Human Genetic Disorders Phenylketonuria (PKU)


Human Genetics

Human Chromosomes

Karyotype = picture of chromosomes arranged in pairs & organized by size

Humans have 46 chromosomes

2 of these are sex chromosomes

XX = female XY = male

The other 44 chromosomes are known as autosomes

Down Syndrome


Failure of chromosomes to separate in meiosis – results in an egg (sperm) with too many or too few

Down Syndrome (extra #21)

Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY)

Turner Syndrome (XO)

Supermale (XYY)

Trisomy – 3 chromosomes

Monosomy – 1 chromosome

1. A picture of a person's chromosomes is called a _____.

2. In this pictures, chromosomes are arranged in pairs according to their ___________.

3. Humans have ______ pairs of chromosomes.

4. The last set of chromosomes is the _____ chromosomes.

5. Males have what sex chromosomes? ______

6. A person who has an extra chromosome #21 has what disorder? __________

7. If a person has XXY for sex chromosomes, he has what disorder? _________________

8. As a woman gets _______, her risk for having a child with down syndrome increases.

9. A human has 2 sex chromosomes, the other 44 chromosomes are called ______________.

10. When chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis, ___________ has occurred.

Human Traits

To study inheritance, biologists use pedigree charts o Shows relationships within a family

Not all Human Traits can be traced back to a single gene

Many traits are strongly influenced by environmental factors

(ex: height, weight, personality)

Human Genome

Our complete set of genetic info

Includes thousands of genes

Base sequences of many genes identified


• Genes controlling blood types were

1st genes to be identified

• ABO & Rh blood groups

( + and - )

ABO Blood GroupMultiple Allele


Controlled by 3 alleles: A, B, O

A and B are codominant

O is recessive to both A and B

The blood type is the phenotype




AB codominant

OO recessive

Blood Type

Type A

Type B

Type AB

(universal recipient)

Type O

(universal donor)

Blood Types Practice

Mom has type A blood (genotype AO), dad has type AB blood. What blood types are possible among their children?

Mom has type B blood (genotype BO), dad has type O blood. What blood types are possible among their children?

Human Genetic Disorders

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

Tay – Sachs disease

Albinism * all recessive

Other animals can be albino too..

Sickle-Cell Disease codominant (AA, Aa, aa ) heterozygous is resistant to malaria



Huntington’s disease

* Both dominant

1. Achondroplasia is another name for ____________

2. What are the four possible blood types? _______

3. Is albinism dominant or recessive? _________

4. If two people are both heterozygous for sickle cell trait, what is the chance they they will have a child with sickle cell disease?

5. If a person with type A blood is married to person with type

O blood, what blood types are possible in their children?

6. The human _______ describes all the genes found in humans.

7. What type of chart is used to study a trait in a family? __
