Annabelle Shaw SHA12361539 Stage 2 PTBM PPD – Dundonald Primary School - In out first session we looked at famous artists that used continuous line drawing as a main method within their work - We looked at artists such as Pablo Picasso and other more current artists - It was such a fun sessions and on my way home I was already looking at teaching courses online, I enjoyed it so much. - I liked the fact of the unknown and you had to trust yourself Aims Draw portraits with two constraints 1) Do not take the pen off the paper 2) Do not take your eyes of the persons face - Our aim was to show the children that drawings don’t have to exactly match what they see in front of them for it to be classed as good art - We wanted to show them that art can be whatever you want it to be and that some times the best work comes from thinking outside the box - I personally think it was a really successful first class and a great learning experience for all of us as volunteers, as well as the children. • I have learnt that I really enjoy working with children; I am not sure which age yet as I have also done another art clubvolunteering session with younger children and enjoyed that also. • I didn’t like the messy sessions with the paint; I enjoyed the more therapeutic processing sessions such as the surreal collage session where you can express whatever is in your mind. • We started by looking at artists that have become famous due to their use of screen-printing, such as Andy Warhol and Chris Keegan. We also looked at other artists who used more than two colours to screen print. • - This session was super fun but also very messy, I’m not sure I enjoyed the messy part of it so much; I prefer doing projects that don’t use so much paint. • I really enjoyed this session as it let you express what ever was in your mind; to me this is the perfect process for an art 1 Annabelle Shaw SHA12361539 Stage 2 PTBM PPD – Dundonald Primary School therapy session. There are no rules, no constraints and you can be whoever you want to be, whether it is you or somebody else. • I hope that in the future sessions we can find other activities similar to this to do, where you can be free to express your self The outcomes from the collage session were my favorite. I think the whole experience of doing my placement has been very helpful, it has motivated me to think about what I would like to do after university. It has been a great learning experience and I would advise anybody else who is doing it to start as early in the year as possible so that you can get in as many sessions as possible. • That working with kids takes a lot of time and patience • You have to be organized and plan what the sessions are going to be in advance so that you can get everything bought and ready before hand – this is something that I need to work on! • Some ideas take longer than you think and others take less time so you need to have back up plan ideas just incase • I have learnt that I can still get excitement from the simple arts that I learnt when I was a child and so there is hope that others can as well • I personally think this has helped me and effected my future as I know for certain now that I definitely want to work with people, possibly children • I am interested in finding out more about teaching courses • I aim to take over organizing the Art club for the 2nd year students next year so that they can take advantage of doing it for their PPD • I have since volunteered at other children's clubs as I enjoyed this so much • It has made me realize that art therapy is definitely something that I want to pursue but it is going to take a lot of time and hard work to get there, it isn’t just going to come over night 2