Copyright Brenda R. Sims 2014 Plan an effective presentation Prepare the content Create visual aids Rehearse Prepare for emergencies Make it dynamic Effective Presentations Require Planning Will you use technical or industry terminology or acronyms? ◦ If so, will the audience understand the terminology and/or acronyms? Is the audience familiar with the topic? Do they have a positive attitude about the topic? Do they have a negative attitude? What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to ◦ Inform? ◦ Persuade (sell)? ◦ Both? Will the audience expect ◦ A formal presentation? ◦ An informal presentation? What do you want the audience to do with the information? Know the time allowed for the presentation ◦ Listening takes twice as long as reading Condense your presentation into its key points ◦ Refer the audience to written research, reports, handouts, etc. for details Prepare and Organize for Success Grab the audience’s attention Preview Support Summarize Ask for questions Get the audience engaged ◦ Ask a question By show of hand, what does . . . ? ◦ Tell a brief story Tell the audience what you will talk about ◦ Use the order used in the presentation Use one or more of the S.E.A.T.E.D approaches Use statistics that relate to the topic ◦ Statistics bring credibility ◦ Vague and not credible Sales are up in the southwest region. ◦ Specific and credible Sales in the southwest region have increased 12% between June 2013 and June 2014. Use examples that ◦ relate to the topic ◦ the audience can understand Use an analogy—especially for technical information ◦ Life is like a box of chocolates ◦ “... worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum" - Baz Luhrmann, Everybody’s Free (to Wear Sunscreen) Use the testimony of experts Use a visual aid Demonstrate your topic ◦ Videos ◦ Films ◦ Prototypes ◦ Photos End with power Use one of the “SEATED” approaches to close Know when to end “Who has the first question?” Define (or avoid) terms they may not understand Clarify and support unfamiliar information, claims, or recommendations Include information they will expect Keep the Audience Engaged with Visual Aids Stay focused Remember key points Follow the organization of your presentation Stay in your allowed time Remember what you planned to say Explain complicated ideas Slides prepared with PowerPoint Prezi tm tm Films and videos Demonstrations or prototypes Handouts (of professional quality) Posters (of professional quality) or Select backgrounds without images behind the words Use phrases, not sentences when appropriate Brand the slide for UNT (or your organization) when appropriate Hydroelectric power has these disadvantages: ◦ It causes the loss of wildlife habitats ◦ It takes significant amounts of land for constructing the reservoir Disadvantages of hydroelectric power ◦ Loss of wildlife habitats ◦ Loss of land Sans-serif type Type size the audience can read ◦ 28-32 point type for text ◦ 36-48 point type for headings Uppercase and lowercase letters ◦ No all capital letters Ample white (negative) space Practice Really Does Make Perfect If possible, arrange the room to make you comfortable Place the laptop so you can use it as a “teleprompter” Use a clicker If presenting with a team, determine who will advance the slides Don’t stand in front of the screen For team presentations, when you aren’t speaking, sit You just never know Take backups of the slides Take backups of visual aids Have a backup plan if you will be using the Internet Bring copies of the slides And Make It Dynamic Before the presentation ◦ Shake hands ◦ Make casual conversation Introduce all members at the beginning of the presentation ◦ Saves time during the presentation Avoid awkward transitions such as ◦ “Now John will talk about” You know more about your presentation than the audience Talk slowly and distinctly Look the audience in the eye Speak with enthusiasm and confidence Avoid verbal pauses ◦ “um,” “ah,” “uh,” “you know” Don’t read the slides Keep within the time allowed you Use verbal transitions to alert the audience to a change ◦ “My second point is” ◦ “Next, I will discuss” Use visual aids to signal a change Plan the presentation to take slightly less than the allowed time ◦ A few minutes short is better than a few minutes too long Repeat the question Take a few seconds to think before you answer If you don’t know the answer, say “I don’t know, but I’ll find out” Shutterstock