2-Week Assignment Period

Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 1 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
Review Parenting Terms on p. 25 in Parenting: Rewards and Responsibilities (PRR). Use the glossary on pp.
628- 639 and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the new terms for this chapter.
Read pp. 25-41 in PRR.
As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 1, pp. 7-8 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct Study Guide, Chapter 1.
Complete Chapter Test 1, Parenting and Families (Teacher Resource Guide). For students not scoring 80% or
higher on Chapter Test 1, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p 42 in PPR
Complete Activities “Preparing for Parenthood” and “Parenting Interview” on pp. 9-10 in Student Activity
Use Internet or print resources to identify at least four public or private policies- at the
national, state, or local level- related to children and families. Choose one such policy to investigate further.
How does it influence parenting?
Review Parenting Terms on p. 45 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the
new terms for this chapter.
Read pp. 45-59 in PRR.
As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 2, pp. 11-12 in Student Activity Manual
Use the answer key to self-correct Study Guide, Chapter 2.
Complete Chapter Test 2, Responsible Parenting. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test 2,
complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 60 in PRR.
Complete Activities “Identify the Needs” and “Help for Preventing Abuse and Neglect” on pp 13-14 in Student
Activity Manual.
Go to a web site such as the Child Welfare Information Gateway
http://www.childwelfare.gov/index.cfm. Find statistics on abuse and neglect to use in a graph, such as:
 A bar graph showing deaths by age group.
 A pie graph showing percentages of children affected by abuse and neglect.
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 2 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
Review Parenting Terms on p. 63 in PRR. Use the glossary and Parenting Term Worksheet to define
the new terms for this chapter.
Read pp. 63-77 in PRR.
Complete Study Guide, Chapter 3, pp. 15-16 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct Study Guide, Chapter 3.
Complete Chapter Test 3, Personal Readiness.
Complete Activity “Ready or Not?” on p. 17-18 in Student Activity Manual.
Create a
questionnaire that can be used to assess emotional maturity. Include points in the chapter and other
questions that you think help determine maturity. Answer the questions privately to analyze your own
maturity level. How do the results relate to parenting readiness?
Review Parenting Terms on p. 81-99 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to
define the new terms for this chapter.
Read pp. 81-99 in PRR.
Complete Study Guide, Chapter 4, pp. 19-20 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct Study Guide, Chapter 4.
Complete Chapter Test 4, Understanding Child Development. For students not scoring 80% or higher
on Chapter Test 4, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, #2 p. 100 in PRR.
Complete Activities “Stages of Development” and “Heredity and Environment” on pp. 21-22 in
Student Activity Manual. OR
Visit a child-care center and observe one preschooler for at least
15 minutes. Take notes on the developmental skills you observe. What do you conclude about the
child’s age and development?
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 3 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
Review Parenting Terms on p. 103 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to
define the new terms for this chapter.
Read pp. 103-121 in PRR.
As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 5, pp. 23-24.
Use the answer key to self-correct Study Guide, Chapter 5.
Complete Chapter Test 5, Effective Parenting Skills.
For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test 5, complete Check Your Facts and Think
Critically on p. 122 in PRR.
Complete Activities “The Right Stuff”, “Analyzing Parenting Styles”, “Making a Decision” and “Resolving
Conflicts” on pp. 25-28in Student Activity Manual.
Review Parenting Terms on p. 125 in PRR. Use the glossary and Parenting Terms Worksheet to define
the new terms for this chapter.
Read pp. 125-139 in PRR.
Complete Study Guide, Chapter 6, pp. 29-30 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct Study Guide, Chapter 6.
Complete Chapter 6 Test, Teens and Parenting. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter
Test 6, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 140 in PRR.
Complete Activity “Tackling Tough Challenges”, pp. 31-32 in Student Activity Manual.
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 4 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
Review parenting Terms on p. 145 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the new terms for this
Read pp. 145-162 in PRR.
Complete Study Guide, Chapter 7, pp. 33-34 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct Study Guide, Chapter 7.
Complete Chapter 7 Test, Planning a Family. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test 7, complete Check Your Facts and
Think Critically, p. 164 in PRR. Complete Activities “Advice from an Expert” and “Adoption” on pp. 3536. \Use print or online references to learn more about one of the following:
fertility treatments
a genetic disorder not covered in the text. Write a one-page report.
Complete Activities “Advice from an Expert” and “Adoption” on pp. 35-36.
\Use print or online references to learn
more about one of the following:
fertility treatments
a genetic disorder not covered in the text.
Write a one-page report.
Review Parenting Terms on p. 167 in PRR. Use the glossary and Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the new terms for this chapter.
Read pp. 167-179 in PRR.
As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 8, pp. 37-38.
Use the answer key to self-correct Study Guide, Chapter 8.
