` Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Improvement Program ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT (April – March 2010/11) Submitted By: Lumanti – Support Group for Shelter April 2011 Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: AN OVERVIEW OF PROJECT PLANS ......................................................................... 4 1.1 General Information: ................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Implementation Status: ............................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Budget and Expenditure: ............................................................................................................ 5 1.4 List of projects and beneficiaries ............................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 2: ORGANISATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES ............................... 8 A: Significant changes at organizational level .............................................................................. 8 B: Change in donor relations or funding ...................................................................................... 10 C: Key operational blockages-internal/external.......................................................................... 10 CHAPTER 3: ADDITIONAL KEY EVENTS TO DATE ................................................................... 12 CHAPTER 4: ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS................................................................... 12 A: Timeliness (reporting, budget approval, budget release etc) .............................................. 12 B: Human Resource Development ............................................................................................... 12 C: Project management (procurement, material management) .............................................. 12 D: Non Project based agreements relevant to the WASH activities: ...................................... 12 E: Publication and dissemination: ................................................................................................ 12 F: Value added in the sector: ........................................................................................................ 12 CHAPTER 5: PROJECT WISE INFORMATION (to be completed for each on going and completed Projects) .................................................................................................................................................. 13 Project No. : 643UE Itahari Water Environment Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Programme 13 A. Project Information: ................................................................................................................... 13 C. Changes in Project Background, Design & Risk Management ................................................. 16 D. Progress against key planned Activities..................................................................................... 17 G Field visits and Monitoring ......................................................................................................... 47 H. Water Quality ............................................................................................................................. 53 I. Indicative Project Outcomes .................................................................................................... 55 J. Beneficiaries ................................................................................................................................ 89 Project No. : 643UD Biratnagar Integrated Water, Sanitation, Hygiene Project ........................... 90 A. Project Information: ................................................................................................................. 90 B. Executive Summary: ............................................................................................................... 90 C. Project Approach ..................................................................................................................... 91 D. Progress against key deliverables ........................................................................................ 94 E. Partnership ............................................................................................................................. 106 F. Resources ............................................................................................................................... 107 G Field visits and monitoring .................................................................................................... 108 H. Water Quality ......................................................................................................................... 113 J. Beneficiaries ........................................................................................................................... 123 Project No.: 643VB Advocacy and Post Monitoring and Project Supports in Urban Hill ........... 125 A. Project Information: ............................................................................................................... 125 B. Executive Summary: ............................................................................................................. 125 C. Changes in Project Background, Design & Risk Management ..................................... 125 D. Progress against key planned Activities ............................................................................ 125 E. Partnership ............................................................................................................................. 150 F. Resources ............................................................................................................................... 150 G Field visits and Monitoring .................................................................................................... 151 H. Water Quality ......................................................................................................................... 154 I. Indicative Project Outcomes ................................................................................................. 154 . Beneficiaries ............................................................................................................................. 164 Project No.: 643UF Advocacy and Post Monitoring and Project Supports in Urban Terai 165 A. Project Information: ............................................................................................................... 165 B. Executive Summary: ............................................................................................................. 171 C. Changes in Project Background, Design & Risk Management ..................................... 171 D. Progress against key planned Activities ............................................................................ 171 E. Partnership ............................................................................................................................. 200 F. Resources ............................................................................................................................... 200 G. Field visits and Monitoring .................................................................................................. 200 H. Water Quality ......................................................................................................................... 201 I. Indicative Project Outcomes. ................................................................................................ 201 2 3 CHAPTER 1: AN OVERVIEW OF PROJECT PLANS 1.1 General Information: Project Name Of the Project No. Sub-Program 643UE Itahari Integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (IiWASH) Improvement Project Biratnagar Integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (BiWASH) Improvement Project Post Monitoring and Project Supports in Urban Terai Urban Terai Post Monitoring and Project Supports in Urban Hill 643UD 643UF 643VA Water/ Sanitation/ Hygiene Water, Sanitation, Hygiene Service Delivery/ Capacity Building/ Sector Influencing Service Delivery, Capacity Building, Sector Influencing Urban Terai Water, Sanitation, Hygiene Service Delivery, Capacity Building, Sector Influencing Urban Terai Water, Sanitation, Hygiene Capacity building Urban Hill Water, Sanitation, Capacity Building/ Sector Influencing 4 1.2 Implementation Status: Project Funding Approval No. (Confirmed/ (Approved/ Contingent) Not approved) 643UD 7621432.00 Approved 643UE 4789000.00 Approved 643UF 1453338.00 Approved 643VB 1449230.00 Approved Implementation (Commenced/ Not Start) Commenced Commenced Commenced Commenced Planned or Actual Start Date April 2010 April 2010 April 2010 April 2010 Proposed Completion Date June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 1.3 Budget and Expenditure: Total (Annual) Project Plan Numbe r Original Budget (MPB) Approve d/ Revised Budget Expend % Utili z Reporting Quarter- Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 Original % Budget Utili (MPB) Revised z Expend Budget Sub Programme: Hill 643VB Sub Total (A) 1449230 1389260 1209291 87% 1449230 1389260 1209291 87% 1449230 1449230 1209291 87% 1449230 1389260 1209291 87% Sub Programme: Tarai 643UE 4789000 4789001 4750450 99% 4789000 4789001 4750450 99% 643UD 7621432 7736152 7589967 98% 7621432 7736152 7589967 98% 643UF Sub Total (B) Total 1453338 1398588 1274520 91% 1453338 1398588 1274520 91% 13,863,770.0 0 13923741 13614937 98% 13863770 13923741 13614937 98% 15,313,000.0 0 15,372,97 1 14,824,22 8 97% 15,313,00 0 15,313,00 1 14,824,22 8 97% (A + B) Justification for Variance in Grand Total (+/- 10%): 1.4 List of projects and beneficiaries (Six month and Annual Report only – six month report just completed projects & annual report all projects) Project Nos. Planned Achieved Water San Hyg Water San Hyg Water San Hyg 643UD 4,000 2,200 4000 3764 9764 -6% 144% 3402 Variance (%) 55% Justification for variance Water: Due to graded subsidy the total number of water points rehabiliated at the communities were 414 against planned 350. 5 Sanitaition: In case of Sanitation the achieved number of beneficiaries exceeds the planned as because 3 institutional latrines were constructed against 1 planned. 643UE 4,300 1,200 4300 1984 1483 1984 -54% 24% -54% Water:Earlier during the time of planning ,the benificiary from the Water Safety Plan was termed Direct Benificiaries but Later the definition of Direct Benificiaries was strictly defined to be the one with access through Service Delivery,Hence Such Benificiary planned couldnot be achieved Sanitation:Additional 6 toilets were constructed to address the community demand for ODF and hence 206 toilets were constructed which resulted higher number of benificiary 643UF 643VB 525 1137 117% An agreement has been signed with the Sri Adharsa Higher Secondary School,in thimi ,for institutional latrine construction in joint partnership and theinstitutionallatrine construction is under process .However the School is lobbyingfor fundsfrom other stake holders like DOE and Municipality. 6 TOTAL 8,300 3,925 8,300 5,748 6,022 11,748 -31% 53% 42% In Case of Advocacy….. List of projects and Influencing Beneficiaries (Annual Report only) Project WASH Influencing Beneficiary Justification for Variance Nos. Planned Achieved Variance 2,978 13,250 345% In case of water pipelines in Jamungachi, Jatuwa, Bakhari and Mangad is not yet extended but the budget for extension had been disburesed and in case of Munalpath two phase transmitter was installed in NWSC premises resulting no load shedding benefitting 2000 more household for water distribution. 1,230 810 -34% Municipality has invested for the construction of public latrine in local market of Janata Basti where Lumanti has contributed for Biogas Plant 643UD Extension of water pipeline had been done by Itahari Small Town Water & Sanitation Users Corporation in all areas of Malangbaba, Namuna & Manakamana.Many communities adjacent to theses communities are having access to pipeline water by borrowing with theses communities Itahari Municipality and ISTWSUC have wor ked out that 60- 65 km pipeline extension is required for full coverage of IM and both of the insitutions are lobbying with partnership with CF Itahari with other institution for this work to be carried out for future. 643UE 643UF 1,874 2,000 7% 943 1,987 111% Sanitation: New Public Toilet Construction in Sankhadhar Chowk, Thimi=about 550 daily users Water: Pipeline extension in Ward 15=100 m benefiting 300 population Adarsha Higher Secondary School (Installation of water purification plant)=1070 students and 67 Teachers 643VB TOTAL 7,025 18,047 157% 7 Justification for variance in Total (+/- 10%) CHAPTER 2: ORGANISATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES A: Significant changes at organizational level- staffing, new policies/strategies, priorities etc Appointment of New Technical Supervisor Technical Supervisor Mr. Sagar Baniya resigned from his post from the end of July 2010 and his position is later replaced by Mr. Hari Bardewa. He has joined Lumanti from 23rd August 2010. Appointment of CHMs/CHVs Ms. Shrijana Pokhrel, who has been working as CHV for Purba Mushari Community in ward no. 6 left Itahari for her further study and she was replaced by Ms. Firni Chaudhary from Purba Mushari from 1st May 2010. Ms. Hira Chaudhari, CHV for Dedhgaria Tole, ward no. 6 of Itahari Municipality passed away on 3rd June 2010. Her post of CHV remained vacant for around one month (June). Water and Sanitation Users Committee recommended Ms. Hem Kumari Chapagain, resident of Dedhgaria Tole, as potential CHV to replace Ms. Hira and she was appointed from July 1, 2010. After a month of her appointment, Ms. Hem Kumari Chapagain left for Kathmandu and the post remained vacant again. The Water and Sanitation Users Committee then appointed Ms. Rina Chaudhary to fulfill the vacant post from 1st September 2010. List of CHMs and CHVs appointed from ward no. 7, 8 and 9 of Itahari Municipality during April – September 2010 were as follows: Name Lists of CHM/s S.N 1 2 3 Name Appointment Date Ms. Kamali Chaudhari– CHM for ward no. 7 and CHV for June 2010 Bhurki Kadmaha Ms. Darshana Adhikari – CHM for ward no. 8 and CHV for June 2010 Tengra Tole Ms. Mango Chaudhary – CHM for ward no 9 and CHV for July 2010 Laliguras Name Lists of CHV/s S.N 1 2 3 4 5 Name Appointment Date Ms. Ambika Chaudhari – CHV for Bhurki Nahar, Ward no. June 2010 7 Ms. Kalpana Harijan - CHV for Manakamana Tole, Ward July 2010 no. 7 Ms. Laxmi Sardar – CHV for Bhurki Sahara Tole, Ward no July 2010 7 Ms. Pooja Poudel – CHV for Marik Vasti, Ward no. 8 June 2010 Mr. Sanjay Thapa – CHV for Himalaya Tole, Ward no 8 August 2010 8 9 Ms. Sushila Kumari Chaudhari – CHV for Adarsha Tole, Ward no. 9 Ms. Sahena Khatun – CHV for Jame Maszid Tole, Ward no. 9 Ms. Bobby Kumari Podar – CHV for Pragati Tole, Ward no. 9 Ms. Sarita Karki - CHV for Namuna Tole, Ward no. 9 10 Ms. Poonam Sardar – CHV for Prativa Tole, Ward no. 9 6 7 8 June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 June 2010 August 2010 Visit of CLIFF team to Lumanti Head Office: Lumanti had submitted an EOI to CLIFF-Homeless International to partner with them in order to improve housing conditions of poor in Nepal. Of the 120 applicants, Lumanti was among the 4 selected for the next step of the evaluation for the qualification. This was the fourth step to qualify for the CLIFF programme for 2011/2012. For this purpose, a team of four personals from the organization visited Lumanti on 22nd of September, 2010 on a week’s trip. The principal objective of this visit was to get to know the organization and its approaches better. As part of series of meetings with the Lumanti Staff members, a brief presentation was given by the CLIFF team on the concept and approach of the whole programme. The presentation also included the works being done in other CLIFF Partners such as Philippines, India and Sri Lanka. A general overview of the Nepal’s urban scenario and works done by Lumanti was briefed to visiting team. Several meetings were conducted with individual staff and project teams to learn about their roles, responsibilities and working mechanism of these projects. A field trip to Kirtipur Housing was organized and so was the trip to Bharatpur to see the ACCA approach of community-led housing programme there. In addition to these, the visit also comprised of several meetings with Lumanti’s board members, partners (both government and non government), stakeholders, federations, cooperative and community members. The team was immensely impressed with approaches adopted by Lumanti to make its projects community-led. The concept to link community saving and saving and credit cooperative with housing was well- appreciated. Evaluation conducted by Social Welfare Council (SWC) A study was conducted by a team consultant from SWC to evaluate the process adopted during implementation of Lumanti’s programmes and its impact on the targeted beneficiaries. The study seeked to assess: progress made by the projects; their impact on the slum and squatter communities; implementation process and strategies followed; sustainability aspects; coordination and partnership among the stakeholders; financial management and discipline maintained; use and records of the expendable and durable items; and compliance by the institution to laws of the state and the Social Welfare Act 2049 BS. It was conducted in three of the projects currently being implemented by the organization namely ACCA Slum Upgrading Project in Bharatpur, Chitwan; Water, Environment and Local Livelihood (WELL) Project in Nepalgunj; and Khadipakha and Narayan Tole Environmental Sanitation Improvement Project in Kathmandu. A brief presentation and discussion for each of the programmes were conducted, followed by a field trip to each of these areas. The focus of these visits was to interact with the key stakeholders principally the community members in order to study To analyze socioeconomic sustainability, To study problems encountered and efforts made to solve them, To study coordination and partnerships among organization, project and local bodies. 9 A report was prepared by the team and presented before the Council of SWC, Lumanti personals . Some of the key issues and suggestions highlighted in the report are as follows. 1. The ACCA program model of housing development is now replicable in local governmentprivate-community mode of project design. Since the municipalities lack such funds, government should allocate for urban areas as it is done in “people’s residence program” for rural housing development for dense settlement program. 2. Lumanti should change its mandate and extend coverage to rural areas as well to reach out more communities to support shelter development. 3. The nature of urban poverty has been more dynamic with increased urbanization over time. Lumanti should as well focus on research towards increasing urbanization and associated problems and likely solutions. How to cope with dynamic nature of urban poverty is a challenge faced by the nation today. This evaluation has been beneficial for the organization so as to improve on the aspects, on which the organization need further strengthening. B: Change in donor relations or funding Election of a new board A Special Annual General Assembly was held on 12th Sep 2010 to elect a new board for the organization. New Board members are as follows 1. President Mr. Prafulla Man Singh Pradhan 2. Vice President Ms. Eliza Baidya 3. General Secretary - Ms. Lajana Manandhar 4. Tresurer Ms. Sajana Amatya/Shakya 5. Member Mr. Padam Lal Shrestha 6. Member Mr. Kuldeep Tuladhar 7. Member Mr. Anil Sthapit The tenure of this board will be for 2 years. During the program, the old team handed over the roles and responsibilities to the new members. C: Key operational blockages-internal/external Due to a week- long indefinite strike (Aamhadtaal) called by CPN (Maoist), from May 1, 2010 till May 7 2010, all the activities planned during the period had to be postponed. Most of the local festival, culture and tradition of Chaudhary community fall on the month of Baishak, (April – May), this has also delayed the project activities. The latrine construction has been affected by a continuous rainfall. Rings used for the latrine are built onsite and inundation as well as high water table problems not only hindered the ring production but also made the construction work was difficult. The connection of water pipeline in Malangbaba Tole of ward no 6, was delayed due to conflict between the service provider (Itahari Small Town Water & Sanitation Users Corporation) and Malangbaba Tole Bikash Samitee. Initially in the stakeholder’s meeting, it was agreed to provide subsidy Rs. 2000 to all the urban poor of the community. But after the Malangbaba UC submitted the forms for the pipeline connection, Small Town disagreed to provide the subsidy amount to the household with land ownership. According to Small Town, if the subsidy was 10 granted to those household, other beneficiaries of the Small Town will also seek for the same support and for that Small Town cannot invest. But, the community demanded for an equal subsidy for all the urban poor of the area, otherwise they will not allow Small Town to connect the pipeline even in the squatter household. The pipeline connection’s work resumed only after the decision of ISTWSUC for providing subsidy to the users in connection of pipelines. 11 CHAPTER 3: ADDITIONAL KEY EVENTS TO DATE Every year Nepal government is celebrating 'National Sanitation Week' marking World Environment Day, June 5. This year as well, the government has announced 'National Sanitation Week' which started from 5th June 2010 for a week. To celebrate this national event, the Water and Sanitation Division Office at Itahari summoned all the stakeholders, NGOs, CBOs and VDCs for a joint meeting to share their activities. Every organizations working in Sunsari district presented their activities focusing the sanitation issues and its importance for the development of the area. Lumanti, to mark the 'National Sanitation Week' conducted a week long community clean up campaign and sanitation awareness programmes in all the six communities of ward no. 6 where Lumanti has implemented its programmes during the fiscal year 2009/2010. CHAPTER 4: ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS (Six Month & Annual Reports only) A: Timeliness (reporting, budget approval, budget release etc) Not Applicable B: Human Resource Development Not Applicable C: Project management (procurement, material management) As practiced, procurement and material management are done at the project level in partnership with the stakeholders. D: Non Project based agreements relevant to the WASH activities: Not Applicable E: Publication and dissemination: Not Applicable F: Value added in the sector: Not Applicable 12 CHAPTER 5: PROJECT WISE INFORMATION (to be completed for each on going and completed Projects) Project No. : 643UE Itahari Water Environment Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Programme A. Project Information: - Project Name: Itahari Water Environment Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Programme Names of Sub-Projects (if applicable): Urban Terai Project Period: 2009-2012 Name of Partner Organization: Itahari municipality, UC, Citizens Forum Partner Organization Number: B. Executive Summary: (Annual Report Only)- not more than 1 page Lumanti in partnership with Itahari Municipality has been implementing 'Itahari Integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Improvement Program' (IWASH) in all targeted clusters of 4 wards. During the program implementing period, in the fiscal year 2009/10, under IWASH program, Lumanti in partnership with Itahari Municipality has covered 6 clusters (342 HH) of ward 6. To address the water, sanitation and hygiene situation in the targeted clusters of ward 6, Lumanti has initiated hardware and software programs. Likewise, during the fiscal year 2010/11, the program has covered five clusters (252 HH) of ward 7 and two clusters (87 HH) of ward 8 to address the water, sanitation and hygiene situation. The program has also covered one added cluster (94 HH), Shiva Parbati tole of ward 6, during the fiscal year 2010/11 with the recommendation of Itahari Municipality as the clusters is just adjacent to Dedhgaria tole focusing the declaration of ODF zone. In this fiscal year 2010/11, IWASH program has also intervened six clusters (369 HH) of ward 9 through its hygiene promotion program through CHM and CHV. For all the WASH programs initiated under IWASH, one Water & Sanitation Users Coordinating Committee (WSUCC) is formed in ward no 6 representing six Water & Sanitation Users Committee (WSUC). Likewise another WSUCC is formed representing seven WSUC from ward 7 and 8. The WSUC and WSUCC have been given trainings on pre construction, post construction and operation and management of the water facilities provided. One WSUCC is formed in ward no 9 representing six WSUC from ward 9. The program has delivered water access to the targeted clusters. Around 1984 people from the eight communities of wards no. 6, 7 and 9 including 1000 students from Shree Saraswati Satan Ma Vi in ward no. 7 have been provided with improved access to water facilities. Lumanti has installed 3 public hand pumps in Kadmaha Tole of ward 7. Lumanti, under its IWASH program planned for the fiscal year, has laso taken initiative to address the interest of the community people and the stakeholders and contributed for the household pipeline connections in Malangbaba Tole of ward 6, Manakamana (Harijan) Tole of ward 7 and Namuna Tole of ward 9. 13 In short, 69 HH in Malangbaba Tole, 47 HH in Manakamana (Harijan) Tole and 37 HH in Namuna Tole has now access to water pipeline by this programme in Itahari. All the water points provided have been tested to ensure its use. Health and Hygiene programme has been framed in the programme to address the recommendations from the water test result in the community. 4 local cadres for WQ test has been developed in ward no 6, 7, 8 & 9 at community/local level. CHM has been developed as a local cadre as water quality which is directly related to public health and hygiene. It is learnt that, people are more impressed when the test is done by their community health motivator. CBME system has been initiated in some communities. However, the community has not completely implemented the tools due to its complexity. Social Mobilizers and Community Development Workers are conducting orientation programs to all UCs to initiate it in all cluster. The technologies, learnings and good practices have been shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level. Operation and Maintenance of large infrastructures where many households depend is practical. However, operation and maintenance of a small scale community hand-pump is very challenging as nobody claims responsibility and everyone claims the right for using it. Apart from that, there is high risk of theft of hand pump head and other accessories during night time. Therefore, the users committee themselves also did not show interest for installation of community hand pumps. Based on the sharing, the municipality and local stakeholders have shown interest towards extension of pipeline water wherever possible and not promote groundwater extraction. Likewise, the program has also delivered sanitation facilities to the targeted clusters through which around 1483 people from the eleven communities of wards no.6, 7 and 8 are provided with access to improved sanitation facilities in FY 10/11. The communities have adopted the programme positively and have adopted healthy sanitation practices. Therefore five communities of ward 6 and 4 communities of ward 7 are already declared ODF zone. Under the same program, Lumanti has contributed its small budget for the installation of a biogas plant sized 35 m3 along with public latrine in the local market (Hatiya Bazar) at Janata Basti of ward no 5. Total of around 144 people from 27 households will be difrectly benefited through the construction of Bio gas plant. Apart from the contribution of Lumanti, Itahari Municipality has also contributed for the same. Besides, other stakeholders namely SEAM-N project and District Development Committee have also shown their greater interest for contribution and are in the process. The local construction committee has also requested Water & Sanitaiton Division Office, Sunsari for financial support. The program has also intervened on Livelihood support as recommended by WESHI plan through Saving & Credit (S&C) Groups. 14 S&C groups from ward 6, 7 & 8 are currently functioning. Through their initiatives, Women Cooperative titled 'Sangini Mahila Bachat Tatha Rin Sahakari Sanstha Limited' is registered recently and now is in process for group transformation. Recently registered Women cooperative shall also contribute in the sector of water, sanitation and hygiene improvement sector. In the present context as well, some S&C groups in the clusters have been contributing its members for the construction of super structures in the latrines through low interest loan. Moreover, it is understood that some households in Malangbaba Tole of ward 6 have taken loan for their investment in household water pipeline connection. Coordination and partnership with local stakeholders, I/NGOs and government agencies has definitely left positive impact during the implementation of the IWASH program. Support from District Health Office, Primary Health Centre and Marie Stopes for the Health Camp and Orientation Program on women health focusing on healthy sanitation practice conducted by Lumanti has been well appreciated by the community people. Likewise, a good partnership with the only water pipeline service provider of Itahari Municipality, Itahari Small Town Water and Sanitation Users Corporation (ISTWSUC), for the water pipeline extension and household water pipeline connection has become the most appreciable step towards participatory approach. 14 ISTWSUC has provided its significant contribution specially focusing for urban poor communities. On the other hand, people from the urban poor communities are also highly motivated for their participation towards water pipeline connection. As the CHVs and CHMs are selected from the community, they will remain in the community for longer period than recruited the external facilitators/ workers. With this concept Lumanti has mobilised the local people as CHV/ CHM. Their mobilisation in hygiene education and promotion has been found effective in improving hygienic behavioural practices at the community level. Also their participation in different activities during this project intervention in the different WASH related issues has been found effective in enhancing their capacity in one hand and developing human resource on the other capable enough to deal with heath and hygiene issues related to WASH at the local level. The municipality has initiated to develop a revised WESHI plan, (WASH coordinated plan) incorporating the development need of the municipality and the plan as well as budget of the development partner organizations working in the WASH field within the municipality. Regarding the adaptation of WESHI plan by the municipality and integrating it into the municipality’s planning process, municipality has organized a one day coordination workshop in partnership with Lumanti with support of Citizen Forum, with all the sector stakeholders of the municipality. Based on the decision made at the one day coordination workshop conducted by Itahari Muncipality in partnership with Lumanti with support of Citizen Forum, with all the sector stakeholders of the municipality has conducted household data and it is under processing for the development of WASH coordinated plan. 15 C. Changes in Project Background, Design & Risk Management (refer to Project Plan – Sections 1, 4 & 8): Additional cluster for WASH service As per the project plan, the total planned number of household latrine construction for the 2009/2010 was 170. However, after the demand received from the local community through Water and Sanitation User’s Committee of ward no 6, number of household latrines constructed in ward no 6 is 147 (including one disable friendly latrine at Balgram). After the consultation with the municipality regarding the remaining 23 household latrines, the municipality has recommended to work in a new cluster in ward no. 6. Shiva Parvati Tole of ward no 6 is the new cluster recommended by Itahari Municipality for the construction of household latrines. Shiva Parvati Tole has been recommended on the basis of the demand letter from the tole itself requesting for the construction of household latrines in the cluster. Shiva Parvati Tole has 91 households in total. It has a total population of 594 out of which 289 are female and 296 are male. There are 9 disable male members in the cluster. Majority of the cluster members earn their living as day labors in different sectors such as factory, transportation, agriculture etc. There is formation of Tole Bikash Samitee (Cluster Development Committee). The Tole Bikash Samitee is found involved in saving and credit activities in the cluster in support of Itahari municipality. In order to explore and strengthen their livelihood alternatives, it seems appropriate to work in close coordination with municipality and committee itself. The major source of drinking water in the cluster is found to be dug tube wells. A total of 74 families have their own tube wells in the cluster. Though there is the availability of piped drinking water, no household has connected the water pipeline. Majority of the families use drinking water as it comes from the sources, however, some of them claim of boiling water before use particularly when there are cases of diarrhea during monsoon. There are 69 families owning pit latrines. Rest of the families either go for open defecation in nearby bushes or use neighboring latrines. There are no public toilets being used by the cluster. Families show interest to build toilets if they have support. There is no proper waste management system in the cluster. Families throw away household wastes in an unmanaged way. There is no proper management for wastewater as well. It seems appropriate to arrange effective drainage with provision of sanitation awareness raising events in the cluster. After the approval from the municipality for the implementation of construction works in Shiva Parvati Tole, Lumanti Team visited the working site for necessary procedure. Water and Sanitation User’s Committee has been formed for the implementation of the construction activities which has also opened a separate bank account in the local bank at Itahari. As practiced, procurement and material management has been done in coordination with Water and Sanitation Users Coordinating Committee (UCC) of ward no 6. 16 D. Progress against key planned Activities (Refer to Key Deliverables in Project Plan Section 4 and Plan of action/Output Plan of the project): Service Delivery Sectors Water Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Connection of 150 HH to pipeline water supply being distributed by Itahari Small Town Water and Sanitation Users Corporation Installation of 5 new community hand pumps Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Quarterly Output Plan Progress in Q4 150 HH water pipelines connection was planned for the FY 2010/11 64 HH water pipelines were connected in Malangba ba Tole of ward 6 till Q3. Remainin g 86 HH water pipelines connectio n was planned for Q4. Though the planned HH water pipelines for Q4 is 86, total of 89 HH water pipelines were connected in Q4. Lumanti Itahari with consent NA 5 new communal hand pumps was planned Total of 153 HH water pipelines were connected during the FY 2010/11 implementing graded subsidy approach. 69 HH water pipelines in Malangbaba Tole of ward 6, 47 HH water pipelines in Manakamana (Harijan) Tole of ward 7 and 37 HH in Namuna Tole of ward 9 have now access to pipeline water being distributed by ISTWSUC. Total of 852 people were directly benefited from HH water points connection of 153 Water pipeline connected 3 communal hand pumps were installed in Kadmaha 6 HH water pipelines in Malangbaba of ward 6, 47 HH water pipelines in Manakaman a (Harijan) Tole of ward 7 and 37 HH in Namuna Tole of ward 9 have now access to tap water being distributed by ISTWSUC. Justificati on of Variance Implement ation of graded subsidy approach for HH water pipeline connectio ns saves some budget in the respective heading. The communit y on the other hand had high demand of HH water pipelines connectio n. The excess budget was utilized to fulfill the communit y demand. Merged the budget of 2 communal hand 17 Installation of 1 new hand pump in institution for the FY 2010/11 Installation of 1 new hand pump in institution planned. Tole of ward 7. No demand received from the community for community hand pump. However, the local school (Shree Saraswati Satan Ma Vi) from ward 7 requested for the support to enhance water service facility. As per our study, Shree Saraswati Satan Ma. Vi located in ward 7 had only one water tap serving for around 1000 students. Due to the lack of enough number of water points, the huge number of students hardly get chance to quench their thirst during the short period of break time. Lumanti Itahari with consent from head office and decision from PIC planned to install a 1000 Lt. water tank with from head office and decision from PIC planned to install a 1000 Lt. water tank with distributio n channel merging the budget of 2 communal hand pumps and 1 institution al hand pump in Shree Saraswati Satan Ma. Vi of ward 7 pumps and 1 institutional One 1000 hand pump Lt. water to install tank with 1000 Lt distribution water tank channels with was distribution installed in channel in Shree Shree Saraswati Saraswati Satan Ma. Vi of ward 7. Satan Ma. Vi. Around Around 1000 1000 students students were were directed directed benefited benefited from the from the water tank. water tank. 18 A report on WQ test of all the water points conducted twice in a year produced with achievement of promoted household treatment options for safe consumption of water when found WQ deviated from the standard. 156 Water points were planned for Water Quality test during FY 2010/11. Training on WSPs at the community level within 13 communities of ward (7-9) conducted and all the communities of ward (6-9) prepared WSPs. Conducted monitoring of implementatio n of WSPs in all the communities of ward (6-9). Developed WSP in all the communities and monitored the effectiveness of implemented WSP in all the WSP had been initiated in Nahar Tole of ward no 6 as a pilot project. 17 platforms were renovated to prevent ground water contaminatio n. Community people were now aware on safe drinking water. Some households had already started SODIS technology for water purification. WSP Team which was formed distribution channel. WQT of 3 new hand pumps in Kadmaha and 20 hand pumps in Nahar (where WSP initiated) had been performed. Towards the WQT of 153 household water pipeline connection in Malangbaba, Namuna and Manakamana Tole, 16 water points had been tested sampling in the ration of 1:10 WSP had been initiated in Nahar Tole of ward no 6 as a pilot project. 17 platforms were renovated to prevent ground water contamination . Community people were now aware on safe drinking water. Some households had already started SODIS technology for water purification. WSP Team which was formed during orientation 153 water points were planned for WQT during Q4 WQT of 153 household water pipeline connection in Malangbaba , Namuna and Manakaman a Tole, 16 water points had been tested sampling in the ration of 1:10 NA NA NA NA WSP had been initiated in Nahar Tole of ward no 6 as a pilot project. 17 platforms were renovated to prevent ground water contaminati on. Community people were now aware on safe drinking water. Some households had already started SODIS 19 Sanitation implemented communities. during orientation has been monitoring of WSP implementati on. has been monitoring of WSP implementatio n. Annual progress report produced indicating equity & inclusion status, particularly the beneficiaries in terms of poor and exclusion perspective. 