CED Application Reviewer Training

CED Application
Reviewer Training
Module 3: Business Plan
June 2012
Module Outline
 Module 3 includes:
– The basis for scoring the Business Plan criterion
– Guidance on evaluating each Business Plan sub-criterion
• Project Implementation
• Project Viability
• Financial Strategies
– Direction on how to score each sub-criterion
– Quiz questions to gauge what you’ve learned
CED Application Reviewer Training
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
 Basis for scoring: The extent to which the application
demonstrates that the project is well planned and
ready to be implemented at the time of award.
– 20 points possible
– Discussed on p. 39-41 of FOA
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Clear and well-conceived
overall approach to the
project, with a sound and
feasible implementation plan
that is consistent with the
expectations described in
the FOA and covers all years
of the project, including
specific milestones to be
CED Application Reviewer Training
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Shows clear effort to align project
with program goals and rules
– Has a clear, detailed and realistic
explanation of how project will be
– Includes a credible explanation of
how it will achieve CED goals
– Identifies milestones and links
them to project outcomes
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Includes a credible explanation of
Clear and well-conceived
how each milestone will be
overall approach to the
project, with a sound and
feasible implementation plan – Discusses potential obstacles,
with strategies to address them
that is consistent with the
– Includes a quarterly timeline
1 (cont) expectations described in
covering all years of the project
the FOA and covers all years
and identifying when the specific
of the project, including
milestones will be achieved
specific milestones to be
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
Positions will be created in a – Presents a credible market
analysis of the business to be
viable industry with
developed and its industry, that
promising short- and longsupports a positive short- and
term job outlooks.
long-term job outlook and
identifies any critical risks relating
to the specific business and/or
industry, backed up by data from
relevant published sources not
more than five years old
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
The business will be viable in – Includes the results of sound
market research analyzing
terms of competition,
competition, estimated market
anticipated market,
share and sales; and analyzing
customer base, and market
customer base by market
segment, market size and trends;
using data from published
sources no more than 5 years old
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
3 (cont)
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
The business will be viable in – Clearly demonstrates the market
analysis for the project area and
terms of competition,
makes sense for the given
anticipated market,
customer base, and market
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Recruitment strategy appears
Sound and reasonable
recruitment strategy and
– Strategy aims to have at least 75%
tracking system to obtain
of the created positions held by
and document low-income
low-income people
referrals with TANF, child
support agencies, and other – Jobs clearly counted by the
number of positions created, not
sources that will result in
the number of individuals hired to
75% of the new positions
fill them over the course of the
being filled by TANF
recipients or other lowincome individuals.
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Willingness to participate in any
Willingness to participate
Federal evaluation activities is
fully in Federal evaluation(s)
clearly stated
and allow evaluation
protocols established by ACF
or its designee contractor.
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– For projects involving real property
The physical facility and
acquisition, new construction or
other equipment required
renovation, the application includes
to operate the project will
acceptable evidence of site control,
be secured in ways that are
such as a deed of ownership or a
consistent with the
ratified purchase contract, option to
expectations described in
purchase, or signed long-term lease
the FOA.
agreement, with an effective term of
sufficient duration as to cover the
period of time to fully implement
the project
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Provides documentation of thirdThe physical facility and
party financing commitments with
other equipment required to
effective time limits and
operate the project will be
reasonable terms and conditions
secured in ways that are
for closing to fully fund the
consistent with the
6 (cont)
applicant’s total development cost
expectations described in
of real property projects
the FOA.
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– For projects involving the funding
The physical facility and
of equipment purchases, the
other equipment required to
application provides evidence that
operate the project will be
that applicant has procurement
secured in ways that are
policies and procedures in place to
consistent with the
6 (cont)
assure compliance with applicable
expectations described in
federal procurement and property
the FOA.
management requirements
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Shows that the type and size of
Number and types of new
proposed project will reasonably
full-time positions are
require the projected type and
appropriate for the project
number of new full-time, fulland will provide starting
year, non-seasonal positions
wages, wage growth
opportunities, and employee – Shows that the type of newly
created positions is realistic for
benefits that will allow
target population to fulfill
families to achieve selfsufficiency.
