Chapter 12: The Empire and the People

Chapter 12: The Empire and the
CHS 245 OL-14003
Chapter 12, The Empire and
the People, unfolds how
power hungry the United
States was from the 1850’s
to the early 1900’s.
The United States was a
country of imperialism, and
wanted to expand its
horizons through the
 Definition: a policy of extending a country's power
and influence through diplomacy or military force.
 The United States was pushing to be a “Super Power
country” (Zinn).
 America used and abused its military to come to an
agreement with other countries.
 With a drastic economic depression in 1893, the
United States wanted to start expanding. With
overseas trade, there was room for economic growth
which was huge during this era. America only had
itself at the time, so if they expanded their relations
with other countries, it would help them in their
 The types of Americans that pushed for overseas
expansion were “in the upper circles of military men,
politicians, and businessmen” (Zinn).
All Wars Welcome
The United States wanted
expansion overseas to
broaden their options of
trade. The easiest way was
to start/accept all incoming
war offers to create a spike
in the economy.
The 26th president,
Theodore Roosevelt, said
“In the strict confidence… I
should welcome almost any
war, for I think this country
needs one” (Zinn).
The intention for war was
for economic growth and
resources for trade.
Philippine War
After the U.S. helped the Philippines
from getting their independence from
Spain, America had the intention that
they owned the Philippines. This soon
led to allegations and disagreements
between America and the Philippines.
In 1899, the Philippines rose and
revolted against the US. “For the
Filipinos the death rate was enormous
from battle casualties and from
disease” (Zinn). The U.S. military
decided to wipe them out in order to
make a statement and take over this
land as their own.
Post Philippine War
As the United States was seen
as a nation superior to the
rest, President McKinley
decided to spread some of the
goods to the Philippines.
“There was nothing left to do
but to take them all and to
educate the Filipinos, and
uplift and civilize, and
Christianize them-McKinley”
(Zinn 313).
Not only did they leave them
with nothing, they then
stripped them from their
As Imperialism Increased
So Did Racism
 As power arose in
America, land owners
were becoming more
abusive towards their
 “It was a time of intense
racism in the United
States. In the years
between 1889 and 1903,
on the average, every
week, two Negroes were
lynched by mobs -hanged, burned,
mutilated” (Zinn).
The Spanish-American War
America did not want to
intervene with war the Cubans
had with the Spanish. But, the
Spanish were not letting the U.S.
expand to Cuba.
The U.S. did not like this and
joined on the fight which led to
Cuba’s independence. Now that
the U.S. helped them, they had
control of Cuba for a while.
“The Spanish-American War
was but an incident of a general
movement of expansion which
had its roots in the changed
environment of an industrial
capacity far beyond our domestic
powers of consumption” (Zinn).
Annexation of Hawaii
Hawaii was always an interest for the U.S.
since it was an island close to Europe.
In 1893, the United States annexed/ took over
a part of Hawaii to “protect the American lives
and property” (Zinn).
Although that sounds reasonable, it was more
to control the Hawaiian islands before another
country would.
Economic Growth
 Foreign trade was a huge factor to the growth in the
 As America invaded Cuba for “American Interests” ,
the interests were of economy and commerce. It was
all a big business as the US began to sail the waters
of other countries.
 As more than enough money was being produced, it
still wasn’t enough. The hunger for power was always
an idea and was a goal that was trying to be reached.
War within a War
The notion that Americans were
making money, and everyone was
getting their cut seems exact. But
there was a huge group of people
that weren’t benefitting at all.
Work conditions were not great, and
Laborers were the ones in the suck.
“Wages and employment increased,
but only so much as inflation did”
Laborers started to rebel and protest
but they weren’t being noticed by
the government.
Dates of binged Imperialism
 1852 American lands in Argentina
 1853 American lands in Nicaragua
 1859 America lands in China
 1893 America lands in Hawaii
 The reason I see behind expansion, and invading other countries, was
for the U.S. to soon become
un-targetable. Yes economic growth
was also a factor. But to own land where isn’t attached the U.S. made
the country that much harder to target in a war.
 Although the American militia were getting involved in a lot of wars
that were surrounding them, they never were targeted.
 For example, today, it is hard for a country to send jets through the
pacific because of the naval station in Hawaii.
Furthermore, the United States has
gone through a lot of wars in other
countries to help declare their
Independence. But, that wasn’t their
only intention. By doing that, insured a
spike in the economy, and naval
stations at that country.
America was on a hunt for maximum
power at this time. There was never
enough power or money to feed the
government. At that point they were
never satisfied with what they
accomplished the day before.
Works Cited
 Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United
States: 1492-2001. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.