200 HH latrines constructed/re novated Annual report indicating equity & inclusion status, particularly the beneficiaries in terms of poor and exclusion perspective One Annual report indicating equity & inclusion status, particularly the beneficiaries in terms of poor and exclusion perspective produced 200 HH latrines were planned for the FY 2010/11 Total of 206 HH latrines covering seven communities of ward 7 & 8 Annual report indicating equity & inclusion status, particularl y the beneficiari es in terms of poor and exclusion perspectiv e Out of total 200 HH latrines, 128 latrines One Annual report indicating equity & inclusion status, particularly the beneficiarie s in terms of poor and exclusion perspective produced Though the 72 HH latrines were required meet the technology for water purification. WSP Team which was formed during orientation has been monitoring of WSP implement ation. Though the piloted project was completed but more planning and budget was required for this to be done other communitie s which was the constraint so it was has been planned for years to come. NA Due to the additional demand of HH latrines in Kadmaha 20 8 communities declared ODF 8 communities were planned for ODF declaration during FY 2010/11 were constructed during the FY 2010/11. In ward 7 of Itahari Municipality, 43 HH latrines in Nahar, 17 HH latrines in Manakamana, 50 HH latrines in Kadmaha, 39 HH latrines in Sahara and 29 HH latrines in Tengra Tole were constructed. Likewise, in ward 8 of Itahari Municipality, 17 HH latrines in Pashupati (Mallik) Tole and 11 HH latrines in Himala Tole were constructed. Through this service total of 1036 people were directed benefited. Total of 9 communities namely Balgram, Miteri, Malangbaba, Dedhgaria & Shiva Parvati Tole of ward 6 and Nahar, Kadmaha, Sahara & Manakamana Tole of ward 7 were declared ODF zone. were constructe d by the end of Q3. annual plan , due to more demand, 78 HH latrines had been constructed during Q4 for the ODF. Tole of ward 7, 6 HH latrines were constructe d owing to ODF despite the budget constraint. 8 communiti es were planned for ODF declaratio n during FY 2010/11 Total of 9 communitie s namely Balgram, Miteri, Malangbaba , Dedhgaria & Shiva Parvati Tole of ward 6 and Nahar, Kadmaha, Sahara & Manakaman a Tole of ward 7 were declared ODF zone. NA 21 Annual progress report produced indicating the indicating equity & inclusion status, particularly the beneficiaries in terms of poor and exclusion perspective. Household solid waste management through suiro & composting programme Annual report indicating equity & inclusion status, particularly the beneficiaries in terms of poor and exclusion perspective One Annual report indicating equity & inclusion status, particularly the beneficiaries in terms of poor and exclusion perspective produced Annual report indicating equity & inclusion status, particularl y the beneficiari es in terms of poor and exclusion perspectiv e One Annual report indicating equity & inclusion status, particularly the beneficiarie s in terms of poor and exclusion perspective produced NA Solid Waste Management option - suiro was promotion in all communities of ward 7,8 & 9 was planned in FY 2010/2011 Solid Waste Management option - suiro was promoted in every household of the communities of ward 7, 8 & 9 along with the orientation on the use of suiro and plastic waste management. 4 CHM and 15 CHV were mobilized for the program. Some women in the community were ready to reuse waste plastic for webbing baskets. Total of 3584 people were directly benefited through the program. Solid Waste Managem ent option - suiro was promotion in all communiti es of ward 7,8 & 9 was planned in FY 2010/2011 Solid Waste NA Managemen t option suiro was promoted in every household of the communitie s of ward 7, 8 & 9 along with the orientation on the use of suiro and plastic waste managemen t. 4 CHM and 15 CHV were mobilized for the program. Some women in the community were ready to reuse waste plastic for webbing baskets. Total of 3584 people were directly benefited 22 Construction of 1 Waste water management/ treatment plant Contribution amounting to Rs. 150,000/was planned for the construction of Biogas plant as recommende d by Itahari Municipality. After some series of meetings with Municipality, it had identified Local Market place of Janata Tole of ward 5 for the installation of Bio gas plant in the 2nd week of November. Total estimated cost for the construction of the plant is Rs. 649,000.00. Lumanti has contributed Rs. 150,000.00 and Municipality had contributed Rs. 50000.00 for public latrine to be connected to the Bio gas plant. The Users Committee had collected Rs. 150,000.00 from SEAM-N and Rs. 100,000.00 from District Development Committee (DDC). The UC was lobbying with different other stakeholders and through the program. Contributi Till date on more than amounting 80 percent to Rs. of the 150,000/- construction was work had planned been for the accomplishe constructi d and the on of UC has Biogas expressed plant as their recommen commitment ded by to operate Itahari the plan by Municipalit the end of y. Baishak (April-May 2011) if they could manage to deficient amount. Total estimated cost for the constructio n of the plant is Rs. 649,000.00 . Lumanti had contributed Rs. 150,000.00 and Municipalit y had contributed Rs. 50000.00 for public latrine to be connected to the Bio gas plant. The Users Committee had collected Rs. 150,000.00 from SEAM-N and Rs. 100,000.00 from District Developme nt Committee (DDC). The UC was lobbying with different other stakeholde rs and Municipalit y for the contributio n for the deficient amount Rs. 23 Municipality for the contribution for the deficient amount Rs. 200,000.00. 200,000.00 for the completion of the project. Till date more than 80 percent of the construction work had been accomplished and the UC has expressed their commitment to operate the plan by the end of Baishak (April-May 2011) if they could manage to deficient amount. Mechanism for collection of Operation and Maintenance fund was developed in the community for the sustainability of public infrastructures and the collected fund was well managed and Mechanism for collection of O&M fund was planned in every communities of ward 7 & 8. Thus the completion of the plant as committed by the UC members is still a big challenge. Some communities had adopted the system of collecting monthly fund for O&M of the constructed infrastructures . Recently registered Sangini Women S&C Cooperative Limited has decided to Mechanis m for collection of O&M fund was planned in every communiti es of ward 7 & 8. Some communitie s had adopted the system of collecting monthly fund for O&M of the constructed infrastructur es. Recently registered Sangini Women S&C Cooperative Operation and maintenan ce of a small scale community hand-pump is very challenging as nobody claims responsibili ty and everyone claims the right for using it. 24 transparent. Hygiene establish Community Development Fund for the sustainability of the constructed infrastructures . Limited has decided to establish Community Developme nt Fund for the sustainabilit y of the constructed infrastructur es. Report produced on the effectiveness of hygiene message in the community and the change brought by the education in the community with case studies. One report on the effectiveness of hygiene message in the community and the change brought by the education in the community with case studies. Report produced on the effectiveness of hygiene message in the community and the change brought by the education in the community with the case study. Report on the effectiven ess of hygiene message in the communit y and the change brought by the education in the communit y Mechanism documented on the management and coordination of CHVs for the sustainable community health service. Documentati on of management and coordination of CHVs for the sustainable community health service. CHM and CHVs were mobilized as developed mechanism Assessment of sustained Initiation of CBME CBME system had been Document ation of managem ent and coordinati on of CHVs for the sustainabl e communit y health service. Initiation of CBME Apart from that, there is high risk of theft of hand pump head and other accessorie s during night time. Therefore, the users committee themselves also do not show interest for installation of community hand pumps. Report produced on the effectivenes s of hygiene message in the community and the change brought by the education in the community with the case study. CHM and CHVs were mobilized as developed mechanism CBME system had 25 behavior practices through CBME and RCS survey conducted twice a year annually. system in all seven intervened communities of ward 7 & 8 and one RCS Survey in each quarter in all communities of ward 7, 8 &9 initiated in all communities aimed at its regular practice and followup. Social Mobilizers and Community Development Workers conducted orientation programs to all UCs to initiate it in all cluster. Though CBME had been initiated in all clusters of ward 6, 7 & 8 the community has not completely implemented the tools due to its complexity owing to their poor literacy. However, the system had support the UC members to present their transparency amongst the community people which was appreciated during social audit. system in all seven intervened communiti es of ward 7 & 8 and one RCS Survey in each quarter in all communiti es of ward 7, 8 & 9 been initiated in all communitie s aimed at its regular practice and followup. Social Mobilizers and Community Developme nt Workers conducted orientation programs to all UCs to initiate it in all cluster. Though CBME had been initiated in all clusters of ward 6, 7 & 8 the community has not completely implemente d the tools due to its complexity owing to their poor literacy. However, the system had support the UC members to present their transparenc y amongst the community people which was appreciated during social audit. 26 Document on the assessment of hygiene behavior changes conducted in 4 key areas within the communities of selected wards through CBME & RCS produced annually. Household hygiene monitoring system had been implemented in all 19 communities of ward 6, 7, 8 &9 through H&H monitoring chart. One RCS Survey each in every quarter in all communities of ward 7, 8 & 9 had been done Cumulative RCS report produced. The result revealed that the communities were much aware on the 4 key hygiene messages and were practicing better hygienic behaviour which can be remarked by increased number in practicing hand washing with cleaning agents at critical times, consumption of safe water drinking, covering cooked food and maintaining better personal hygiene. Househol d hygiene monitoring system had been implement ed in all 19 communiti es of ward 6, 7, 8 &9 through H&H monitoring chart. One RCS Survey each in every quarter in all communiti es of ward 7, 8 & 9 had been done All the community people of the target communities are provided with 4 key hygiene education annually through community hygiene education Provide 4 key hygiene educations annually through community hygiene education program to the community people so that they adopt The communities were much aware on the 4 key hygiene messages and were practicing better hygienic behaviour indicated by increased number in Provide 4 key hygiene education s annually through communit y hygiene education program to the communit y people so that Cumulative RCS report produced. The result revealed that the communitie s are much aware on the 4 key hygiene messages and are practicing better hygienic behaviour which can be remarked by increased number in practicing hand washing with cleaning agents at critical times, consumptio n of safe water drinking, covering cooked food and maintaining better personal hygiene. The NA communitie s were much aware on the 4 key hygiene messages and were practicing better hygienic behaviour indicated by increased 27 program to adopt improved hygiene behavior practice and sustain them. improved hygiene behavior practice and sustain them. practicing hand washing with cleaning agents at critical times, consumption of safe water drinking, covering cooked food and maintaining better personal hygiene. they adopt improved hygiene behavior practice and sustain them. Conducted one 5 days follow-up training to CHVs on health and hygiene issues and to use CBME/ RCS tools and practice the tools to assess the improvement in hygiene practice and one refresher training annually. 5 days follow-up training to CHVs on health and hygiene issues and to use CBME/ RCS tools and practice the tools planned 4 CHMs and 15 CHVs are provided with 5 days followup training on health & hygiene issues and to use CBME/RCS tools and practice the tools. Household hygiene monitoring system had been implemented in all 19 communities of ward 6, 7, 8 &9 through H&H monitoring chart. One RCS Survey each in every quarter in all communities of ward 7, 8 & 9 had been done by mobilizing all trained CHM NA number in practicing hand washing with cleaning agents at critical times, consumptio n of safe water drinking, covering cooked food and maintaining better personal hygiene. NA NA 28 & CHVs. Hygiene behavior assessment report produced and disseminated to a wider audience annually. NA NA Dissemina tion RCS report amongst the communit y people. Reports produced on monitoring of hygiene behavioral changes through RCS annually to understand the efficacy of NA NA Dissemina tion RCS report amongst the communit y people. RCS had been conducted in all the communitie s of ward 69 and report had been produced accordingly. The overall RCS report has been disseminate d amongst the community people which indicated hygiene behavior had improved significantly in almost all the communitie s. People had been practicing safe health and hygiene behavior. The habit of handwashing at critical times had increased significantly. . RCS had been conducted in all the communitie s of ward 69 and report had been produced accordingly. 29 approach and messages delivered / communicate d and the reports are disseminated to concerned stakeholders. The overall RCS report has been disseminate d amongst the community people which indicated hygiene behavior had improved significantly in almost all the communitie s. People had been practicing safe health and hygiene behavior. The habit of handwashing at critical times had increased significantly. . Capacity Building Sectors Water / Sanitatio n Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) 13 caretakers identified in ward no 7 & 8 and trained on technical aspects, particularly O&M of the system Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Quarterly Output Plan Progress in Q4 Justification for Variance Training for identified 13 caretaker's of all clusters of ward 7 & 8 were planned. Training for identified caretaker s of all clusters of ward 7 & 8 were planned. NA Identified caretaker s from all clusters of ward 7 & 8 were trained UCC to effectively operate and maintain the sanitation infrastruct Identified caretakers from all clusters of ward 7 & 8 were trained UCC to effectively operate and maintain the sanitation infrastructu 30 ures installed for their functionali ty in the long run and contribute in ensuring ODF status. Their contributi on towards the completio n of super structure of HH latrines had result the declaratio n of ODF in 9 communit ies of ward 6 & 7. UCs and caretaker s of some communit ies had also adopted the system of collecting monthly fund for O&M of the construct ed infrastruct ures. Recently registered Sangini Women S&C Cooperati res installed for their functionalit y in the long run and contribute in ensuring ODF status. Their contributio n towards the completion of super structure of HH latrines had result the declaration of ODF in 9 communitie s of ward 6 & 7. UCs and caretakers of some communitie s had also adopted the system of collecting monthly fund for O&M of the constructe d infrastructu res. Recently registered Sangini Women S&C Cooperativ e Limited has decided to establish Community Developme nt Fund for 31 4 trainings and 1 exposure visit are conducted for Municipal level sector stakeholders on different technologies, approaches, practices and models of sanitation to increase their knowledge for promoting hygienic sanitation facility & improved neighborhood environment and replicated. 1 Leadership & Group Management Training, 1 SWM training, 1 CBME Training & several exposure & exchange visit to Bharatpur, Biratnagar and Dharan were planned for Community Users group as well as the municipal staffs and stakeholders. ve Limited has decided to establish Communi ty Developm ent Fund for the sustainabi lity of the construct ed infrastruct ures. Training NA on Leadershi p Developm ent & group Managem ent, SWM and CBME had been conducte d with Communi ty Users group as well as the municipal staffs. The municipal staffs showed interest in this managem ent tool where communit y can do the monitorin g of the work progress and the sustainabili ty of the constructe d infrastructu res. NA NA 32 budget by themselv es. UC and UCC had shown greater interest as it will make everyone in the communit y transpare nt on the work process and the budget utilization. A househol d level CBME chart had been develope d by Lumanti was distribute d in each communit y for everyone to see. From the cross learning and experienc e sharing during the exposure visit, especially the communit y people found highly encourag ed and motivated 33 1 local cadre developed in each ward (7, 8 and 9) on WQ assessment at community level twice a year and disseminated assessment result to wider audience on WQ and safe consumption of Water. 1 local cadre each in ward 7, 8 & 9 was planned for WQ test, report disseminatio n resulting a constructi on of drainage by their own effort in Mallik tole of ward 8. Good interactio n between Secretary of Itahari Small Town and President of Jakhadim ai WSUC had definitely support for some affirmativ e change towards water service delivery. 1 each local cadet for WQ test had been develope d in ward no 7, 8 & 9 at communit y /local level. CHM had been develope d as a local cadet as water quality was directly related to NA NA NA 34 Report produced each year on the initiative taken in the community for the effective collection and utilization of operation and management (O&M) fund and how the recovered fund was being revolved and also used in the community. Initiation for the effective collection and utilization of operation and management (O&M) fund public health and hygiene and also people are more impresse d when the test was done by their communit y health motivator. Dissemin ation of WQ results to wider audience to ensure awarenes s on WQ and safe consumpt ion of water had been done Some communit ies had adopted the system of collecting monthly fund for O&M of the construct ed infrastruct ures. Recently registered Sangini Women S&C Cooperati ve Limited has decided Initiation for the effective collection and utilization of operation and manage ment (O&M) fund Some communitie s had adopted the system of collecting monthly fund for O&M of the constructe d infrastructu res. Recently registered Sangini Women S&C Cooperativ e Limited has decided to establish Community Operation and maintenance of a small scale community hand-pump is very challenging as nobody claims responsibility and everyone claims the right for using it. Apart from that, there is high risk of theft of hand pump head and other accessories during night time. Therefore, the users 35 to establish Communi ty Developm ent Fund for the sustainabi lity of the construct ed infrastruct ures. Ward wise UCCs developed as an effective and vibrant management body in place to sustain installed infrastructures, institutionalize to continue the system established by 2010/11 1 WSUCC was planned representing WSUC of ward 7 and 8 1 WSUCC had been formed in ward no 7 &8 representi ng five WSUC of ward 7 and 2 WSUC of ward 8. The WSUC and WSUCC had been given trainings on pre constructi on, post constructi on and operation and managem ent of the water facilities provided. The WSUC / CT has been regularly monitorin g for the Developme nt Fund for the sustainabili ty of the constructe d infrastructu res. NA NA committee themselves also do not show interest for installation of community hand pumps. Hence the establishment of S&C and co-operatve will ease this situation managing g the O&M fund. NA 36 Documents on best practices, and learning experiences of WASH projects and hygiene behavioural practices produced in FY 2010/11 NA CBME system established and institutionalized through its regular practice within the working communities from 10/11 annually. Initiation of CBME was planned in all communities of ward 6, 7 & 8. operation & maintena nce of water & sanitation facilities provided. NA CBME system had been initiated in all communit ies through its regular practice. Social Mobilizers and Communi ty Developm ent Workers are conductin g orientatio n programs to all UCs to initiate it in all cluster. Though CBME had been initiated in all clusters of ward 6, 7 & 8 the Learning experienc e of WASH projects and hygiene behaviou ral practices NA Learning experience of WASH projects and hygiene behavioura l practices (case studies) produced. NA NA 37 Hygiene 3 CHM’s and 15 CHV’s are trained to promote hygiene education covering ward no 7,8 and 9 Training programs to promote hygiene education for CHM's and CHV's are planned. communit y has not completel y implemen ted the tools due to its complexit y. 3 CHMs and 15 CHV’s had been identified and selected in ward no 7, 8 & 9. The CHM and CHV’s were working actively in the communit y to assist in Hygiene Behavior change of the people in the communit y. The communit y people are now more aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene program mes had to be NA NA NA 38 All the UCs ,CHM’s and CHV’s developed in ward no 7,8 and 9 are trained to use CBME tools and RCS tools and practiced the tools to assess the improvement in hygiene practices and improvement in health Training on CBME and RCS tools was planned for CDW, UC & UCC in the FY 2010/11 focused in Purba Mushari, Dina Badri and Tengra communit y for hygiene behavior change of the people in those communit y. Training tools on CBME and RCS tools was conducte d for CDW, UC & UCC. The CDW has implemen ted the CBME system in all the communit ies of ward 7 & 8. The UC & UCC has also tried to adopt the system. Social Mobilizers and Communi ty Developm ent Workers are conductin g orientatio n NA NA NA 39 programs to all UCs to initiate it in all cluster. Policy Influencing Sector Key Deliverables s (As mentioned in Project Plan) Water / A report on annual Sanitati review on the on/ achievement in Hygien addressing the e sector blockage issues, progress achievement of WESI Plan and in materializing the recommendations made by Report Card Test results through social auditing / review process annually from 09/10 and report produced accordingly. Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Municipal The level municipality Interaction had with all produced a stakeholders draft WASH to review on coordinated the plan and achievement planning for in municipal addressing level the sector workshop blockage with issues, stakeholder progress for achievement suggestions of WESI & feedback Plan and in to finalize materializing WASH the coordinated recommend plan. The ations made municipality by Report will explore Card Test other results stakeholders for further WASH service to declare Itahari Municipality - an ODF zone by 2015. Quarterly Output Plan Progress in Q4 Municipal The level municipality Interaction had with all produced a stakeholders draft WASH to review on coordinated the plan and achievement planning for in municipal addressing level the sector workshop blockage with issues, stakeholder progress for achievement suggestions of WESI & feedback Plan and in to finalize materializing WASH the coordinated recommend plan. The ations made municipality by Report will explore Card Test other results stakeholders for further WASH service to declare Itahari Municipality - an ODF zone by 2015. Justificat ion for Variance NA 40 An updated review report on RCT results/ recommendations by incorporating the identified new sector blockage issues related to WASH produced along with the recommended plan of actions to be addressed in next year at municipal level. NA NA Review report on RCT results Review on RCT hadbeen accomplishe d. Review report is being prepared. As per the draft report received 3335% of the total population of Itahari is still deprived from the piped water supply as still 60-65 km pipeline need to be extended for total coverage. Besides, extension of pipeline in the slum and squatters area of IM is still a big question as the municipality and the service provider hadnot yet particularly formulated the policies in such regards. However, ISTWSUC hadexpresse d its commitment to develop operational policy for the next FY through the learning from the piloting program of connection of HH water NA 41 Sector blockage issues related to WASH produced along with the recommended plan of actions to be addressed in next year at municipal level. NA NA Review report on RCT results Review on RCT hadbeen accomplishe d. Citizen Forum Itahari is preparing a review report. As per the draft report received 3335% of the total population of Itahari is still deprived from the piped water supply as still 60-65 km pipeline need to be extended for total coverage. Besides, extension of pipeline in the slum and squatters area of IM is still a big question as the municipality and the service provider hadnot yet particularly formulated the policies in such regards. However, ISTWSUC hadexpresse d its commitment to develop operational policy for the next FY through the learning from the piloting program of NA 42 Documents produced by citizen forum on the activities commenced to influence sector stakeholders following the WASH advocacy plan and the outputs achieved annually from FY 09/10 and compiled document is produced by March 2013. Conducted trainings, interactions and workshops by establishing linkages with District Health Institutions for promoting hygiene education within the communities annually from FY 09/10 and to raise its importance within the WASH sector stakeholders at local municipal level NA NA Documentati on on the activities commenced to influence sector stakeholders following the WASH advocacy plan and the outputs achieved annually Publication related to activities on WASH issues published. Health & hygiene training for CHM & CHVs by establishing linkages with District Health Institutions for promoting hygiene education within the communities planned. One Health & hygiene training for CHM & CHVs conducted in coordination with DHO. Resource Person from DHO was one of the resource person for the training. NA NA NA 43 A budget tracking on WASH sector at Municipal level done for 2 consecutive years and conducted lobby and review meeting report produced by 2010/11. A budget tracking on WASH sector at Muncipal level planned, A budget tracking on WASH sector at Municipal level conducted. Citizen Forum Itahari studied and analysed the budget of the Municipality and presented a report on it. The forum also presented some recommend ations & suggestion to Municipality. A budget tracking on WASH sector at Muncipal level planned, A budget tracking on WASH sector at Municipal level conducted. Citizen Forum Itahari studied and analysed the budget of the Municipality and presented a report on it. The forum also presented some recommend ations & suggestion to Municipality. In the FY 2067/68, the allocated budget for water sector was Rs. 500,000/which was 0.49% of the total budget. In the previous year, the municipality hadnot allocated budget for water sector. Though the allocation of budget of water sector was too low, the municipality hadstarted allocating from this year which is definitely a positive sign. In the FY 2067/68, the 44 Comprehensive assessment report produced on municipality’s budget allocation and its utilization for 4 consecutive years in WASH sector by end of 2012/13. A budget tracking on WASH sector at Muncipal level planned, A budget tracking on WASH sector at Municipal level conducted. Citizen Forum Itahari studied and analysed the budget of the Municipality and presented a report on it. The forum also presented some recommend ations & suggestion to Municipality. A budget tracking on WASH sector at Muncipal level planned, A budget tracking on WASH sector at Municipal level conducted. Citizen Forum Itahari studied and analysed the budget of the Municipality and presented a report on it. The forum also presented some recommend ations & suggestion to Municipality. In the FY 2067/68, the allocated budget for water sector was Rs. 500,000/which was 0.49% of the total budget. In the previous year, the municipality hadnot allocated budget for water sector. Though the allocation of budget of water sector this year was too low, the municipality hadstarted allocating from this year which was definitely a positive sign. 45 An evaluation report NA produced on Citizen’s Action programme initiated by Lumanti through Citizen Forum in Itahari to understand the efficacy of the CA programme and improvement / changes brought by the project in improving WASH governance, delivering improved WASH access/facilities and in achieving recommendations made by RCT through its thorough review and assessment by 2012/13 and disseminated the report within the municipal sector stakeholders. (This needs to be carried out by hiring external consultant and ToRs needs to be developed in consultation with WAN colleagues and this is a mandatory activities for this FY 2012/13) NA NA NA NA E. Partnership (refer to Project Plan – Sections 5) A new partnership with District Health Office and Primary Health Centre for Community Health focused activities has definitely helped in programme implementation and ownership. Technical support during a health camp on Reproductive Health & Menstrual Hygiene by providing Senior AHW has become beneficial for the community people. Further coordination for FREE SURGERY through government quota, especially for poor and marginalized women, for identified third degree prolapse in some women from the community is under process. A community based organization (CBO) has been formed with the involvement of active members of the UC, UCC and 4 CHMs as a local implementing partner. Lumanti Itahari team has been gradually making their involvement in WASH activities. 46 Though members of Yuva Paailaa are partly engaged for hygiene promotion activities in the community, their involvement is not as expected. It might be due to their domestic schedules. As expected earlier they have not been able to allocate their time for WASH related activities. A new partnership with Water & Sanitation Division Office, Itahari, Sunsari is initiated. The Division office has assigned its staff for Lumanti's ODF campaign for the sanitation awareness activities. Towards further WASH related activites, sanitation support from Water & Sanitation Division Office, Itahari, Sunsari for the next fiscal year is expected. However, formal dialogue for the same is yet to be done. Partnership with such government organizations definitely helps in programme implementation and ownership; however, due to the slow and traditional working modality of the government system, timely achievement of planned activities is very challenging. A recently registered Sangini Women Saving & Credit Cooperative Limited could be one of the better partners for WASH related activities in the community. Initial plan to incorporate the Cooperative has been made and discussed with the executive members. Linkage of activities such as financial support for community through soft loan for water and sanitation facilities, hygiene monitoring through RCS & CBME and to conduct water quality test are initially planned. The process to capacitate the members of the cooperative is planned. F. Resources (refer to Project Plan – Sections 6 & 7): - Changes to Human Resource plan - Financial Summary of the project Qtr. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TOTAL - Original Budget (MPB) 773,485.00 1,178,720.00 1,658,132.00 1,178,664.00 4,789,000.00 Approved Budget 773,485.00 1,178,720.00 1,658,132.00 1,178,664.00 4,789,000.00 Revised Budget 560,154.00 1,185,668.00 1,914,741.00 1,128,437.00 4,789,000.00 Expenditure 560,153.33 1,185,667.93 1,304,227.46 1,700,401.43 4,750,450.15 % Uti. 100% 100% 68% 151% 99% Justifications for variances Highlight status of donor reporting requirements Highlight any issues related to financial compliance with any donor requirements G Field visits and Monitoring (refer to Project Plan – Sections 9): G.1 Completed Visits: Date Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) 21-24 June Puspa Joshi Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Support Visit, Citizen Forum programme planning Key Feedbacks Received (if any) Citizen Forum should develop action plan as developed with the support from Lumanti, need to study in the issues and need to follow the plan, so that the service providers and LG's started to trust when approached with evidence. 47 Date 21-24 June 15 – 22 July 20 – 22 July 23 – 25 July 3–6 August Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) Bishal Shrestha Bishal Shrestha and Puspa Joshi Sama Vajra and Naresh Man Pradhan Renu Lama Surendra Shrestha Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Progress Monitoring, Support visit Monitoring visit of Biratnagar and Itahari, Agreement with Citizen Forum/ Orientation to Biratnagar and Itahari Citizen Forum Staff meeting and programme supervision of Biratnagar and Itahari Data verification Financial Monitoring 3–6 August Sujata Bajracharya support for financial management 3–4 Puspa Joshi Interaction and skill Key Feedbacks Received (if any) Citizen Forum requested technical support for developing WaSH strategic plan and also requested for the guidelines. CBME in communities must be initiated in the initiation of the project. Mechanism should be adopted to make the CBME an obligatory process. Social mobilization should be more intensive. Field staff should support the community, UC’s for filling CBME form until they felt easier to fill it. CHV’s needs to give more support to community people to improve H&H condition. They need to provide the actual information by doing RCS to make them change their behavior. Certain activites like public hearing on water quality and management of Mangad WSS needs revision, as there has been substansive improvement seen now. Few activities need to be replanned along with budget revision Frequent communication and support from MIS officer is needed to avoid data mismatch. A standard format should be developed to make data entry easier. More accounts keeping support is needed in Biratnagar Financial guidelines and policies should be followed carefully during financial transactions. Financial system and vouchers were checked and suggested for further improvement. In Itahari financial system found more systematic. Further support for smooth function is needed in both cities. Orientation and more support seemed 48 Date Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) August 3–4 August Rabin Lal Shrestha and Shikha Shrestha (WAN) 18 – 19 August Lajana Manandhar 18 – 20 August Sama Vajra Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) sharing of citizen forum Biratnagar and Itahari Interaction and skill sharing of citizen forum Biratnagar and Itahari Key Feedbacks Received (if any) necessary to the members of Citizen Concern Forum, Itahari from Lumanti Central office for advocacy and influencial work. Working sub-committee could be formed to carry out the work and the current CF can support the subcommittee as an advisory. Interaction with Citizen forum, Itahari and meeting with Biratnagar and Itahari staffs Meeting with Citizen forum, Itahari and meeting with Biratnagar and Itahari staffs Reports, documents should be managed to provide evidence. Citizen forum was found passive and not clear in their role & responsibilities. A meeting was planned to clarify and develop clear Action Plan Keeping in mind the commitment of Citizen Concern Forums’ dedication in influencing and the busy schedule, some eligible executive members should be added in the Forum for active involvement in the programme. For the implementation of the programme, Citizen Concern Forum as an advisory group should form its subcommittee to implement the programme. Both Citizen Concern Forum and Lumanti need more homework to be done for the sustainability of Citizen Forum after Lumanti’s programme phase out. Plan of action should be strictly followed to complete the planned activities within time frame. The problems, issues should be solved immediately and should share with immediate line managers/coordinators, if assistance is needed. Harmony, team work and self respect should be maintained between every staffs for progress and satisfaction. 49 Date 18 – 20 August Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) Shiva Gopal Shrestha Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Field supervision visit of Biratnagar and Itahari Key Feedbacks Received (if any) During construction of the toilet, the siphon should be fitted well such that, the water inside it shields the bad odor. The excreta should be flushed to avoid the flies and bad odor. The toilet should be cleaned regularly along with its surrounding. 18 – 22 August Renu Lama 15 Septemb er Kabir Sir Puspa Joshi 15 – 18 Septemb er Kabir Sir (WAN) Bijesh Shrestha and Dibesh Sayami (CIUD) Data collection, management & verification Meet LDO to sign the agreement paper between DDO and WAN on the project being implemented by Lumanti in Itahari with support of WAN. Monitoring and support visit The tube wells shouldn’t be used for about a week once it is fixed to avoid losing the grip. The data should be updated when needed to avoid mismatch. The data should be managed in the standard format, such that it will be easier for entry and understandable. - Mr. Dibesh Sayami, CIUD suggested to go to community with a feeling, what we can give to the community rather not what we'll get from them. This feeling will lead to the success of the programme and helps gain trust among the community people. RCS should be applied to trigger the community about the H&H situation. CBME system should be followed by every community for transparency, accountability, to show the responsibility and ultimately for the sustainability. Lumanti staff should seriously mobilize their staffs for support and its functioning. Partners should focus on project plan and mainly on key deliverables part. 50 Date Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Key Feedbacks Received (if any) In case of the issue of pipeline connection in Malangbaba, Small Town office should also show some softness with community people, so that both party be in win-win situation. With the learning from Malangbaba, Small Town office should develop the law and policy, such that such issues can be dealt easily in the future. Municipality should provide alternative site for the waste water treatment plant. Municipality should also support the amount agreed in the MoU for the integrated project. Citizen Forum should prepare three year WaSH advocacy strategic paper. The networking of Citizen Forum (Advocacy & Influencing groups) could be the next foot step to advocate and influence the WaSH rights not only in local level but also in city and national level. Citizen Forum can play a vital role to boost up Local government to prepare a detail plan of the municipality like WESHI plan with full ownership, so that the donor agencies and other organizations can easily invest in the development works. Forming different subcommittee with active members based on the area occupied will be beneficial for easy implementation of WSP. 22-26 Nov Surendra Kumar Shrestha Financial Monitoring and Supports 16-21 Dec Bishal Shrestha, Shiva Gopal Shrestha, Planning and Monitoring workshop and Review meeting # Supports on Financial matters were provided to the field team for timely report submission #The constructions in BiWASH project at the end of the 3rd quarter was seen lagging as per the plan of the project. 