President ______________________________ became president, he continued Lincoln’s basic
16. However, Johnson’s goal was also to __________________________________. He required southerners
to ask for a presidential _____________________ because he wanted to show how powerful he was.
17. After the Civil War, the goal of many southerners was to
18. They were willing to accept the ____________________________, but were not willing to
19. Southern states passed laws known as ____________________ that kept the freedmen from becoming full
20. The goal of the _______________________________________ was different from that of Southerners or
the President. They wanted to ________________________________________________________ and
21. They passed a bill creating the ________________________________ so that it could protect the rights of
the freedmen against the ___________________________.
22. President Johnson tried to stop the bill but Congress defeated him. Congress also passed the
___________________________________________, which gave all African Americans citizenship and
equal protect under the law.
23. Because the southern states refused to pass the 14th Amendment, Congress sent the military to force the
southern states to agree. This action was known ________________________________ because it was so
24. Instead of fleeing the south after gaining their freedom, most African Americans