Preventing Excellent Hacks: Understanding the Security Development Lifecycle Mohammad Akif National Security and Privacy Lead Microsoft Canada Thinking beyond the firewall Microsoft IT Environment 80,000 Win 7 clients 127,238 Office clients 129,000 Exchange mailboxes 359,000 SharePoint Sites MSCRM deployment for premier services business Dynamics business running on Dynamics products 5 data centers 10,000 production servers 108,000 servers (MSN) 98 countries 550 buildings 260,000+ SMS managed computers 585,000 devices 141,549 end users 2,400,000 internal e-mails with 18,000,000 inbound (97% filter rate) 36,000,000 IMs per month 136,000+ e-mail server accounts 137,000,000+ remote connections per month How we secure • Build firewalls • Buy really cool pizza boxes with nice binky lights • Penetration test • Did I mention firewalls? Trauma of Reactive Security … the cost of fixing defects after deployment is almost fifteen times greater than detecting and eliminating them during development 100X Customers In the Field 15X System/Acceptance Testing 1X Design 6.5X Static Analysis Development Source IDC and IBM Systems Sciences Institute Integration Testing Testing Deployment Trauma of Reactive Security Trauma of Reactive Security Britain warns of major e-mail attack Hackers seen aiming at government, corporate networks The Associated Press Updated: 1:42 p.m. ET June 16, 2005 In 2004, 78% of enterprises hit by viruses, 49% had laptops stolen, 37% reported unauthorized access to information --2004 CSI and FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey Know Yourself, Know your Enemies “If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War 6th Century BC Evolving ThreatsLargest segment by $ spent on defense National Interest Spy Largest area by $ lost Personal Gain Largest area by volume Personal Fame Curiosity Fastest growing segment Thief Trespasser Vandal Script-Kiddy Undergraduate Author Expert Specialist Embedding Security Into Software And Culture ImplemenRequireTraining Design ments tation Verification Response Release Training Requirements Design Implementation Dynamic/ Response Response Fuzz plan execution testing Verify Final security threat models/ review Education Technology and Process attack Release surface archive Core training Analyze security and privacy risk Define quality gates Threat modeling Attack surface analysis Specify tools Enforce banned functions Static analysis Verification Release Response Specify Core Analyze Threat training tools security modelingand Enforce privacy banned Attack risk functions Define surface Accountability quality analysis gates Static analysis Dynamic/Fuzz testing Verify threat models/attack surface Response plan Final security review Release archive Ongoing Process Improvements 6 month cycle Response execution Why the *&(^%$ do I need security? SECURE BY DESIGN Secure architecture Mitigations IMPROVE the design SECURE BY DEFAULT Least Privilege!!! Defense in Depth Default Deny SECURE IN DEPLOYMENT Deployment guidance Policy Management Patch management SECURE IN DEPLOYMENT Repeatable Consistent Measurable SQL Server 2005 16 3 0 Category 1 – Security Requirements Category 3 Secure Implementation Category 2 - Security Design Category 4 - Secure Verification Category 5 Secure Release Category 2 - Security Design Category 1 – Security Requirements Category 3 Secure Implementation Category 5 Secure Release Category 4 - Secure Verification Category 2 - Security Design Category 3 Secure Implementation Category 1 – Security Requirements Category 5 Secure Release Category 4 - Secure Verification MSF development methodology Category 1 – Security Requirements Category 5 Secure Release Category 4 - Secure Verification Category 2 - Security Design Category 3 Secure Implementation SDL Integration into a typical Project Planning Objectives Security Requirements & Education Design Secure Design & Threat Modeling Development Secure Implementation Testing Secure Verification Deployment Secure Release Activities Security Questions to Ask Data Validation Will solution accept data from outside sources? Authentication Will solution require claims that a party using it is trusted? Authorization Will solution require controlled access for its resources? Configuration Mgt Are there restrictive deployment constraints? Sensitive Data Will solution handle confidential data? Session Management Will solution need to create unique interactive sessions? Cryptography Are secrets going to be used in the solution? Exception Mgt Will the solution need to be highly available? Auditing and Logging Will the solution require non-repudiation of activities? Intangible Assets Would a successful attack embarrass corporate values? Compliance Are there 3rd party policies and legislation that the proposed solution must adhere to? Admin Content creator Reader Anonymous User creation Permission modification √ √ Object creation Object removal Object read √ √ √ √ √ Increases attacker’s risk of detection Reduces attacker’s chance of success HIGH - ACLs, encryption, EFS, Rights Management Data Application Host Deployment Topologies Network Infrastructure Physical Security Security Policies & Procedures HIGH - Application design MEDIUM - OS hardening, authentication, patch management,, antivirus MEDIUM – Domain Isolation, IPSec, SSL, TLS LOW - Firewalls, Network Access Control LOW - Guards, locks, tracking devices LOW - Security documents, user education Application Security Host Security Deployment Topologies Remote Application Tier Local Application Tier Network Infrastructure Security Router Firewall Switch Security Policies and Procedures Data Security Network Shares Auditing Services File System Accounts Registry Protocols Ports Patching Operating System Action: Define Threats! Apply Mitigations! Create Test Cases! Application Deployment