51 Date Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) 16-18 Dec Lajana Manandhar, Sama Bajra Puspa Joshi 17-19 Dec 3-7 Feb 28-31 March Surendra Kumar Shrestha Vijay Singha Shrestha and Surendra Kumar Shrestha Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Planning and Monitoring workshop and Review meeting Planning and Monitoring workshop and Review meeting Financial Monitoring and Supports Program monitoring and evaluation Key Feedbacks Received (if any) #the field teams were oriented on way forwards for the coming years and joint planning was done with the team. #Introduction and Raport with the field team as new WASH Manager was hired #Orientation on the monitoring and evaluation for coming years as per WAN CSP was shared #All the financial matters were sorted to finalize for this FY 2010/11. G. 2 Upcoming Visits for coming Quarter- likely or confirmed Time Period Visit by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies) Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) G.3. Other Key PME Activities (as appropriate): Involvement in Local government planning process and its key observations Sunsari District is planning to declare Open Defecation Free Zone and for the same Water and Sanitation Division Office at Itahari has been developing Sanitation Master Plan in coordination with different stakeholders, I/NGOs, CBOs and local governing bodies in the municipalities and VDCs. Lumanti, as one of the stakeholders working in the sector of water and sanitation in Itahari Municipality has joined hands together for the development of Sanitation Master Plan as a member of the sub-committee for the same. Likewise, Itahari municipality is also developing a Coordinated Water, Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene Improvement (WESHI) Plan. The municipality has conducted a workshop in huge participation of all stakeholders, government agencies, I/NGOs and CBOs working in the sector of water, sanitation and hygiene in Itahari where a committee has been formed to develop a Coordinated WESHI Plan. Lumanti is one of the key members of the committee. As decided in the said workshop, Itahari municipality has recently completed its household survey with the support from Tole Lane Organizations. Revised data of Itahari Municipality along with the coordinated WESHI Plan is expected at the earliest. 52 Community Base M&E and its key observations CBME system has been established and institutionalized in some Users Committees of the targeted 19 communities with the support from social mobilisers and community development workers. The UCs is transparent in their working procedure. The system collection of quotations and selection as per the financial merits and provision provided is in place. The major challenge posed in this case, is sudden price hikes of the materials, in which the UCs have to be accountable to the community. This might bring confusion in terms of agreement with the contracted hardware and might bring dispute in working of the UCs. Rapid Convenient Surveys or other tools, and their key observations RCS of all targeted 19 communities has been conducted. The result shows improving picture of health and hygiene attitudes. Most of the parameters of the RCS show improved results when compared with the initial RCS report. People in the communities have raised consciousness regarding the issue of personal sanitation. They have adopted 4 key health messages and the percentage of the people using cleaning agents at critical times has increased in these days. People of targeted communities of ward no 6, 7, 8 now own latrine and have habit of using such latrines and keeping them clean. Some people in Purba Mushari, Dinabhadri and Tengra are exceptional. More awareness campaigns and activities are felt necessary in these communities. A constant follow-ups and monitoring should be done at the community level in. This requires monitoring and follow-ups from the CHVs/CHMs. Also, the involvement of recently registered Sangini Women Saving & Credit Cooperative Limited in monitoring of such monitoring process can be beneficial. H. Water Quality ( Not applicable for advocacy projects) Constructed (Water Sources & Points) New Rehab Tested (Water Sources & Points) Exist. New Reha b Not Tested (Water Sources & Points) Exist. Ne w Remarks Rehab Previous Year Q1 Q2 3 17 3 17 WQT of 3 new handpumps in Kadmaha and 17 hand pumps in Nahar (where WSP initiated) has been performed. Q3 Q4 153 TOTAL 156 WQT of 16 water points distributed by ISTWSUC tested on the sampling basis in the ration of 1:10 16 17 19 17 Note: Detailed WQ findings should be submitted in Annual Report in the annex Highlight key water quality problems and challenges 53 Explain any mitigation action taken or planned Achievement in mitigation on water quality (include in Annual Report) 54 I. Indicative Project Outcomes – Refer to Project Plan Section 2, 3 and 4. (SMR & APR only) Note: Do not segregate Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in case of cross cutting projects, just put WaSH objectives. Service Delivery Project Objectives Project Indicators Water: 8,208 people of 19 communities of 4 wards of the Municipality have improved access to safe and adequate water by 2011/12 1 Achievements to date Year – Year – 2 1 (FY: 2009/10) (FY: 2008/0 9) 905 people from the six communities of wards no.6 is provided with improved access to water facilities 75% of the targeted beneficiaries will be from poor and excluded groups. 90% of the project beneficiaries are from the poor and excluded group. 100% of the water points provided have been tested and achieved minimum WQ standards as envisaged by WaterAid Nepal’s WQ protocol or NDWQS1 All the water points provided is tested for its safety. Health and Hygiene programme is framed in the programme to address the recommendatio ns from the water test result in the community. 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) 39 people from the Kadmaha Tole of ward no. 7 is provided with improved access to water facilities. 1852 people from Malangbaba Tole of ward 6, Manakamana Tole of ward 7, Namuna Tole of ward 9 including 1000 students from Shree Saraswati Satan Ma Vi is provided with water pipeline access distributed by ISTWSUC. 90% of the project beneficiaries are from the poor and excluded group. 90% of the project beneficiaries are from the poor and excluded group. All the water points installed (3 hand pumps installed in Kadmaha -7 and 20 hand pump in Nahar – 7) is tested for its safety. Health and Hygiene programme is framed in the programme to address the recommendati ons from the water test result in the community. Water points connected in Malangbaba Tole of ward 6, Manakamana Tole of ward 7, Namuna Tole of ward are tested on sampling basis in the ration of 1:10. Health and Hygiene programme is framed in the programme to address the recommendations from the water test result in the community. National Drinking Water Quality Standards of Nepal 55 Sanitation: 4,330 people in 19 communities of 4 wards have access to hygienic latrine facilities by 2011/12 973 people from the six communities of wards no.6 is provided with access to improved sanitation facilities in FY 09/10. At least 60% of the targeted 10 communities (12 communities) have declared Open Defecation Free (ODF) communities by 2011/12 All the 19 communities will have community management system in place to maintain and sustain them their neighborhood environment healthy. The communities have adopted the programme positively. CBME training has been provided to the community users group. The 43 HH latrines in Nahar and 7 HH latrines in Manakamana Harijan Tole are under construction. Total of 291 people from the two communities (nahar & Manakamana) of wards no.7 will be provided with access to improved sanitation facilities in FY 10/11. The communities have adopted the programme positively and therefore three out of six communities of ward no 6 are already set to be declared ODF community. However, massive software activities need to be supported in these communities before they are declared ODF. The communities have adopted the programme positively. CBME training has been provided to the community users group. The 1192 people from six communities of ward 7 & 8 are provided with access to improved sanitation facilities. 8 communities of ward 6 & 7 (Balgram, Dedhgaria, Miteri, Shiva Parbati & Malangbaba Tole of ward 6 ) and Nahar, Kadmaha, Sahara & Manakamana Tole of ward 7) are declared Open Defecation Free Zone. The communities have adopted the programme positively. CBME training has been provided to the community users group. The communities have shown positive interest in adopting the system. CBME system has been initiated in some communities through its 56 communities have shown positive interest in adopting the system. CBME system has been initiated in some communities through its regular practice. Social Mobilizers and Community Development Workers are conducting orientation programs to all UCs to initiate it in all cluster. 80% of the beneficiaries are from poor and excluded groups and are delivered sanitation facilities are maintained properly 2,180 people of the 19 communities of 4 wards have improved environmental sanitation facilities by construction/reno vation of 550 meter stormwater drainage, 1 wastewater management Plant and initiation of solid waste management by 2011/12 90% of the project beneficiaries are from the poor and excluded group. Solid Waste Management option - suiro is promoted in every household of the communities of ward 6 along with the solid waste management training to UC, and UCC of ward 6. 1 CHM and 5 CHV are mobilized for the program. Some women in the community are ready to reuse waste plastic for communities have shown positive interest in adopting the system. CBME system has been initiated in some communities through its regular practice. Social Mobilizers and Community Development Workers are conducting orientation programs to all UCs to initiate it in all cluster. 90% of the project beneficiaries are from the poor and excluded group. regular practice. Social Mobilizers and Community Development Workers are conducting orientation programs to all UCs to initiate it in all cluster. Watsan Users Committees of ward no.7 and 8 and CHM/CHVs have been provided with solid waste management training. The Users Committee and the CHM/CHV have started their awareness campaign on solid waste management within their communities Solid Waste Management option suiro is promoted in every household of the communities of ward 7, 8 & 9 along with the orientation on the use of suiro and plastic waste management. 3 CHM and 11 CHV are mobilized for the program. Some women in the community are ready to reuse waste plastic for webbing baskets. Total of 4169 people are benefited through the program. 90% of the project beneficiaries are from the poor and excluded group. 57 70% of the target HHs practice solid waste management by 2010/11 and sustained the waste management practices 80% of the environmental sanitation facilities are well maintained and working properly with well managed community management system in place to maintain and sustain their neighborhood environment healthy. Mechanism for collection of Operation and Maintenance fund is developed in the community for the sustainability of public infrastructures and the collected fund is well managed and transparent. Hygiene: All the communities (adult and children) of 4 wards with 19 communities have knowledge of at webbing baskets. Total of 1671 people are benefited through the program. The community has adapted health environmental sanitation practice. The community has adapted health environmental sanitation practice. The community has adapted health environmental sanitation practice. Some communities have adopted the system of collecting monthly fund for O&M of the constructed infrastructures. Recently registered Sangini Women S&C Cooperative Limited has decided to establish Community Development Fund for the sustainability of the constructed infrastructures. Hygienic latrine facilities have been constructed and accesses to water point have been Mechanism for collection of Operation and Maintenance has been taught during Preconstruction Training. The UCs is committed to develop the appropriate mechanism within the community. Massive health and hygiene programme has been launched in the community through Hygienic latrine facilities have been constructed and accesses to water point have been assured to all the households in the community. Apart from this, massive health 58 least 5 key hygiene messages and communicate them at critical times when asked 80% of the beneficiaries educated with 5 key hygiene messages adopted improved and sustained hygiene behaviour practices at least in the following 4 key areas by 2011/12 Hand washing in critical times Management assured to all the households in the community. Apart from this, massive health and hygiene programme has been launched in the community through community health mobilizer and community health volunteers. 60% the community people are now aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene programmes has to be focused in Purba Mushari and Dina Badri community for hygiene behavior change of the people in those community. Hygienic latrine facilities have been constructed and accesses to water point have been assured to all the households in the community. Apart from this, massive health and hygiene programme has been launched in the community through community health mobilizer and community health volunteers. 60% the community people are now aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene programmes has to be focused for hygiene behavior change of the people in the community. and hygiene programme has been launched in the community through community health mobilizer and community health volunteers. 60% the community people are now aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene programmes has to be focused in Tengra Tole for hygiene behavior change of the people in those community. Massive health and hygiene programme has been launched in the community through community health mobilizer and community health volunteers. 60% the community people are now aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities Massive health and hygiene programme has been launched in the community through community health mobilizer and community health volunteers. 60% the community people are now aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. Same percentage of the people practice safe hygiene behaviour at least in 4 key areas. However, safe storage of water and hygiene PoU treatments in most of the communities is not well 59 of Human Excreta including child excreta Safe storage of water and hygienic PoU treatments Safe food hygiene practice Reduction in point prevalence rate of diarrhea, skin and typhoid in the target areas by 20%, 15% and 10% respectively with reference to the collected baseline data. community health mobilizer and community health volunteers. 60% the community people are now aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene programmes has to be focused in Purba Mushari and Dina Badri community for hygiene behavior change of the people in those community. Hygienic latrine facilities have been constructed and accesses to water point have been assured to all the households in the community. Apart from this, massive health and hygiene programme has been launched in the community through community health mobilizer and community health volunteers. 60% the community people are now aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, and safe use of water. However, more hygiene programmes has to be focused for hygiene behavior change of the people in the community. adopted. More hygiene programmes has to be focused, especially in Tengra Tole for hygiene behavior change of the people in those community. Massive health and hygiene programme has been launched in the community through community health mobilizer and community health volunteers. 60% the community people are now aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene programmes has to be focused for hygiene behavior change of the people in the community. 60 more hygiene programmes has to be focused in Purba Mushari and Dina Badri community for hygiene behavior change of the people in those community. Capacity Building Project Objectiv es Water: Project Indicators Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Achievements to date Year – 2 1st Half of this (FY: 2009/10) Year (Q1 & Q2) 4 WSUCCs/19 WSUCs have been established and trained; and have functional management and operation system in place with regular collection of O&M fund to sustain water points for delivering water facilities by 2011/12. 1 WSUCC have been formed in ward no 6 representing six WSUC. The WSUC and WSUCC have been given trainings on pre construction, post construction and operation and management of the water facilities provided. 1 WSUCC have been formed in ward no 7 and 8 representing seven WSUC. The WSUC and WSUCC have been given trainings on pre construction and operation and management of the water facilities provided. 80% of the water points constructed/rehabilit ated are functional, managed and well maintained. 100% of the water points constructed/rehabilit ated are functional, managed and well maintained. Developed 4 local cadres (1 from each ward) on WQ assessment at community/local level and A local cadet for WQ test has been developed in ward no 6 at community/local level. CHM has 100% of the water points constructed/reha bilitated are functional, managed and well maintained. 3 local cadres for WQ test has been developed in ward no 7, 8 & 9 at community/local 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) 1 WSUCC have been formed in ward no 9 representing 6 WSUCs. No construction works have been initiated yet in ward 9 except health & hygiene promotional programs. However, water pipeline connection has been done in Namuna Tole of ward 9. NA The dissemination of WQ results to wider audience to ensure 61 disseminated assessment results twice a year to wider audience to ensure awareness on WQ and safe consumption of water. been developed as a local cadet as water quality is directly related to public Health and Hygiene and also people are more impressed when the test is done by their community health motivator.However, dissemination of WQ results to wider audience to ensure awareness on WQ and safe consumption of water has yet not been done as water point construction was ongoing till the end of March. However, the local cadre has assured Lumanti that he shall disseminate the test results to wider public in April 2010. CBME system established and institutionalized through its regular practice by all the Users Committees of the targeted 19 communities CBME system has been initiated in all the six community of ward no 6 through its regular practice by all the Users Committees. WSUCCs and WSUCs have respectively 6 and 12 meetings in a year to review, discuss challenges & issues, and learn good practices and WSUCCs and WSUCs have been conducting regular meetings in the community and within themselves to review, discuss, challenges & level. CHM has been developed as a local cadet as water quality is directly related to public Health and Hygiene and also people are more impressed when the test is done by their community health motivator. The dissemination of WQ results to wider audience to ensure awareness on WQ and safe consumption of water has been done in Nahar Tole. The local cadre has already planned to disseminate the test results in rest of the communities in the end of October. CBME system has been initiated in some communities through its regular practice. Social Mobilizers and Community Development Workers are conducting orientation programs to all UCs to initiate it in all cluster. WSUCCs and WSUCs have been conducting regular meetings in the community and within themselves to review, discuss, awareness on WQ and safe consumption of water has been done in all communities of ward 7, 8 & 9 where water points have been connected and installed. Health & Hygiene CBME system has been implemented in household level. CHM & CHVs are mobilized for regular monitoring of health & hygiene status. WSUCCs and WSUCs have been conducting regular meetings in the community and within 62 approaches at local level to enhance their capacities to manage the project at their communities. issues, and learn good practices and approaches at local level to enhance their capacities to manage the project at their communities. challenges & issues, and learn good practices and approaches at local level to enhance their capacities to manage the project at their communities. Innovations, technologies, learning and good practices including policy strategies/approach es are shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level through 4 trainings, 8 meeting and 2 workshops and 2 exposure visits annually. The technologies, leanings and good practices have been shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level. Operation and Maintenance of large infrastructures where many households depend is practical. However, operation and maintenance of a small scale community handpump is very challenging as nobody claims responsibility and everyone claims the right for using it. Apart from that, there is high risk of theft of hand pump head and other accessories during night time. Therefore, the users committee themselves also do not show interest for installation of community hand pumps. Based on the sharing, the municipality and local stakeholders have shown interest The technologies, learnings and good practices have been shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level. Operation and Maintenance of large infrastructures where many households depend is practical. However, operation and maintenance of a small scale community handpump is very challenging as nobody claims responsibility and everyone claims the right for using it. Apart from that, there is high risk of theft of hand pump head and other accessories during night time. Therefore, the users committee themselves also do not show interest for themselves to review, discuss, challenges & issues, and learn good practices and approaches at local level to enhance their capacities to manage the project at their communities. The technologies, learnings and good practices have been shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level. Operation and Maintenance of large infrastructures where many households depend is practical. However, operation and maintenance of a small scale community hand-pump is very challenging as nobody claims responsibility and everyone claims the right for using it. Apart from that, there is high risk of theft of hand pump head and other accessories during night time. Therefore, the 63 to invest in extension of pipeline water wherever possible and not promote groundwater extraction. installation of community hand pumps. Based on the sharing, the municipality and local stakeholders have shown interest to invest in extension of pipeline water wherever possible and not promote groundwater extraction. users committee themselves also do not show interest for installation of community hand pumps. Based on the sharing, water pipeline extension and household connection of water tap has been initiated. Total of 153 HH water points have been connected as a piloting program implementing graded subsidy approach in coordination with TLO, community people and ISTWSUC. Series of meetings and discussions have been done with the Municipality and ISTWSUC for the implementation of the water pipeline extension and HH water points connection programs to develop policies to enter in the slum & squatters area. ISTWSUC shall now develop a policy through 64 2 trainings are provided annually to 6 persons representing municipal level stakeholders & community groups from 09/10 on CBME system for its application /replication in their projects by 2012/13 and provide evidence of the enhanced capacity in this discipline of monitoring Training on CWRM and CBME has been conducted with Community Users group as well as the municipal staffs. The municipal staffs showed interest in this management tool where community can monitoring the work progress and budget by themselves. UC and UCC have shown greater interest as it will make everyone in the community transparent on the work process and the budget utilization. A household level CBME chart has been developed by Lumanti which shall be distributed in each household to hang it in their wall for everyone to see. Training on CBME has been conducted with Community Users group as well as the municipal staffs. The municipal staffs showed interest in this management tool where community can monitoring the work progress and budget by themselves. UC and UCC have shown greater interest as it will make everyone in the community transparent on the work process and the budget utilization. A household level hygiene CBME chart has been developed by Lumanti which has been distributed in each household. This chart has been utilized and monitored by CHVs / CHMs. Trained Municipal staff and other sector actors including service providers on WSP and initiated the Municipal staff and other sector actors including service providers have been oriented on Water Safety Plan. Mr. WSP initiated in Nahar Tole, ward no 7 of Itahari Municipality as a pilot project. the learning from the piloting program for the next FY. Training on CBME has been conducted with Community Users group as well as the municipal staffs. The municipal staffs showed interest in this management tool where community can monitoring the work progress and budget by themselves. UC and UCC have shown greater interest as it will make everyone in the community transparent on the work process and the budget utilization. A household level hygiene CBME chart has been developed by Lumanti which has been distributed in each household. This chart has been utilized and monitored by CHVs / CHMs. 65 implementation of WSP as pilot activity by 2011/12 to ensure safe delivery of water Knowledge of 6 persons representing from municipality /TLOs and other sector actors on CWRM enhanced through 2 trainings conducted annually Sanitatio n: Documented the best practices and learning experiences gathered from the project within 3 years in relation to water sector and disseminated to the wider audience by March 2012 Innovations, technologies, learning and good practices including policy strategies/approach Makhan Maharjan from ENPHO was the focal person in the orientation porgramme. Itahari Municipality and Itahari Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Users Corporation have shown interest towards the application and piloting the water safety plan. Municipal staff and other sector actors including service providers have been oriented on CWRM and also on Water Safety Plan. Mr. Makhan Maharjan from ENPHO was the focal person in the orientation porgramme. Itahari Municipality and Itahari Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Users Corporation have shown interest towards the application and piloting the water safety plan. NA The technologies, leanings and good practices have been shared with the community groups and local Achieved and Reported in last year reporting. NA NA The technologies, leanings and good practices have been shared with the The technologies, leanings and good practices have been shared with the 66 es are shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level through 4 trainings, 8 meetings, 2 workshops and 2 exposure visits annually from 09/10 Developed at least 1 community caretaker in each community to effectively operate and maintain the sanitation infrastructures installed for their functional in the long run and contribute in ensuring ODF status (wherever declared) sustained by 2011/12 stakeholders at municipal level. Based on the sharing, the municipality and local stakeholders have shown interest to invest in the construction of a bio gas plant for waste water treatment. Also, new technology of pit latrine with connection to septic tank shall be piloted. Also, the concept of latrine with a common septic tank is also being floated in the meeting. The municipality, water supply division office and TLO are positive towards this idea and therefore, this concept shall also be piloted in the community wherever practical. 1 community caretakers have been developed in ward no.6. Mr. Ruben Chaudhary of Dianbadri community have been identified as community caretaker and shall work under the guidance of UC/UCC to effectively operate and maintain the sanitation infrastructures installed for their functional in the long run and contribute in ensuring ODF status community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level. Based on the sharing, the municipality is looking for an appropriate space for the construction of waste water treatment / bio gas plant. community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level. Based on the sharing, the municipality has proposed a site for the construction of bio gas plant with public latrines to be connected to it. More than 80% of the Bio gas plan construction works have been accomplished. 7 community caretakers have been developed in seven communities of ward no.7 and 8. Mr. Farendra Karki of Nahar Tole, Ms. Bhagoti Sardar of Kadmaha Tole, Mr. Dilip Sada of Tengra Tole, Ms. Kalpana Harijan of Manakamana Tole, Ms. Manu Pradhan of Shiva parvati Tole, Mr. Mahendra Dhakal of Himalaya Tole and Ms. Sita Mochi of With the joint effort of community caretakers, UC, UCC, CHM & CHVs, 9 communities of ward 6 & 7 are declared ODF zone. The caretakers, UC, UCC, and CHM & CHVs are regularly monitoring the sanitation status of the community for the sustainability of ODF status and constructed infrastructure. 67 2 trainings are provided annually to at least local 4 persons from municipal level stakeholders & community groups from 09/10 on CBME and hygiene behaviour assessment tools (e.g. RCS) system for its application/replicatio n in their projects by 2011/12 and provide evidence of the enhanced capacity in this discipline of hygiene monitoring. Training on CWRM and CBME has been conducted to Community Users group as well as the municipal staffs. The municipal staffs showed interest in this management tool where community can monitoring the work progress and budget by themselves. UC and UCC have shown greater interest as it will make everyone in the community transparent on the work process and the budget utilization. A household level CBME chart has been developed by Lumanti which shall be distributed in each household to hang it in their wall for everyone to see. Pashupati Nagar (Mallik Vasti) have been identified as community caretaker and shall work under the guidance of UC/UCC to effectively operate and maintain the sanitation infrastructures installed for their functional in the long run and contribute in ensuring ODF status Training on CBME has been conducted to Community Users group as well as the municipal staffs. The municipal staffs showed interest in this management tool where community can monitoring the work progress and budget by themselves. UC and UCC have shown greater interest as it will make everyone in the community transparent on the work process and the budget utilization. A household level hygiene CBME chart has been developed by Lumanti which has been distributed in each household. This chart has Training on CBME has been conducted to Community Users group as well as the municipal staffs. The municipal staffs showed interest in this management tool where community can monitoring the work progress and budget by themselves. UC and UCC have shown greater interest as it will make everyone in the community transparent on the work process and the budget utilization. A household level hygiene CBME chart has been developed by Lumanti which 68 Trained Municipal staff and other sector actors including service providers on the importance of hygienic sanitation facility and initiated the delivery of hygienic public sanitation facility Review outputs of the training in every subsequent years to document the capacity enhancement of municipal level stakeholders & community groups on sanitation promotion and its sustainability Municipal staffs, UCC, UC and CHM/V were oriented on importance of hygienic sanitation facility. Municipality, Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office, Itahari Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Users Corporation and Lumanti has agreed on the construction of hygienic sanitation facilities with easy access to water. NA been utilized and has been monitored by distributed in CHVs / CHMs. each household. This chart has been utilized and monitored by CHVs / CHMs. Municipal staffs, Municipal UCC, UC and staffs, UCC, CHM/V were UC and CHM/V oriented on were oriented importance of on importance hygienic of hygienic sanitation facility. sanitation Municipality, facility. Water Supply Municipality, and Sanitation Water Supply Division Office, and Sanitation Itahari Small Division Office, Town Water Itahari Small Supply and Town Water Sanitation Users Supply and Corporation and Sanitation Lumanti has Users agreed on the Corporation construction of and Lumanti hygienic has agreed on sanitation the facilities with construction of easy access to hygienic water. sanitation facilities with easy access to water. NA The technologies, learnings and good practices have been shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level. Operation and Maintenance of large infrastructures where many households depend is practical. 69 However, operation and maintenance of a small scale community hand-pump is very challenging as nobody claims responsibility and everyone claims the right for using it. Apart from that, there is high risk of theft of hand pump head and other accessories during night time. Therefore, the users committee themselves also do not show interest for installation of community hand pumps. Based on the sharing, water pipeline extension and household connection of water tap has been initiated. Total of 153 HH water points have been connected as a piloting program implementing graded subsidy approach in coordination with TLO, community people and ISTWSUC. Series of meetings and 70 discussions have been done with the Municipality and ISTWSUC for the implementation of the water pipeline extension and HH water points connection programs to develop policies to enter in the slum & squatters area. ISTWSUC shall now develop a policy through the learning from the piloting program for the next FY. Training on CBME has been conducted with Community Users group as well as the municipal staffs. The municipal staffs showed interest in this management tool where community can monitoring the work progress and budget by themselves. UC and UCC have shown greater interest as it will make everyone in the community transparent on the work 71 process and the budget utilization. A household level hygiene CBME chart has been developed by Lumanti which has been distributed in each household. This chart has been utilized and monitored by CHVs / CHMs. Documented the best practices and learning experiences gathered from the project within 3 years in relation to sanitation sector and disseminated to the wider audience NA NA Municipal staffs, UCC, UC and CHM/V were oriented on importance of hygienic sanitation facility. Municipality, Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office, Itahari Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Users Corporation and Lumanti has agreed on the construction of hygienic sanitation facilities with easy access to water. NA 72 by March 2012 Hygiene: Documented learning and best practices including related policy strategies/approach es developed are shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level through 4 trainings, 8 meetings, 2 workshops and 2 exposure visits annually from 09/10 The leanings and good practices have been shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level. District Health Office has shown interest towards the work of Lumanti and has assured to provide support in the programme wherever required. However, more coordination has to be practiced with other stakeholders as well. The leanings and good practices have been shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level. The leanings and good practices have been shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at District Health municipal level. Office has shown interest towards District Health the work of Office has Lumanti and has supported for assured to Health Camp provide support focusing on in the Reproductive programme Health & wherever Menstrual required. Hygiene. The However, more camp was coordination has conducted in to be practiced coordination with other with District stakeholders as Health Office well. (DHO) and Primary Health Center. 65 women from ward 6, 7, 8 & 9 had their check up. Out of 65 women 2 women are found with third degree prolapse and 1 with first degree prolapse. All 3 women are suggested for urgent thorough check up in Birat Nursing Home as it is providing free check up for reproductive health in coordination with DHO. 73 Water & Sanitation Division Office Sunsari has shown affirmative sign to support for sanitation promotion from the next FY. It has also supported during the declaration of ODF this year. Conducted an exposure visit to Bharatpur for Municipality, ISTWSUC, UC, CF, UCC, & other sector stakeholders where an interactive program with local community people of Bharatpur was conducted. From the cross learning and experience sharing during the exposure visit, especially the community people found highly encouraged and motivated resulting a construction of drainage by their own effort in Mallik tole of ward 8. Good interaction between Secretary of Itahari Small Town and 74 Documented the best practices and learning experiences gathered from the project within 3 years in relation to sanitation sector and disseminated to the wider audience by March 2012 4 Community Health Motivators (CHMs) are trained and remain active in the selected wards by 11/12 60% of the 15 Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) trained by CHMs remain active in selected 4 wards of municipality by 11/12 NA NA President of Jakhadimai WSUC has definitely support for some affirmative change towards water service delivery. NA 1 CHM and 5 CHV’s have been identified and selected in ward no 6. The CHM and CHV’s are working actively in the community to assist in Hygiene Behavior change of the people in the community. The community people are now more aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene programmes has to be focused in Purba Mushari and Dina Badri community for hygiene behavior change of the people in those community. 3 CHM and 10 CHV’s have been identified and selected in ward no 7, 8 & 9. The CHM and CHV’s are working actively in the community to assist in Hygiene Behavior change of the people in the community. The community people are now more aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene programmes has to be focused in community for hygiene behavior change of the people in those community. CHM & CHVs from ward no 6 are also actively working in the Identified CHMs and CHV’s are working actively in the community to assist in Hygiene Behavior change of the people in the community. The community people are now more aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene program has to be focused in community for hygiene behavior change of the people in those communities. CHM & CHVs from ward no 6 are also actively 75 community. Educated community people of 4 wards by delivering at least 5 key hygiene messages with innovative means of communicating hygiene messages. Project Objectives Water: Project Indicators Review of WESI plans conducted annually to understand the achievement and contributions made by the sector actors at the Municipal level and also provide evidence of adopting WESI plan as a coordinated plan. Regular Orientations, trainings and visual aids have been provided to the people of all six communities in ward no.6 through CHV and CHM. Achievements to date Year – 1 Year – 2 (FY: (FY: 2009/10) 2008/09) MoU with the municipality has been signed to implement the WASH project in Itahari based on the WESHI plan developed by Lumanti in partnership with the municipality. The programme has been officially launched in the municipality. ED of the municipality Mr. Ganesh Dahal expressed his gratitude towards WAN, UNH and Lumanti for selecting Itahari for programme implementation and wished all the success and support in the programme. Regarding the adaptation of WESI plan by the municipality and integrating it into the municipality’s planning porcess, Regular Orientations, trainings and visual aids have been provided to the people of all 19 communities in ward no. 6,7,8 & 9 through CHV and CHM. 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) Citizen Forum has conducted an interaction program in participation of all stakeholders. Municipality as well has collected and reviewed the household data and it is under digital processing. working in the community. Regular Orientations, trainings and visual aids have been provided to the people of all 19 communities in ward no. 6,7,8 & 9 through CHV and CHM. 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) The municipality has produced a draft WASH coordinated plan and planning for municipal level workshop with stakeholder for suggestions & feedback to finalize WASH coordinated plan. The municipality will explore other stakeholders for further WASH service to declare Itahari Municipality - an ODF zone by 2015. 