Family - Coyne

Family is defined as a group of people
who are related by marriage, blood, or
adoption and who live together and
share economic resources
Sociologists study family “as an institution
and unit of socialization”. Sociologists
study gender roles, marriage, divorce,
parenting, childhood, and the identities
developed with in a family.
Nuclear family- (Dunphy’s “Modern Family”) defines a family made
up of a pair of adults and their children
Extended family- (Full House) a family that extends beyond the
nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and/or other
relatives, who all live in one household.
Modified extended family- (Everybody Loves Ray) family form that
consists of several generations of a family who keeps separate
households but stay emotionally bonded
consanguine family - a group of people related by biological or
blood ties
conjugal/ affinal family- a group of people related by marriage ties
adopted family – (Cam, Mitch, & Lilly- “Modern Family) a group of
people related by adoption
blended family- (Brady Bunch; Pritchett-Delgado Family “Modern
Family) a family in which at least one adult is a step-parent
They “typical American family” used to be considered to be
made up of a single income family with a working father, a
stay-at-home-mother, two kids, and maybe even a few pets.
How ever, this family model is no longer typical due to
changing cultural norms like divorce, remarriage, same sex
marriage, adoption, and teenage parents.
Married Partners
Unwed Partners
Only Child
Adopted Child
Controversy: Same sex marriage, adoption, teen parents,
Male/Female Role Pressure, Child rearing, single parents
Birth order is defined as the rank of siblings by age.
 First born common traits: Reliable, Conscientious, Structured,
Cautious, Controlling, Achievers
 Middle Children traits: People-pleasers, Somewhat rebellious, Thrives
on friendships, Has large social circle, Peacemaker
 Youngest Child traits: Fun-loving, Uncomplicated, Manipulative,
Outgoing, Attention-seeker, Self-centered
Describe the 3 types of families portrayed in the show.
Which family best represents the “typical American family”?
How does the show depict how the definition of family is being
What roles and relationships do we see in the show?
Are the birth order characteristics consistent with the personalities of
the children on the show? How do they relate and differ?
Describe the type of family we see in the film.
 Do the characters in the show stick to the traditional roles of mother,
father, grandfather, ect.?
 How does being a modified extended family help/cause conflict?
Describe the type of family the Tanners represent.
How do roles change as a result of there not being a mother? Who
steps up?
Why do you think that Michelle’s friend Teddy convinces her that
she needs a mother?
Although the Tanners do not fit the mold of the traditional American
family, what traditional elements do we see?
Are the birth order characteristics consistent with the personalities of
the Tanner children? How do they relate and differ?