youth mental health first aider refresher

Youth Mental Health First Aid
Instructor Conversation
Scheduling a Training
 Requested by a host site
(typically a school district or community organization)
 Arranged by Instructor
 Arranged by NH DOE Office of Student Wellness (OSW) or
Project AWARE (PA) LEA Project Manager
 For an identified targeted audience
 At the request of instructor(s)
However your training is initiated, the appropriate LEA Program
Manager or the NH DOE Office of Student Wellness must be notified
when the training is scheduled and after it has taken place.
The primary contact for the host site is:
Mary Morency or Mary Steady
 PA LEA Program Manager:
Berlin: Bob Thompson;
Franklin: Jenn Sumner;
SAU #7: Jen Noyes
All questions regarding content and/or
appropriateness of a specific training
should be referred to the primary
Getting Support
We can:
Promote and advertise
Secure a room
Answer questions from hosts, registrants, etc.
Find partner instructors
Assist with equipment
Support you in meeting certification requirements
 Note: The NH DOE Office of Student Wellness does not recognize
waivers. All instructors MUST facilitate three (3) trainings within a
year of the anniversary date of their original certification.
Behind the Scenes
OSW/PA LEA Project Manager will:
 Send the host a letter confirming the dates of the training and
outlining other pertinent information
 Phone conversation with host agency reviewing training details,
linkage form, maximum # of participants, certification
requirements, provision of local resources, etc.
 Send the Instructor an Equipment Reservation Form
 Have requested number of manuals and other requested
equipment ready for pick-up
 Please give us one week notice
Instructor Responsibilities
 Inform the appropriate PA LEA Program Manager or DOE
YMHFA Program Assistant of:
• Date(s) of training
• Location
• Names of instructors
This is especially important for instructors who
schedule their own trainings.
 Have all participants complete the following:
• Sign-in
• Linkage Agreement Form
 Award certification only under the following conditions:
• Participant has completed the entire training
• Participant has completed an evaluation (paper or online)
NOTE: Participants are not permitted to keep the manual if
they have not completed the entire training
After the Training
 Send a copy of the sign-in sheet to the PA LEA Program
Manager or the OSW
 Ensure all participants have provided their email
 Cross off anyone who did not complete the training
Defined as:
Linking a school-aged youth to a mental health or related
service, resource or support
Referral/Linkages include directing a person to one of the following:
School based guidance counselor, psychologist, social worker, etc.
Community based mental health counselor, crisis hotline, clergy, etc.
Please note that this definition of “referred” is very broad, unlike the
traditional definition of a mental health services referral.
Sharing a Referral/Linkage
1. Submit through our mobile app
• Available mid-January 2016
• Apple App store and Google Play Store
2. Submit via email to the OSW:
About the App
Provides up to date calendar of
training events
 Trainers can post their own events
 Participants can register and provide
2. Includes a repository of supporting
YMHFA information and resources
3. Allows First-Aiders to record and
track their referrals/linkages