76 municipality organized a one day coordination workshop in partnership with Lumanti with support of Citizen Forum, with all the sector stakeholders of the municipality. From the workshop, a committee is formed in the leadership of municipality to coordinate the water and sanitation activities of different agencies including government and non government organizations. The committee will also explore funding opportunities to meet the resource gap to achieve the goal providing access to household toilets and water points to all the families in Itahari. The municipality has reflected the annual plan and budget of Lumanti in its annual plan document. Project Management Committee (PMC) is formed representing EO of IM, ED of Lumanti, CR of WAN, EO of Water Supply Division Office, UN-HABITAT and 77 Voices of Citizen’s forum are acknowledged by local WASH stakeholders adopting WESI Plan as a coordinated plan and integrating it into Municipality’s planning process The financial resources are allocated in water sector in an increasing trend Chairperson of TLO, Project Implementation Committee (PIC) formed representing focal person of IM for Lumanti WATSAN programme, Project Coordinator of Lumanti, representation from UCC, Representation from Itahari Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Users Corporation, Representation from TLO Municipality contributes 10% of the overall budget in Lumanti WASH programme as Lumanti is implementing the programme in partnership with the municipality. Therefore, the municipality had to get formal approval from the Municpal Council meeting and political parties before signing the MoU which resulted in the delay in implementation of service delivery process in field (especiallyhardware activities). NA Citizen Forum has conducted an interaction program in participation of all stakeholders. Municipality has shown its commitment for the development of WESHI Plan. Acknowledging the voice of Citizen Form, Municipality has produced a draft WASH coordinated plan and planning for municipal level workshop with stakeholder for suggestions & feedback to finalize WASH coordinated plan. The municipality will explore other stakeholders for further WASH service to declare Itahari Municipality - an ODF zone by 2015. Citizen Forum has studied and analysed the budget and submitted the In the FY 2067/68, the allocated budget for water sector is Rs. 500,000/- 78 at the Municipal Level providing evidence of actions of Municipality and/or other sector stakeholders in adopting WESHI plan as a coordinated plan for WASH programme. Sanitation: Review of key WASH sector blockage issues annually from 09/10 and documented them to understand how much improvement in WASH governance, particularly in delivering sanitation facilities is achieved and sector blockage issues are addressed draft report. Delay in agreement with Itahari Municiality delayed the formation of Citizen Forum. Citizen Firum in Itahari was formed only in the forth quarter. Therefore, Citizen forum thus formed did not have enough time to review the key WASH sector blockage issues this year. Prior to the formation of Citizen Forum Itahari, Citizen Forum Biratnagar has conducted and reported RCT result on Feb 2010. RCT review workshop will be conducted by Citizen Forum Itahari on 3rd quarter. which is 0.49% of the total budget. In the previous year, the municipality has not allocated budget for water sector. Though the allocation of budget of water sector this year is too low, the municipality has started allocating from this year which is definitely a positive sign. Review on RCT has been accomplished. Citizen Forum Itahari is preparing a review report. As per the draft report received 33-35% of the total population of Itahari is still deprived from the piped water supply as still 6065 km pipeline need to be extended for total coverage. Besides, extension of pipeline in the slum and squatters area of IM is still a big question as the municipality and the service provider has not yet particularly formulated the policies in such regards. However, ISTWSUC has expressed its commitment to develop 79 Review of WESI plans conducted annually to understand the achievement and contributions made by the sector actors on sanitation sector at the Municipal level provide evidence of adopting WESI plan as a MoU with the municipality has been signed to implement the WASH project in Itahari based on the WESHI plan developed by Lumanti in partnership with the municipality. The programme has been officially launched in the Based on the decision made at the one day coordination workshop conducted by Itahari Muncipality in partnership with Lumanti with support of Citizen Forum, with all the sector operational policy for the next FY through the learning from the piloting program of connection of HH water pipeline in partnership with with Lumanti and the extension of water pipeline for the same. Moreover, ISTWSUC has not fully implemented WSP. Thus the quality of water cannot be ensured. On the other hand, IM has not yet produced WESHI plan as an integrated WASH Coordinated plan. On the basis of which IM is planning to declare the municipality an ODF zone by 2015. In this scenario, municipality's plan to declare the whole municipality region an ODF zone seems over ambitious. Municipality has produced a draft WASH coordinated plan and planning for municipal level workshop with stakeholder for suggestions & feedback to finalize WASH coordinated plan. The municipality will explore other 80 coordinated plan by the sector stakeholders including Municipality. municipality. ED of the municipality Mr. Ganesh Dahal expressed his gratitude towards WAN, UNH and Lumanti for selecting Itahari for programme implementation and wished all the success and support in the programme. Regarding the adaptation of WESI plan by the municipality and integrating it into the municipality’s planning process, municipality organized a one day coordination workshop in partnership with Lumanti with support of Citizen Forum, with all the sector stakeholders of the municipality. From the workshop, a committee is formed in the leadership of municipality to coordinate the water and sanitation activities of different agencies including government and non government organizations. The committee will also explore funding opportunities to meet the resource gap to achieve the goal providing access to household toilets and water points to stakeholders of the municipality has conducted household data and it is uner processing for the development of WASH coordinated plan. stakeholders for further WASH service to declare Itahari Municipality - an ODF zone by 2015. 81 Voices of Citizen’s forum are acknowledged by local WASH stakeholders adopting WESI Plan as a coordinated plan and integrated it into Municipality’s planning process to deliver sanitation (incl. Environmental) sanitation services all the families in Itahari. The municipality has reflected the annual plan and budget of Lumanti in its annual plan document. Municipality contributes 10% of the overall budget in Lumanti WASH programme as Lumanti is implementing the programme in partnership with the municipality. The municipality had to get formal approval from the Municipal Council meeting and political parties before signing the MoU which resulted in the delay in implementation of service delivery process in field (especiallyhardware activities). Based on the decision made at the one day coordination workshop conducted by Itahari Muncipality in partnership with Lumanti with support of Citizen Forum, with all the sector stakeholders of the municipality has conducted household data and it is uner processing for the development of WASH coordinated plan. Acknowledging the voice of Citizen Form, Municipality has produced a draft WASH coordinated plan and planning for municipal level workshop with stakeholder for suggestions & feedback to finalize WASH coordinated plan. The municipality will explore other stakeholders for further WASH service to declare Itahari Municipality - an ODF zone by 2015. Project Management Committee (PMC) is formed representing EO of IM, ED of Lumanti, CR of WAN, EO of Water Supply Division Office, UN-HABITAT and Chairperson of TLO Project Implementation Committee (PIC) formed representing focal person of IM for Lumanti WATSAN 82 Additional financial resources are increased in this sanitation sector in an increasing trend at the Municipal Level from 09/10 provide evidence of actions of sector stakeholders at Municipal level in adopting WESI plan as a coordinated plan for WASH programme for improved sanitation. Hygiene: Service providers act by increasing their financial investment to address the identified issues by 11/12 programme, Project Coordinator of Lumanti, representation from UCC, Representation from Itahari Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Users Corporation, Representation from TLO Delay in agreement with Itahari Municiality delayed the formation of Citizen Forum. Citizen Firum in Itahari was formed only in the forth quarter. Therefore, Citizen forum thus formed did not have enough time to review the key WASH sector blockage issues this year. NA Budget tracking of Muncipality has been done by the Citizen Forum Itahari and has submitted a draft report. NA In the FY 2067/68, the allocated budget for sanitation sector is Rs. 54, 50,000/- which is 5.41% of the total budget. This is relatively higher than the previous year. In the previous year, the allocation of the budget in sanitation sector is Rs. 37, 00,000/- which is 4.73% of the total budget. The municipality has invested Rs. 34,83,063/- for sanitation sector. The allocated budget for hygiene promotion for the FY 2067/68 is Rs. 9,70,000/- which is 0.96% of the total budget. Allocation of the budget this year is lower than the previous year. In the previous year, the allocation is Rs. 8,80,000/which is 1.25% of the total budget. Out of the total 83 Promoted hygiene education through CHVs & CHMs with increased priority at local municipal level with technical supports from District health institutions (E.g. DPHO) and Lumanti Local sector stakeholders have integrated hygiene education in the WASH programme with priority Policy Influencing 1 CHM and 5 CHV’s have been identified and selected in ward no 6. The CHM and CHV’s are working actively in the community to assist in Hygiene Behavior change of the people in the community. The community people are now more aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene programmes has to be focused in Purba Mushari and Dina Badri community for hygiene behavior change of the people in those community. NA 3 CHM and 10 CHV’s have been identified and selected in ward no 7, 8 & 9. The CHM and CHV’s are working actively in the community to assist in Hygiene Behavior change of the people in the community. The community people are now more aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene programmes has to be focused in community for hygiene behavior change of the people in those community. CHM & CHVs from ward no 6 are also actively working in the community. NA budget in the previous year, the investment is Rs. 8,13,227/-, 1.10% of the total budget. All identified CHM and CHV’s are working actively in the community to assist in Hygiene Behavior change of the people in the community. The community people are now more aware on use of hygienic latrine facilities and safe use of water. However, more hygiene programme has to be focused in community for hygiene behavior change of the people in those communities. CHM & CHVs from ward no 6 are also actively working in the community. NA 84 Sectors Water / Sanitati on/ Hygiene Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Public hearing on water tariff and its use, water distribution system from Mangadh WSS. Coordinati on meeting and interaction with different sector stakeholder #An updated review s report on RCT results/recommend Link with ations by DHO incorporating the IEC identified new materials Sector blockage and annual issues related to newsletter WASH produced Media along with the recommended plan mobilization of actions to be WATSAN addressed in next information year at municipal board level. RCT reviewed #Documents produced by citizen and forum on the disseminate activities d commenced to Publication influence sector of WASH stakeholders following the WASH issues by advocacy plan and CF the outputs Review achieved annually and from FY 09/10 and analysis of compiled document WASH is produced by #A report on annual review on the achievement in addressing the sector blockage issues, progress achievement of WESI Plan and in materializing the recommendations made by Report Card Test results through social auditing / review process annually from 09/10 and report produced accordingly. Public hearing on water tarrif and its use, water distribution system from Mangadh was done twice. Owing to continuous lobby with the Municipalit y and the NWSC developme nt has been seen in governanc e and delivery of water services in BSMC. The NWSC has installed a two-phase power lines in order to supply water during the loadshedding (Before due to increased loadshedding the distribution of water Quarterly Output Plan Progress in Q4 RCT reviewed and disseminate d Review and analysis of WASH policy/guideli nes at Municipal level to identify the gaps and support required. Justificati on for Variance The Report Card Test conducted in previous year was reviewed and the results were disseminat ed. Mr Suresh Adhikari, CDO Morang attended the programm e as the Chief Guest. A publication of activities and achieveme nts of CF in Biratnagar is produced 85 March 2012. policy/guide lines at Municipal level to identify the gaps and support required. was lowered which has been a blockage issue in supplying of water.) Also, the municipalit y has provided supports to community based water supply system of Jatuwa and that of Mangadh (Nrs 0.3 million for each supply system) Coordinati on meetings and interaction s with different sector stakeholde rs was done twice. Media interaction was organized IEC materials and brochure of citizen forum was produced. WATSAN informatio 86 n Boards installed in ward 18 The Report Card Test conducted in previous year was reviewed and the results were disseminat ed. Mr Suresh Adhikari, CDO Morang attended the programm e as the Chief Guest. A publication of activities and achieveme nts of CF in Biratnagar is produced Conducted trainings, interactions and workshops by establishing linkages with District Health Institutions for promoting hygiene education within the communities annually from FY 09/10 and to raise its importance within the WASH sector stakeholders at local municipal 87 level A budget tracking on WASH sector at Municipal level done for 3 consecutive years (including 08/09) and conducted lobby and review meeting report produced by 2010/11. Assessment report produced on municipality’s budget allocation and its utilization in WASH sector by end of 2012/13. 88 J. Beneficiaries (Annual Report only – unless completed in Q1 or Q2 when it should be included in Six month Report) Note: This section not applicable for influencing projects. Planned (10/11) Achieved (10/11) Variance(in %) Water Sanitation Water Sanitation Water Sanitation 4300 1200 1984 1483 -54 % 24% Justifications: Water:Earlier during the time of planning ,the benificiary from the Water Safety Plan was termed Direct Benificiaries but Later the definition of Direct Benificiaries was strictly defined to be the one with access through Service Delivery,Hence Such Benificiary planned couldnot be achieved Sanitation: Additional 6 toilets were constructed to address the community demand for ODF and hence 206 toilets were constructed which resulted higher number of benificiary One public latrine was installed at the Shiva Parvati temple in Shiva Parvati tole in Ward to support ODF which had 300 benificiary One institutional latrine was constructed TLO Building of Balgram Tole in Ward 6 to support ODF as it is the only institutional latrine in this area 89 Project No. : 643UD Biratnagar Integrated Water, Sanitation, Hygiene Project A. Project Information: - Project Name: Biratnagar Integrated water, sanitation, hygiene project - Names of Sub-Projects (if applicable): Urban Terai - Project Period: 20010-2011 - Name of Partner Organization: UC, Citizens Forum, Cooperative, TLO, Municipality, Integrated Community Development Forum ( ICDF) - Partner Organization Number: B. Executive Summary: Biratnagar Sub-Metropolitan City is selected as the programme area as the municipality has very less sanitation coverage with more than 40% of the selected HH practicing open defecation. Although the water coverage of the selected communities are quite high with more than 70% HH having their private hand-pumps to extract groundwater, the quality of groundwater being extracted and hygiene is not up to standard. As the situation of water, sanitation and hygiene is very poor in the selected communities, people of these communities are highly prone to water borne, water based and water washed diseases. In this year (20010/11) project is being implemented in 10 poor and excluded slum & squatters of wards 18 and 22. The integrated WASH project was implemented in the following communities: Ward 18 S.N Cluster Tole 1 Mahato ‘Ka’ Mahato 2 Mahato “Kha” Mahato 3 Katkuppa Nayatole Nayatole 4 Ghoga Hansamukhi 5 Shiva Ghoga Hansamukhi Ghoga (Shiva tole) Swayambhu Tole Kabir Tole Bishnu Tole 6 Swayambhu 7 Kabir 8 Bishnu Tole Ward 22 1 Gafur 2 Parti Ward 16 1 Laxmi Narayan Gafur Parti/Jahir Laxmi No of water facilities installed/rehab 58 rehab and 2 new 57 rehab and 2 new 63 rehab and 3 new No of HH Remarks Latrines constructed 71 49 rehab and 3 new 28 rehab and 2 new 29 rehab only 65 7 rehab only 36 rehab and 2 new 7 50 45 rehab and 1 new 29 rehab and 3 new 60 13 rehab only 37 1 institutional water point and 1 institutional latrine at Madrasa 34 20 1 institutional water point and 1 institutional latrine at Bishnu Primary School 52 9 For ODF 90 Narayan Total 414 rehab and 18 new 405 In this year of intervention, 396 HH latrines were constructed in 10 clusters of the 2 wards and 9 latrines were constructed in Laxmi Narayan tole of ward 16. 4 clusters were declared as ODF zones: Laxmi Narayan Tole (ward 16), Basta (Ward 5), Swayambhu Tole and Shiva Tole (ward 18). Also, in this year new technology was introduced by construction of school latrine with incinerator which is a step towards piloting in menstrual hygiene at school level. Also, other 2 school latrines were constructed and 1 school latrine was renovated in this year. Concept of Water Safety Plan (WSP) in stand-alone water points was piloted. The WSP included rehabilitation of water points and orientation to users regarding safeguarding water at all levels: from source to point of use. However, the WSP could not be effectively institutionalized at the community level. In this year, 414 water points were rehabilitated and 18 new water points were installed. This year also saw some newer approaches in programme intervention: formation of Sanitation Groups, Graded subsidy in service delivery, provision of collecting O&M fund in construction of public water structures, link of caretaker to S&C groups through UCs for access to O&M fund are some to name. Also, in the sector of Citizen’s Action remarkable achievements were seen in this year. In this fiscal year the governance and service delivery of sector stakeholders have comparatively improved than in the previous years. The Municipality has drafted policies on supporting community based Water Supply Schemes and improving School Sanitation- addressing the gaps as identified and lobbied by the Citizen’s Action Forum in Biratnagar. C. Project Approach The project is designed based on the following approaches. Coordinated Plan (WESI Plan): Currently, the challenge in urban areas is to increase the accessibility of water and environmental sanitation facilities through a holistic concept of integrated planning for enhancing access to poor and vulnerable urban communities to safe water, affordable sanitation, improved neighborhood environment coupled with hygiene education and increased understanding of community to ensure usage and sustained hygiene behavior. In addressing the above mentioned issues, a comprehensive “WESI plan” approach has been adopted for addressing the WASH sector issues and challenges. In addition this plan aims to deliver the services in a coordinated way under the need base concept within the municipality. This plan is normally prepared in consultation with the local sector stakeholders including municipality with an involvement of excluded and deprived community in terms of economic as well as WASH facilities aspect. Once WESI plan is prepared, it is promoted as a municipality plan with their ownership so that all the sector players at local municipal level will be aligned and mainstreamed gradually to work as guided by the WESI plan. It is expected that municipality will include the WESI plan issues in its planning process and gradually adopted it as a component of municipality's multiyear WASH project. This WESI plan helps to guide and mainstream all the actors and service providers within WASH sector in Municipal level. The WESI Plan focuses on integrated approach of service delivery and capacity building under holistic concept within water and sanitation sector; and to have cross-sector linkage by linking cross cutting issues of development. Equity (social inclusion) and Gender: Equity and gender are incorporated in this project. This in practice focus on empowerment of marginalized women along with men for getting access in water, sanitation, hygiene and livelihoods. Socially marginalized groups especially women, as well as differently able groups views are given due consideration in the planning an 91 implementation of the project. This in practice includes women and differently able people in UC (Users committee). The approach ensures that women and members of the excluded groups are proportionally represented in all community institutions and they also represent in decision making positions. Similarly in delivering services, equity and inclusion is incorporated. Mobilization of saving & Credit groups: Groups of women will be mobilized with minimal support to help them to contribute in the WASH sector by mobilizing loan for households within the community to speed up WaSH activities of the projects. A cooperative will be established mobilizing the saving and credit groups in the municipality. The cooperative/s thus established will then flow loans in minimum interest rates to the poor and marginalized people in the community for improving their livelihood. The WASH project will provide technical supports to the cooperative by building up their capacity and directing them on linking the cooperative with livelihood with special focus on WASH. The established cooperative will develop its linkage with the municipality and other cooperatives to generate fund for the cooperative to flow loan. Focus on Health, Hygiene and Sanitation: Health and Hygiene education in each ward will be looked over by the Health and Hygiene coordinator of Lumanti. The locally recruited and trained CHM and CHV’s will be responsible to promote health and hygiene behavior at the community level. Linkage with the sector stakeholders such as GO and I/NGO or other will be given emphasis in the programme wherever possible. Apart from training and orientations, various different activities will be adopted to spread the hygiene message effectively in the community. Activities will include education sessions, cultural activities like street drama and cleanup campaign, mass awareness rally, art competition, health camps, wall paintings, visibility boards with key message etc. Behavior change will be the major focus of health and hygiene education activities. Sanitation will be promoted with total sanitation concept with focus on community sanitation outcomes i.e. initiations to achieve total sanitation by declaring open defecation communities. Health and Hygiene activities will be integrated with water and sanitation programme to maximize the benefits. Attention will be given on special sanitation need of adolescent girls, women and other differently able people within the communities. Collaborative Approach: Lumanti is working in partnership with the municipality (local self government) and the community. In addition, Lumanti works in close coordination with TLO, political representatives, service providers, district offices of sector agencies, civil societies etc at the municipal and district level. These stakeholders are included in different discussion forum/meeting/activities for sharing and finding the better way out in providing access to water and sanitation. All the development activities carried in the communities through Lumanti are endorsed by Project Management Committee (representation of municipality, political representatives and concerned stakeholders) and PIC (Programme Implementation Committee). Field level issues are shared and decisions are made by building common consensus through PIC. This committee includes municipality, TLO, Lumanti and Users coordination committee (UCC), NWSC and sector stakeholders. Lumanti works in partnership with the municipality (local self government), and communities. Similarly, Lumanti also works in close coordination with TLO, political representatives, service providers, district offices of sector agencies, civil societies etc at the municipal and district level to better plan water and sanitation to address WASH needs of the poor and vulnerable communities within the municipality. 92 Advocacy and Influencing: Citizen’s Action for making the citizens to understand their water and sanitation situation to make them engaged to make service providers and government agencies more responsible and accountable towards their service delivery mechanisms. Lumanti believes that, Citizen Forum in a period of time will have developed their skills, knowledge and powers to influence the policies and practices. The programme also aims on minimizing the sector blockage issues and WATSAN governance issues by materializing the WESI Plan as well as recommendations made by RCT 2 under Citizen’s Action programme for influencing the sector agencies at local level, particularly at municipal level through this approach. The approach will promote WESI plan by making efforts to mainstream the plan into the Municipal level planning process as a sector plan of the Municipality. The programme also aims to lobby local government bodies and service providers to influence the change in governance. Lumanti will support Citizen’s Forum to develop good functional relationships with these actors for its influencing activities by building trust among Lumanti and its allies and the responsible institution and officials to understand the issue from the perspective of people suffering from it. Linking with slum upgrading: In the few poor communities in BSMC, Lumanti and BSMC has signed an agreement to introduce ACCA slum upgrading project in the leadership of the community leaders. This project highlights on housing and small scale infrastructure projects of the communities' choice, which ultimately turn out to be sanitation and environmental sanitation. The WASH project will make link with ACCA project to support and share learning and experience. ACCA is conducting slum up-gradation project in one urban poor community of ward no 15 and five urban poor communities of ward no. 1. The project will be implemented through Integrated Community Development Forum (ICDF) with support of cooperatives (Samjhana cooperative and Samridhi cooperative) established by Lumanti in support of WAN. As the financial aspect of the ACCA project will be handled by Cooperative, the cooperatives will be more strengthened financially as well as technically and hence loan flow in WATSAN infrastructure will be more effective. Also, as ICDF will be solely the implementing partner of Lumanti in conducting ACCA project, the capacity of ICDF will also be strengthened which will ultimately help WATSAN programme in monitoring phase. Sustainability Approach: To contribute to the sustainability of the project, a number of approaches will be adopted during and after the project implementation to ensure that the target communities benefit from the project. i. Community Mobilization: The engagement of the community in the programme activities is one of the major approaches of Lumanti to implement WASH programme. This will ensure strong participation and ownership of community in the hardware and software part of WASH project. The community is mobilized by helping them forming different groups such as Users Committee, Users Coordination Committee, Child Groups and Saving & Credit Groups and Cooperatives. Capacity building of the community leaders, raising awareness and improving education of the community representatives is one of the major parts of the WASH intervention. The CLTS approach followed by Lumanti will not only focus on construction of toilet facility but on achieving and sustaining No Open Defecation (NOD) environment in the community. In this connection, Lumanti will also mobilize its programme encouraging the community members for implementing the programme from the community. 2 Report Card Testing 93 ii. Community Based Management and Evaluation: Water Aid and Lumanti have developed community based management and evaluation tools which enable the community to monitor the progress towards project objectives and targets set. Engagement of the community in the process ensures that community takes increased responsibility for the achievement of these actions, as well as increasing the transparency and accountability of the UC. This is achieved by completing a number of charts which can be displayed and completed at community meetings. The chart contains information on financial status of the project, outputs achieved and community members’ satisfaction with the project progress. iii. Operation and Maintenance: To support the O&M of water and sanitation facilities constructed in the project, the UCC and UC will receive trainings on O&M approaches. The UC will also be trained to collect and use the collected O&M fund as revolving loan fund in a cost recovery basis for WATSAN infrastructure construction and maintenance or livelihood support of the community people. iv. Follow-up Support: Lumanti will provide support to the community institutions for two years after the completion of the project implementation period. The follow up support is to ensure the smooth operation of the system. v. Cost Sharing approach: Lumanti will make efforts to mobilize local contribution from beneficiaries as well as other stakeholders and partners (including the local government) to ensure ownership of the outputs and the process by the community. The amount of local contribution and mechanisms for collecting and utilizing this contribution will be determined thorough consultation. This will develop the ownership of local bodies towards the project during and after the completion of the project as well thereby reducing their dependency on donors. vi. Demand Based Approach: Lumanti adopts demand driven approaches for improved efficiency and equity of WASH services while ensuring benefits for those who are currently deprived of water and sanitation. Similarly, the programme gives high priority to the ability and willingness of the community and the local people to contribute for the effective implementation of the project and its operation and maintenance for its long term sustainability. D. Progress against key deliverables D. Progress against key planned Activities (Refer to Key Deliverables in Project Plan Section 4 and Plan of action/Output Plan of the project): Service Delivery Sector Key s Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Quarterly Output Plan Progress in Q4 Justifica tion of Variance 94 Water Project implemented in 13 cluster communities of ward no. 18 and 22 serving 4,000 people through : 20 hand pumps installation 350 water points rehabilitatio n 370 points water quality tests(half yearly) A report on WQ test of all the water points conducted twice in a year, achieveme nt of promoted household treatment options for safe consumptio n of water when found WQ deviated from the standard. Developme nt of Water Safety Plan in all the communitie s and monitored the effectivene ss of implemente d #20 hand pumps Installation #350 water points rehabilitate #370 points water quality tests(twice) #18 new hand pumps were installed, 4 water points were installed in Ward 22 and 14 in Ward 18. (Cluster wise details of installation of water points is given in Annex) #404 household and 10 public water points rehabilitated, 74 water points were rehabilitated in ward 22, 327 rehabilitated in ward 18 and 13 in ward 16. (Cluster wise details of installation of water points is given in Annex) #414 water points tested (and 53 water points tested twice) #3489 people from 10 poor and excluded communities served from the delivery of the above mentioned water structures. #Annual Remaining 79 water points rehabilitated, 11 remaining new water points are installed, 90 water points are tested 143 water points rehabilitat ed: 15 in ward 22 and 128 in ward 18 #11 new water points installed: 3 new water points installed in ward 18 and 8 in ward 22 #173 water points tested, #1801 people benefited in the quarter owing to the access of the above mentioned water infrastruct ures. Addition al water structure s have been rehabilit ated than the planned number owing to the provision of graded subsidy in commun ities. The planned numbers of new water points have not been installed owing to failure of UCs to raise genuine demand s from the commun ity. (It is practice d that to install a new water point, the water point should be used by at least 5 househo lds, but the 95 communitie s. Annual progress report produced indicating equity and inclusion Sanitat Project 400 HH ion implemented in latrines & 1 13 cluster institutional communities of latrine ward no. 18 constructed/r and 22 serving enovated 2200 people 4 through: communities 400 HH declared latrines & 1 ODF institutional communities latrine constructed/r 1,000 enovated environmenta 4 l Sanitation communities beneficiary declared served ODF through communities household 1,000 solid waste environmenta management l Sanitation through Suiro beneficiary programme served through household solid waste management through Suiro and composting programme Annual progress report produced indicating equity & inclusion status, report on equity and inclusion addressed by service delivery produced (See attached report) 405 Individual latrines constructed. (9 in ward 16, 112 in ward 22 and 284 in ward 18) (Cluster wise construction details of latrines attached in Annex) 3 Institutional Latrines constructed. 1 incinerator joined latrine, in Adarsha Balika Secondar School, Ward 10, 1 school latrine in Bishnu Primary School, Ward 18 and 1 latrine in Madrasa, Ward 18. IEC materials on Solid waste management were planned 2 handpumps were to be used by only 3 househo lds each if installed) #Remaining 210 HH latrines constructed. #One institutional latrine constructed/ren ovated #2 communities declared as ODF communities. #215 HH latrines constructe d, 67 latrines constructe d in ward 22 and 148 in ward 18. #3 institution al latrines constructe d. 1 incinerator joined latrine, in Adarsha Balika Secondar y School, Ward 10, and 1 school latrine in Bishnu Primary School, Ward 18 and 1 latrine in Madrasa, Ward 18. Additiona l latrines have been construct ed than the planned number owing to the provision of graded subsidy in communit ies #Swayam bhu tole, Kabir tole and Shiva tole of 96 particularly the beneficiaries in terms of poor and exclusion perspective. Hygien Conducted e one 5 days follow-up training to CHVs on health and hygiene issues and to use CBME/RCS tools and practice the tools to assess the improvement in hygiene practice and one refresher training annually from 2010/11 RCS survey conducted quarterly from 2010/11 All the community people of the target communities are provided produced. Suiro Option was oriented in Basta (Ward 5) and Laxminaraya n tole (Ward 16). 190 suiros were distributed , 100 in Basta and 90 in Laxmi Narayan tole. 1 Disable friendly toilet was built in ward 19 RCS survey conducted Door to door visit Interpersonal communicatio n/ interactions (child club support) 1 Street Drama 1 Teachers Orientation & school health education 1 Health Camp organized One full day training was conducted for 2 times with resource person from DHO, municipalit y and Lumanti for Sanitation groups, CHMs and some members of UC from 6 communiti es Door to Door visit in wards 18 and 22, conducte ward 18 declared as ODF communiti es. #RCS survey conducted #Door to door visit #Interpersonal communication / interaction #1 street Drama conducted #1 Health Camp organized #RCS survey conducted in 8 clusters of ward 18 and 2 clusters of ward 22. There has been substantiv e developm ent in (at most 90%) in 4 adoptions of 4 key hygiene messages . #Door to door visits and interperso nal communic ation has been 97 with 4 key hygiene education annually from 2009/10 through community hygiene education program to adopt improved hygiene behavior practice and sustain them. Document on the assessment of hygiene behavioural changes conducted in 4 key areas within the communities of selected wards through CBME & RCS produced annually from 09/10 and disseminated within the working communities of the selected wards and municipal stakeholders annually from 2010/11 Hygiene behavioral assessment report produced and disseminated to a wider audience annually from FY 2009/10 d routinely, to dissemin ate 5 key message s by CHM and Sanitatio n Groups Sanitatio n groups, Child groups and CHM conducted proper hand washing programm e in each communiti es on routine basis. 1 street Drama presented in ward 18 by child groups. And, 1 street drama performed during ODF declaratio n on Swayamb hu tole, ward 18. Teacher s Orientatio n on hygiene education at school was conducted in Janta Primary School at conducted in all communiti es of ward 18 and 22. One to one and group health and hygiene messages were shared in the communiti es. #1 street drama was performed in ward 18 during the ODF programm e. #1 health campaign was organized in coordinati on among Lumanti, Cooperati ves of ward 7 and 19, DHO and Birat Hospital. The health camp focused on women specific health issues and was attended by 72 women. 98 Report produced on the effectiveness of hygiene message in the communities regarding their hygiene behavior practices and the change brought by the education within the communities with case studies. Mechanism documented on the management and coordination of CHVs for the sustainable community health service Nayatole , ward 18 Mass Awarenes s/Rally was conducted in Basta, ward 5 and Laxinaray an tole, ward 16 for declaratio n of ODF communiti es Child clubs interaction programm e was conducted in ward 18 and 22 1 health campaign was organized in coordinati on among Lumanti, Cooperati ves of ward 7 and 19, DHO and Birat Hospital. The health camp focused on women specific health issues and was attended by 72 women. 