Complete Chapter Test 8, Prenatal Development. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test 8, complete Check Your Facts
and Think Critically, p. 180 in PRR.
Complete Activity “Letters to a Friend” on pp. 39-40 in Student Activity Manual.
Create a poster that illustrates prenatal development throughout pregnancy. Use drawings of your own or locate pictures to use as
illustrations. Cover the stages of the zygote (two weeks), embryo (six weeks), and fetus (seven months). Include captions that
summarize growth and changes that take place along the way.
Choose a birth defect to research. Some possibilities are cystic fibrosis, spina bifida, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and cleft
palate. Describe the defect, & possible ways to prevent and treat. Include resources for families who must deal with the birth defect.
What national organizations provide information and support? How can they be contacted? What kind of information do they provide?
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 5 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
Review Parenting Terms on p. 183 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the new
terms for this chapter.
Read pp. 183-203
Complete Study Guide, Chapter 9, pp. 41-42 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct Study Guide, Chapter 9.
Complete Chapter Test 9, Healthy Pregnancy. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test 9, complete
Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 204 in PRR.
Complete “Plan the Meals”, “Parental Care Pays Off” and “Mom and Dad” on pp.43-46 in Student Activity Manual.
Students may want to visit MyPyramid.gov for helpful information with completing “Plan the Meals”.
Plan one week of meals for a pregnant woman, including recipes for dishes. Exchange meal plans with a partner, and
analyze how well the plan fulfills a pregnant woman’s nutrient needs
On the Internet, find a due date
calculator. If a woman’s last menstrual period began on February 20, what is her due date? How is the calculation
Review Parenting Terms on p. 207 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the new
terms for this chapter.
Read pp. 207-222 in PRR.
As your read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 10, pp. 47-48 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct Study Guide, Chapter 10.
Complete Chapter Test 10, Preparing for Baby’s Arrival.
Complete “What Will You Say?” pp. 51-52 in Student Activity Manual.
Check the web site of the Consumer Product Safety Commission http://www.cpsc.gov to find consumer safety recalls.
Explore the list of recall items to find reasons why products for infants are recalled. Write a report about three
products and the reasons why they were recalled.
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 6 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
Review Parenting Terms on p. 227 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the
new terms for this chapter.
Read pp. 227-241 in PRR.
Complete Study Guide, Chapter 11, pp. 53-54 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct Study Guide, Chapter 11.
Complete Chapter 11 Test, The Birth Process. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test 11,
complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 242 in PRR.
Complete Activities “Thoughts and Feelings and “Decisions, Decisions” on pp. 55- 56 in Student Activity
In the United States, birth tends to be a relatively private event, although this is not
always the case. Learn about common birth customs in various cultures. Report what you discover.
Review Parenting Terms on p. 245 in PRR. Use the glossary and Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the
new terms for this chapter.
Read pp. 245-256 in PRR.
Complete Study Guide, Chapter 12 pp. 57-58 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self –correct Study Guide, Chapter 12
Complete Chapter Test 12, Adapting to Parenthood. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test
12, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 258 in PRR.
Complete Activity “What Would You do?” on pp. 61-62 in Student Activity Manual. OR
Read about “I”
messages on pp. 446-447 in PRR. Then complete Apply Your Learning, #1 Communication Skills on p. 259
in PRR.
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 7 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
Review Parenting Terms on. p. 263 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the new
terms for this Chapter.
Read pp. 263-276 in PRR.
As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 13, pp. 63-64 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 13.
Complete Chapter Test 13, Understanding Infants. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test 13,
complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 278 in PRR.
Complete Activities “How Well Do You Understand Infants?” and “First Things First” on pp. 65-66 in Student Activity
Find an opportunity to observe an infant. Document signs of the baby’s development in these
areas: physical, intellectual, emotional, and social. Summarize your observations in a chart, including the baby’s
Review Parenting Terms on. p. 281 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the new
terms for this Chapter.
Read pp. 281-300 in PRR.
As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 14, pp. 67-68 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 14.
Complete Chapter Test 14, Caring for Infants. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test 14, complete
Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 302 in PRR.
Complete Activities “A Day in the Life of a Baby” and “Off to the Grocery Store” on pp. 69-72 in Student Activity
Research the cost of disposable diapers for the year of infancy. Using inexpensive diapers,
calculate for each of these averages: 6, 8 and 10 changes per day. Chart and compare results. How might diaper
quality impact actual use?
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 8 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
Note: Student may substitute Video Activity 1 for Assignment 15.
Review Parenting Terms on. p. 305 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the new
terms for this Chapter.
Read pp. 305-324 in PRR.
Complete Study Guide, Chapter 15, pp. 73-75 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 15.
Complete Chapter Test 15, Meeting Children’s Physical Needs. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter
Test 15, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 326 in PRR.
