WWI Categories for US HIstory

Name ___________KEY____________________________ US History
November (WWI) Categories
WWI Battles (WWI) War to end all Wars and War of Attrition
o ___German Submarine Warfare________________
o __Russian Revolution_ Aerial dogfights (Rickenbacker and Red Baron_
o _______Total War ____Trench Warfare______
o Battle of Chateau-Thierry saves Paris
o __Battle of Bellau-Wood ____ Sep 1918 Argonne Forest
14 Points – Goal was for everlasting peace without another WW
o ____Woodrow Wilson_____________
o _____End to all Alliances_______________________________
o ____Wilson’s Plan for Peace_______________
o _____Reduce Arms___/____ Remove Trade Barriers_____
o Freedom of the Seas_/ Ethnic Groups to have Self-Determination_______
New Technology
o ____machine guns________
o _____artillery___/_ Big Bertha _/__Convoy System _________________________
o ______gas __/_ gas masks ____/__ ___________________
o _______ armored gear __________________________________
o ________ Ford’s Assembly Line________________________________
Home front facts
o ___Total War everyone being part of the war effort_____________________________
o ____Propaganda _______________________________________
o ___ Selective Service Act - Birth date Lottery_______________________________
o ______women take jobs that men originally held__________________
o _Income Taxes were established _________________________
o United States President ____Woodrow Willson_____________________
o Great Britain ______Lloyd George ___________________________________
o US General _______John Pershing of American Expeditionary Force_________________
o Italy ___ _____Vittorio Emanuele Orlando__________
o Russia _____Lenin after Rev / Czar Nicholas the Autocrat before ___________
o Assassinated Austrian-Hungarian ___Archduke Francis Ferdinand__________________
o France ____ Georges Clemenceau __________________________________
o Germany ______Kaiser Wilhelm________________________
o M.A.I.N
 _______Militarism______________________________
 _____Alliance _____________________________________________
 ____Imperialism ________________________________
 ____Nationalism ___________________________________
 ______Pride in one’s country______________________________
Assassination ________Archduke Francis Ferdinand________________
 Black Hand ________Princip_________________________
 ______Serbian ________________________________
o _Glorification of Military Power_________________________________________
o _______________________________________________________________________
o _______________________________________________________________________
Reasons that United States entered WWI after Declaring American Neutrality in 1914
o ________Lusitania ________________________
o _______Sussex Pledge______________________________________________
o ________Zimmerman Note_________________________________
o _______Russian Revolution______________________________________
o United States actions during WWI included (Describe)
 Selective Service Act ____draft_________________
 Liberty Bonds ______money to help war effort__ War bonds_______________
 Sedition Act _____can’t cause rebellion through speech___________________
 Espionage Act ______Actions against war effort_____________
 Propaganda _________Uncle Sam__ Liberty Bonds ___Victory Gardens___
 Price Controls _______set prices to stop inflation_________________
 War Industries Board _Govt. intervention for war effort __(Bernard Baruch)_
 Rationing _____Using only what you need_________________________
 ___convoy system __films _posters ___ _Patriotism____
o Sides during WWI
 Central Powers Included (LIST) ____Austria-Hungary __________ ______Lost
Generation __All Quiet on the Western Front______________________
 Allies included (LIST) ____United Kingdom, France, The Russian Empire, United
States, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Serbia, Romania , Belgium
o Times of Peace during and after WWI (describe)
 Truce ____Christmas Truce ____________Armistice – cease fire ____
 Paris Peace Conference __all invited (not Germany)__ Brit/France wanted
 League of Nations _____created to prevent war / US did not join _____
 14 Points _____turned down_____________
 Treaty of Versailles __ended WWI but US did not sign_________________
 Reparations _German_Payments to pay for war $33 billion to pay
back__ __
 BLAME __Germany_______________________________
o Causes ______WWII and the Great Depression_____________