99 Capacity Building Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Water / Developed a Sanitatio policy strategy n / approach of Lumanti in delivering Sanitation and environmental sanitation facilities/servic es by 2010/11 and shared with the stakeholders in BSMC 4 trainings and 2 exposure visits are conducted for Municipal level sector stakeholders on different technologies, approaches, practices and models of sanitation to increase their knowledge for promoting hygienic sanitation facility & improved neighborhood environment and replicated. Post WSUC and Caretakers training provided to ensure the Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Quarterly Output Plan Progress in Q4 Pre construction Trainings (1 in each cluster) Caretaker selection (1 in each ward) Caretaker/S M training Training on Water Safety Plan to the UC/UCC and municipal staffs. Post Constructio n Trainings conducted (1 in each cluster) Municipality, VDC, DDC & other sector stakeholder s Training, W/S & Exchange Visit Post Post Constructio constructio n Training n training conducted was provided to Refresher UCs, of all Caretaker’s clusters Training and local conducted masons regarding the measures to be adopted for sustaining the Water structures (platforms and handpumps) and proper usage and cleanliness of sanitation structures (latrines). (Detail report attached ) Pre constructio n trainings were conducted in all communiti es and especially the Users’ Committee was oriented on proper standards of platforms and latrines. Also, the UCs were oriented on procedure s of collection of quotations and procureme nts of materials required for constructio n. Caretaker’ s Training and refresher Caretaker’ s Training conducted Justificatio n for Variance A refresher caretaker’s training was provided to 13 caretakers, 10 caretakers from 10 project implemente 100 sustain of constructions annually from 2010/11 Training activities conducted for skills and capacity enhancement are reviewed annually to understand their efficacy and practice adopted in wards 18 and 22. There are 13 (including 3 from ICDF) caretakers and O/M fund is establishe d in all working clusters. Tools required for maintenan ce of the handpumps were distributed to the appointed caretakers .A provision has been formed for caretakers to access O&M fund through the respective UCs. . Training on water safety plan was conducted to UC, UCC, sanitation groups, ICDF and CDW. Water quality training was conducted d clusters and 3 caretakers appointed from ICDF were provided with caretaker’s training and with 1 set of maintenanc e tools. (Detail Report Attached) 101 for UC, ICDF, CHM and sanitation groups Post constructio n training was provided to UCs and local masons regarding the measures to be adopted for sustaining the Water structures (platforms and handpumps) and proper usage and cleanliness of sanitation structures (latrines). Exposure visit was organized for municipal staffs and sectors stakeholder s and partners. They were taken to Birgunj. Hygiene Developed a policy strategy/appro ach of Lumanti for hygiene Municipalit y, VDC, DDC & other sector stakeholders Training, 3 CHMs and 45 CHVs (sanitation groups) from 10 CHMS and CHVs (that included Sanitation Groups) 102 education and W/S & its promotion Exchange by 2010/11 visit (visit for and shared municipality with the staffs, DHO stakeholders staffs and in BSMC related including stakeholders district health staffs in institutions working areas 2 CHM’s and 45 CHV’s are CHV and trained to other promote trainings hygiene education covering ward no 18 and 22. 13UCs, 2 CHM’s and 45 CHV’s are trained to use CBME and RCS tools and practiced them to assess improvement in hygiene practices and improvement in health. Policy Influencing Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Water / #A report on Sanitatio annual review n/ on the Hygiene achievement in addressing the sector blockage issues, progress achievement of WESI Plan and in materializing the recommendatio ns made by Report Card Test results through social auditing / review communiti es of ward 18 and 22 are trained to promote hygiene education. 10 UCs (8 from ward 18 and 2 from ward 22) and CHVs/CH Ms and sanitations groups and CDWs are trained to use CBME and RCS tools. were routinely orientated on hygiene messages through monthly sharing meetings (3 times) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Quarterly Output Plan Progress in Q4 Public hearing on water tariff and its use, water distribution system from Mangadh WSS. Coordinatio n meeting and interaction with different sector RCT reviewed and disseminat ed Public hearing on water tarrif and its use, water distribution system from Mangadh was done twice. Owing to continuous lobby with the Municipality and the NWSC development Review and analysis of WASH policy/guide lines at Municipal level to identify the gaps and support required. Justificati on for Variance The Report Card Test conducted in previous year was reviewed and the results were disseminate d. Mr Suresh Adhikari, CDO Morang attended the programme 103 process annually from 09/10 and report produced accordingly. stakeholders Link with DHO IEC materials and annual #An updated review report on newsletter RCT Media results/recomme mobilization ndations by WATSAN incorporating information the identified board new Sector blockage RCT issues related to reviewed WASH and produced along disseminate with the d recommended Publication plan of actions to be addressed of WASH in next year at issues by municipal level. CF Review and #Documents analysis of produced by WASH citizen forum on the activities policy/guideli commenced to nes at influence sector Municipal stakeholders level to following the identify the WASH gaps and advocacy plan support and the outputs achieved required. annually from FY 09/10 and compiled document is produced by March 2012. has been seen in governance and delivery of water services in BSMC. The NWSC has installed a two-phase power lines in order to supply water during the loadshedding (Before due to increased loadshedding the distribution of water was lowered which has been a blockage issue in supplying of water.) Also, the municipality has provided supports to community based water supply system of Jatuwa and that of Mangadh (Nrs 0.3 million for each supply system) as the Chief Guest. A publication of activities and achievemen ts of CF in Biratnagar is produced Coordination meetings and interactions with different sector stakeholders was done twice. Media 104 interaction was organized IEC materials and brochure of citizen forum was produced. WATSAN information Boards installed in ward 18 The Report Card Test conducted in previous year was reviewed and the results were disseminated . Mr Suresh Adhikari, CDO Morang attended the programme as the Chief Guest. A publication of activities and achievement s of CF in Biratnagar is produced Conducted trainings, interactions and workshops by establishing linkages with District Health Institutions for promoting hygiene education within the communities annually from FY 09/10 and to raise its importance within the 105 WASH sector stakeholders at local municipal level A budget tracking on WASH sector at Municipal level done for 3 consecutive years (including 08/09) and conducted lobby and review meeting report produced by 2010/11. Assessment report produced on municipality’s budget allocation and its utilization in WASH sector by end of 2012/13. E. Partnership i) Changes to existing key stakeholders and their roles Lumanti always seeks participation and support from diverse stakeholders’ participation. In Bi WaSH project, diverse stakeholders are actively participating. Mainly, Municipality (social, environment and health department), Cooperatives, Citizen Forum, ICDF and users committees are actively participating. Roles, responsibilities and participation of ICDF and Cooperatives are more intensified. Now, ICDF are not limited to water quality check only, they are involved in every activities, meetings and decision makings. ICDF is also implementing small scale programme under Asian coalition for community action (ACCA) programme. This small scale programme includes WASH programme through community participation. From the beginning of the fiscal year 2010/11, they are involved in the programme. Similarly, Cooperatives are also involved from the beginning of the project. They are also not limited to financial transaction. Lumanti and Cooperatives have signed agreement to conduct series of activities. ii) New collaborations, partnerships or stakeholders Collaboration has been sought with District Health Office. Similarly effort has been made to work in collaboration with Seam-n, NWSC, and other relevant stakeholders as required. DHO is now actively participating in trainings and programmes. iii) Challenges to partnerships Diverse interest, approach and limitations of the stakeholders make the partnership not as strong as envisioned. There is an opportunity to play role to bring all the partners into one basket with one approach and goal. However, there is opportunity for lobbying, networking to strengthen the partnership. 106 F. Resources (refer to Project Plan – Sections 6 & 7): - Changes to Human Resource plan - Financial Summary of the project Original Budget Approved Revised Qtr. (MPB) Budget Budget Q1 1,121,195 1,121,195 991,336.00 Q2 2,063,073 2,063,073 1,878,553.00 Q3 1,990,667 1,990,667 2,315,905.00 Q4 2,446,495 2,446,495 2,550,359.00 TOTAL 7,621,432 7,621,432 7,736,153.00 Expenditure 991,335.77 1,878,552.17 1,420,199.62 3,299,879.38 7,589,966.94 % Uti. 100% 100% 61% 129% 98% 107 G Field visits and monitoring G.1 Completed Visits Date Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Reporting Quarter: Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4 15 – 22 Bishal Shrestha Monitoring visit of July and Puspa Joshi Biratnagar and Itahari, Agreement with Citizen Forum/ Orientation to Biratnagar and Itahari Citizen Forum 20 – 22 July 23 – 25 July 3–6 August Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) Sama Vajra and Naresh Man Pradhan Renu Lama Surendra Shrestha Staff meeting and programme supervision of Biratnagar and Itahari Data verification Financial Monitoring 3–6 August Sujata Bajracharya support for financial management 3–4 August Puspa Joshi 3–4 August Rabin Lal Shrestha and Shikha Shrestha (WAN) Interaction and skill sharing of citizen forum Biratnagar and Itahari Interaction and skill sharing of citizen forum Biratnagar and Itahari Key Feedbacks Received (if any) Field staff should support the community, UC’s for filling CBME form until they felt easier to fill it. CHV’s needs to give more support to community people to improve H&H condition. They need to provide the actual information by doing RCS to make them change their behavior. Certain activites like public hearing on water quality and management of Mangad WSS needs revision, as there has been substansive improvement seen now. Few activities need to be replanned along with budget revision Frequent communication and support from MIS officer is needed to avoid data mismatch. A standard format should be developed to make data entry easier. More accounts keeping support is needed in Biratnagar Financial guidelines and policies should be followed carefully during financial transactions. Financial system and vouchers were checked and suggested for further improvement. In Itahari financial system found more systematic. Further support for smooth function is needed in both cities. Orientation and more support seemed necessary to the members of Citizen Concern Forum, Itahari from Lumanti Central office for advocacy and influencial work. Working sub-committee could be formed 108 Date Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Key Feedbacks Received (if any) to carry out the work and the current CF can support the sub-committee as an advisory. 18 – 19 August Lajana Manandhar 18 – 20 August Sama Vajra Interaction with Citizen forum, Itahari and meeting with Biratnagar and Itahari staffs Meeting with Citizen forum, Itahari and meeting with Biratnagar and Itahari staffs Reports, documents should be managed to provide evidence. Citizen forum was found passive and not clear in their role & responsibilities. A meeting was planned to clarify and develop clear Action Plan Keeping in mind the commitment of Citizen Concern Forums’ dedication in influencing and the busy schedule, some eligible executive members should be added in the Forum for active involvement in the programme. For the implementation of the programme, Citizen Concern Forum as an advisory group should form its subcommittee to implement the programme. Both Citizen Concern Forum and Lumanti need more homework to be done for the sustainability of Citizen Forum after Lumanti’s programme phase out. Plan of action should be strictly followed to complete the planned activities within time frame. The problems, issues should be solved immediately and should share with immediate line managers/coordinators, if assistance is needed. 18 – 20 August Shiva Gopal Shrestha Field supervision visit of Biratnagar and Itahari Harmony, team work and self respect should be maintained between every staffs for progress and satisfaction. During construction of the toilet, the siphon should be fitted well such that, the water inside it shields the bad odor. The excreta should be flushed to avoid the flies and bad odor. 109 Date Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Key Feedbacks Received (if any) The toilet should be cleaned regularly along with its surrounding. 18 – 22 August Renu Lama 6 Puspa Joshi September Data collection, management & verification Take a session on water quality, its standard and water quality test on WSP training organized by BSMC Lumanti Office. To provide some technical and theoretical knowledge on WQ The tube wells shouldn’t be used for about a week once it is fixed to avoid losing the grip. The data should be updated when needed to avoid mismatch. The data should be managed in the standard format, such that it will be easier for entry and understandable. Water should be tested at least two times every year to be assured on the quality of the water being consumed as it directly deals with health of the consumer. Purification options like SODIS, filter, chlorination etc. should bring into practice for safety. If principle HR contaminant such as microbiological contamination, arsenic, nitrate and flouride was found out of national standard, purification method should be applied otherwise avoided immediately for drinking purpose. Information dissemination, record keeping and reporting is essential to become updated in the condition of the drinking water. 13 Kabir Sir September Puspa Joshi To support Citizen Forum, Biratnagar on WaSH advocacy and influencing work. To get update on Citizen Forum's advocacy and influencing work status Ms. Rashmi Kiran Shrestha, Lumanti Biratnagar suggested that applying WSP in the water source will help prevent contamination of the drinkable water source. Citizen Forum should prepare three year WaSH advocacy strategic paper. The networking of Citizen Forum (Advocacy & Influencing groups) could be the next foot step to advocate and influence the WaSH rights not only in local level but also in city and national 110 Date Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Key Feedbacks Received (if any) level. 21-24 June 21-24 June 22-26 Nov 16-21 Dec Puspa Joshi Bishal Shrestha Surendra Kumar Shrestha Bishal Shrestha, Shiva Gopal Shrestha, Support Visit, Citizen Forum programme planning Progress Monitoring, Support visit Financial Monitoring and Supports Planning and Monitoring workshop and Review meeting Citizen Forum should develop action plan as developed with the support from Lumanti, need to study in the issues and need to follow the plan, so that the service providers and LG's started to trust when approached with evidence. Citizen Forum requested technical support for developing WASH strategic plan and also requested for the guidelines. CBME in communities must be initiated in the initiation of the project. Mechanism should be adopted to make the CBME an obligatory process. Social mobilization should be more intensive. Financial Monitoring and Supports provided #The constructions in BiWASH project at the end of the 3rd quarter was seen lagging as per the plan of the project. #the field teams were oriented on way forwards for the coming years and joint planning was done with the team. 16-18 Dec 17-19 Dec Lajana Manandhar, Sama Bajra Planning and Monitoring workshop and Review meeting Puspa Joshi Planning and Monitoring workshop and Review meeting 3-7 Feb Surendra Kumar Shrestha Financial Monitoring and Supports 28-31 March Vijay Singha Shrestha and Surendra Kumar Shrestha Program monitoring and evaluation #the field teams were oriented on way forwards for the coming years and joint planning was done with the team #the field teams were oriented on way forwards for the coming years and joint planning was done with the team # Supports on Financial matters were provided to the field team for timely report submission #Introduction and Raport with the field team as new WASH Manager was hired #Orientation on the monitoring and evaluation for coming years as per WAN CSP was shared #All the financial matters were sorted to finalize for this FY 2010/11. 111 G.2 Upcoming Visits Time Visit by Period (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies) Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) G.3 Other PME Activities Project/Sub – project detail surveys and its key observations a) Graded Subsidy and its implication This fiscal year (2010/11), a new approach ‘graded subsidy’ in water was introduced in wards 18 and 22. In this approach families are divided into 3 categories Poorest, poor and medium and subsidy is different for each category. For the effective implementation of the approach, agreement was done among Municipality, Lumanti and UC of each community. UC actively involved in implementing the approach. Owing to the implementation of graded subsidy in the communities there has been increase in financial contribution in the communities and as a result the numbers of water and sanitation structures constructed exceeded the planned numbers. The implication of graded subsidy has aided in extending the access of the water and sanitation facilities beyond the budget of the project. b) Community Based Monitoring and Evaluation (CBME) This year CBME chart was modified so that it was easy to hang on the wall of community. Six sets of CBME charts are filled up very well by the UC and CHMs. CBME training was conducted before the construction and software programmes. Now CBME charts of each community, where programme has commenced, have been filled and followed up very well. In the case of CBME also, continuous follow up and help from Lumanti team has been helpful to UCs. c) Water Safety Plan in the community Water Safety plan has been initiated in four communities. UCs, CHM and CHVs were trained in developing water safety plan. They were provided ample time to make their own water safety plan for each community. UCs from each community presented water safety plan. The important part is community has understood the importance of water safety plan.. d) WASH information Center in the communities This fiscal year, we introduced the concept of information center in each community so that everyone in the community have access to WASH information. Information center includes CBME chart, Water Safety Plan and educational charts on clean drinking water, proper sanitation and hygiene messages. This center has brought community people together to learn on WASH issues. Moreover, CHM and CHV find it easy to disseminate key messages on proper sanitation and hygiene. e) Child club and hygiene promotion Child Clubs from Mahato (ward 18), Ghoga Hansamukhi(ward 18), Siv tole (ward 18) and Gafur tole(ward 22) are proactive. They have developed plans and proposal to improve their communities. They organize meetings every Saturday and do the cleaning with the leadership of CHM. In every 15 days, child club organize hand washing and nail cutting programme in the community. They show drama collectively. There is good coordination between child clubs of different communities. 112 f) Emerging role of Integrated Community Development Forum (ICDF) In the beginning of second quarter, there has been agreement between ICDF and Lumanti Biratngar for better partnership and involvement for effective implementation of WASH project in Biratnagar. From second quarter, certain activities are handed over to ICDF such as post monitoring of 08/09 and 09/10 wards, initiation of water safety plan, institutionalizing CBME in the community and water quality test with dissemination. After ICDF's intervention, 97 superstructures have been completed in ward 19, 7, 5 and 16. The ICDF has been active in assessing the condition of water and sanitation structures and providing supports where required. g) Water Quality test and dissemination From this fiscal year, report card has been prepared for each water point tested. Report card is distributed to each household in the community. Water Quality test result was disseminated to the communities who showed concern to the substandard water quality of their water points. Water quality test result has done wonders in raising awareness among community people. Test was done in front of community people; they were really surprised to know sub standard quality of their water. h) Role of Citizen Forum in promoting WASH issues in municipal level Citizen forum has been successful in getting recognition by the local government and sector stakeholders. Sectors stakeholders, local government (Municipality and DDC) and media actively and continuously participate in the interaction programmes organized by citizen forum. Municipality has allocated more budgets in sanitation and water than last fiscal year. Lumanti's intervention in Biratnagar Sub Metropolitan city has succeeded in raising awareness on health and hygiene, community people have felt the need for toilets and continuously approaching local government for access to sanitation. i) Operation and Maintenance activities O/M fund has been institutionalized and altogether caretakers in coordination with cooperative maintained and repaired five hand pumps constructed in 08/09 and 09/10 fiscal years using this fund. H. Water Quality Constructed (Water Sources & Points) New Rehab Previous Year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TOTAL I. Tested (Water Sources & Points) Exist. New Reha b 84 143 414 Remarks 22 180 187 7 11 18 Not Tested (Water Sources & Points) Exist. Ne Rehab w 7 11 18 84 163 449 Indicative Project Outcomes 113 Sector Objective Indicators Enhanced access of 21 communities of 4 wards of the Municipality as per Service developed WESI Delivery Plan to access to safe and adequate drinking water by March 2012. WSUCCs (ward wise) and WSUCs (community wise) have improved Capacity capacity to Building manage, operate and sustain their water systems/points by March 2012 3 8,220 people of 21 communities of 4 wards of the Municipality have improved access to safe and adequate water by 2011/12 75% of the targeted beneficiaries will be from poor and excluded groups. 100% of the water points provided have been tested and achieved minimum WQ standards as envisaged by WaterAid Nepal’s WQ 3 protocol or NDWQS 6 WSUCCs (including of 08/09 for 2 wards) and 21 WSUCs have been established and trained; have functional management and operation system in place with regular collection of O&M fund to sustain water points for delivering water facilities 80% of the water points constructed/rehabilitated are functional, managed and well maintained by the community by March 2012/13. Developed 6 local cadres (at least 1 from each ward) on WQ assessment at community/local level and disseminated assessment results twice a year to wider audience to ensure awareness on WQ and safe consumption of water. Developed at least 1 community caretaker in each community to effectively operate and maintain the water points installed for their functional in the long run by 2011/12 CBME system established and institutionalized through its regular practice Achievements 2010/11 3764 people of four communities of ward 18 (8 clusters) and ward 22 (2 cluters) have improved access to safe water 100% of the targeted beneficiaries are from poor and excluded groups. 100% of water points provided have been tested before providing the service. 1 WSUCC each in ward 18 and 22 has been established and trained. Similarly 10 WSUC (8 in ward 18 and 2 in ward 22) have been formed and trained. O&M fund has been collected and is functional in 3 wards (18, 5 and 19). The Cooperatives of ward 5 and 19 has been collecting and storing the O&M fund. Five hand pumps were renovated from the help caretaker in use of the collected O/M fund. Follow-ups of the previous wards has being done by ICDF, which has been appointed to carry out post monitoring and follow-ups activities. Required supports have been provided in post project areas as from the report provided from the ICDF. Water quality report has been disseminated in communities. 13 caretakers have been trained and appointed in this fiscal year. 10 caretakers are from the communities of wards 18 and 22 and 3 caretakers are from ICDF. Caretakers have been provided with tools required for maintenance of the hand- National Drinking Water Quality Standards of Nepal 114 Sector Objective Indicators Knowledge and capacity of municipal level stakeholders and community groups enhanced by March 2012 on CBME, WQ, WSP and WRM Achievements 2010/11 by all the Users pumps. Committees of the targeted CBME system has been used 21 communities, by all UCs of this fiscal year. WSUCCs and WSUCs In this year, CBME charts are have respectively 6 & 12 put in a community place an d meetings in a year to filled by the UCs in presence review, discuss challenges of the other users. & issues, and learn good WSUCs had 8 trainings practices and approaches regarding financial, at local level to enhance construction, O/M fund and their capacities to manage CBME system. project at their Members of ICDF at communities. community level of all working wards (in this fiscal year as well as communities from other fiscal years) are trained for conducting water quality tests. They act as local cadres for conducting water quality tests and in disseminating the test results in coordination with Lumanti (CDWs and CHMs). Innovations, technologies, learning and good practices including policy 10 users committees and strategies/approaches are sanitation groups and local shared with the community partner (ICDF) are trained groups and local on WSP and CBME. stakeholders at municipal A review workshop level through 4 trainings, 8 programme conducted at meeting, 2 workshops and the end of the project in 2 exposure visits annually March 2011, which had from 09/10. participation from sector 2 trainings provided stakeholders: the annually to at least local 6 Municipality, Citizen Forum persons representing and media personnel. The municipal level participants were stakeholders & community acknowledged on groups from 09/10 on achievements of 3-years CBME system for its WASH project and lessons application/replication in learnt. The programme was their projects by 2011/12 broadcasted by Makalu TV. provide evidence of the enhanced capacity in this discipline of monitoring Trained Municipal staff and other sector actors including service providers and community groups on WSP and initiated the implementation of WSP as 115 Sector Objective Indicators WESI plan developed for 6 wards of BSMC addresses key WASH sector Advocacy blockage issues identified at local level and recommendations made by Report Card Test . Achievements 2010/11 a pilot activity by 2011/12 to ensure safe delivery of water Knowledge of 10 persons representing from BSMC/TLOs and other sector actors including community groups on CWRM enhanced through 2 trainings conducted annually from 09/10 Review outputs of the training in every subsequent years to document the capacity enhancement of municipal level stakeholders & community groups on WQ, WSP and WRM, enhanced from this Documented the best practices and learning experiences gathered from the project within 3 years in relation to water sector and disseminated to the wider audience by March 2012 Document the best practices and learning experience gathered from the project within 3 years in relation to water sector and disseminated to the wider audience by March 2012/13 Review of report card test results/recommendations conducted 09/10 and documented them to understand how improvement in WASH governance is achieved and sector blockage issues are addressed. The process of report card test has been important to make the sector stakeholders and service providers more accountable and to track the improvement in status of good governance. Some instances are formation of Public Hearing Section by the Biratnagar Municipality, allocation of fund to water supply systems, installation of additional transformer by NWSSC for supplying water even in load shedding. (More details in publication of citizen Forum) 116 Sector Objective Indicators WESI Plan is adopted as a coordinated plan by Municipality & local stakeholders and acted upon it gradually. Sector Review of WESI plans conducted annually to understand the achievement and contributions made by the sector actors at the Municipal level on it (in addition to the contribution made by this WASH project) provide evidence of adopting WESI plan as a coordinated plan by the sector stakeholders including Municipality. Voices of Citizen’s forum are acknowledged by local WASH stakeholders adopting WESI Plan as a coordinated plan and integrated it into Municipality’s planning process The financial resources allocated in water sector in an increasing trend at the Municipal Level from 09/10 provide evidence of actions of Municipality and sector stakeholders in adopting WESI plan as a coordinated plan for WASH programme. Objective At least of 60% of the targeted 21 communities are Service declared Open Delivery Defecation Free communities and sustain ODF status by March 2012 Achievements 2010/11 Voice of citizen forum has been recognized by municipality and other service providers by regularly participating in all programmes. WESI plan has been recognized and incorporated by municipality in their yearly plan. The financial resource allocated in WASH sector by local government is in increasing trend in this fiscal year. Indicators Achievements 10/11 5,710 number of 3402 number of people from 10 people in the 21 communities of ward 18 and communities of 4 22, and ODF community from wards have access to ward 16 have access to latrine hygienic latrine facilities from 405 HH latrines facilities by 2011/12 and 3 institutional latrines: 1 incinerator joint latrine at At least 60% of the Adharsha Balika Secondary targeted 21 School, 1 school latrine at communities (12 Bishnu Primary School,ward 18 communities) have and 1 school latrine at declared Open Madrasa, ward 18. Defecation Free (ODF) communities 4 communities are declared as by 2011/12 and will ODF zones: Laxmi Narayan have community Tole (ward 16), Basta (ward management system 5), Swayambhu Tole and Shiva in place to maintain Tole (ward 18) are the ODF and sustain them their declared communities. 117 Environmental Sanitation status of all the 21 targeted communities improved by March 2012 neighborhood 100% of the beneficiaries are environment healthy. from poor and excluded 80% of the groups. beneficiaries are from poor and excluded groups and are delivered sanitation facilities are maintained properly 1,950 people of the 21 The status of previously ODF communities of 4 declared communities are wards have access to sustained till 2010/11 with improved effective community environmental management system in close sanitation facilities by coordination with TLOs. The construction/renovatio latrines are used and kept n of 530 meter stormclean. water drainage, 1 bio More than 93% of the HH gas plant for sanitation structures are wastewater sustained and are in use. management and initiation of solid waste management by 2011/12 70% of the target HHs practice solid waste management by 2010/11 and sustained the waste management practices 80% of the environmental sanitation facilities are well maintained and working properly with well managed community management system in place to maintain and sustain their neighborhood environment healthy. Mechanism for collection of Operation and Maintenance fund is developed in the community for the sustainability of public infrastructures and the collected fund is well managed and transparent. 118 Knowledge and capacity of WSUCC/WSUCs, municipal level stakeholders and community groups on community based sanitation models, Capacity technologies and Building approaches on promoting hygienic latrines are enhanced to manage and sustain them; and promote them within municipal stakeholders by March 2012. Innovations, technologies, learning The technologies, learning and and good practices good practices of Lumanti including policy adopted in other project areas strategies/approaches such as community managed are shared with the WSS at Jakhadimai WSS, community groups community managed bio-gas and local stakeholders plant, RCS process, has been at municipal level shared through trainings , through 4 trainings, 8 workshops and exposure visit. meetings, 2 As a result of which a workshops and 2 community managed WSS exposure visits system- a replication of annually from 09/10. Jakhadimai WSS, has been constructed at Jatuwa, Ward Developed at least 1 18 of BSMC, a bio-gas plant community caretaker installed at Bus-park and in each community to replication of which is done at effectively operate Gudri Market of BSMC. RCS and maintain the has been acknowledged as sanitation monitoring, planning and infrastructures survey tool by the installed for their Municipality. functional in the long run and contribute in ensuring ODF status (wherever declared) sustained by 2011/12 2 trainings are provided annually to at least local 6 persons from municipal level stakeholders & community groups from 09/10 on CBME and hygiene behaviour assessment tools (e.g. RCS) system for its application/replication in their projects by 2011/12 and provide evidence of the enhanced capacity in this discipline of hygiene monitoring Trained Municipal staff and other sector actors including service providers on the importance of hygienic sanitation 119 WESI plan developed for 6 wards of BSMC addresses key WASH sector blockage Advocacy issues identified at local level and recommendations made by Report Card Test . WESI Plan is adopted as a coordinated plan by Municipality & local stakeholders and acted upon it gradually. facility and initiated the delivery of hygienic public sanitation facility Review outputs of the training in every subsequent years to document the capacity enhancement of municipal level stakeholders & community groups on sanitation promotion and its sustainability Documented the best practices and learning experiences gathered from the project within 3 years in relation to sanitation sector and disseminated to the wider audience by March 2012/13 Review of report card test results/recommendati ons conducted annually from 09/10 to understand how improvement in WASH governance, particularly in delivering sanitation facilities is achieved and sector blockage issues are addressed The municipality has agreed to invest in Mahato Ka and Nayatole, of ward 18, for construction of additional latrines that are seen deprived of sanitation facilities according to the developed WESI plan. Also, municipality has invested in construction of drainage in Gafur tole of ward 22. Also, investment has been done in bio-gas plant at Gudri Market. Review of WESI plans Voice of citizen forum has been conducted annually to recognized by municipality and understand the other service providers by achievement and regularly participating in all contributions made by programmes. the sector actors on WESI plan has been sanitation sector at recognized and incorporated by the Municipal level municipality in their yearly plan. provide evidence of From the advocacy of Citizen adopting WESI plan Action Forum, the municipality as a coordinated plan has incorporated in its policy to by the sector advocate and invest in child stakeholders including friendly latrines at schools. And, Municipality. has invested in renovating of Voices of Citizen’s public latrine at Biratnagar- 120 Sector Objective Improved health status of the people living in at least 6 selected wards (i.e. (5, 7, 16, 18, 19, 22) with 30 communities (including of those Service i.e. 7 & 19 intervened Delivery in 08/09) of BSMC by adopting sustained hygiene behavior with an evidence of improved health status in 3 key water related diseases practices by 2011/12 forum are Jogbani border, ward 18. acknowledged by The financial resources local WASH allocation from the local stakeholders adopting government is in increasing trend WESI Plan as a in this fiscal year. coordinated plan and integrated it into Municipality’s planning process to deliver sanitation (incl. Environmental) sanitation services Additional financial resources are increased in this sanitation sector in an increasing trend at the Municipal Level from 09/10 provide evidence of actions of sector stakeholders at Municipal level in adopting WESI plan as a coordinated plan for WASH programme for improved sanitation. Indicators Achievement 10/11 All the communities 10 communities of ward 18 and (adult and children) of 6 22 have knowledge of at least wards with 30 5 key hygiene messages. communities (including Remarkable development has of those intervened in been seen in hygiene behavior 08/09) have knowledge of the people in the project of at least 5 key hygiene intervened communities. There messages and have been positive changes in communicate/practice adaptation of 4 key hygiene them at critical times behaviors, more than 80% of the people are found to be 80% of the beneficiaries following the hygiene educated with 5 key behaviors. hygiene messages adopted improved and Point prevalence rates of sustained hygiene diseases are decreased to the behavior practices at least targeted levels with rare and at in the following 4 key some places zero occurrence areas by 2011/12 of WASH diseases. i. Hand washing in 90 % of the beneficiaries were critical times educated with hygiene ii. Management of messages through CHM and Human Excreta CHV (Sanitation groups) including child excreta 121 Sector Objective Indicators Safe storage of water and hygienic PoU treatments iv. Safe food hygiene practice Reduction in point prevalence rate of diarrhoea, skin and typhoid in the target areas by 20%, 15% and 10% respectively with reference to the collected baseline data. Achievement 10/11 iii. Understanding, knowledge & skills of WSUCC 4 /WSUC, municipal level stakeholders and community groups on hygiene education and its promotion enhanced Capacity Building Community level Health and Sanitation motivators and volunteers support ongoing changes in hygiene practices 4 Documented learning and best practices including related policy strategies/approaches developed are shared with the community groups and local stakeholders at municipal level through 4 trainings, 8 meetings, 2 workshops and 2 exposure visits annually from 09/10. Documented the best practices and learning experiences gathered from the project within 3 years in relation to Hygiene sector and disseminate to the wider audience by 2012/13 6 Community Health Motivators (CHMs) are trained and remain active in the selected wards by 11/12 60% of the 75 Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) trained by CHMs remain active in selected 6 wards of municipality by 11/12 Educated community people of 6 wards by delivering at least 5 key hygiene messages with At community level, there has been 6 trainings for UCC/UC and 3 trainings for sanitation groups. At municipal level there has been 4 stakeholder interaction and 1 exposure visit. 6 CHMs and 45 CHVs (that includes Sanitation groups) are trained and capacitated in delivering hygiene messages in the communities. As because the CHVs are local residents of the community, they are aware of the local context and hence shape messages in local context and local language for effective communication. CHVs and CHMS in supervision of Lumanti are actively participating in hygiene promotion. Water and Sanitation Users’ Coordination Committee 122 Sector Objective Linkage of Municipal stakeholders with District health institutions (E.g. Advocac DPHO5) established y with increased priority provide evidence of cross sector linkage Indicators innovative means of communicating hygiene messages. Service providers increase their financial investment to address the identified issues by 11/12. Promoted hygiene education through CHVs & CHMs with increased priority at local municipal level with technical supports from District health institutions (E.g. DPHO) Local sector stakeholders have integrated prioritized hygiene education in the WASH programme by 12/13. J. Beneficiaries Planned (10/11) Achievement 10/11 CHVs formed in every communities are active 5 key messages have been delivered to 6 communities by CHVs and CHM. The health messages are developed in local languages and tailored as per the local context and traditions. The mobilization of local CHVs and Sanitation groups has been effective in delivering health messages at community level. Development in practice of better health behaviors, as evident from RCS, has been seen in all groups- children, women, men and elderly in communities. Stronger cross sector linkages and coordination has been established with hygiene sector stakeholders. The DPHO provides their manpower, routinely, to health camps organized by Lumanti. Also, workshops and sharing meeting is conducted routinely to discuss on health issues like menstrual hygiene, reproductive health, WASH related health problems and such. Also, coordination has been established with educational institutes to cross cut the issues of WASH and WASH specific health issues at school. Achieved Variance water sanitation Water Sanitation Water Sanitation 4000 2200 3764 3402 -6% 55% Justifications: Water: Due to graded subsidy the total number of water points rehabiliated at the communities were 414 against planned 350. 