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Includes job titles and
Number and types of new
descriptions showing livable
full-time positions are
starting wages and benefits (for
appropriate for the project
example: paid time off, 401k,
and will provide starting
health care)
wages, wage growth
7 (cont)
opportunities, and employee – Discusses projected wage growth
opportunities, career ladder or
benefits that will allow
career growth potential, how the
families to achieve selfpositions will contribute to
employees’ skill development
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the Application…
Positions will be sustained for at – Reasonable effort has been made to
explain how the project will position
least 1 year after the end of the
itself to retain the positions after project
grant period by including the
funding ends (e.g. a growth plan that
steps that will be taken to set up
shows that the operation will continue
the project solidly and position it
to need the positions and be able to
for continued success after the
cover the costs)
end of the grant and provides a
discussion of the continued need – Shows a relationship between the job
creation targets in this section and the
for the positions after the end of
financial planning in the Financial
the grant period.
Strategies section of the application
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Indicates that reasonable efforts
Confidential or sensitive
will be made to ensure that
information from staff,
confidential or sensitive records
project participants and/or
will be properly collected, stored,
project beneficiaries will be
and disposed of
protected during the project
and disposed of after grant
has ended.
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation
Criterion is Fully Met if the Application…
– Describes the initial loan(s) to be made from the
grant including the name of the specific business(es)
receiving the loans, the type(s) of the business(es),
Loan Projects:
and business development plan(s)
Ensures loans
will be made in – Includes draft copies of the loan agreement(s)
showing the terms and conditions of the loan(s), a
accordance with
commitment by the borrower(s) to create new, fullprogram rules.
time, full-year jobs - at least 75 percent of which will
be filled by low-income individuals - and an interest
rate to be charged that will be at or below market
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation
Criterion is Fully Met if the Application…
– Describes strategies to ensure that all loans, either
initial loans or subsequent future loans, from any
revolving loan fund will go to eligible recipients for
Loan Projects:
business development activities
Ensures loans
will be made in – Indicates that the interest rate charged will be at or
10 (cont)
below market rate
accordance with
program rules. – Indicates that copies of executed loan agreements
will be submitted to ACF upon establishing such
loans with program participants
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
FOA Evaluation
Criterion is Fully Met if the Application…
– Indicates that any interest accrued on revolving loan
funds will be used to continue or expand the
activities of the originally approved project during
Loan Projects:
the grant period; and that any repaid principal on
Ensures loans
such loans that is no longer needed for the originally
will be made in
10 (cont)
authorized purpose of the project will revert to ACF
accordance with
program rules.
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
 Narrative question: Overall, does the project
present a clear and well-conceived implementation
approach that is likely to achieve the project’s goals?
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project
 Points Available:
 Scoring Guidelines:
– 0 points = Implementation plan not feasible, unclear on
how goals will be achieved, or not provided
– 10 points = Implementation plan potentially feasible but
not clearly explained and/or parts of the concept are
– 20 points = Clear, well-conceived, sound and feasible
implementation plan
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
1. The criterion that positions be created in a viable
industry with promising short- and long-term job
outlooks is met by which of the following?
a) A credible market analysis of the business to be
b) Identifies any critical risks relating to the specific
c) Supporting data that is not more than 5 years old
d) All of the above
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
1. The criterion that positions be created in a viable
industry with promising short- and long-term job
outlooks is met by which of the following?
a) A credible market analysis of the business to be
b) Identifies any critical risks relating to the specific
c) Supporting data that is not more than 5 years old
d) All of the above
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
2. The application must show the proposed project
will have sustainable positions for how long after
the end of the grant period?
At least 6 Months
At least 1 year
At least 2 years
At least 3 years
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
2. The application must show the proposed project
will have sustainable positions for how long after
the end of the grant period?
At least 6 Months
At least 1 year
At least 2 years
At least 3 years
CED Application Reviewer Training
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project Viability
 Basis for scoring: Whether the application
demonstrates that all necessary resources will be
available to implement the project as described in
the business plan at the time of the award.
– 15 points possible
– Discussed on p. 41-42 of FOA
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project Viability
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Identifies all of the activities
Adequate resources are
necessary for the success of the
available for project viability.