and Infrastructure Security Frame Host Network Layer-by-layer Analysis Presentation •Criticalabout •Learn •“Walk through” areastarget should deployment each be reviewed tier environment •Areas are common •Security •Evaluate across systems policies? security •Restrictions choices •Threat Modeling available imposed can by infrastructure focus on concerns layer security? Business Data Security Frame Boundaries Data Validation Session Management DataFlows Authentication Cryptography Processes Authorization Exception Files Management SQL Endpoints Dependencies The Registry Named Pipes Configuration Management Sensitive Data Auditing and Logging Environmental Variables Sockets HTTP Endpoints Privilege E-mail •Does •Who •Do •How •What you does are did app. dohandle does you what you? your scrub application keeping do? and secrets? application input when? secrets before do when handle run (confidentiality)? business as? aInterfaces method user processing? sessions? fails? User Command-line •Are •Do •How •Can you you you doyour is are much handle you Allowed allowed you trace do trust application tamper-proofing you abnormal confidential to in your reveal? do thethis? data? System? administered? activity? information? your data or libraries Arguments •How are (integrity)? •Does your these application settingsfail secured? gracefully? Programmatic Interfaces Network Shares Auditing Services File System Accounts Registry Protocols Ports Patching Operating System Risk rating = exposure [chance] * potency [damage] Define a LOW Define a MEDIUM Define a HIGH • Use-case scenarios • architecture • Determine dependencies • Giblets? • Identify data-flow in diagrams • Identify entry points & assets • Determine threat paths • Threat exposure (STRIDE) • Threat potency • Countermeasures? • Accept risk? • Create test cases External entity • Other systems • Anonymous Data Process • DLLs • EXEs • Web Services • Http endpoints Boundary • Trust boundary • Process boundary Flow • Function calls • Network traffic • IP traffic Data Store • Database • File • Registry Threat Property Definition Example Spoofing Authentication Impersonating something or someone else. Pretending to be any of billg, or ntdll.dll Modifying data or code Modifying a DLL on disk or DVD, or a packet as it traverses the LAN. Authorization Tampering Repudiation Data Validation Sensitive Data Cryptography Cryptography Auditing Information Session Mgt Disclosure Exception Mgt Claiming to have not “I didn’t send that email,” “I didn’t modify performed an action. that file,” “I certainly didn’t visit that web site, dear!” Exposing information to someone not authorized to see it Allowing someone to read the Windows source code; publishing a list of customers to a web site. Denial of Service Configuration Mgt Deny or degrade service to users Crashing Windows or a web site, sending a packet and absorbing seconds of CPU time, or routing packets into a black hole. Elevation of Exception Mgt Gain capabilities without proper authorization Allowing a remote internet user to run commands is the classic example, but also going from a limited user to admin. Privilege Authorization Stack Overflows Security Frame Input Validation Trust Stack and Heap Manipulation Boundaries (Buffer Overflows) Top of Stack Session •Stack overflows - dataData is written Flow past end of buffers for stack memory Management •Arithmetic Errors - data type is void BadStack(const char* uncheckedData) Authentication Cryptography Entry assigned a value outside itsPoints range. { May lead to buffer overflows if used to allocate memory char localVariable[4]; Exception int anotherLocalVariable; Dependencies Authorization Management •Heap overruns - complex data type is written outside of heap allocation strcpy (localVariable, uncheckedData); Configuration Auditing and •Exists primarily in unmanaged }Management Logging Privileged Code C/C++ code Sensitive Data char[4] int Return address “The symptoms of security vulnerabilities are very different from those of traditional bugs” “How To Break Software Security” “Because secure systems are designed to prevent attack, how the systems fail is critical.” “Beyond Fear-Thinking Sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World ” “The designers and the specifications might outline a secure design, the developers might be diligent and write secure code, but it’s the testing process that determines whether the product is secure in the real world” “Writing Secure Code, Second Edition” Conclusion People Technology Process Your defence is as strong as your weakest link © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. Questions ? Appendix Resources Get Guidance and Training Content These are a good start, and remember: Bing is your friend! • ASP.NET • AJAX • JQuery • Silverlight • Patterns & Practices • • Channel 9 Resources Update to Visual Studio 2010 and MSDN and ... Or Bing it! Visual Studio 2010: • The all-in-one work environment for coding, modeling, testing, debugging and deploying • Ready to build and debug SharePoint 2010 applications with a click of “New Project…” MSDN: • The ultimate developer resource with downloads and documentation, software and support, and Azure compute time too! Resources Go to TechDays • It’s our big cross-Canada training conference held in the fall (covering 8 cities this year) • Big conference content, but with local speakers and a down-home price of admission (especially if you register early!) • Deep dives into Microsoft tools and technology, including ALM scenarios • Access to content from the TechDays and TechEd North America conferences • Great giveaways • An excellent networking opportunity Resources Go to Other Conferences To find them, remember that Bing is your friend! • Microsoft Developer Conferences • • • DevTeach PDC MIX • Code Camps • Local