5 District Public Health Office 123 Sanitaition: In case of Sanitation the achieved number of beneficiaries exceeds the planned as because 3 institutional latrines were constructed against 1 planned. 124 Project No.: 643VB Advocacy and Post Monitoring and Project Supports in Urban Hill A. Project Information: - Project Name: Advocacy and Post Monitoring and Project Supports in Urban Hill - Names of Sub-Projects (if applicable): Urban Hill - Project Period: - Name of Partner Organization: Lumanti Support Group for Shelter - Partner Organization Number: B. Executive Summary: The advocacy, post monitoring and project supports in Urban Hill, in the year of 2010/11, focused on providing project supports to previously intervened project areas of Kathmandu valley, subsequently post monitoring supports and sustainability studies were carried out in Thecho, Khadipakha, Narayantole, Kritipur and Madhyapur Thimi. In Madhyapur Thimi, advocacy programme was implemented in partnership with Lyaymha Pucha. The post monitoring of the Urban Hill in above mentioned project areas ensured that the Water and Sanitation infrastructures sustained and improved hygiene behavior of the people persisted. In Narayantole and Khadipakha, by assessing the behavior of people to manage human excreta and persistence in adoption of improved hygiene behavior, the two communities were declared as ODF zones in initiation of communities themselves. Also, in Narayantole, the waste water treatment plant functions effectively as shown by the recent BOD and COD test. In Thecho, the women’s cooperative carried out the programme by making follow-ups in construction of latrines and routinely conducting orientation on better health and hygiene behavior. In Thecho, a public space has been constructed in the space where open defecation was practiced earlier; this has helped in eradicating the behavior of people in defecating at that place and also the risk of contaminating the nearby water source has been minimized. Also, the number of people taking loans from the cooperative for construction of household latrines is increasing; in this year 35 additional people have taken loans for the construction of latrines. C. Changes in Project Background, Design & Risk Management N/A D. Progress against key planned Activities D.1 Service Delivery (Post Monitoring) Sector Key Deliverables Annual Total (Outputs) s (As mentioned in Total Plan Progress Project Plan) To Date Water Report produced 2 Water Water on water quality Quality Tests Quality test conducted in (Thimi and Test has Naikap, Narayan Thecho) and been done tole, Khadipakha. Post twice in 2 Thecho and monitoring wells in Tokha and support Thimi and actions sustaining 1 water recommended Water source of are gradually Facilities in the Thecho 8 acted upon on the previously points in Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan in Q4 Progress in Q4 Water Quality Water tests in Thimi, Quality Test Thecho, has been Narayantole and done in 2 Khadipakha wells in Thimi and 1 water source of Thecho 8 points in Narayantole Justificatio n for Variance 125 Sector s Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) basis of the findings by 2010/11 Produced report on 2 Post monitoring studies along with the recommendation for further improvement/reh abilitation for their sustenance of the projects. Produced report on 3 sustainability studies (this indicate 90% of WASH facilities are sustained with effective management system in place for smooth functioning) along with the recommendation for better implementation in the future projects Sanitat ion At least 2 institutional/public toilets rehabilitated/impr oved annually by service providers including municipality from 2010/11 provide evidence of the Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date completed Narayanto projects (e.g. le and 3 Naikap, points in Naryan Tole Khadipakh etc a Wastewater treatment /management system BOD- and (e.g. CW, STCOD test UFB, BioGas, was USASB etc. ) - carried out bio gas plant in waste at Godavari; water Kirtipur treatment housing; and plant of effluent quality Narayanto observation le. both at Kirtipur (RBT) and Naryan Tole Sustainabi lity Study conducted and report produced. Also, sectors have been Sustainable identified studies of all for project areas providing of previous post years project supports and action plan has been developed for the same. At least 2 A school institutional/pu latrine blic toilets rehabilitat rehabilitated/i ed in mproved Thimi annually by Municipalit service y with the providers effort of including Lyaymha municipality Pucha. Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan in Q4 Progress in Q4 and 3 points in Khadipakha Wastewater treatment /management system (e.g. CW, STUFB, BioGas, USASB etc. ) bio gas plant at Godavari; Kirtipur housing; and effluent quality observation both at Kirtipur (RBT) and Naryan Tole Justificatio n for Variance BOD- and COD test was carried out in waste water treatment plant of Narayantole . NA NA At least 2 institutional/publi c toilets rehabilitated/imp roved annually by service providers including municipality A school latrine rehabilitated in Thimi Municipality with the effort of Lyaymha Pucha. 126 Sector s Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) project’s influencing role At least 3 out of 10 local public schools (assessed in 08/09 for their sanitation status) will have improved sanitation facilities with the support of the local government and other sector stakeholders at municipal level including service providers annually from 2010/11 All the 4 project areas (mentioned above) identified for post monitoring will be declared ODF by 2010/11. Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date At least 3 out of 10 local public schools (assessed in 08/09 for their sanitation status) will have improved sanitation facilities with the support of the local government and other sector stakeholders at municipal level including service providers ODF declaration in Narayantole and Khadipakha. New Public Toilet Constructi on in Sankhadh ar Chowk, Thimi. The facility is used by about 550 daily users A school latrine, in Adarsha Higher Secondary School rehabilitat ed in Thimi Municipalit y with the effort of Lyaymha Pucha benefiting 1070 students and 67 teachers ODF declared in Narayanto le and Khadipakh a. In Thecho, awarenes s on ODF has been initiated in partnershi p with the cooperativ e and VDC. A park is Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan in Q4 Progress in Q4 New Public Toilet Constructio n in Sankhadhar Chowk, Thimi. The facility is used by about 550 daily users At least 3 out of 10 local public schools (assessed in 08/09 for their sanitation status) will have improved sanitation facilities with the support of the local government and other sector stakeholders at municipal level including service providers A school latrine, in Adarsha Higher Secondary School rehabilitated in Thimi Municipality with the effort of Lyaymha Pucha benefiting 1070 students and 67 teachers. ODF declaration in Narayantole, Khadipakha and Thecho,Thimi ODF declared in Narayantole and Khadipakha . In Thecho, awareness on ODF has been initiated in partnership with the cooperative and VDC. A park is under construction near the Justificatio n for Variance In Thimi and Thecho ,OD F support programs and workshops had been completed and both the local and other stakeholder s are highly influence for this.Howeve r,since the project area 127 Sector s Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Hygien e Efficacy of CHMs/ CHV’s current functioning in promoting hygiene education existed even after withdrawal of Lumanti’s support to the project. A comprehensive and detailed assessment report on hygiene behavioural change is (prepared through RCS method) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date under constructi on near the open defecating area to demotivat e OD. Some older people have habit of open defecation . (they defied the toilet facility).Als o, S&C have helped demotivat e OD though soft loans for toilet constructi on. ?? HH took the loan for toilet constuctio n. CHV and Others Training RCS survey to understand the hygiene status; improvement required; Its dissemination (6 monthly basis) RCS Survey of Thecho and Narayanto le conducted . Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan in Q4 Progress in Q4 open defecating area to demotivate OD. Some older people have habit of open defecation. (they defied the toilet facility) .Als o, S&C have helped demotivate OD though soft loans for toilet construction . ?? HH took the loan for toilet constuction. Justificatio n for Variance is large,it would take sometime for ODF to be declared. - RCS survey to understand the hygiene status; improvement required; Its dissemination (6 monthly basis) RCS Survey of Thecho and Narayantole conducted. 128 Sector s Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) produced and disseminated to concerned stakeholders Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date D.2 Capacity Building (Post Monitoring) Sector Key Deliverables Annual Total (Outputs) s (As mentioned in Total Plan Progress Project Plan) To Date Water/ CBME system Training for In Thecho, Sanitat are established establishment/ the ion and institutionalizat women’s institutionalized ion of CBME cooperativ among UCs of system and e routinely the respective understand the undertake project areas by efficacy of s the 2011/12 provide CBME system CBME. evidence of the within the Also, in enhanced completed Narayanto capacity in this project le and in discipline of areas/commun Khadipakh monitoring ities a the system is being followed. Produced report Produced Sustainabi on 3 sustainability report on 3 lity study studies (this sustainability has been indicate 90% of studies conducted WASH facilities in Thimi, are sustained Anamnag with effective ar and management Palpakot. system in place A report for smooth with functioning) recommen along with the dations is recommendation produced. for better implementation in the future projects Produced report Produced A post on 2 Post report on 2 monitoring monitoring Post study is studies along with monitoring done in the studies Thecho, recommendation Naikap for further and improvement/reh Tokha. abilitation for their Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan in Q4 Progress in Q4 Justificatio n for Variance Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan in Q4 Progress in Q4 Justificatio n for Variance Sustainabilit y study has been conducted in Thimi, Anamnagar and Palpakot. A report with recommend ations is produced. A post monitoring study is done in Thecho, Naikap and Tokha. The study 129 sustenance of the projects. The study shows that in Thecho the water sources installed/r ehabilitate d in the project period are in use. In one water source, a risk of contamina tion owing to open defecation was seen which has been addressed by initiating constructi on of a public space, a small park, to discourag e open defecation . In Naikap, the study showed that the water supply system installed previously requires upgrading owing to increased demand. Efforts were made to coordinate with the VDC and the Users shows that in Thecho the water sources installed/reh abilitated in the project period are in use. In one water source, a risk of contaminati on owing to open defecation was seen which has been addressed by initiating construction of a public space, a small park, to discourage open defecation. In Naikap, the study showed that the water supply system installed previously requires upgrading owing to increased demand. Efforts were made to coordinate with the VDC and the Users for assessing their contribution for the upgrading the system 130 A report produced on the implementation of Sanitation improvement plan of Thecho for assessing their contributio n for the upgrading the system system but no achievem ents were made due to lack of interest in UCs. In Tokha, the an Isolated Water Supply System has been initiated in coordinati on among UNHabitat, Lumanti, KUKL and VDC. In Thecho, the VDC has implement ed some activities as per the recommen Review of dations Sanitation made in Improvement the Plan of Thecho Sanitation and support for Improvem its ent Plan. implementatio As per the n together with plan, the stakeholders VDC has intervened in improving environme ntal sanitation of the system but no achievemen ts were made due to lack of interest in UCs. In Tokha, the an Isolated Water Supply System has been initiated in coordination among UNHabitat, Lumanti, KUKL and VDC. Review of Sanitation Improvement Plan of Thecho and support for its implementation together with stakeholders In Thecho, the VDC has implemente d some activities as per the recommend ations made in the Sanitation Improveme nt Plan. As per the plan, the VDC has intervened in improving environmen tal sanitation of the VDC by paving roads and - 131 Hygien e 1 training to 1 CHVs and CHVs on the others training. burning health issues in the communities to strengthen their capacity A report prepared on UCs and CHVs’ improved link with DHO contributing in hygiene behavior sustenance. VDC by paving roads and maintainin g drainage systems. Also, the VDC has contribute d in developin g of a small park in defecating area of Thecho to aid in developin g the area as no open defecating area. 2 CHVs 1 CHVs and from others training. Khadipakh a and Narayanto le and 2 from Thecho were trained on disseminat ing hygiene messages and use of CBME charts Linkages have been extended with health sector stakehold ers and that with DHO in conductin g various hygiene related activities. maintaining drainage systems. Also, the VDC has contributed in developing of a small park in defecating area of Thecho to aid in developing the area as no open defecating area 2 CHVs from Khadipakha and Narayantole and 2 from Thecho were trained on disseminati ng hygiene messages and use of CBME charts 132 In Thecho a health camp was organized in coordinati on with health posts and in link with DHO. 133 D.3 Policy Influencing (Advocacy) Sectors Key Annual Total (Outputs) Deliverables Total Plan Progress To (As Date mentioned in Project Plan) Water/ WASH Preparation First phase Sanitatio advocacy of a workshop on n/ strategy of strategic preparing Hygiene Lumanti is document of strategic paper prepared WASH of Lumanti is completed in 1st of March and preparation of the strategic document is in process. Quarterly reports including monitoring to understand the progress on the activities of this project on influencing the local municipal levels sectors stakeholders. 4 Follow up, support and monitoring visit per year Lyaymha Pucha reported that the budget allocation of Thimi Municipality in WASH sector for the fiscal year 2067/68 is influential. The Thimi Municipality has allocated NRS 1.5 million and NRS 1 million for conservation of wells, stone spouts, ponds and other water resources existed in Thimi Municipality and extension of water distribution pipelines, respectively. Also, the municipality has allocated NRS Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Preparation of a strategic document of WASH 1 follow up and monitoring visit to know the situation of budget disbursemen t and utlization completed First phase workshop on preparing strategic paper of Lumanti is completed in 1st of March and preparatio n of the strategic document is in process. Municipalit y assured to disburse and utlize the allocated budget for this 2066/67 FY in the WASH sector based on the demand of local communit y by mobilizing and consulting with CBO’s and WASH stakehold er’s. However Lyaymha Justificati on for Variance NA NA 134 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Justificati on for Variance Pucha, civil society organizati ons and media persons demanded for maximum utilization of the WASH budget and to participate them in the periodic meetings of the municipalit y, so that timely suggestio ns, plans and decisions can be made during the meetings. Sharing on WAN’s CSP was done among the represent atives of Lyaymha Pucha and other Citizen Forum members during Participato ry Review and Reflection Wash advocacy plan document of the partner organizati on will be prepared after conductin g the capacity building workshop on strategy paper 3.3 million on sanitation. The Thimi Municipality has put on its attention in WASH sector indicated by reformed policies regarding WASH sector. 3 yrs WASH advocacy plan of Lyaymha Pucha /Citizen’s Forum prepared in 2010/11 to influence to address the WASH issues at the local municipal level. Preparation 1 advocacy plan document of the partner organization Informal meetings and orientations to the members of Lyaymha Pucha for preparing the document was done. Preparation 1 advocacy plan document of the partner organization 135 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) At least 3 action points related to WASH sector acted upon as per RCT recommenda tions and as agreed by civil societies and service providers. Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Conduct 1 RCT review workshop and disseminate the report among the stakeholder s Follow up/interactio n meetings Lyaymha Pucha in support of municipality acted in completing the budget tracking and its analysis of two consecutive years, preparing sanitation improvement plan of municipality and review and analysis of WASH policy and guidelines of municipality as recommended by RCT review. The budget tracking shows, the budget allocated in WASH sector in FY 2066/67 is Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Justificati on for Variance Process (PRRP) programm e on March 29 by WAN represent ative. All the participate d represent atives agreed to prepare the WASH advocacy plan in the coming FY. Based on the recommen dations made by the RCT review on previous year, municipalit y has increased the budget in WASH sector. developm ent and the final strategic document of Lumanti will be produced in next FY. Conduct 1 RCT review workshop and disseminate the report among the stakeholders Follow up/interactio n meetings NA The pipe lines are being extended in the un served area of the municipalit y and given verbal commitme nt to work 136 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date as follows; Water - Rs. 1 lakhs Sanitation – Rs. 29 lakhs 70 thousand Health and Hygiene – Rs.20 lakhs 50 thousands The budget allocated in WASH sector in FY 2067/68 is as follows; Water – 25 lakhs Sanitation – 33 lakhs Health and Hygiene – 30 lakhs 75 thousands The above allocated budget for the two consecutive years shows the remarkable increment of the budget in WASH sector compared to FY 2066/67 However, municipality disbursed and utilized about 5 times more budget in water sector than allocated and in case of sanitation only abou 50% of the budget was utilized and in Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Justificati on for Variance together with civil society and KUKL for pipeline extension and invest the budget as required during the meeting and workshop s. The action plan was developed to support municipalit y’s sanitation improvem ent plan segregatin g action points that needs to be intervened immediate ly and action points that can be intervened in the future. The review and analysis of the WASH policy and guidelines concluded that, the 137 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date health sector about 86% of the allocated budget was utlized in FY 2066/67 according to the report. Whilst in FY 2067/68 till now, no allocated budget in the water sector was utilized but in sanitation and Health sector about 36% and 64% of the allocated budget has already been utilized respectively. Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Justificati on for Variance policy followed by Thimi municipalit y on WASH sector was found effective and practical. Some of the points on policies of WASH improvem ent of Thimi municipalit y is as follows; Coordin ation will be done with donor agencie s and CBO’s to raise awaren ess and to maintai n the water quality Drinkin g water pipeline extensi on and its operati on and mainten ance 138 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Justificati on for Variance work on differen t parts of the city will be done by investin g collectiv e fund in coordin ation and partner ship with local users and KUKL, Thimi unit. Prepare inventor y profile of natural water resourc es Identify possibl e transfer station and landfill sites for solid waste manag ement Priority will be given for producti 139 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Justificati on for Variance on of alternati ve energy from agricult ural waste Continu ation will be given in the constru ction and improve ment of public and private toilets to declare municip ality ODF Progra mmes on materni ty health and women s health will be given priority Commu nity health centres will be mobiliz ed as per deman d 140 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) A report on the compilation of media highlights on sector advocacy as an evidence of the output of the advocacy of this project Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Produce 1 report on media highlights of the advocacy and influencing work A compiled report produced on media highlights. Madhyapur Post printed the media report on RCT review workshop, report on monitoring and followup of sanitation situation of Adarsha Higher Secondary school and Siddhikali secondary school. The news on RCT review workshop and monitoring and followup of sanitation situation of the schools was also printed in Thimi Times. It also printed the news on review and analysis of WASH policy of the municipality. Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Produce 1 report on media highlights of the advocacy and influencing work Justificati on for Variance Continu ous support will be provide d on minimiz ing HIV/AI DS, cancer and tubercul osis A NA compiled report produced on media highlights. Madhyapu r Post printed the media report on RCT review workshop, report on monitoring and followup of sanitation situation of Adarsha Higher Secondar y school and Siddhikali secondary school. The news on RCT review workshop and 141 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date The issue based WASH news printed and highlighted by the local news paper helped citizens to know the issues that needs to be addressed by service providers. The news also made citizen’s contributed in raising awareness on the WASH issues of the city and enabling them to raise the voice with evidence with service providers for their rights. Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Justificati on for Variance monitoring and followup of sanitation situation of the schools was also printed in Thimi Times. It also printed the news on review and analysis of WASH policy of the municipalit y. The issue based WASH news printed and highlighte d by the local news paper helped citizens to know the issues that needs to be addressed by service providers. The news also made citizen’s contribute d in raising awarenes 142 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) A report on annual review on the achievement in addressing the sector blockage issues at municipal level and in materializing the recommenda tions made by Report Card Test results. Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Conduct social audit and submit RCT review report to the concerned WASH stakeholder s Social audit of Lyaymha Pucha was completed jointly in RCT review report dissemination programme. The income and expenditure, activities performed on WASH and changes brought in the municipality was presented transparently among the stakeholders. The review report of RCT was also submitted to the concerned stakeholders to act and to make improvements on the issues and recommendatio ns made. Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Conduct social audit and submit RCT review report to the concerned WASH stakeholders Justificati on for Variance s on the WASH issues of the city and enabling them to raise the voice with evidence with service providers for their rights. Social NA audit of Lyaymha Pucha was completed jointly in RCT review report dissemina tion programm e. The income and expenditur e, activities performed on WASH and changes brought in the municipalit y was presented transpare ntly among the stakehold ers. The review report of 143 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) An updated review report on RCT results/recom mendations by incorporating the identified new sector blockage issues related to WASH produced along with the recommende d plan of actions to be addressed in next year at municipal level. Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Conduct 1 RCT review workshop and disseminatio n workshop. The RCT review report shows municipality and KUKL, Thimi branch is improving its good governance indicators. Comparing the grade with previous years RCT report, municipality has improved its grade in two indicators concensus orientation and equity. Likewise KUKL, Thimi branch has improved its grade in three indicators consensus orientation, accountability and strategic vision. Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Conduct 1 RCT review workshop and disseminatio n workshop. RCT was also submitted to the concerned stakehold ers to act and to make improvem ents on the issues and recommen dations made. The RCT review report shows municipalit y and KUKL, Thimi branch is improving its good governanc e indicators. Comparin g the grade with previous years RCT report, municipalit y has improved its grade in two indicators consensu s orientation and equity. Likewise KUKL, Justificati on for Variance NA For details see RCT review report 144 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Assessment on budget tracking on WASH sector at Municipal level (Thimi) conducted for 2 consecutive years and report with critical analysis on municipality’s budget allocation produced by 2010/11. Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Conduct 1 assessment on budget tracking every year The budget tracking shows, the budget allocated in WASH sector in FY 2066/67 is as follows; Water - Rs. 1 lakhs Sanitation – Rs. 29 lakhs 70 thousand Health and Hygiene – Rs.20 lakhs 50 thousands The budget allocated in WASH sector in FY 2067/68 is as follows; Water – 25 lakhs Sanitation – 33 lakhs Health and Hygiene – 30 lakhs 75 thousands The above allocated budget for the two consecutive Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter 1 Budget tracking assessment and prepare analytical report. Disseminatio n of budget tracking report to the stakeholders. Thimi branch has improved its grade in three indicators consensu s orientation , accountab ility and strategic vision. The Budget tracking report was produced and dissemina ted among the stakehold ers. Justificati on for Variance NA For details see Budget tracking and analysis report The budget tracking shows, the budget allocated in WASH sector in FY 2066/67 is as follows; Water Rs. 1 lakhs Sanitation – Rs. 29 lakhs 70 thousand Health and Hygiene – Rs.20 lakhs 50 145 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date years shows the remarkable increment of the budget in WASH sector compared to FY 2066/67 However, municipality disbursed and utilized about 5 times more budget in water sector than allocated and in case of sanitation only abou 50% of the budget was utilized and in health sector about 86% of the allocated budget was utlized in FY 2066/67 according to the report. Whilst in FY 2067/68 till now, no allocated budget in the water sector was utilized but in sanitation and Health sector about 36% and 64% of the allocated budget has already been utilized respectively Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Justificati on for Variance thousands The budget allocated in WASH sector in FY 2067/68 is as follows; Water – 25 lakhs Sanitation – 33 lakhs Health and Hygiene – 30 lakhs 75 thousands The above allocated budget for the two consecutiv e years shows the remarkabl e increment of the budget in WASH sector compared to FY 2066/67 However, municipalit y disbursed and utilized about 5 times more budget in water 146 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Justificati on for Variance sector than allocated and in case of sanitation only abou 50% of the budget was utilized and in health sector about 86% of the allocated budget was utlized in FY 2066/67 according to the report. Whilst in FY 2067/68 till now, no allocated budget in the water sector was utilized but in sanitation and Health sector about 36% and 64% of the allocated budget has already 147 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Documents produced by Lyamha Pucha/Citize n Forum on the activities commenced to influence sector stakeholders following the WASH advocacy plan and the outputs achieved. Produce 1 document by partner organization at the end of the FY. The yearly news “Jankari Patra” documenting the advocacy and influencing activities is published. The news covered in the publication are handover of sanitation improvement plan to the municipality, result of RCT workshop, WASH policy and guidelines review and analysis and photo news etc. Report on WQ test of the water facilities delivered by service providers will be produced annually. Produce 1 report on the WQ standard of the natural resources, wells etc. rehabilitated by Lyaymha Pucha in Report produced on water quality test conducted in 2 wells at Thimi and 1 water source of Thecho 8 points at Narayantole and 3 points at Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter been utilized respective ly Produce 1 The yearly document by news partner “Jankari organization Patra” at the end of documenti the FY. ng the advocacy and influencin g activities is published. The news covered in the publicatio n are handover of sanitation improvem ent plan to the municipalit y, result of RCT workshop, WASH policy and guidelines review and analysis and photo news etc. Produce 1 Report report on the produced WQ standard on water of the natural quality resources, test wells etc. conducted rehabilitated in 2 wells by Lyaymha at Thimi Pucha in and 1 coordination water Justificati on for Variance NA Attach Jankari Patra 148 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Fact sheets, calls and other advocacy related IEC materials are prepared Rehabilitated at least one institutional/p ublic latrine by Municipality in 2010/11 upon the lobby of citizen’s forum Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter coordination with municipality Kha with municipality Print 1 IEC materials as appropriate for generating awareness targeting world water day campaign Rehabilitate 1 institutional/ public latrine 1 IEC materials was printed for generating awareness targeting world water day campaign Print 1 IEC materials as appropriate for generating awareness targeting world water day campaign Rehabilitate 1 institutional/p ublic latrine The budget has been released for Sri Adarsha Higher Secondary School to construct a new latrine as there was high demand for the latrine in the densely populated school.The construction is under process with the school lobbying for more funds in municipality and DOE for the construction of latrine. source of Thecho 8 points at Narayanto le and 3 points at Khadipakh a 1 IEC materials was printed for generating awarenes s targeting world water day campaign The budget has been released for Sri Adarsha Higher Secondar y School to construct a new latrine as there was high demand for the latrine in the densely populated school.Th e constructi on is under process with the school lobbying for more Justificati on for Variance NA Photo of IEC materials or copy of IEC materials - 149 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Assessment on functional linkages established with LGs and other sector stakeholders at municipal level in mobilizing their resources in WASH sector conducted to understand raising voices of citizens’ and Citizen Forum’s advocacy work for access to improved WASH facilities and report produced after critically reviewed by peers within 2010/11 Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Progress To Date Conduct 1 assessment and produce report Participatory Review and Reflection (PRRP) report produced and review and evaluation of citizen action programme in Thimi was completed. Reporting Quarter Q4 Plan Progress in Quarter Conduct 1 assessment and produce report funds in municipalit y and DOE for the constructi on of latrine. Participato ry Review and Reflection (PRRP) report produced and review and evaluation of citizen action programm e in Thimi was completed . Justificati on for Variance Review and evaluation draft report is at the verge of completio n and it will be presented to Lumanti and WAN before finalizatio n. E. Partnership (refer to Project Plan – Sections 5) - Changes to existing key stakeholders and their roles - New collaborations, partnerships or stakeholders - Effectiveness, challenges, opportunity relating to partnerships F. Resources (refer to Project Plan – Sections 6 & 7): 150 - Changes to Human Resource plan - Financial Summary of the project Qtr. Original Budget Approved (MPB) Budget Q1 317,114 317,114 Q2 370,996 370,996 Q3 459,314 459,314 Q4 305,914 305,914 TOTAL 1,453,338 1,453,338 Revised Budget 182,650.00 381,144.00 548,057.00 286,735.00 1,398,586.00 Expenditure 182,650.15 381,094.74 394,412.39 316,362.31 1,274,519.59 % Uti. 100% 100% 72% 110% 91% G Field visits and Monitoring (refer to Project Plan – Sections 9): G.1 Completed Visits: Date Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) Reporting Quarter: Q1+Q2 17 May Puspa Joshi July 9 July 14 Puspa Joshi Puspa Joshi Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Support Visit, Lyaymha Pucha programme planning Monitoring and support visit Orientation to Lyaymha Pucha and Developing Action Plan Key Feedbacks Received (if any) Lyaymha Pucha should develop action plan as developed with the support from Lumanti, need to study in the issues and need to follow the plan, so that the service providers and LG's started to trust when approached with evidence. Lyaymha Pucha requested technical support for developing WaSH strategic plan and also requested for the guidelines. Operation and maintenance fund should be managed for the sustenance of the constructed natural resources. Continuous lobby and follow up with service providers should be done to make them involve in the programme. Lyaymha Pucha should develop its WaSH advocacy plan, so that it can broaden in working area and explore more funding agencies in the future. The developed action plan should be strongly followed to complete 151 Date July 26 August 9 Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) Puspa Joshi Bishal Shrestha and Shiva Gopal Shrestha Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Follow up visit Monitoring Visit at Khadipakha/ Narayantole 16th Bishal Shrestha and September Umesh Rupakheti Monitoring Visit to Thecho 19th Bishal Shrestha and Septmeber Umesh Rupakheti Monitoring Visit at Kritipur 19 – 26 Puspa Joshi September To attend Exploring ways for raising urgency of WaSH: Knowledge sharing and capitalization on advocacy and influencing Key Feedbacks Received (if any) the programmes in time. Although the work division was done in Lyaymha Pucha, the members are not providing the time because of busy schedule. Focal person of Lyaymha Pucha should once brief the planned programme to the members in detail to make them enroll actively. #Residents of Narayantole reported that the slab built over the Samakhusi river has avoided the bad smells of the river and made the area spacious. #All the toilets in the community are in use and well maintained. #The UCs of the Thehco was supported to fill in the CBME charts. They reported that the sections related to Construction details in CBME charts were not much relevant now. It was suggested that, the UC fill the construction part on filling details of the new loans taken for construction of toilets. #The cooperative in Thecho shared their plan of declaring ODF in Thecho. They plan to build idols of Gods in defecating areas to discourage people from defecating. #There is problem in the septic tank which has affected the RBTS system. Meeting has been held with the contractor, Astra Construction, regarding the problems seen in the system. > Mr. Ashutosh Tiwari, WAN suggested the need of urgency in WaSH sector to bring bigger change. > Mr. Narottam Aryal, Gyankuti suggested to explore private sector engagement in raising 152 Date Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Key Feedbacks Received (if any) urgency of WaSH through Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR). > Mr. Rabin Lal Shrestha, WAN suggested partners to explore the advocacy change basics. Advocacy groups should always be ready for change and should have the capability to analyze and think for the expected change. > He also suggested that evidence based programmes like public hearing and creating emotions can make people believe our ideas. > Mr. Ashutosh Tiwari, WAN suggested person who advocates should think from other people's brain as it is a brain science. > Making a sticky mesage means, it should be understoodable, remembered, action oriented, changeable and result showing. > The crafted message should be simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional and story driven (SUCCES). > It is not necessary to give all the information in advocacy. > Hon. MP Sapana Malla Pradhan suggested documenting the negative arguments and hitting it with positive arguments to gain creadibility in advocacy. She also suggested to make a step with strategy in hand to be successful in gaining credibility. > Should prepare on the respective topic being interviewed in advance before approaching the media. G.2 Upcoming Visits N/A 153 G.3 Other PME Activities NA H. Water Quality Annual Plan (Water Sources & Points) New Exist Rehab Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TOTAL Tested (Water Sources & Points) Exist. New Rehab 15 15 15 30 15 30 Remarks I. Indicative Project Outcomes – Refer to Project Plan Section 2, 3 and 4. (SMR & APR only) Note: Do not segregate Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in case of cross cutting projects, just put WaSH objectives. I.1 Service Delivery Project Objectives Water: Project Indicators Achievements of the FY 2010/11 3 sustainable studies conducted in 3 selected project areas completed past 4 years ago in 04/05 by FY 2010/11 Sustainability study has been conducted in Thimi, Anamnagar and Palpakot. A report with recommendations is produced. 