– Shows these activities are
consistent with the project’s
scope, scale and projected
– Demonstrates the staffing,
facilities, equipment and supplies,
and funding identified to support
each activity appear reasonable
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project Viability
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Adequate resources are
available for project
1 (cont)
CED Application Reviewer Training
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Identifies all sources of the staffing,
facilities, equipment and supplies,
and funding necessary for the project
– Demonstrates that any competing
activities that might reduce the
availability of the resources for this
project have been identified
– Identifies competing activities that
might reduce the availability of
resources for this project and how
these will be managed
Business Plan – Project Viability
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– MUST SHOW: Includes documentation
Project will have the
such as financial statements from the
capacity to responsibly
last 2 years showing an operating
manage and adequately
budget consistent with the amount of
protect any Federal funds
funds requested and that
awarded for the project
demonstrates capacity to manage
through a financial
funds responsibly (for new entities,
management system that
application can include a statement
complies with 45 CFR Part
from an organization official attesting
to the applicant’s financial health and
the systems to be implemented)
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project Viability
FOA Evaluation
Criterion is Fully Met if the Application…
– Provides project partner agreement
For Projects that
signed by all parties and addresses
Involve Partners that
compliance requirements for all duties to
will Directly or
be undertaken by the partner
Indirectly Spend CED
– Clearly shows compliance requirements
Funds: Procedures
include specific mention of income
are in place to ensure
documentation, interest rates for
that any project
revolving loan funds, use of accrued
partner will comply
interest, funds management, recordwith all program
keeping and/or monitoring requirements
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project Viability
FOA Evaluation Criteria
For Projects that Involve
Partners that will Directly
or Indirectly Spend CED
Funds: Procedures are in
place to ensure that any
3 (cont) project partner will
comply with all program
CED Application Reviewer Training
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Provides a compliance plan which
describes roles and responsibilities
and convincingly addresses program
requirements from FOA:
 At least 75% of positions filled by
 Low-income eligibility determinations
 Retention strategies
 Expenditure documentation
 Monitoring
 Reporting on positions created
Business Plan – Project Viability
FOA Evaluation
Criterion is Fully Met if the Application…
– Demonstrates evidence of firm commitments
For Projects that will
for loans, municipal or State tax credits,
require non-CED funds,
equity stock investments, or other supporting
the extent to which:
grants (i.e.: signed letters of commitment
Commitment for
from lenders, investors, donors, and grantors)
outside funding is
– Demonstrates that the signed letters of
provided and the
commitment from lenders, investors, donors,
degree to which future
and grantors explicitly state an unconditional
program income is
financial commitment to the project totaling
at least the amount of non-CED funds
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project Viability
FOA Evaluation
Criterion is Fully Met if the Application…
– Demonstrates that future program income is
For Projects that will
not necessary for the implementation of the
require non-CED funds,
project design as outlined in “Business Plan –
the extent to which:
Project Implementation”
Commitment for
outside funding is
4 (cont)
provided and the
degree to which future
program income is
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project Viability
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Outlines the role of the project
For Projects that Involve
partner and describes the
Partners that will Directly or
relationship between the
Indirectly Spend CED Funds:
applicant and the project partner
Demonstration of the project
– Provides a copy of the signed
partner’s role, financial
partnership agreement between
viability and ability to track
the applicant and each project
and report on federal funds,
partner that includes a
as well as a signed
description of roles and the
partnership agreement.
relationship between the
applicant and project partner
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project Viability
FOA Evaluation
For Projects that Involve
Partners that will
Directly or Indirectly
Spend CED Funds:
Demonstration of the
project partner’s role,
5 (cont) financial viability and
ability to track and
report on federal funds,
as well as a signed
partnership agreement.
