DCS mission-values 2015 publication

The Dutton Christian School Board is pleased to share with our community
two modified components of our core educational document - a revised
mission statement and a refreshed set of values. The mission statement
describes the fundamental purpose of our school, and the values reflect the
unchanging beliefs that guide our work. This product is the result of a
yearlong process undertaken by a well-balanced cross section of our
constituency including teachers, board members, a Foundation board
member, a pastor, and a trusted consultant who has been associated with
DCS for many years.
This team was endorsed by the school board and operated under the direct
supervision of the education committee. The team’s primary purpose was
to capture and clarify the central elements of our school in a manner and
format that would be understandable to everyone. We believe they have
successfully accomplished their task.
The mission statement and values are consistent with other DCS
foundational documents. The team captured the full scope of our
educational program by highlighting both the heart and mind in the mission
statement. Additionally, this statement recognizes not only how the heart
and mind are nurtured and equipped, but also the ultimate purpose for this
type of education . . . to impact the world for Christ. The value statements
give further clarity as to how we operate in carrying out our mission.
This mission statement and set of values not only communicate the
essence of DCS but also give clear direction and focus to our faculty in
their ongoing school improvement work. Under the board’s direction, our
teachers will collaboratively develop an educational vision for DCS,
combining goals and strategies into an action plan to make this vision a
We commend the team for their work, encourage the faculty in the tasks
that lie ahead, and thank our community for their trust and ongoing support
of DCS.
Tony Vermaas
School Board President
Dutton Christian School
Mission Statement
Within a Reformed worldview, Dutton Christian School will:
Nurture the heart with Biblical truth
Equip the mind through academic excellence
Impact the world for Christ
Learning –
Our world belongs to God and all truth comes from Him.
Our instruction is Biblically based and intentionally integrates a Reformed
understanding of the Christian faith into all learning.
Students –
Education is the process of nurturing the whole child as an intellectual,
emotional, physical, social and spiritual being,
uniquely created by God.
Academics –
The educational program is thoughtfully designed to challenge each
student to develop God-given gifts to the best of his or her ability.
Community –
Our learning community is modeled after Christ’s teachings; and as such,
we strive to create an environment in which all students are able to grow
and develop as His children and in relationship with one another.
Partnership –
Our school partners with parents and churches to encourage students in
their learning, to cultivate their relationship with Jesus Christ, and to
prepare them for a life of service.