SEC.2.5] BEAMS expresses well enough OF SPECIAL for our purposes the effect of viewing the echoing (In Fig. 22 the vertical angles area obliquely, at least when 0 is small. have been exaggerated, for clarity.) Substitution of this expression replacement, of R by h/sin s If S is to be antenna pattern vary for a in the radar 0, h being = P = (4r)'R4 independent require that G(o) of equation, and the height of the aircraft, = p~2&;&4 '. 0 between aa CSC20 through then would 25 SHAPES O= the leads to (6b) 00 and 8 = 7r/2, we this angular interval. be described must The ideal by for 00<0< G = Go=& ~/2, (7) G = O, at all other angles. } The requirement of Eq. (7) imposes a restriction on the maximum gain GOwhich can be achieved and hence on the maximum range. To see this, let us compute the average directions, or l/47rJJG d~ extended element of solid equal to 1. angle. But By of the the definition first something must antenna pattern in the other plane--that beam. Suppose that the horizontal is uniform plane such horizontally, as ACEF, of the antenna of gain this integral be over all said about must the shape be of the is, in a plane normal to the fan width been fixed by other design considerations gain possible will be obtained gain over the whole sphere, where d~ is the of the antenna at the value a. if the illumination aperture has The maximum of the antenna and in this case it can be Fig. 2"2, the gain as a function aperture shown that in of the angle any @ will bel sin2 G+ = G(~=o) 7ra+ —A 2" rra+ () (8) (-) x As a function of 8 and @ then, the pattern is completely CSC28 G= GosO described by 'in2 ()'+4 (-) (9) 7ra+ 2' A 2. and we have to require L 47r H o . +2 G cos @d@ dtl = 1. _; 1This expressionwill,be recognizedas the diffraction pattern of a rectangular aperture. SeeVol. 12, Sec. 49. Since G is very 26 THE RADAR [SEC.2.5 EQUATION small except for small values of O, and since G vanishes for values of o outside the interval 00to ~/2, it is permissible to write and evaluate the integral as follows; =/2 G, 1 4UCSCZ00 - H ~. 7raij — i () sin2 CSC2e o d@dO=~cos O,sin OO= 1. (10) 7ra4 2 (-) A Hence GO = ~sec Returning Eq. (n), nowto Eq. andareplaced OOCSC00, (6b), if Gisreplaced byk/a, S = PLah When O,issmall, by Rti, side of tanz 0, 4uh3 thecase, asisusually the maximum bytheright-hand weobtain,forS, (12) toreplace itispermissible range, which leads tothefinalr h/tan 00 elation (13) The appearance of Xin obtained forthesimple theresult be traced to the influence cross section other parameters, hR2 is fixed. That proportional to everything the pattern of the antenna, shape for each height. A problem at altitude all h. and a, root of the radar set constant which we assume Here, however, verify point that Eq. targets ale upon the effective that specified, once the range obtainable height of but the to be with (5), can the the quantity is inversely aircraft, vertical adjusted keeping radiation to optimum one is met in the design of groundto provide (aircraft) u is generally this assumption uniform flying assumed at to be cover- some limiting constant: the leads again to the require- as CSC20, but with a diflerent final result for the of S upon h, R, target with u independent be contrasted beamwidth radar, which may be required ment that the gain vary than hR5.,, L!&, square for reader will easily dependence P, ranges isto It will be observed related to the preceding based air-search age target. is to say, the maximum the about which fan beam and point target, of the horizontal of the extended system this formula, and a. It turns out in fact that for the point of angle, the quantity and S is proportional hR~,. is constant, to az rather than to ah. rather TIIE SEC.26] BEA6'ON In practice it is not feasible the specification achieved problem in of of Eq. the "two-way" radar problem, round some remote object. Radar at a remote from transmitter. the transmission in which as trip involving this point picks another is signal, in reply, for equation by the ways which consists simply Consider the first process, of usually the called by radar, ~b the beacon antenna. These must be related by transmission signal equation with the same antenna or process of beacon subscripts similar power reception at the beacon case, the quantity are factor to long beacon to other hand, that achieve at in area when available decreasing wavelength. If transmission the shorter the aperture in Eq. power has antenna. This be, in general, more Antenna apertures are employed: generally this cover- (14) is the quantity of the radar ranges should wavelengths. Actually is fixed at a relatively like omnidirectional shorter wavelengths r-f the and (15) in the parenthesis leads one to suspect rarely increased respec- by a similar throughout. for antenna of something G,k*which is proportional difficult antennas P, the gain G, of the beacon The remaining the relation s E-P, age. be the by has the same value for interrogation ,b In practice, be reception. received reply is described employed and reply, and we can infer the corollary low number by the requirement will processes, and and likewise at the radar, as is nearly always in the parenthesis an Here (14) b and r interchanged antennas to provides 8). Let P, where G, and Gb are the gains of the radar and beacon The subsequent out ()=) A%=p, tively. by operation "interrogation." power transmitted to associated radar, (Chap. radar-beacon one-way been to enabled an been the A sent and It is clear that we have to do with two entirely independent each of has transmitter energy amplified the analogue discussed. radar of of the energy up directly signal type has on a different principle. back at in various the meets our attention from scattering operate The of the route transmitter. This signal, received artificial echo which can be utilized of which exactly antenna, beacons receiving antenna radar a pattern a reasonable approximation A comprehensive discussion in Chap. 14 of Vol. 12. Equation.-So far we have confined receiver is a complete initiate but several instances. the ' cosecant-squared" called, will be found 2.6. The Beacon the to produce (7) 27 EQUATION decreases not proved are on the markedly to be with a serious