CED Application Reviewer Training
Criterion is Fully Met if the Application…
– Demonstrates that all project partners that
will be responsible for directly or indirectly
spending CED funds are financially viable and
have the capacity to manage responsibly any
federal funds by:
 Discussing the partner’s history as an
organization and financial stability
 Discussing the partner’s experience managing
federal funds
 Demonstrating that the partner has a financial
management system that complies with 45
CFR Part 75, is in place, or there is
a specific plan for procurement
Business Plan – Project Viability
Section FOA Evaluation Criteria
For Equity Stock
Investment Projects:
Project will comply with
45 CFR Part 74.36
concerning intangible
property and application
provides clear
purpose(s) for which
stock investments will be
CED Application Reviewer Training
Criterion is Fully Met if the Application…
– Demonstrates that the stock investment
agreement fully complies with intangible
property rules (45 CFR Part 74.36)
– Demonstrates the purpose(s) for which
stock investments will be made
– Demonstrates the type of equity stock
– Presents the cost-per-share and basis on
which it was arrived
Business Plan – Project Viability
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Presents the number of shares the
For Equity Stock
applicant will purchase and the
Investment Projects:
percentage of ownership in the
Project will comply with
business (investment must be at
45 CFR Part 74.36
least 25% of the businesses’ assets
concerning intangible
on balance sheet)
6 (cont) property and provide
clear purpose(s) for which – Presents the term or duration of
stock investments will be
– Shows board representation (it must
be clear that the grantee will have
appropriate representation)
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project Viability
FOA Evaluation
Criterion is Fully Met if the Application…
For Loan/Revolving
Loan Fund Projects:
compliance with all
terms of 45 CFR Part
74.21 concerning
intangible property
and provides draft
copies of agreements
demonstrating key
loan terms.
– Provides a model agreement demonstrating
how each agreement will include:
 The purpose(s) for which loans will be made
 Interest rates and other fees
 Loan period
 Repayment schedule
 Collateral security required
 Default and collection procedures
 Signatures of authorized officials of the lender
and borrower
 Compliance with intangible property rules
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project Viability
 Narrative question: Does the application have all
necessary resources to be successful, and does the
application show that all partners will comply with
the program requirements?
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Project Viability
 Points Available:
 Scoring Guidelines:
– 0 points = Adequacy of resources and compliance plan not
demonstrated or secured
– 8 points = Adequacy of resources and compliance are not
fully documented
– 15 points = Clearly demonstrates adequate resources and
plan for program compliance
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
1. To demonstrate that adequate resources are available
for the project that application must show which of the
a) Identification of some activities necessary for the
success of the project
b) Demonstration of the staffing, facilities, equipment and
supplies, and funding
c) Identification of competing activities that might reduce
the availability of resources for the project
d) B and C
e) All of the above
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
1. To demonstrate that adequate resources are available
for the project the application must show which of the
a) Identification of some activities necessary for the
success of the project
b) Demonstration of the staffing, facilities, equipment and
supplies, and funding
c) Identification of competing activities that might reduce
the availability of resources for the project
d) B and C
e) All of the above
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
2. To illustrate an adequate financial management
system, the application must show which of the
a) Financial statements showing an operating budget
consistent with the amount of CED funding requested
b) Financial statements showing revenues consistent with
the amount of CED funding requested
c) Financial statements showing expenses consistent with
the amount of CED funding to be spent
d) All of the above
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
2. To illustrate an adequate financial management
system, the application must show which of the
a) Financial statements showing an operating budget
consistent with the amount of CED funding requested
b) Financial statements showing revenues consistent with
the amount of CED funding requested
c) Financial statements showing expenses consistent with
the amount of CED funding to be spent
d) All of the above
CED Application Reviewer Training
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Financial Strategies
 Basis for scoring: The extent to which the application
demonstrates sound and reasonable financial
strategies that have a high likelihood of leading to
the success of the project.
– 10 points possible
– Discussed on p. 42 of FOA
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Financial Strategies
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Includes actual past (and/or
Project is ready to be
forecasts of) profit and loss
implemented and will be
statements, comprehensive
economically feasible by the
sources and uses of funds
end of the grant period, and
statements (showing both CED
for at least one year
and non-CED sources), cash flow
thereafter. Project costs and
statements, and balance sheets
organizational expenses are
showing detailed costs and
reasonable and necessary.
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Financial Strategies
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Includes detailed narrative
Project is ready to be
explanations and assumptions in
implemented and will be
the financial documentation
economically feasible by the
end of the grant period, and – Shows no need for additional
cash infusions from outside of
for at least one year
1 (cont)
operations by year three (nonthereafter. Project costs and
construction) or five (construction
organizational expenses are
projects), as well as ongoing
reasonable and necessary.
operations in year four (nonconstruction) or six (construction)
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Financial Strategies
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Allows for analysis of the financial
Project is ready to be
plan, and that analysis
implemented and will be
demonstrates that the
economically feasible by the
assumptions in the forecasts are
end of the grant period, and
reasonable (for example, the
for at least one year
1 (cont)
percentages used for income and
thereafter. Project costs and
expense increases over time)
organizational expenses are
reasonable and necessary.
