AGENDA ITEM REPORT TO CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE HEALTH AND WELLBEING COMMISSIONING GROUP 27 NOVEMBER 2013 REPORT OF MALAP CHAIRMAN REVIEW OF CORPORATE PARENTING STRATEGY SUMMARY This report asks the group for views on the development of a revised Corporate Parenting Strategy. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the group note the plan for reviewing the Corporate Parenting Strategy and offer any comments on the proposed purpose of, and priorities for, the strategy. DETAIL 1. Attached is the current Corporate Parenting Strategy which is now coming to the end of its currency. It was developed during 2010, overseen by MALAP (the Multi-Agency Looked After Children Partnership), then endorsed by the former Children’s Trust Board and approved by the Council’s Cabinet. 2. The strategy has been monitored over time by MALAP, who have agreed that it is now timely to refresh the document to reflect the current context, whilst acknowledging that priority areas for improvement have not changed significantly. 3. Initial consideration by a group of officers from MALAP has proposed that a revised strategy should maintain a high level strategic focus. The overall purpose should still be to set out the ambitions of the Council and partners, as corporate parents, to improve outcomes for children and young people in care. The content of the main document could be slimmed down, with some of the detail to be covered in background documents or appendices. There should be a strong multi-agency contribution to the strategy. 4. The strategy will need to be supported by an action plan which would continue to be monitored by MALAP as part of its scheduled work programme, with updates (e.g twice a year) to the CYPHWCG. It is proposed that the strategy should have the following as key priority areas: Access to health services (to include CAMHS). Development of local placement support and resources (in line with developments as part of the Council’s ‘Big Ticket’ review of Children’s Services). Improving educational outcomes. 1 Engagement and participation of children and young people in care. Improving employability. Name of Contact Officer: Post Title: Telephone No: Email address: Simon Willson MALAP Chairman 01642 527035 2