2 post monitoring studies in selected 6 peri urban areas are conducted annually from 2010/11 A post monitoring study is done in Thecho, Naikap and Tokha. The study shows that in Thecho the water sources installed/rehabilitated in the project period are in use. In one water source, a risk of contamination owing to open defecation was seen which has been addressed by initiating construction of a public space, a small park, to discourage open defecation. In Naikap, the study showed that the water supply system installed previously requires upgrading owing to increased demand. Efforts were made to coordinate with the VDC and the Users for assessing their contribution for the upgrading the system system but no achievements were made due to lack of interest in UCs. In Tokha, the an Isolated Water Supply System has been initiated in coordination among UN-Habitat, Lumanti, KUKL and VDC. Identified Physical infrastructures The water sources at Thecho are routinely constructed by Lumanti in previous rehabilitated by the users themselves. Support 154 Project Objectives Project Indicators Achievements of the FY 2010/11 years that require has been provided to one water source at improvement/rehabilitation and are Thecho that had risk of being contaminated rehabilitated by 2010/11 owing to practice of open defecation nearby the source. Effective community level management system is in place for their sustained function in all the periurban areas where sustainable studies and post monitoring studies are conducted by 2010/11. At least 90% of the constructed water facilities in the past project areas are sustained by 2010/11 Community are aware of Water Quality and all the water points will have tested for its water quality by 2010/11 regularly as per WAN’s WQ protocol Sanitation: 3 sustainable studies conducted in 3 selected project areas completed past 4 years ago in 09/10 2 post monitoring studies in selected 6 peri urban areas and 3 are conducted annually from 2009/10 Identified Physical infrastructures constructed by Lumanti in previous years that require improvement/rehabilitation are rehabilitated by 2010/11 and acted upon them by Dec. 2011. In Naikap, the water supply system required upgrading to meet the increased demands but no achievements were made. In Thecho, the cooperative has been active in undertaking the responsibility of sustaining the WASH infrastructures in Thecho. In Narayantole and Khadipakha, the UC is equally active and has been managing the water facilities properly. In Naryantole the UC has been active in properly operating and managing the Waste water treatment plant. The water facilities in past project areas are sustained and are in proper use under better community management system. In Naikap, however, the WSS requires up-grading to meet the increased demands. WQ test done and results disseminated to the communities. The communities are aware on using safe drinking water and are using water purification method before drinking. Sustainability study has been conducted in Thimi, Anamnagar and Palpakot. A report with recommendations is produced. A post monitoring study is done in Thecho, Naikap, Kritipur and Tokha. The RBT system at Kritipur required rehabilitation. A series of meetings were made with the residents of Kritpur housing at with the Astra Consultants regarding the rehabilitation of the RBT system. The rehabilitation could not be undertaken in failure to collect any financial support from the residents. In Thecho, follow-ups were done by the CHVs and members of the cooperatives to bring the latrines in use and to rehabilitate the required ones. Effective management system are in place for their sustained function in all the peri urban areas where In Narayantole, the waste water treatment plant is functioning properly. In Thecho, the cooperative has been active in undertaking the responsibility of sustaining the WASH infrastructures in Thecho. In Narayantole 155 Project Objectives Project Indicators Achievements of the FY 2010/11 sustainable studies and post monitoring studies are conducted by 2010/11 and Khadipakha, the UC is equally active and has been managing the sanitation facilities properly. In Naryantole the UC has been active in properly operating and managing the Waste water treatment plant One school latrines have been rehabilitated in Thimi benefiting 1070 students and 67 teachers. Additional 525 people are further benefited from the rehabilitation works in sanitation facilities by 2010/11 At least 90% of the construction works are sustained in the post program areas by Dec 2011 Sanitation improvement plan of Thecho Reviewed and acted upon by the stakeholders on it with an achievement of 25% annually to achieve at least 75% of the plan implemented by Dec. 2011 Hygiene: Narayan Tole and Khadikhapkha will be declared ODF and have community management system in place to sustain the ODF status by 2010/11 80% of community (adult and children) beneficiaries of all the selected 6 peri urban areas (communities) have knowledge of at least 4 key hygiene messages and communicate them at critical times when asked by 2010/11. Reduction in point prevalence rate of diarrhoea, skin and typhoid in the target areas by 20%, 15% and 10% respectively with reference to the collected baseline data by Dec. 2011 I.2 Capacity Building Project Project Indicators Objectives Water: CBME system by the local users committees (UCs) in their respective areas is institutionalized through its regular practice by 2010/11 provide evidence of enhanced capacity in community monitoring The sanitation structures constructed in the project period are sustained and are in proper use. Owing to the implementation of the Sanitation Improvement Plan prepared for Thecho, the VDC has invested in improving the environmental sanitation of Thecho. The VDC has invested in paving of roads and maintenance of the drainages. Also, the VDC has contributed in construction of public place in the open defecating area in order to make the area no open defecating zone. Narayantole and Khaidpakha have been declared as ODF zone in initiation of the community. The community has formed ODF guidelines and agreed upon adhering on thus formed guideline. The RCS report shows that communities have sound knowledge of 4 key hygiene messages and have been adopting the safe hygiene behaviors. The point prevalence rates of the mentioned diseases are below the targeted levels. Achievements of the FY 2010/11 The UCs in Thecho, Narayantole and in Khadipakha practice CBME. The practice of CBME in the post monitoring period has helped to assess the status of the structures that need rehabilitation and act immediately. The communities also became aware on importance of O&M fund, and rehabilitation of the infrastructures. 156 Project Objectives Project Indicators Community/ UCs remain active to effectively operate and maintain the water points installed for their functional in the long run by 2010/11. Mechanism for collection & management of Operation and Maintenance fund is sustained in the community for the sustainability of water infrastructures by 2010/11 Documented the best practices and learning experiences gathered from this project within 3 years in relation to water and disseminated by March 2012 Sanitation: CBME system by the local users committees (UCs) in their respective areas is institutionalized through its regular practice by Users Committees of the selected 6 peri urban areas by 2010/11 provide evidence of enhanced capacity in community monitoring Mechanism for collection and management of Operation and Maintenance fund is sustained in the community for the sustainability of WASH infrastructures facilities even after withdrawal of supports from Lumanti by 2010/11 Hygiene: Achievements of the FY 2010/11 The water facilities in past project areas are sustained and are in proper use under better community management system. O&M fund is not collected regular but communities collect money when rehabilitation of structures is required. A draft learning document produced. The UCs in Thecho, Narayantole and in Khadipakha practice CBME. The practice of CBME in the post monitoring period has helped to assess the status of the structures that need rehabilitation and act. The communities also become aware on importance of O&M fund, and in rehabilitation of the infrastructures. The initiation CBME system made the UC transparent towards the community and gain belief. It also helped UC’s in the social audit to show their transparency and accountability. O&M fund is not collected regular but communities collect money when rehabilitation of structures is required Documented the best practices and learning experiences gathered from this project within 2 years in relation to WASH and disseminated by March 2012 80% of beneficiaries practice hygienic behavior and practice the following 4 key hygiene messages by 2010/11: i) Hand washing at critical times ii)Management of human excreta including child excreta iii) Safe storage of water & hygiene PoU treatments iv) Safe food hygiene practice - A draft learning document produced. Community Health Motivators/ Volunteers (CHMs/ CHVs) assigned The CHVs in communities are trained for effectively delivering hygiene messages. The The communities know and adopt safe hygiene behavior. The result of RCS shows that all the 4 key hygiene messages are followed by more than 80% of the residents of the communities. 157 Project Objectives Project Indicators Achievements of the FY 2010/11 in each project areas under post monitoring assessment & project support are trained and remain active in all the selected project areas by 2010/11. Hygiene behavioral assessment conducted annually from 2010/11 using RCS tools in conjunction with CBME tools. CHVs have remained throughout the year in communities for assessing the hygiene situation, planning and implementing hygiene promotion in communities. Documented the findings of the assessment on improved and sustained hygiene behavioural practices, learning experiences etc. in a report annually from 2010/11 by March 2012 RCS has been adopted as a strong and effective tool for assessment of hygiene behavioral changes. The RCS helped the CHVs to understand existing health and hygiene status of the community and develop a more realistic plan. A draft learning report produced. I3. Policy Influencing Project Objectives Project Indicators Enhance organizational capacity of Lyaymha Pucha (local advocacy partner of Lumanti) to advocate for the rights of water Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) Lyamha Pucha/Citizen Orientation provided on Sharing on WAN’s Forum's WASH advocacy WASH advocacy plan to the CSP was done among plan prepared in 2009/10 is members of Lyaymha Pucha the representatives of updated for coming 3 years in an informal meeting. Lyaymha Pucha and with its annual review by the Lyaymha Pucha has started other Citizen Forum forum members by 2010/11 drafting the plan and assured members during to discuss on the draft with in Participatory Review Q3. and Reflection Procress (PRRP) programme on March 29 by WAN representative. All the participated representatives agreed to prepare the WASH advocacy plan in the coming FY. Establishing functional The budget tracking report of The action plan was linkages with LGs and other two consecutive years and the developed to support sector stakeholders at presentation made by the municipality’s municipal level through municipality during social audit sanitation improved coordination and showed the increment of the improvement plan for their resource budget in the WASH sector. segregating action mobilization in WASH sector These resources are points that needs to for improved WASH mobilized in WASH sector be intervened facilities by 2010/11 according to the demand immediately and made by the citizens through action points that can Lyaymha Pucha’s advocacy. be intervened in the For eg; in the previous year future. only municipality invested about NRs. 8.5 million in water The review of WASH 158 Project Objectives Project Indicators Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) resource policy and guidelines conservation/rehabilitation in was also completed in coordination with Lyaymha coordination with Pucha and other sector municipality and stakeholders. concerned stakeholder’s. Municipality assured to gradually update its WASH policy as per the suggestions provided. Lobby local government on Lyaymha Pucha has lobbied The WASH policy of conservation and with local government to Thimi Municipality rehabilitation of traditional conserve/rehabilitate the ensures the water resources and for traditional water resources conservation and delivery of safe water preserving its traditional looks rehabilitation of ensuring NDWQS by the ensuring the NDWQS as traditional water service providers and tourism year 2011 is resources. For the Municipality in by 2010/11 approaching nearer. Lyaymha conservation and provide evidence of Pucha has provided the detail rehabilitation enhanced capacity of report to the stakeholders on municipality separates forum’s advocacy work existed traditional water the budget every year. resources of Thimi municipality prepared in coordination with Lumanti and NGO Forum previous year. Based on the findings of the report, in coordination with sector stakeholders Municipality has assured to rehabilitate/conserve some of the stone spouts, where network of drinking water new pipeline was not possible this year, if the demand was made from the citizens. Effective mobilization of Lyaymha Pucha is celebrating The sanitation citizens to lobby local its silver jubilee programme improvement plan has government on rehabilitation this year, so as a part of the been updated and of institutional and public programme, they are handover to the water and latrines facilities massively mobilizing women’s municipality for and for promotion of group and youth group immediate action. sanitation improvement by voluntarily on different 2010/11 activities including WASH The WASH policy and activities. guidelines was also reviewed and Beside these, Lyaymha Pucha analysed and and Municipality in joint suggestions provided. coordination has agreed to Eg; revise/update the sanitation The improvement plan of the objectives, policies 159 Project Objectives To sensitize the service providers on the rights and needs and of the urban poor for improved and reliable WaSH facilities for sustained practices Project Indicators Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) municipality, so that it will be and strategies on easier to place the agendas, waste management implement and approve the should be SMART plan during the periodic Beside meetings. physical and financial support municipality should manage social, environmental and human resource support for waste management and for this quantitative and qualitative change is needed. Organize debates, To ensure the supply of safe Municipality assured coordination and interaction drinking water, during to disburse and utlize meetings for enhancing coordination meeting, Bode the allocated budget improved safe water Water Purification Centre for the FY in the facilities in collaboration with agreed to test the quality of WASH sector based local government, sector water it supplies in the city at on the demand of stakeholders, sector actors least 2 times per year. local community by including service providers mobilizing and at least at municipal level by Addressing the issues raised consulting with CBO’s 2010/11 in RCT on coordination and WASH between the different stakeholder’s. government bodies, in this However Lyaymha particular year municipality, Pucha, civil society Bode Water Purification organizations and Center, Department of Road media persons and other concerned demanded for stakeholders are working maximum utilization of together. For eg; to lay the the WASH budget and drinking water pipelines in the to participate them in municipality, KUKL has the periodic meetings planned to extend the of the municipality, so pipelines before department of that timely road starts black topping the suggestions, plans roads. The plan was agreed in and decisions can be the coordination meeting and made during the acted in coordination with meetings. municipality and department of road. The action plan was developed to support municipality’s sanitation improvement plan segregating action points that needs to be intervened immediately and 160 Project Objectives Project Indicators Local government prioritize activity to receive increased sector funding from National government and gradually increases WASH sector spending with plan of action at hand with reference to RCT recommendations and existing water sector blockage issues by 2010/11 Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) action points that can be intervened in the future. For this year Thimi municipality has increased 50% investment in water sector and about 18% increment in sanitation sector after lobby, coordination and RCT recommendation shared and made realized to the municipality. The budget tracking shows, the budget allocated in WASH sector in FY 2066/67 is as follows; Water - Rs. 1 lakhs Sanitation – Rs. 29 lakhs 70 thousand Health and Hygiene – Rs.20 lakhs 50 thousands The budget allocated in WASH sector in FY 2067/68 is as follows; Water – 25 lakhs Sanitation – 33 lakhs Health and Hygiene – 30 lakhs 75 thousands Ensure update of Report Card Test (RCT) recommendations and their effective implementation At least two (2) action points related to water sector agreed by civil societies and service providers acted upon by the service providers annually from 2010/11 and update RCT recommendations by with new WASH blockage issues to be addressed by service providers by 2010/11 Based on the recommendations made by the RCT review on previous year, municipality acted in budget increment in WASH sector, accountability shown to work together with civil society and KUKL on investment and providing support for pipeline extension and also stepped towards policy reformation. Better services provided by 2010/11 when reviewed Establishment of help desk in the municipality, 24 hour The above allocated budget for the two consecutive years shows the remarkable increment of the budget in WASH sector compared to FY 2066/67 Based on the recommendations made by the RCT review on previous year, municipality acted in budget increment in WASH sector, accountability shown to work together with civil society and KUKL on investment and providing support for pipeline extension and also stepped towards policy reformation. The improvement shown from RCT 161 Project Objectives Ensure increased access to improved water facilities Project Indicators Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) from the situation of service power supply in Bode Water review in the good facilities during FY 2006/07 Purification Centre, closure of governance indicators Manohara sand purification like consensus centre, pipeline extension in orientation, equity, ward 15, 16 and 17, increment accountability and in drinking water production, strategic vision better coordination between provides evidence of sector stakeholders, presence service delivery of key persons from LGs in organizations the meetings called by civil accountability towards society organizations etc, providing better shows that, the services services. provided is being better compared to the previous years. Identify new sector blockage The recommendations made The new sector issues related to water and after the RCT review are blockage issues sanitation by reviewing RCT gradually being addressed by identified by RCT result/recommendations and the LG’s. review are; update RCT by Unequitable incorporating identified drinking water WASH sector blockage distribution issues by 2010/11. No access of NDWQS drinking water in all the wards of Thimi Municipality Concerned stakeholder’s should act immediately to stop water leakage No strong monitoring unit to manage and update the WASH situation of the city No long term plans and strategy developed on WASH No programme designed to discourage the open dumping of waste in the municipality Allocation of budget by the For this year Thimi The budget tracking local government is municipality has increased shows, the budget increased in an incremental 50% investment in water allocated in WASH trend in WASH sector sector and about 18% sector in FY 2066/67 increment in sanitation sector is as follows; after lobby, coordination and Water - Rs. 1 lakhs RCT recommendation shared Sanitation – Rs. 29 and made realized to the lakhs 70 thousand 162 Project Objectives Project Indicators Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) municipality. Health and Hygiene – Rs.20 lakhs 50 thousands The budget allocated in WASH sector in FY 2067/68 is as follows; Water – 25 lakhs Sanitation – 33 lakhs Health and Hygiene – 30 lakhs 75 thousands Water services/facilities delivered by service providers showed gradual improvement in quality of water as per NDWQS WQ protocol compared to their past services Evaluation of citizen’s action programme in Thimi Municipality through Lyamha Pucha to understand the efficacy of CF and the project in improving WASH governance, delivering improved WASH access/facilities, establishing functional linkages with LGs and other sector stakeholders at municipal level and in achieving recommendations made by RCT through its thorough review and assessment by March 2012 The above allocated budget for the two consecutive years shows the remarkable increment of the budget in WASH sector compared to FY 2066/67 The water supplied by the KUKL, Thimi Branch at Bode is found as per the NDWQS WQ protocol. The water supplied by the Bode Water Purification Center is found as per the NDWQS WQ protocol and the conserved traditional water spouts WQ are being tested through Lyaymha Pucha and it will be compared by doing second test in Q3 to find the improvement in the WQ. Review and evaluation draft report is in process of completion and it will be presented to Lumanti and WAN before finalization. 163 . Beneficiaries Planned (10/11) Achieved Variance water sanitation Water Sanitation Water Sanitation - 525 - 1137 - 114% 164 Project No.: 643UF Advocacy and Post Monitoring and Project Supports in Urban Terai A. Project Information: - Project Name: Advocacy and Post Monitoring and Project Supports in Urban Terai - Names of Sub-Projects (if applicable): Urban Terai - Project Period: - Name of Partner Organization: Lumanti Support Group for Shelter - Partner Organization Number: Sector s Water Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Produced report on 2 Post monitoring studies conducted in 12 communities in Bharatpur Project along with the recommenda tion for further improvement/ rehabilitation for their sustenance of the projects. Annual Total (Outputs) Annual Progress Total Plan Annual Progress Plan in Q4 Progress in Quarter Post Monitoring support for sustenance of the systems through Rehabilitation and support to Jakadimai water supply system; water systems extended with support from NWSC in Lumanti's working communities and Water supply system in Ram Nagar and installd RWH systems etc. Post monitoring and followups of 12 project intervened communitie s has been conducted and report produced. The report shows that the more than 80% of the water structures in the communitie s have sustained. Post Monitoring support for sustenance of the systems through Rehabilitati on and support to Jakadimai water supply system; In case of Jakhadimai WSS, financial, technical and administrativ e supports have been provided to the Jakhadimai WSS for its sustenance. The WSS system has extended its service to 125 HHs and now is extending the pipelines to cover more 50 households. The WSS has been linked to the municipality and the municipality has agreed to provide further financial and technical support to the WSS. In case of Jakhadimai WSS, financial, technical and administrati ve supports have been provided to the Jakhadimai WSS for its sustenance. The WSS Justification for Variance 165 system has extended its service to 125 HHs and now is extending the pipelines to cover more 50 households. The WSS has been linked to the municipality and the municipality has agreed to provide further financial and technical support to the WSS. Produced report on efficacy study of O&M (managemen t system) along with the recommenda A water safety plan has been initiated in Jakhadimai WSS in technical support from ENPHO. Also, ENPHO has implemente d water safety plan in the Jakhadimai WSS and has built boundary walls in the system. The ENPHO has also committed to provide required technical service in the system. A post monitoring study of the communitie s has been prepared. and plan of action developed 166 Sanitati on tion for better implementati on in the future projects Produced report on 2 Post monitoring studies conducted in 12 communities in Bharatpur Project along with the recommenda tion for further improvement/ rehabilitation for their sustenance of the projects. to address the shortcoming s Post Monitoring Support for maintaining and sustaining the sanitation facilities provided in previous years and declaring ODF status in remaining communities & maintaining ODF status in already declared communities (in working communities of WASH programme) As per the post monitoring study of the Sanitation sector, the communitie s, the sanitation situation at the first six months of the fiscal year, required improveme nt. It was recommend ed that required latrines should be constructed in the communitie s for proper manageme nt of excreta and to attain better sanitation status. Post Monitoring Support for maintaining and sustaining the sanitation facilities provided in previous years and declaring ODF status in remaining communitie s& maintaining ODF status in already declared communitie s (in working communitie s of WASH programme) As per the study of the working communities in Bharatpur, a total of 67 additional household latrines were constructed in Ward 11, (57 in Ganeshthan and 10 in Lama tole). The previously declared ODF communities sustain the status. But, no new communities were declared as ODF in this fiscal year. The declaration of ODF in remaining communities was not done. The Bharatpur Municipality had planned to declare the whole municipality as ODF on January 2011, which was later postponed, the declaration of remaining communities as ODF was planned along with the plan of the Municipality and had to be postponed. A city-wide survey was done, in coordination among Lumanti, Bharatpur Municipality and ENPHO. The survey that was done at ward-level showed that 700 HH 167 Rehabilitation and support for Lankhu bio-gas plant latrines were required at Bharatpur Municipality . Among, the 700 latrines, 100 latrines were required to be constructed in Lumanti’s project areas. In Lankhu, NA the UC has started to collect a monthly charge of NRs 200 from the households using gas and additional NRs 50 as operation and maintenanc e fund. The collected O&M fund is handed to the Saving Group. NA Also, the public latrine in Lankhu is being rehabilitated in support from the municipality . It is planned that the pipeline from the public latrine 168 Produced report on sustainability studies of the project completed before 4 years along with the recommenda tion for better implementati on in the future projects At least 2 institutional/p ublic toilets rehabilitated/i mproved annually by service providers including municipality would be connected to the biogas plant. The design of the public latrine has been developed. A NA sustainabilit y report produced. As per the emphasis from the study the Saving groups and Cooperative s were assigned with new responsibilit ies to look after and ensure sustained use of Water and Sanitation facilities in Bharatpur. O&M fund institutionali zing. And linkages of Jakhadimai WSS and Lankhu biogas extended with the municipality . 3 Public NA Toilets have been rehabilitated /improved in Bhartpur Municipality . 1 at Balkumari Sabjimandi NA NA 169 from 2010/11 provide evidence of the project’s influencing role Four (4) communities will be declared ODF and mechanism established for sustaining ODF status in the ODF declared communities and action plan prepared to maintain ODF status in the communities accordingly. Hygien e used, in daily average, by 300 people, 1 Public Toilet of Lilachowk used in daily average by 250 people and 1 public toilet at Lion's Chowk used, in daily average by 450 people Post Monitoring Support for maintaining and sustaining the sanitation facilities provided in previous years and declaring ODF status in remaining communities & maintaining ODF status in already declared communities (in working communities of WESH programme Mass Awareness / Mobilization / Rally documentary show No NA additional communitie s have been declared ODF. NA A short teleserial on sanitation and ODF, named “Khoji Ujwalyo Ko” has been NA NA The declaration of ODF in remaining communities was not done. The Bharatpur Municipality had planned to declare the whole municipality as ODF on January 2011, which was later postponed, the declaration of remaining communities as ODF was planned along with the plan of the Municipality and had to be postponed. 170 Health & Hygiene Campaign & Hygiene Competition Award etc. produced and broadcaste d on local TV channels. A health and hygiene campaign was organized in occasion of World HandWashing Day and a hygiene competition was organized (Inter community Hygiene promotion song Competition ). The programme was conducted in joint coordination among Lumanti, ENPHO, Municipality and DWWSS. Health & Hygiene Campaign & Hygiene Competition Award etc. A health and hygiene campaign was organized in occasion of World HandWashing Day and a hygiene competition was organized (Inter community Hygiene promotion song Competition). The programme was conducted in joint coordination among Lumanti, ENPHO, Municipality and DWWSS. B. Executive Summary: N/A C. Changes in Project Background, Design & Risk Management (refer to Project Plan – Sections 1, 4 & 8): N/A D. Progress against key planned Activities D.1 Service Delivery (Post Monitoring) D.2 Capacity Building (Post Monitoring) Sectors Key Annual Total (Outputs) Annual Progress Justificati 171 Water/S anitation Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Training provided as per the recommendati on of the study to build capacities of the community people that will ensure sustainability of the projects. Total Plan Annual Progress Post WSUC/ CT Training 1 training has been provided to caretakers of Jakhadim ai WSS and Lankhu bio-gas plant to enhance their knowledge and ensure smooth functionin g of the infrastruct ures. Caretaker's / SM Training Lankhu and Jakadimai Plan for Q4 Progress in Q4 NA NA on for Variance Training has been provided to users of Lankhu bio-gas regarding the maintenan ce and proper operation of the biogas. Also, through a health training, representa tives of all 12 communiti es were trained on proper usage of latrines. 172 Sectors Key Annual Total (Outputs) Deliverables Total Plan Annual (As mentioned Progress in Project Plan) Operation and The WSS management has mechanism or institutiona system of lized the Jakhadimai operation water supply and system managem institutionalize ent d along with mechanis fixation of m and community implement based tariff. A ed a fixed report is tariff produced on system (of this. RS 50 per month). The UC of the WSS has also levied a fine for delayed payment of the monthly charges. Report A report produced on produced water quality on WQ test conducted tests. in 12 communities of Bharatpur project and actions recommended are gradually acted upon on the basis of the findings by 2010/11. Operation and Training management has been mechanism or provided system of to users of Lanku biogas Lankhu system bio-gas institutionalize regarding d within the the Annual Progress Plan for Q4 Progress in Q4 NA Justificati on for Variance NA 173 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) UCs and community beneficiaries with effective management system in place. CBME system are established and institutionalize d among UCs of the respective project areas by 2011/12 provide evidence of the enhanced capacity in this discipline of monitoring. Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Annual Progress Annual Progress Plan for Q4 Progress in Q4 Justificati on for Variance maintenan ce and proper operation of the biogas. A monthly charges of Rs 250 is collected for usage of gas from the plant. Training on CBME tools has been conducted for 12 communiti es. CBME is conducted in communiti es in facilitation of CHVs. CBME in post monitoring areas has helped to identify the infrastruct ures that need rehabilitati on and also the CBME has helped in realizing the need of O&M fund. NA NA 174 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Annual Progress Annual Progress Plan for Q4 Progress in Q4 Justificati on for Variance Hygiene A report prepared on UCs and CHVs’ improved link with DHO contributing in hygiene behavior sustenance. 2 trainings to CHV and CHVs on the Others burning health Training issues in the communities to strengthen their capacity The CHVs along with women saving groups and women cooperativ e have extended linkages with health sector stakehold es. The CHVs and members from cooperativ e are often appointed by the municipalit y and by DHO for health and hygiene promotion programm e, in vaccinatio n programm e and communit y health programm es. A Communit y Health and Hygiene training was provided to CHVs NA NA 175 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) RCS survey to understand the hygiene status; improvement required; Its dissimination (6 monthly basis) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Annual Progress RCS survey of 12 communitie s performed and representa tives of communiti es. The training was facilitated by Ms Srijana Shrestha, Health Support Officer of PSI. RCS Survey conducted in all target communiti es conducted twice. The result showed that the communit y follows the 4 key hygiene messages and prevalenc e rate has decreased to the targeted level. Annual Progress Plan for Q4 Progress in Q4 RCS survey of all 12 communitie s performed. Justificati on for Variance The RCS was conducted in this quarter in all 12 communitie s followed by the RCS conducted in the second quarter. The RCS shows that the adoption of 4 key hygiene messages, in average in all communitie s, is above 85%. The behavior of handwashing in critical times is above 90% in all communitie s. The behavior of manageme 176 Sectors Key Deliverables (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Plan Annual Progress Annual Progress Plan for Q4 Progress in Q4 Justificati on for Variance nt of human excreta or usage of latrines in all communitie s is above 95%. The habit of purifying drinking water is more than 95%, the SODIS method widely preferred communitie s in Bharatpur along with filtration and chlorination. D.3 Policy Influencing (Advocacy) Sectors Key Annual Total (Outputs) Deliverable Total Progress To Date s Plan (As mentioned in Project Plan) Water/ Quarterly 4 Follow Citizen Forum in Sanitatio reports up, coordination of n/ including support UC’s had Hygiene monitoring and developed a to monitori documentary on understand ng visit ODF to influence the progress was the stakeholders on the complet and service activities of ed providers for their this project support on ODF in on the remaining influencing communities. the local municipal After the levels continuous lobby Reporting Quarter (Q4) Plan Progress in Quarter 1 monitori ng and support visits in Q4 complet ed After the continuous lobby and follow up from Citizen Froum, the public toilets in Balkumari Sabjimandi and Lilachowk toilet near Narayani river came in operation. Justification for Variance NA Likewise the toilet in Lion’s chowk was rehabilitated 177 Sectors Key Deliverable s (As mentioned in Project Plan) sectors stakeholder s. Annual Total (Outputs) Total Progress To Date Plan and follow up from Citizen Froum, the public toilets in Balkumari Sabjimandi and Lilachowk toilet near Narayani river came in operation. Likewise the toilet in Lion’s chowk was rehabilitated by municipality after the pressure from Citizen Forum. The unmanaged garbage collection centre at the core centre of the city (Lion’s Chowk and Shahid Chowk) was stopped and succeeded in implementing the schedule for garbage collection in the municipality. Succeeded in forming separate environment desk in Bharatpur Municipality, which helped citizens to deal on sanitation issues in the municipality easily. Showing different administrative and financial problems, the service providers of Rose Garden WSS and Prembasti WSS are not continuing their projects despite the Reporting Quarter (Q4) Plan Progress in Quarter Justification for Variance by municipality after the pressure from Citizen Forum. The unmanaged garbage collection centre at the core centre of the city (Lion’s Chowk and Shahid Chowk) was stopped and succeeded in implementing the schedule for garbage collection in the municipality. Succeeded in forming separate environment desk in Bharatpur Municipality, which helped citizens to deal on sanitation issues in the municipality easily. Showing different administrative and financial problems, the service providers of Rose Garden WSS and Prembasti WSS are not continuing their projects despite the time boundary of the project was already passed. After the pressure and lobbying on the issues from Citizen Forum, Rose Garden WSS is extending about 5Kms of 178 Sectors Key Deliverable s (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Progress To Date Plan Citizen Forum's WASH advocacy plan (for 10/11) prepared to influence to address the WASH issues at the local municipal level. Prepare 1 advocac y plan docume nt of the partner organiza tion Fact sheets, calls and other advocacy related IEC materials are prepared Print 1 IEC material s as appropri ate for generati ng time boundary of the project was already passed. After the pressure and lobbying on the issues from Citizen Forum, Rose Garden WSS is extending about 5Kms of pipeline in its catchment area of ward 13 and 14 benefitting about 150 HH and the 1st phase work of Prembasti WSS had already started. Informal meeting and orientation to the members of Citizen Forum for preparing the document was done. Prepared 1 set of ODF declaration video document Reporting Quarter (Q4) Plan Progress in Quarter Justification for Variance pipeline in its catchment area of ward 13 and 14 benefitting about 150 HH and the 1st phase work of Prembasti WSS had already started. Prepare 1 advocac y plan docume nt of the partner organiza tion Prepare 1 video docume nt Sharing on WAN’s CSP was done among the representatives of Lyaymha Pucha and other Citizen Forum members during Participatory Review and Reflection Procress (PRRP) programme on March 29 by WAN representative. All the participated representatives agreed to prepare the WASH advocacy plan in the coming FY. Documentary prepared on ODF to influence the stakeholders and service providers for their support on ODF process in the remaining Wash advocay plan document of the partner organization will be prepared after conducting the capacity building workshop on strategy paper development and after the final strategic document of Lumanti is produced NA 179 Sectors Key Deliverable s (As mentioned in Project Plan) Rehabilitate d at least one institutional/ public latrine by Municipality in 2010/11 upon the lobby of citizen’s forum Annual Total (Outputs) Total Progress To Date Plan awarene ss and influenci ng LGs and concern ed stakehol ders to address WASH issues targeting ODF and world water day campaig n Rehabilit ate 1 institutio nal/publi c latrine Reporting Quarter (Q4) Plan Progress in Quarter Justification for Variance communities. Citizen Forum is lobbying with municipality to invest the budget separated for sanitation sector on rehabilitating public toilets, as the study of the public latrines in previous year showed poor condition of the toilets. Rehabilit ate 1 institutio nal/publi c latrine The public toilet situated in Lion’s Chowk was rehabilitated by Municipality benefitting about 450 users daily. The public toilet was rehabilitated based on the situation analysis report provided by Citizen Forum Bharatpur in previous year. Municipality had mobilized the caretaker to clean the public toilets after the request from citizen forum. Municipality had separated NRs. 1.5 million for the public toilet rehabilitation. The Public toilet 180 Sectors Key Deliverable s (As mentioned in Project Plan) Organize debates, coordination and interaction meetings for enhancing improved WaSH facilities in collaboratio n with local government, sector stakeholder s, sector actors including service providers at least at municipal level in by 2010/11 Annual Total (Outputs) Total Progress To Date Plan Organiz e4 meeting s (1 in each quarter) among the stakehol ders. situated in Lion’s Chowk was rehabilitated by Municipality benefitting about 450 users daily. Municipality has separated NRs. 1 lakhs this year also for natural resource conservation. As per the RCT recommendation Bharatpur Municipality has already developed the primary action plan for the construction of dumping site. The site verification for the dumping site has completed and waiting for the approval from the ministry. Reporting Quarter (Q4) Plan Progress in Quarter Conduct 1 coordina tion meeting The unmanaged garbage collection centre at the core centre of the city (Lion’s Chowk and Shahid Chowk) was stopped and succeeded in implementing the schedule for garbage collection in the municipality. Justification for Variance NA Succeeded in forming separate environment desk in Bharatpur Municipality, which helped citizens to deal on sanitation issues in the municipality easily. The unmanaged garbage collection centre at the core centre of the city (Lion’s Chowk and Shahid Chowk) was stopped and succeeded in implementing the schedule for garbage collection in the municipality. Succeeded in forming separate environment desk in Bharatpur Municipality, which helped citizens to deal on sanitation 181 Sectors Key Deliverable s (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Progress To Date Plan Reporting Quarter (Q4) Plan Progress in Quarter Justification for Variance issues in the municipality easily. At least 2 action points related to WASH sector acted upon as per RCT recommend ations and as agreed by civil societies and service providers A report on the compilation Conduct 1 RCT review worksho p and dissemi nate the report among the stakehol ders Follow up /interacti on meeting s Produce 1 report on As per RCT recommendation and Citizen Forum’s continuous lobby and follow up municipality started to separate