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Financial Strategies
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Contains financial documentation
Project is ready to be
showing that costs are necessary
implemented and will be
and are within reasonable market
economically feasible by the
end of the grant period, and
for at least one year
1 (cont)
Note: if insufficient financial
thereafter. Project costs and
documentation was provided to
organizational expenses are
allow for any financial analysis,
reasonable and necessary.
points cannot be awarded for this
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Financial Strategies
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Financial estimates for
project are reasonable.
CED Application Reviewer Training
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– The application clearly
demonstrates that the financial
estimates are grounded in solid
– The application demonstrates the
necessity, reasonableness, and
allocation of the proposed costs
Business Plan – Financial Strategies
Section FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Clearly demonstrate the cost per
Cost per full-time,
position will not be greater than
regular position will not
$20,000 for non-construction projects
exceed $20,000 for nonand $25,000 for construction projects.
construction projects
Cost per position can be calculated by
and $25,000 for
dividing the funds requested by the
construction projects.
number of proposed positions
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Financial Strategies
FOA Evaluation Criteria
For Construction Projects:
Costs for construction
activities are necessary and
within reasonable market
CED Application Reviewer Training
Criterion is Fully Met if the
– Includes sufficient documentation
to enable the reviewer to analyze
proposed costs for property
acquisition, predevelopment,
architectural/ engineering
services, environmental study,
permits, occupancy, hard costs;
and reviewer concludes that costs
appear reasonable and necessary
Business Plan – Financial Strategies
FOA Evaluation Criteria
Criterion is Fully Met if the Application…
For Loan or Revolving Loan – Provides strategies to ensure that loan
funds go to low-income borrowers for
Fund Projects: Demonstrates
business development activities
CED Funding will be used
appropriately pertaining to – Ensures loans will be provided at
interest rates lower than traditional
beneficiaries and interest
– Demonstrates that loan agreements will
show how the applicant will comply
with all terms of 45 CFR 74.36
concerning intangible property
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Financial Strategies
 Narrative question: Overall, does the application
demonstrate an economically feasible financial plan
and fulfill CED programmatic requirements?
CED Application Reviewer Training
Business Plan – Financial Strategies
 Points Available:
 Scoring Guidelines:
– 0 points = Costs unreasonable, no plan for self-sufficiency,
no system identified
– 5 points = Costs reasonable, plan for sustainability
minimally adequate, or system identified but not in place
– 10 points = Costs reasonable, plan realistic,
tracking/reporting system in place
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
1. The basis for scoring the Business Plan – Financial
Strategies portion of the application is what?
a) Whether the project’s financial plan is reasonable
b) Whether the project fits within CED’s cost per position
c) Whether the project will be sustainable by the end of
the grant period and for one year thereafter
d) All of the above
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
1. The basis for scoring the Business Plan – Financial
Strategies portion of the application is what?
a) Whether the project’s financial plan is reasonable
b) Whether the project fits within CED’s cost per position
c) Whether the project will be sustainable by the end of
the grant period and for one year thereafter
d) All of the above
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
2. What is the maximum cost per position for nonconstruction projects?
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
2. What is the maximum cost per position for nonconstruction projects?
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
3. To demonstrate that the project will be
economically feasible, the application should
include what?
a) An illustration that the cost per position is allowable
b) Documentation from project partners indicating that
they will match funds provided by the CED program
c) Profit and loss statements, sources and uses statements,
cash flow statements, and balance sheets
d) All of the above
CED Application Reviewer Training
Self-Review Quiz
3. To demonstrate that the project will be
economically feasible, the application should
include what?
a) An illustration that the cost per position is allowable
b) Documentation from project partners indicating that
they will match funds provided by the CED program
c) Profit and loss statements, sources and uses
statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets
d) All of the above
CED Application Reviewer Training
Module 3 Wrap-up
 What you’ve learned…
– The basis for scoring the Business Plan criterion
– Guidance on evaluating each Business Plan sub-criterion
• Project Implementation
• Project Viability
• Financial Strategies
– Direction on how to score each sub-criterion
 What’s next?
– Module 4: Organizational Capacity
CED Application Reviewer Training