Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 5th Edition Chapter Two Designing Applications Previewing the Playtime Cellular Application Playtime Cellular application Allows salespeople to enter customer’s name, address, and number of blue and pink phones ordered Calculates and displays total number of phones ordered and the total price of the order 2 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Previewing the Playtime Cellular Application (cont’d.) Figure 2-2 Completed order 3 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Lesson A Objectives After studying Lesson A, you should be able to: Plan an object-oriented application in Visual Basic 2010 Complete a TOE (Task, Object, Event) chart Follow the Windows standards regarding the layout and labeling of controls 4 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Creating an Object-Oriented Application Developing an application is like building a home Role of programmer is analogous to that of builder Bugs Problems that affect application functions 5 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Creating an Object-Oriented Application (cont’d.) Figure 2-3 Processes used by a builder and a programmer 6 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Planning an Object-Oriented Application Actively involve user in planning phase End product should closely match the user’s needs and wants TOE chart Used to record tasks, objects, and events required for the application 7 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Planning an Object-Oriented Application (cont’d.) Figure 2-4 Steps for planning an OO application 8 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Planning an Object-Oriented Application (cont’d.) Identifying the application’s tasks What information will the application need to display on the screen and/or print on the printer? What information will the user need to enter into the user interface? What information will the application need to calculate to produce the desired result? How will the user end the application? Will previous information need to be cleared from the screen before new information is entered? 9 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Figure 2-6 Tasks entered in a TOE chart 10 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Planning an Object-Oriented Application (cont’d.) Identifying the objects Assign each task to an object in user interface Objects used here Label control, button control, text box Label control Displays information that user should not change Button control Performs an action immediately after a Click event Text box Provides an area for user to enter data 11 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Planning an Object-Oriented Application (cont’d.) Identifying the events Determine which event (if any) must occur for an object to carry out its assigned task Text boxes and label controls No special event is needed btnCalc, btnClear, and btnExit buttons Perform assigned tasks when clicked 12 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Figure 2-9 Completed TOE chart ordered by object 13 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Planning an Object-Oriented Application (cont’d.) Drawing a sketch of the user interface Follow Windows standards for designing the interface In Western countries, information flows either vertically or horizontally Vertical arrangement: Information flows from top to bottom, with essential information located in first column Horizontal arrangement: Information flows from left to right, with essential information placed in first row 14 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Planning an Object-Oriented Application (cont’d.) Figure 2-10 Vertical arrangement of the Playtime Cellular application 15 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Planning an Object-Oriented Application (cont’d.) Figure 2-11 Horizontal arrangement of the Playtime Cellular application 16 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Planning an Object-Oriented Application (cont’d.) White space or containers may be used to group related controls Containers: Objects used to group related controls Examples: GroupBox, Panel, TableLayoutPanel Label controls that display output should have meaningful names Example: “Total Price” identifies lblTotalPrice label Identifying labels should end with colon (:) Example: “Total Price:” 17 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Planning an Object-Oriented Application (cont’d.) Sentence capitalization Only first letter in the first word is capitalized Use for identifying labels Book title capitalization Capitalize first letter of each word except articles, conjunctions, and prepositions Use for button text Buttons should be aligned Also same height and width Group related controls close to each other 18 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition Lesson A Summary Steps to create an OO application Meet with client Plan application Identify needed tasks, objects, and events Identify information needed as input to produce desired result Build user interface Code application Test and debug application Assemble documentation 19 Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, 5th Edition