The Canterbury Tales Pilgrim Analysis


The Canterbury Tales

Pilgrim Analysis

The Knight

 Physical traits – none

 Possessions – fine horse; worn clothing

 Actions – chivalrous; fought in many battles; modest (doesn’t brag); no outward show of wealth

 Opinion – a perfect gentleman who lives by the code of chivalry

The Squire

Physical traits – curly hair; about

20 years old; average height; strong

Possessions – short gown with long, wide sleeves; flute

Actions – courteous; lowly; serviceable; sang; played the flute; could joust and dance, draw and write

Opinion – Young, concerned about his appearance, good with the ladies

The Yeoman

 Physical traits – brown face; head shaped like a nut

 Possessions – Medal of St. Christopher; bow

& arrow; spear, shield, sword; hunting horn

 Actions – Expert woodsman; skilled in hunting; knew woodcraft

 Opinion – He is a faithful servant, a good hunter, and a good fighter.


Physical traits – Broad forehead; glass-gray eyes; elegant nose; small mouth

Possessions – Gold brooch; jacket; coral trinkets; beads

Actions – Neat & tidy; spoke inferior French; coy, delicate, courteous; never dropped a morsel of food

Opinion – She is more concerned about appearance

& worldly possessions than being a nun.


Physical traits – Fat; bald; good hearing; prominent eyeballs

Possessions – several horses; finest saddles & bridles; several hunting dogs; fine clothes with fur trim

Actions – Loved hunting, fine food; jolly, personable; loud; doesn’t like to study

Opinion – He loves worldly pleasures, and he dislikes the quiet ways of the monastery.


 Physical traits – Strong, bulky

 Possessions – Harp; pocket knives; hooded robe

 Actions – Helps girls get married; believes $$ clears sin faster than prayer; knows taverns & inns better than leper houses

 Opinion – He abuses his religious privileges by extorting money & partying.


 Physical traits – Forking beard

 Possessions – Multi-colored clothes; beaver hat; buckled boots; horse

 Actions – Knows a good bargain; transacts business in a stately manner; really in debt

 Opinion – He appears to be a smart buisness man, but he is really in debt.

Oxford Cleric

Physical traits – Thin; hollow look; sober (serious) stare

Possessions – Threadbare clothes; thin horse; many books

Actions – Would rather buy books than food or clothes; quiet but speaks with dignity; morally virtuous

Opinion – He is very smart, decent, and morally conscious.


 Physical traits – None given

 Possessions – Multi-colored coat; silken belt; owned property

 Actions – Could recall every word & comma of every judgment since King William; cautious; wise; elected for trials

 Opinion – He is a good lawyer, but he makes people think he is wiser than he really is.


 Physical traits – White beard; ruddy complexion

 Possessions – Dagger

 Actions – Spent $$ freely; lived for pleasure; enjoyed good food, fine wine, and pleasant company; kind; gracious; not of noble birth

 Opinion – He is a partier and is well liked by the other pilgrims.

Haberdasher, Dyer, Weaver,

Carpenter, Carpet Maker

 Physical traits – Freshly shaved

 Possessions – Luxurious clothing; silver knives

 Actions – Proud of association with their guilds; went to church to be seen

 Opinion – They are proud of their skills, and they like to show off their wealth and guild membership.


 Physical traits – Has a running sore on his leg

 Possessions – None given

 Actions – Can bake, boil, roast, or fry; best dish is blancmange (white food)

 Opinion – He is a great cook, but his sore is a turn off.


 Physical traits – Huge; uncouth; tan from years of sailing

 Possessions – A gown that reached his knees

 Actions – Rode a farmer’s house; reads the stars; steals wine while traders sleep; fights well; makes prisoners walk the plank

 Opinions – He doesn’t fit in well with the others.


Physical traits – None given

Possessions – Has a lot of $$ but doesn’t spend it; gold; blood-red garments

Actions – Knew astronomy; spoke well about medicine; in league with the druggists; didn’t read the Bible

Opinion – He seems to know what he is talking about, but he practices medicine for the money. He is not honest.

Wife of Bath

 Physical traits – Somewhat deaf; gap between her teeth; large hips

 Possessions – Scarlet-red stockings

 Actions – Excellent seamstress & weaver; first at altar to make contribution; married 5 times; laughs; jokes; enjoys fellowship

 Opinion – She is an independent woman who knows what she wants in a relationship.


 Physical traits – None given

 Possessions – Very poor; has a staff

 Actions – Spiritually rich; social status didn’t matter

 Opinion – He is the ideal Christian man.


 Physical traits – None given

 Possessions – A tabard smock; a mare

 Actions – Loved God; always honest; paid tithes; lived in perfect peace and charity

 Opinion – He is an honest and godly man.


Physical traits – Big, brawny; short shouldered; broad; thick set; weighs 224 pounds; red beard; wart with hairs on his nose

Possessions – White coat; blue hood; sword at his side

Actions – Could outwrestle any man; loved to boast; told dirty stories; played bagpipes as the pilgrims left town; dishonest – put his thumb on the scale when selling grain

Opinion – His is big, threatening, and dishonest.


 Physical traits – Old

 Possessions – None given

 Actions – Illiterate; outsmarts the educated by buying shrewdly & keeping the extra; frugal; debt-free

 Opinion – He is sly & smart despite being illiterate.


 Physical traits – Skinny; long legs; close-cut beard; short hair

 Possessions – None given

 Actions – Skilled carpenter; bad temper; efficient; shrewd; feared by worked; rewarded by the master; last in the group

 Opinion – He is not friendly, and he is hard to work for.


Physical traits – Fire-red complexion; pimples & boils; scaly infection around eyebrows; moth-eaten beard

Possessions – Garland on his head; dressed like a noble

Actions – Feared by children; ate garlic, onions, leeks; drank strong wine; would ignore sins for a bottle of win; acquainted with women of questionable reputation

Opinion – He is ugly, dishonest, and easily bribed.


Physical traits – Thin, yellow hair hung to shoulders; bulging eyeballs; couldn’t grow a beard

Possessions – Holy relics; wallet

Actions – Good at “preaching” & collecting $$; sold useless pardons; fooled poor people, parsons, congregations

Opinion – He is a hypocrite who takes unfair advantage of others to make money.


 Physical traits – Very striking man; bright eyes

 Possessions – None given

 Actions – Wise, full of tact; merry-hearted; joking

 Opinion – None given