Rs. 1 Lakhs budget for natural resource conservation every year. Municipality started site verification for the construction of land fill site. The unmanaged garbage collection centre at the core centre of the city (Lion’s Chowk and Shahid Chowk) was stopped and municipality implemented the schedule for garbage collection in the municipality as recommended by Citizen Forum. Separate environment help desk had been established in Bharatpur Municipality to help citizens to deal on sanitation issues in the municipality easily Report compiling the news cuttings of WASH issues Conduct 1 RCT review worksho p and dissemi nate the report among the stakehol ders Follow up /interacti on meeting s Produce 1 report on The unmanaged garbage collection centre at the core centre of the city (Lion’s Chowk and Shahid Chowk) was stopped and municipality implemented the schedule for garbage collection in the municipality as recommended by Citizen Forum. NA Separate environment help desk had been established in Bharatpur Municipality to help citizens to deal on sanitation issues in the municipality easily Report compiling the news cuttings of WASH issues 182 Sectors Key Deliverable s (As mentioned in Project Plan) of media highlights on sector advocacy as an evidence of the output of the advocacy of this project A report on annual review on the achievemen t in addressing the sector blockage issues at municipal level and in materializin g the recommend ations made by Report Card Test results. An updated review report on RCT results/reco mmendation s by incorporatin g the identified Annual Total (Outputs) Total Progress To Date Plan Reporting Quarter (Q4) Plan Progress in Quarter media highlight s of the advocac y and influenci ng work and audio programs produced media highlight s of the advocac y and influenci ng work and audio programs produced Conduct social audit and submit RCT review report to the concern ed WASH stakehol ders Social audit of Citizen Forum was completed jointly in RCT review report dissemination program. The income and expenditure, activities performed on WASH and changes brought in the municipality was presented transparently among the stakeholders. The review report of RCT was also submitted to the concerned stakeholders to act and to make improvements on the issues and recommendations made. Conduct social audit and submit RCT review report to the concern ed WASH stakehol ders Conduct 1 RCT review worksho p and dissemi nation worksho p. The review report of the RCT this year showed poor progress of both the municipality and NWSC. Though municipality had addressed the separation of - Social audit of Citizen Forum was completed jointly in RCT review report dissemination program. The income and expenditure, activities performed on WASH and changes brought in the municipality was presented transparently among the stakeholders. The review report of RCT was also submitted to the concerned stakeholders to act and to make improvements on the issues and recommendations made. - Justification for Variance NA NA 183 Sectors Key Deliverable s (As mentioned in Project Plan) new sector blockage issues related to WASH produced along with the recommend ed plan of actions to be addressed in next year at municipal level. Assessment on budget tracking on WASH sector conducted for 2 consecutive years and report with critical analysis on municipality’ s budget allocation produced by 2010/11. Annual Total (Outputs) Total Progress To Date Plan Conduct 1 assess ment on budget tracking every year budget for resource conservation and rehabilitation of public toilets in some places as recommended by previous RCT, citizens are not satisfied with some of the issues like transparency during budget preparation, provide access of water to slums and squatters, include women in decision making process, should develop long term policies and strategies on water, should provide news on water and sanitation to citizens through local news papers and FM regularly etc… The budget analysis of two consecutive years 2065/66 and 2066/67from the budget tracking report showed that, the allocation had increased in WASH Sector. The budget separated in the FY 2065/66 are as follows; Water: 10 lakhs Sanitation and Health: 38 lakhs Reporting Quarter (Q4) Plan Progress in Quarter - The budget analysis of two consecutive years 2065/66 and 2066/67from the budget tracking report showed that, the allocation had increased in WASH Sector. Justification for Variance NA The budget separated in the FY 2065/66 are as follows; Water: 10 lakhs Sanitation and Health: 38 lakhs 184 Sectors Key Deliverable s (As mentioned in Project Plan) Documents produced by citizen forum on the activities commenced to influence sector stakeholder s following the WASH advocacy plan and the outputs achieved. Annual Total (Outputs) Total Progress To Date Plan Produce 1 docume nt by partner organiza tion at the end of the FY. Reporting Quarter (Q4) Plan Progress in Quarter The budget allocated in the FY 2066/68 are as follows; Water: 3 lakhs Sanitation and Health: 1 crore 32 lakhs 50 thousand The budget allocated in the FY 2066/68 are as follows; Water: 3 lakhs Sanitation and Health: 1 crore 32 lakhs 50 thousand The proposed budget for the FY 2067/68 are as follows; Water: 49 lakhs 90 thousand Sanitation and Health: 1 crore 44 Lakhs The proposed budget for the FY 2067/68 are as follows; Water: 49 lakhs 90 thousand Sanitation and Health: 1 crore 44 Lakhs Out of the total budget allocated municipality disbursed and utlilized about 40 lakhs in the FY 2065/66 whereas in the FY 2066/67 nearly about 1 crore75 lakhs budget had been utilized. The yearly news “Swachcha Pani (Clean Water)” documenting the advocacy and influencing activities is published. The news covered in the publication are some case studies, news on water quality of Nepal and Nepal drinking water quality standard 2062 and the news on the Out of the total budget allocated municipality disbursed and utlilized about 40 lakhs in the FY 2065/66 whereas in the FY 2066/67 nearly about 1 crore75 lakhs budget had been utilized. The yearly news “Swachcha Pani (Clean Water)” documenting the advocacy and influencing activities is published. The news covered in the publication are some case studies, news on water quality of Nepal and Nepal drinking water quality standard 2062 and the Produce 1 docume nt by partner organiza tion at the end of the FY. Justification for Variance NA 185 Sectors Key Deliverable s (As mentioned in Project Plan) Annual Total (Outputs) Total Progress To Date Plan Reporting Quarter (Q4) Plan Progress in Quarter activities by Citizen Forum Bharatpur. Assessment on functional linkages established with LGs and other sector stakeholder s at municipal level in mobilizing their resources in WASH sector conducted to understand raising voices of citizens’ and Citizen Forum’s advocacy work for access to improved WASH facilities and report produced after critically reviewed by peers within 2010/11 An evaluation report produced on Citizen’s Conduct 1 assess ment and produce report Participatory Review and Reflection (PRRP) report produced and review and evaluation of citizen action program in Bharatpur was completed. Conduct 1 assess ment and produce report The PRRP program was organized with an objective to learn and share the good practices of advocacy and influencing groups from different cities and to document the functional linkages established with LGs and sector stakeholders for improved WASH facilities. Conduct 1 evaluati on of the Citizen Review and evaluation of citizen action program in Bharatpur was completed. news on the activities by Citizen Forum Bharatpur. Participatory Review and Reflection (PRRP) report produced and review and evaluation of citizen action program in Bharatpur was completed. Justification for Variance NA The PRRP program was organized with an objective to learn and share the good practices of advocacy and influencing groups from different cities and to document the functional linkages established with LGs and sector stakeholders for improved WASH facilities. Conduct 1 evaluati on of the Citizen Review and evaluation of citizen action program in Bharatpur was Review and evaluation draft report is in process of completion and it 186 Sectors Key Deliverable s (As mentioned in Project Plan) Action programme initiated by Citizen Forum in Bharatpur with Lumanti’s support to understand the efficacy of the CA programme and improvemen t / changes brought by the project in improving WASH governance, delivering improved WASH access/facili ties and in achieving recommend ations made by RCT through its thorough review and assessment by 2010/11 and disseminate d the report within the municipal sector stakeholder s. Annual Total (Outputs) Total Progress To Date Plan Action program by the end of this FY. Reporting Quarter (Q4) Plan Progress in Quarter Action program by the end of this FY. completed. Justification for Variance will be presented to Lumanti and WAN before finalization. 187 Indicative Project Outcomes – Refer to Project Plan Section 2, 3 and 4. (SMR & APR only) Note: Do not segregate Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in case of cross cutting projects, just put WaSH objectives. I. Policy Influencing Project Project Indicators Objectives To strengthen Citizen Forum to institutionalize WASH advocacy work at both the community and city level Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) Citizen Forum’s WASH advocacy plan prepared in 2009/10 is updated for coming 3 years with its annual review by the forum members Orientation provided on WASH advocacy plan to the members of Citizen Forum in an informal meeting. Citizen Forum has started drafting the plan and assured to discuss on the draft with in Q3. Establishing functional linkages with LGs and other sector stakeholders at municipal level through improved coordination and for their resource mobilization in WASH sector for improved WASH facilities by 2010/11 The budget tracking report of two consecutive years showed the increment of the budget in the WASH sector. These resources are mobilized in WASH sector according to the demand made by the citizens. For eg; from the FY 2010/11 Bharatpur municipality 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) Sharing on WAN’s CSP was done among the representative s of Lyaymha Pucha and other Citizen Forum members during Participatory Review and Reflection Procress (PRRP) programme on March 29 by WAN representative . All the participated representative s agreed to prepare the WASH advocacy plan in the coming FY. No such definite action plan on sanitation improvement was found in the municipality. Citizen Forum had demanded to make sanitation 188 Project Objectives Project Indicators Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) started to separate Rs. 1 Lakh budget for the conservation/rehabilitat ion of natural water resources in coordination with Citizen Forum and other sector stakeholders. It has also started to rehabilitate the public toilets in the municipality based on RCT recommendations and report submitted to municipality on situation of public toilet of the municipality. 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) improvement plan segregating action points that needs to be intervened immediately and action points that can be intervened in the future. The review of WASH policy and guidelines was also completed in coordination with municipality and concerned stakeholder’s. No proper documented WASH policy and guidelines was presented in the Meeting. Municipality together with concerned stakeholders assured to make proper WASH policy and to gradually update its WASH policy as per the suggestions provided. However 189 Project Objectives Project Indicators Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) municipality had proposed some policy/strategi es and programs on WASH. Eg: Coordi nation will be done among the I/NGOs, TLOs and chamber of commerce for the management of waste in the core areas of the city. Strate gies to declare no open wastes will be applied in certain areas of the city. Name s will be publicized through local FMs and news papers, who throw wastes in the public places. TLOs will be mobilized actively to declare municipality ODF and for this municipality will 190 Project Objectives Project Indicators Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Lobby local government on rehabilitation of public sanitation facilities by Municipality in 2011/11 provide evidence of enhanced capacity of Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) Based on the situation of public toilet report submitted to municipality by Citizen Forum in previous year, municipality has started to rehabilitate and reopen the public toilets. 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) rehabilitate remaining public toilets and the management and operation will be handover under PPP concept. Municipality will mobilize mobile toilets wherever rehabilitation of toilets seemed impossible and the place with less area of land. For the scientific disposal of waste generated in the municipality, land fill site is proposed to the government of Nepal (Open place in Jaldevi Forest, Ward no.11, Bharatpur) With the continuous lobby and follow up from Citizen Forum, Muncipality had rehabilitated 191 Project Objectives Project Indicators Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) forum’s advocacy work 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) the public toilet situated in Lion’s Chowk benefitting about 450 users daily. Similarly, separate environment desk in Bharatpur Municipality was established, which helped citizens to deal on sanitation issues in the municipality easily. The unmanaged garbage collection centre at the core centre of the city (Lion’s Chowk and Shahid Chowk) was stopped and municipality implemented the schedule for garbage collection in the municipality as recommende d by Citizen Forum. To sensitize the Better services Municipality and Municipality 192 Project Objectives Project Indicators service providers on the rights and needs and of the urban poor for improved and reliable WaSH facilities for sustained practices provided by 2010/11 when reviewed from the situation of service facilities during FY 2006/07 Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) NWSC are gradually investing to address the issues raised by the citizens on WASH. To declare municipality ODF, Municipality has assured citizen forum to start rehabilitation of public toilets soon. The drinking water pipe lines will also be extended to provide access to the un served urban poor. 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) assured to disburse and utilize the allocated budget for the FY in the WASH sector based on the demand of local community by mobilizing and consulting with CBO’s and WASH stakeholders. However Citizen Forum, civil society organizations and media persons demanded for maximum utilization of the WASH budget and to participate them in the periodic meetings of the municipality, so that timely suggestions, plans and decisions can be made during the meetings. Municipality had started to collect the garbage as per the schedule 193 Project Objectives Project Indicators Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) developed in coordination with citizen forum. The public toilets in Balkumari Sabjimandi and Lilachowk toilet near Narayani river came in operation. Likewise the toilet in Lion’s chowk was rehabilitated by municipality Established separate environment desk in Bharatpur Municipality, which helped citizens to deal on sanitation issues in the municipality easily. Showing different administrative and financial problems, the service providers of Rose Garden WSS and Prembasti WSS are not continuing their projects 194 Project Objectives Project Indicators Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) At least 2 action points related to WASH sector agreed by civil societies and service providers as per RCT recommendations are acted upon annually from 2010/11 Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) despite the time boundary of the project was already passed. After the pressure and lobbying on the issues from Citizen Forum, Rose Garden WSS is extending about 5Kms of pipeline in its catchment area of ward 13 and 14 benefitting about 150 HH and the 1st phase work of Prembasti WSS had already started. Bharatpur Municipality The had started to separate unmanaged the budget for natural garbage water resource collection conservation centre at the core centre of the city (Lion’s Chowk and Shahid Chowk) was stopped and municipality implemented the schedule for garbage collection in the municipality as recommende d by Citizen Forum. 195 Project Objectives Project Indicators Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Update the RCT result/recommendati ons by reviewing them and identifying new WASH blockage issues to be addressed by service providers Ensure effective implementation Based on the current status of 4 key good governance Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) The review report of the RCT this year showed poor progress of both the municipality and NWSC. Though municipality had addressed the separation of budget for resource conservation and rehabilitation of public toilets in some places as recommended by previous RCT, citizens are not satisfied with some of the issues like transparency during budget preparation, provide access of water to slums and squatters, include women in decision making process, should develop long term policies and strategies on water, should provide news on water and sanitation to citizens through local news papers and FM regularly et Though the progress on good governance principle was poor this 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) Separate environment help desk had been established in Bharatpur Municipality to help citizens to deal on sanitation issues in the municipality easily - Though the progress on good 196 Project Objectives Project Indicators and institutionalizati on of 4 key good governance principles at municipality and NWSC. principles at municipality and NWSC, followings are ensured by 2010/11: Good governance principle acknowledged by service providers Increased accountability of service providers by addressing citizen’s concerns on water issues. Increased transparency shown through improved communication of service provider’s plans and budgets. Increased participation of service providers in community activities. Better services provided by 2010/11 when reviewed from the situation of service facilities during FY 2006/07 Ensure increased access to improved water facilities Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Allocation of budget by the local government is increased in an incremental trend in WASH sector Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) year compared to previous year, Municipality had acknowledged it and established separate environment desk to deal on sanitation issues. Budget separated for natural resources conservation and rehabilitation of public toilets has been started. Similarly pipeline extension and water works in un served areas has been started 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) governance principle was poor this year compared to previous year, Municipality had acknowledge d it and established separate environment desk to deal on sanitation issues. Budget separated for natural resources conservation and rehabilitation of public toilets has been started. Similarly pipeline extension and water works in un served areas has been started The budget analysis of two consecutive years 2065/66 and 2066/67from the budget tracking report showed that, the allocation had increased in WASH 197 Project Objectives Project Indicators Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) Sector. The budget separated in the FY 2065/66 are as follows; Water: 10 lakhs Sanitation and Health: 38 lakhs The budget allocated in the FY 2066/68 are as follows; Water: 3 lakhs Sanitation and Health: 1 crore 32 lakhs 50 thousand The proposed budget for the FY 2067/68 are as follows; Water: 49 lakhs 90 thousand Sanitation and Health: 1 crore 44 Lakhs Out of the total budget allocated municipality disbursed and utlilized about 40 lakhs in the FY 2065/66 whereas in the FY 198 Project Objectives Project Indicators Year – 1 (FY: 2008/0 9) Evaluation of citizen’s action program in Bharatpur Municipality through Citizen Forum to understand the efficacy of CF and the project in improving WASH governance, delivering improved WASH access/facilities and in achieving recommendations made by RCT through its thorough review and assessment by 2010/11 - Year – 2 (FY: 2009/1 0) - Achievements to date 1st Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) - 2nd Half of this Year (Q3 & Q4) 2066/67 nearly about 1 crore75 lakhs budget had been utilized. Review and evaluation draft report is in process of completion and it will be presented to Lumanti and WAN before finalization. 199 E. Partnership (refer to Project Plan – Sections 5) - Changes to existing key stakeholders and their roles New collaborations, partnerships or stakeholders Effectiveness, challenges, opportunity relating to partnerships F. Resources (refer to Project Plan – Sections 6 & 7): - Changes to Human Resource plan - Financial Summary of the project Qtr. Original Budget Approved Revised (MPB) Budget Budget Q1 317,114 317,114 182,650.00 Q2 370,996 370,996 381,144.00 Q3 459,314 459,314 548,057.00 Q4 305,914 305,914 286,735.00 TOTAL 1,453,338 1,453,338 1,398,586.00 Expenditure 182,650.15 381,094.74 394,412.39 316,362.31 1,274,519.59 % Uti. 100% 100% 72% 110% 91% G. Field visits and Monitoring (refer to Project Plan – Sections 9): G.1 Completed Visits: Date Visited by (Project Team, PM&E staff, HQ, WAN or external agencies etc) Purpose (supervision, progress monitoring, support visit, process monitoring, guest visit, case study, documentation etc) Key Feedbacks Received (if any) Reporting Quarter: Q1+Q2 21 – 24 June Puspa Joshi 26 -29 June Bishal Shrestha Orientation on WaSH programme & WaSH Advocacy Plan, Action Plan Sharing Post Monitoring Visit and CBME training > Citizen Forum recommended for a need of capacity building training on preparing WaSH advocacy plan. > Citizen Forum should involve in influencing local governments for the smooth operation of Jakhadimai WSS and Lanku Bio-gas. > UC’s should also proactively explore the possible way out for the constructed infrastructures (Jakhadimai WSS) sustainability and operation. > Filling the CBME chart helps UC’s and community to become transparent and can gain credibility in the work 200 accomplished. August 9 -11 Bishal Shrestha Post monitoring visit and CHVs training 9th-11th Septmeb er Bishal Shrestha, Sama Bajra and Kabir Rajbhandari Joint monitoring visit with WAN 17th – 20th March 2011 Bishal Shrestha Project Supports and Followups > Media mobilization to highlight the issues is an effective tool to generate awareness among the service providers and users. Filling the hygiene monitoring form is useful for CHV’s to keep the records of H&H condition of the community. RCS shows the H&H situation immediately, so it is useful to gain trust and make community change the behavior. - The Jakhadimai WSS has been linked to the Municipality and the later has agreed upon providing financial supports for extending pipelines of the system. The WSS has planned to extend it coverage to additional 50 HHs. G. 2 Upcoming Visits for coming Quarter- likely or confirmed N/A G.3 Other PME Activities NA H. Water Quality Annual Plan (Water Sources & Points) New Exist Rehab Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TOTAL 12 12 Tested (Water Sources & Points) Exist. New Rehab Remarks 12 12 I. Indicative Project Outcomes. 201 I.1 Service Delivery Project Project Indicators Achievements for the FY 2010/11 Objectives Water: At least 90% of the constructed More than 90% water structures in the 12 water facilities in the past project project intervened areas of Bharatpur Municipality are sustained and in effective areas are sustained use. Community are aware of Water Communities in Bharatpur are aware Quality and all the water points about the quality of drinking water and are will have tested for its water adopting water purification method to quality by 2010/11 regularly as purify the drinking water. Aaptari has been declared as “Safe Drinking Water zones”. per WAN’s WQ protocol. WQ test result is disseminated and communities are made aware on purification of water at POU. Sensitization and orientation on different methods for purification of water is organized in communities, wall paintings are done and posters are distributed for raising awareness on purification of drinking water. Sanitation: Additional 10% people are further benefited from the previous construction works. 1 source conservation piloted 2 post monitoring studies in 12 communities of Bharatpur Municipality are conducted annually from 2009/10 Identified Physical infrastructures constructed by Lumanti in previous years that require improvement/rehabilitation and are rehabilitated by 2010/11 A Water Safety Plan has been initiated in Jakhadimai WSS in technical support from ENPHO. The Jakhadimai WSS has extended its service to 125 HHs and is extending the coverage to more 50 HHs in support from the Municipality. A piloting of conservation of natural water source namely Tin Dhara was done by the Municipality. The locals of the community showed enthusiasm in the conservation project and committed upon looking after the conservation work. The municipality has also agreed in allocating budget in conservation of such water sources. A post monitoring study of all 12 communities has been done and report produced. Based on the recommendations made, action plans is developed and work in progress as per the plan. All the HH latrines constructed in the project period are in use. Effective management system is in The saving groups in all 12 project place for their sustained function in all intervened communities of Bharatpur have the communities where sustainable been transformed with responsibility to 202 Project Objectives Hygiene: Project Indicators studies and post monitoring studies look after the sustained use of Water and are conducted by 2010/11. Sanitation structures installed in communities during the project period. The saving groups and cooperatives were assigned with the new role owing to the gaps posed by passive UC in most of the communities. The new role of saving groups and cooperatives was assigned as per the recommendations from the sustainability and post monitoring studies. At least 90% of the construction The sanitation facilities in all communities works are sustained in the post are well used. program areas by 2010/11. Agreement has been signed with 4 remaining communities are Municipality to declare ODF communities. declared ODF and have Municipality is partnering with Lumanti to community management system in place to sustain the ODF status implement Municipality plan to declare Bharatpur ODF City. More than 80% of the residents of the 80% of community (adult and community have sound knowledge of 4 children) beneficiaries of all the key hygiene messages and are found to selected 12 communities have be practicing The child clubs, women knowledge of at least 4 key savings group and youths of the hygiene messages and communicate them at critical times communities are active in disseminating the hygiene messages. when asked. Reduction in point prevalence rate of diarrhea, skin and typhoid in the target areas by 20%, 15% and 10% respectively with reference to the collected baseline data I.2 Capacity Building Project Project Indicators Objectives Water/Sanitati on Achievements for the FY 2010/11 The RCS results show that the point prevalence rate of the diseases is below the targeted rates. Achievements in the FY 2010/11 Linkages developed with sector The Jakhadimai WSS has extended linkages with stakeholders for sustainability the municipality. The municipality has agreed upon supporting the system for the extension of its of water supply system. coverage. CBME system by the local users The Community has been practicing the concept of committees (UCs) in their CBME, yet the system could not be brought in respective areas is institutionalized use as per the lack of active institutionalized through its institution. The CBME has been carried out in regular practice by 2011/12 communities in facilitation and supervision of CHVs. provide evidence of enhanced The CHVs called meeting in presence of members capacity in community monitoring of UCs and conducted the CBME process.. Mechanism for collection of The mechanism of collecting and storing of O&M Operation and Maintenance fund fund is regularized by the saving’s group and is sustained in the community for cooperatives. The Amardeep Cooperative has 203 Project Objectives Project Indicators the sustainability of WASH infrastructures facilities even after withdrawal of supports from Lumanti by 2011/12 Achievements in the FY 2010/11 formed a policy to allocate Nrs 10 thousand annually as O&M fund for that can be used for operation and maintenance of Water and Sanitation structures in the communities. The fund can be accessed by all 12 project implemented communities of Lumanti. In Lankhu monthly Nrs 50 is collected from all households (adding to Rs 200 for usage of bio-gas) as ) O&M fund. Hygiene: Documented the best practices and learning experiences gathered from this project within 2 years in relation to water and sanitation by 2010/11. 80% of beneficiaries practice hygienic behaviour and practice the following 4 key hygiene messages: i) Hand washing at critical times ii)Management of human excreta including child excreta iii) Safe storage of water & hygiene PoU treatments iv) Safe food hygiene practice practices, learning experiences etc. in a report by 2010/11 Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) assigned under post monitoring assessment & project support are trained and remain active in all the selected project areas by 2010/11. And, in Jakhidimai WSS monthly Nrs5 (adding to monthly charge of Nrs 50) is collected as O&M fund. Best practices and learning reports of the Bharatpur is compiled and due in process to be completed. The result of RCS shows that more than 80% of the beneficiaries practice hygienic behavior and have adopted 4 key hygiene messages. Due to which the point prevalence rate of hygiene related diseases has dropped. The personal hygiene as well as environmental sanitation of the communities has improved. CHVs are active in spreading messages on safe hygiene practices to communities. Hygiene behavioral assessment was conducted annually using RCS tools in conjunction with CBME tools by CHVs with technical support from Lumanti’s PME officer and Health Coordinator by 2010/11 RCS is being adopted by CHVs to assess hygiene behavior. A draft learning report has been produced. Documented the findings of the assessment on improved and sustained hygiene behavioral practices, learning experiences etc. in a report by 2010/11 204 Policy Influencing Project Objectives To strengthen Citizen Forum to institutionalize WASH advocacy work at both the community and city level Project Indicators Citizen Forum’s WASH advocacy plan prepared in 2009/10 is updated for coming 3 years with its annual review by the forum members Establishing functional linkages with LGs and other sector stakeholders at municipal level through improved coordination and for their resource mobilization in WASH sector for improved WASH facilities by 2010/11 Achievements in the FY 2010/11 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) Orientation provided on Sharing on WAN’s WASH advocacy plan to CSP was done among the members of Citizen the representatives of Forum in an informal Lyaymha Pucha and meeting. Citizen Forum other Citizen Forum has started drafting the members during plan and assured to Participatory Review discuss on the draft with and Reflection in Q3. Procress (PRRP) programme on March 29 by WAN representative. All the participated representatives agreed to prepare the WASH advocacy plan in the coming FY. The budget tracking No such definite report of two consecutive action plan on years showed the sanitation increment of the budget in improvement was the WASH sector. These found in the resources are mobilized municipality. Citizen in WASH sector Forum had demanded according to the demand to make sanitation made by the citizens. For improvement plan eg; from the FY 2010/11 segregating action Bharatpur municipality points that needs to started to separate Rs. 1 be intervened Lakh budget for the immediately and conservation/rehabilitation action points that can of natural water resources be intervened in the in coordination with future. Citizen Forum and other sector stakeholders. It The review of WASH has also started to policy and guidelines rehabilitate the public was also completed in toilets in the municipality coordination with based on RCT municipality and recommendations and concerned report submitted to stakeholder’s. No municipality on situation proper documented of public toilet of the WASH policy and municipality. guidelines was presented in the Meeting. Municipality together with concerned stakeholders assured 205 Project Objectives Project Indicators Lobby local government on rehabilitation of public sanitation facilities by Municipality in 2011/11 provide evidence of enhanced capacity of forum’s advocacy work Achievements in the FY 2010/11 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) to make proper WASH policy and to gradually update its WASH policy as per the suggestions provided. Based on the situation of With the continuous public toilet report lobby and follow up submitted to municipality from Citizen Forum, by Citizen Forum in Muncipality had previous year, rehabilitated the municipality has started to public toilet situated in rehabilitate and reopen Lion’s Chowk the public toilets. benefitting about 450 users daily. Similarly, separate environment desk in Bharatpur Municipality was established, which helped citizens to deal on sanitation issues in the municipality easily. The unmanaged garbage collection centre at the core centre of the city (Lion’s Chowk and Shahid Chowk) was stopped and municipality implemented the schedule for garbage collection in the municipality as recommended by Citizen Forum. To sensitize the service providers on the rights and needs and of the urban poor for improved and reliable WaSH facilities for sustained practices Better services provided by 2010/11 when reviewed from the situation of service facilities during FY 2006/07 Municipality and NWSC are gradually investing to address the issues raised by the citizens on WASH. To declare municipality ODF, Municipality has assured citizen forum to start rehabilitation of public toilets soon. The drinking water pipe lines will also be extended to Municipality assured to disburse and utlize the allocated budget for the FY in the WASH sector based on the demand of local community by mobilizing and consulting with CBO’s and WASH stakeholders. 206 Project Objectives Project Indicators Achievements in the FY 2010/11 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) provide access to the un However served urban poor. Citizen Forum, civil society organizations and media persons demanded for maximum utilization of the WASH budget and to participate them in the periodic meetings of the municipality, so that timely suggestions, plans and decisions can be made during the meetings. Municipality had started to collect the garbage as per the schedule developed in coordination with citizen forum. The public toilets in Balkumari Sabjimandi and Lilachowk toilet near Narayani river came in operation. Likewise the toilet in Lion’s chowk was rehabilitated by municipality Established separate environment desk in Bharatpur Municipality, which helped citizens to deal on sanitation issues in the municipality easily. Showing different administrative and financial problems, the service providers of Rose Garden WSS and Prembasti WSS are not continuing their projects despite the time boundary of 207 Project Objectives Project Indicators At least 2 action points related to WASH sector agreed by civil societies and service providers as per RCT recommendations are acted upon annually from 2010/11 Update the RCT result/recommendations by reviewing them and identifying new WASH blockage issues to be addressed by service providers Achievements in the FY 2010/11 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) the project was already passed. After the pressure and lobbying on the issues from Citizen Forum, Rose Garden WSS is extending about 5Kms of pipeline in its catchment area of ward 13 and 14 benefitting about 150 HH and the 1st phase work of Prembasti WSS had already started. Bharatpur Municipality The unmanaged had started to separate garbage collection the budget for natural centre at the core water resource centre of the city conservation (Lion’s Chowk and Shahid Chowk) was stopped and municipality implemented the schedule for garbage collection in the municipality as recommended by Citizen Forum. The review report of the RCT this year showed poor progress of both the municipality and NWSC. Though municipality had addressed the separation of budget for resource conservation and rehabilitation of public toilets in some places as recommended by previous RCT, citizens are not satisfied with some of the issues like Separate environment help desk had been established in Bharatpur Municipality to help citizens to deal on sanitation issues in the municipality easily - 208 Project Objectives Project Indicators Ensure effective Based on the current implementation and status of 4 key good institutionalization governance principles at of 4 key good municipality and NWSC, governance followings are ensured by principles at 2010/11: municipality and Good governance NWSC. principle acknowledged by service providers Increased accountability of service providers by addressing citizen’s concerns on water issues. Increased transparency shown through improved communication of service provider’s plans and budgets. Increased participation of service providers in community activities. Better services provided by 2010/11 when reviewed from the situation of service facilities during FY 2006/07 Ensure increased Allocation of budget by access to improved the local government is water facilities increased in an incremental trend in WASH sector Achievements in the FY 2010/11 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) transparency during budget preparation, provide access of water to slums and squatters, include women in decision making process, should develop long term policies and strategies on water, should provide news on water and sanitation to citizens through local news papers and FM regularly etc… Though the progress on Though the progress good governance on good governance principle was poor this principle was poor this year compared to year compared to previous year, previous year, Municipality had Municipality had acknowledged it and acknowledged it and established separate established separate environment desk to deal environment desk to on sanitation issues. deal on sanitation issues. Budget separated for natural resources Budget separated for conservation and natural resources rehabilitation of public conservation and toilets has been started. rehabilitation of public toilets has been Similarly pipeline started. extension and water works in un served areas Similarly pipeline has been started extension and water works in un served areas has been started The budget tracking report of two consecutive years showed the increment of the budget in the WASH sector. These resources are mobilized in WASH sector according to the demand made by the citizens. For - 209 Project Objectives Project Indicators Evaluation of citizen’s action program in Bharatpur Municipality through Citizen Forum to understand the efficacy of CF and the project in improving WASH governance, delivering improved WASH access/facilities and in achieving recommendations made by RCT through its thorough review and assessment by 2010/11 Achievements in the FY 2010/11 1st Half of this Year 2nd Half of this Year (Q1 & Q2) (Q3 & Q4) eg; from the FY 2010/11 Bharatpur municipality started to separate Rs. 1 Lakh budget for the conservation/rehabilitation of natural water resources in coordination with Citizen Forum and other sector stakeholders. It has also started to rehabilitate the public toilets in the municipality based on RCT recommendations and report submitted to municipality on situation of public toilet of the municipality. Review and evaluation draft report is in process of completion and it will be presented to Lumanti and WAN before finalization. 210