Complete Activities “Family Fun” and “What Should a Three-Year-Old Eat?” on pp. 76-78 in Student Activity
Plan a week of meals and snacks for a preschooler. Keep safety in mind. Exchange
menus with another student and evaluate them on nutrition and appeal.
Note: Student may substitute Video Activity 2 for Assignment 16.
Review Parenting Terms on. p. 329 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the new
terms for this Chapter.
Read pp.329-350 in PRR.
Complete Study Guide, Chapter 16, pp. 79-81 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 16.
Complete Chapter Test 16, Health and Safety. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test 16, complete
Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 352 in PRR.
Complete Activities “First Aid” on pp. 83-84 in Student Activity Manual.
Suppose you are a
pediatrician. Some parents tell you they’ve heard that immunizations can cause autism in children. Research
immunizations and write a handout for parents, explaining how facts support the need for immunizations.
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 9 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
Note: Student may substitute Video Activity 3 for Assignment 17.
17A Review Parenting Terms on. p. 357 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define
the new terms for this Chapter.
17B Read pp. 357-374 in PRR.
17C As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 17, pp. 85-86 in Student Activity Manual.
17D Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 17.
17E Complete Chapter Test 17, Helping Children Learn. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test
17, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 376 in PRR.
17F Complete Activities “TV or Not TV?” and “The Arts in a Child’s Life” on pp. 89-90 in Student Activity Manual
At the public library, find two books for young children that are good for each of the following a)
teaching concepts; b) appealing to humor; c) bedtime reading; d) educational information. Why is each book
18A Review Parenting Terms on. p. 379 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define
the new terms for this Chapter.
18B Read pp.379-396 in PRR.
18C As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 18, pp. 91-94 in Student Activity Manual.
18D Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 18.
18E Complete Chapter Test 18, Meeting Children’s Emotional Needs. For students not scoring 80% or higher on
Chapter Test 18, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 398 in PRR.
18F Complete Activities “Feelings” and “Reducing the Nos” on pp. 95-96 in Student Activity Manual. OR
Working with a partner, create a cartoon strip that shows parents mishandling an emotional situation with a
child. Then show an effective way.
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 10 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
19A Review Parenting Terms on. p. 401 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to
define the new terms for this Chapter.
19B Read pp. 401-418 in PRR.
19C As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 19, pp. 97-98 in Studnt Activity Manual.
19D Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 19.
19E Complete Chapter Test 19, Helping Children Relate to Others. For students not scoring 80% or higher
on Chapter Test 19, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 420 in PRR.
19F Complete Activities “Interacting All Day Long” and “Parents and Teasing” on pp. 99-100 in Student
Activity Manual.
Complete Apply Your Learning, Parenting Skills #3 on p. 421 in PRR.
20A Review Parenting Terms on. p. 423 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to
define the new terms for this Chapter.
20B Read pp.423-436 in PRR.
20C As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 20, pp. 101-102 in Student Activity Manual.
20D Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 20.
20E Complete Chapter Test 20, Meeting Children’s Emotional Needs.For students not scoring 80% or
higher on Chapter Test 20, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 438 in PRR.
20F Complete Activities “Let’s Play!” on pp. 103-104 in Student Activity Manual.
Look through newspapers, magazines, and catalogs for toy ads. Select appropriate toys for
infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Create a poster in which you arrange photographs by age of child
and write a short description for each explaining why they are good choices
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 11 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
21A Review Parenting Terms on. p. 443 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define
the new terms for this Chapter.
21B Read pp. 443-456 in PRR.
21C As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 21, pp. 105-106 in Student Activity Manual.
21D Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 21.
21E Complete Chapter Test 21, Communicating with Children. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter
Test 21, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 458 in PRR.
21F Complete Activities “Choosing Your Words” and “Making Communication Age-Appropriate” on pp. 107-108 in
Student Activity Manual.
Complete Cross-Curricular Connections 1 and 2 on p. 459 in PRR.
22A Review Parenting Terms on. p. 461 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define
the new terms for this Chapter.
22B Read pp.461-474 in PRR.
22C As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 22, pp. 109-110 in Student Activity Manual.
22D Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 22.
22E Complete Chapter Test 22, Building Children’s Character. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter
Test 22, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 476 in PRR.
22F Complete Activities “Matching Theories to Practice” on pp. 111-112 in Student Activity Manual.
Analyze a television comedy or drama for its suitability for an eight-year old. Consider
subject matter, language, characterization, and dress. Present your analysis in the form of a written report.
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 12 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
23A Review Parenting Terms on. p. 479 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define
the new terms for this Chapter.
23B Read pp. 479-492 in PRR.
23C As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 23, pp. 113-114 in Student Activity Manual.
23D Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 23.
23E Complete Chapter Test 23, Promoting Positive Behavior. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter
Test 23, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 494 in PRR.
