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1200 Amburn Rd Texas City, Texas 77591
COM Learning Center
200 Parker Ct.
League City, TX 77573
Why Dual Credit?
Credits: Receive both high school and college credit by taking one class.
Transferable: All academic dual credit course offered by College of the
Mainland comply with Texas Core Curriculum.
Low cost: Dual credit students pay less for college courses than
traditional college students. Average cost at COM is about $465 per
semester in district / $705 out of district (2 classes). Whereas, DC students
pay $200 per semester in district / $250 out of district (2 classes).
Convenience: Students can take courses at their high school campus, at
the learning center in League City, our main campus in Texas City or online,
depending on the arrangements made with their high school.
Resources + Support = Success
• COM resources: Dual credit students are official college students with
access to the full range of COM resources.
college and career planning services
college library – extended hours
physical fitness facilities
computer labs
academic support services – tutoring, Speaking, Reading, & Writing Center, math
• Student Center – activities on campus
Support: Dual credit students learn what college professors expect while they are
still in familiar surroundings and have the support of their high school and families.
Core Curriculum
College of the Mainland complies with The
Higher Education Coordinating Board, and
House Bill 2183, adopted by the 70th Texas
Legislature, which defined Core Curriculum
as “the curriculum in the liberal arts,
humanities, and sciences, and political, social,
and cultural history, that all undergraduates of
an institution of higher education are required
to complete before receiving an academic
undergraduate degree.”
This component of undergraduate education is
also known as General Education.
Core Curriculum
Core Components and
Course Selections
Core Components and
Credit Hours
COMMUNICATION - 2 courses:
ENGL 1301, 1302, 2311
MATHEMATICS - 1 course:
MATH 1314, 1316, 1324, 1325, 1332,
1342, 2312, 2413
BIOL 1406, 1407, 2401. 2402;
CHEM 1405, 1407, 1411, 1412;
GEOL 1403, 1404, 1405, 1447;
PHYS 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1410,
2425, 2426
Course Selections
CREATIVE ARTS - 1 course:
ARTS 1301, 1303, 1304;
DRAM 1310, 2366;
ENGL 2307;
MUSI 1301, 1304, 1306, 1307,
1308, 1309, 1310
SCIENCE - 2 courses:
GOVT 2305, 2306
SCIENCES - 1 course:
ECON 2301, 2302;
PSYC 2301, 2314;
SOCI 1301
CULTURE - 1 course:
ENGL 2322, 2323, 2327, 2328, 2332,
2333, 2342, 2343, 2351;
HUMA 1301, 1302;
PHIL 1301, 1304, 2306;
SPAN 2311, 2312
HIST 1301, 1302, 2301
Additional Core Curriculum
Requirements - 2 course:
*PSYC 1300 or *EDUC 1300
and PHED 1164
Total Core Curriculum Hours
*PSYC 1300 and EDUC 1300 must be completed within the students
first 12 hours attempted at College of the Mainland.
Dual Credit Academy
 Graphic Design - Graphic Design Certificate
 Computer Information Systems – Programming
Marketable Skills Achievement Award – SQL Server
 Computer Networking Fundamentals
Marketable Skills Achievement Award – Networking Fundamentals
 Welding
Entry Level Welding Certificate
 Cosmetology - High School Operator Certificate (Eligible for State License)
 Criminal Justice – 12 hours of transferable credit
 CAD Drafting CAD Drafting Certificate
2D/3D Modeling Certificate
 Medical Assistant
Medical Assistant Certificate
 Pharmacy Technology
Pharmacy Technician Certificate
Who’s ready for to be in college?
According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) when a student
reaches 18 years of age or attends a postsecondary institution, such as College of the
Mainland, he or she becomes an “eligible student,” and all rights under FERPA transfer
from the parent to the student.
This is an opportunity for your student to gain their voice. If they are struggling in class or
have a concern about the course, they should talk with the professor. If they will need to
miss class for an appointment, surgery, or family issue, they are the ones who should let
the professor know; as well as their high school counselor.
 Grades will be on a students college transcript, which is permanent.
 Material is not censored.
 Dual Credit is not for every student.
Dual Credit Advantages
• Dual Credit courses are college courses that are taught by college staff.
• They are true college courses, thus they are more rigorous than regular
high school courses.
• Credit earned in a dual credit course is considered college credit, and can
be accepted by any college or university nationwide depending on their
transfer credit policy.
• Dual credit represents guaranteed college credit if the student plans to
attend a public college or university in Texas.
• This can represent a tremendous college savings as students can complete
enough college credits in high school to complete their freshman year of
study at a greatly reduced cost.
Cost of Dual Credit
 In District: $200 for 1-2 classes per semester - $250 out of district for 1-2 classes
 Plus an additional $75 for 3rd class - if taken
 Online classes have additional $35 or hybrid $25 fee
 Lab classes will have fees apply
 Textbooks purchased separately
 Homework software maybe needed to purchase; usually comes with the cost of book
Higher One Card
COM has partnered with Higher One to deliver your financial refunds.
If your student is due a refund from College of the Mainland, for any reason, the
money will appear on this card.
There is no need to activate the card until you know a refund is due.
If you have questions about the COM Plus Card, your account options or about
Higher One, please visit to learn more.
2016 Dual Credit
Summer Seminar
• All new dual credit students must attend a session prior to Fall 2016
• Meetings will be held at both the Learning Center in League City and our
Texas City campus.
• Dates and Sign up information will be given at dual credit registrations.
• Session topics:
 Web Advisor
 College schedule
 Black Board
 COM email
 Class expectations
 Syllabus
College of the Mainland
1200 Amburn Rd
Texas City, TX 77591
Any Questions?