developer conferences held by user groups and local heroes • Microsoft Security Web sites: and • Sign up to receive notifications on security updates: • Sign up for the Security Bulletin Web cast: • RSS Feeds for Security Bulletins: • More from the Microsoft Security Response Center: – Web site: – Blog: • Security Bulletins Search: • Security Advisories: • Security Guidance Center for Enterprises: • Protect Your PC: Attack Description Attack Authentication routines [ID, password, etc] Check for secrets (eg. Passwords) in plaintext Change authentication tokens at identified entry points Attack Security Tokens Look for authentication cookies and session management tokens Inspect files, registry, application logs, event logs for sensitive data. Use Fiddler or Ethereal to inspect traffic for plaintext secrets change contents in order to change the security status (i.e. From UnAuth to Auth) Attack Description Attack Network Protocols Use Ethereal to change protocols used by application. Observe irregularities IP address spoofing MAC address spoofing Reverse DNS lookups SMTP e-mail messages HTTP headers Canonicalization HTTP, URLs, Response headers Replace chars with encoding, special chars Fuzz candidate (eg. FuzzGuru) Attack Description Check for poor cryptographic implementation Try to create weak passwords Use brute force crackers (eg. John the Ripper) Find keys and try to acquire them Check for low-entropy/non-standard algorithms Check for insecure communication links Use a network sniffer (eg. Ethereal) to try to capture any data being passed along the wire. Try to modify this data if being sent to application Attack Description Is the data being sent over an unencrypted communication channel? Use a network sniffer (e.g. Ethereal) to try to capture any data being passed along the wire. Try to modify this data if being sent to application Canonicalization HTTP, URLs, Response headers Replace chars with encoding, special chars Fuzz candidate (eg. FuzzGuru) Attack Description Attack input to check for validation and filtering Enter command code at input Inspect results for execution of command code Fuzz candidate (eg. FuzzGuru) Attack links from unmanaged code Find calls to unmanaged code Use Ethereal to change data Fuzz arguments to/from unmanaged code Observe for crashes or irregularity Indication of bad memory management in code Attack Description Check for audit trails Try improper activities (AuthN & AuthZ) Check event logs for audit of activity Ensure that activity is being monitored Attack audit trail data Find location of logs Check ACLs for access Attempt elevation of privilege attack for access (see below) Attack Description Check for poor cryptographic implementation Try to create weak passwords Use brute force crackers (eg. John the Ripper) Find keys and try to acquire them Check for low-entropy/non-standard algorithms Attack Description Check for weak authorization Observe how authorization is handled. Try and access authorization tokens if stored in local files, memory or passed in the clear Check for poor cryptographic implementation Try to create weak passwords Use brute force crackers (eg. John the Ripper) Find keys and try to acquire them Check for low-entropy/non-standard algorithms Attack Description Check for insecure communication links Use a network sniffer (e.g. Ethereal) to try to capture any data being passed along the wire. Try to modify this data if being sent to application Check for secrets (eg. Passwords) in plaintext Inspect files, registry, application logs, event logs for sensitive data. Use Fiddler or Ethereal to inspect traffic for plaintext secrets Attack Description Identifying interesting data Data has forensic value to attacker Is data sensitive? Us Ethereal to try and read data Attack Description Discovering resource consumption flaws Close the application ungracefully fuzz to input large data nodes inspect task CPU usage view reads/writes of application Attack Description Discovering implementation flaws Open large number of channels to external apps Attack input to check for validation and filtering Enter command code at input See if application handles this ok Inspect results for execution of command code Fuzz candidate (using a fuzzing framework) Attack Description Attack Network Protocols Use Ethereal to change protocols used by application. Observe irregularities IP address spoofing MAC address spoofing Reverse DNS lookups SMTP e-mail messages HTTP headers Attack Description Check for weak authorization Attack AuthZ tokens in memory, passed in clear, in local resources Eavesdrop (eg. Ethereal) on traffic from Roleserver Attack Roleserver Look for multiple roles (too much AuthZ) Attack input to check for validation and filtering Enter command code at input Inspect results for execution of command code Fuzz candidate (eg. FuzzGuru) Attack Check for ACL issues [weak permissions] Description Enumerate resources app accesses Enumerate ACLs of resources Check for low privilege access Check for Assert issues Assert grants access to protected resources Identify Assert use in code Test code by calling from low privilege to gain resource access Attack Description Check for LinkDemand issues Similar to a Demand Only made on immediate caller Possible luring attack (attacker lures privilege) Identify where LinkDemand is used Make test for low privilege call to LinkDemand Check if call gains access Test for partially trusted code Find AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute in full trust code Create partially trusted code to call this Check if full trust code grants privilege Attack Description Attack links to/from unmanaged code Find calls to unmanaged code Use Ethereal to change data Fuzz arguments to/from unmanaged code Observe for crashes or irregularity Indication of bad memory management in code