23F Complete Activities “Planning Positive Guidance” and “Evaluating Limits” on pp. 115-116 in Student Activity
Talk with someone from another country about the behavior expected of children in that
culture. Compare responses with behavior expectations in the United States. Do you think Americans expect
too much or too little of children? Why?
Note: Student may substitute Video Activity 4 for Assignment 24.
24A Review Parenting Terms on. p. 497 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Term Worksheet to define the
new terms for this Chapter.
24B Read pp.497-512 in PRR.
24C As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 24, pp. 117-118 in Student Activity Manual.
24D Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 24.
Complete Chapter Test 24, Handling Negative Behavior. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter
Test 24, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 514 in PRR.
24F Complete Activities “Consequences” and “Positive Responses to Negative Behavior” on pp. 119-120 in
Student Activity Manual.
Locate research on problem behavior in children. Then narrow the
scope of your search. You might focus on the effects of diet on behavior, how violence on television
impacts children, or childhood mental illness. Write a report that summarizes what you learn, using
authoritative sources of information.
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 13 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
Review Parenting Terms on. p. 519 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to
define the new terms for this Chapter.
Read pp. 519-535 in PRR.
As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 25, pp. 121-122 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 25.
Complete Chapter Test 25, Children with Special Needs. For students not scoring 80% or higher on
Chapter Test 25, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 536 in PRR.
Complete Activities “The Road to Acceptance” on pp. 123-124 in Student Activity Manual.
Identify local resources for children with special needs and their families, including local
offices of national organizations. Create a brochure that lists the resources, explains the services they
provide, and supplies contact information.
Review Parenting Terms on. p. 539 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to
define the new terms for this Chapter.
Read pp.439-554 in PRR.
As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 26, pp. 125-126 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 26.
Complete Chapter Test 26, Managing Life as a Parent. For students not scoring 80% or higher on
Chapter Test 26, complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 556 in PRR.
Complete Activities “Overwhelmed? Overcome It” on pp. 127-128 in Student Activity Manual
Write your to-do list for the next few days. Then prioritize the tasks. Use the list to get
things done, and report on its effectiveness.
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature
Adult Independent Study - Work Assignment Sheet
Assignment 14 of 14
Page ____ of ____
Student: _________________________ Teacher: __________________
2-Week Assignment Period: From ___________________ to ___________________
(Occasional 1-week Period)
Total Attendance Hours Earned for this Assignment:
Academic Hours ___________
SIS Claimed Attendance (Apportionment) Hours ___________
Review Parenting Terms on. p. 559 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the new
terms for this Chapter.
Read pp. 559-579 in PRR.
As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 27, pp. 129-1130 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 27.
Complete Chapter Test 27, Facing Family Challenges.For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test 27,
complete Check Your Facts and Think Critically, p. 580 in PRR.
Complete Activities “Moving Time” and “Family Changes” on pp. 133-134 in Student Activity Manual.
Find statistics on one of these topics: a) divorce; b) substance abuse; c) family violence; d) gangs; e)
suicide. Summarize what you have learned. Discuss what these numbers indicate.
Note: Student may substitute Video Activity 5 for Assignment 28.
Review Parenting Terms on. p. 583 in PRR. Use the glossary and the Parenting Terms Worksheet to define the new
terms for this Chapter.
Read pp.583-603 in PRR.
As you read, complete Study Guide, Chapter 28, pp. 135-138 in Student Activity Manual.
Use the answer key to self-correct the Study Guide Chapter 28. 28E. Complete Chapter Test 28, Child Care and
Educational Options. For students not scoring 80% or higher on Chapter Test 28, complete Check Your Facts and
Think Critically, p. 604 in PRR.
Complete Activities “Choosing the Best Care” on pp. 139-140 in Student Activity Manual. OR
Visit a child
care or child education program in your community. Using the program evaluation checklist in the chapter (p. 592 in
PRR), assess the facility. In class, describe the program, including both positive and negative qualities.
Complete Student Evaluation (Paragraph on Successes/Challenges in AIS)
Circle comments:
1. Must redo assignments until mastery of 80%. Assignment
2. Discussion and supplemental review exercises required.
3. Passed assignments at 80% or higher.
4. Produced superior work consistently
5. Discussed, reviewed, and corrected assignments with student.
6. Audio-visual or computer assignment.
7. Individual or group discussion.
8. Review / Preparation for a test
9. Reading Assignment
10. No work completed during the assignment period.
11. Student shows improved study skills, attitude, and interpersonal skills.
12. Other:_______________________________________________
Student Status Report to Parents
On Track / No misses / Great Job
On Track / 1 miss
On Probation / 2 misses (no more misses allowed)
Excellent work produced
Good work / Some re-dos
Too many re-dos / Slow down
Please call me (_______)________________________
Other ________________________________________
Parent Signature