Ch. 15

Chapter 15
Chapter Review
Choose the appropriate option.
Q. A division of the skeletal system
that includes the bones of the
skull and face, the vertebrae,
and the ribs is called the
1. axial skeleton
2. appendicular skeleton
3. cartilage
4. ligament
Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A division of the skeletal system that includes the bones
of the skull and face, the vertebrae, and the ribs is called
the axial skeleton.
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Chapter 15
Chapter Review
Choose the appropriate option.
Q. __________ is a band of
fibrous, slightly elastic
connective tissue that attaches
bone to bone.
1. Cartilage
2. A tendon
3. A ligament
4. An appendicular
Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. A ligament is a band of fibrous, slightly elastic connective
tissue that attaches bone to bone.
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Chapter 15
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Choose the appropriate option.
Q. _______________ is a lateral,
or side-to-side, curvature of the
1. Osteoporosis
2. Scoliosis
3. Repetitive motion
4. Hairline fracture
Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. Scoliosis is a lateral, or side-to-side, curvature of the
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Chapter 15
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Q. A condition in which there is a
progressive loss of bone tissue
is called ______________.
1. indigestion
2. heartburn
3. repetitive motion
4. osteoporosis
Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. A condition in which there is a progressive loss of bone
tissue is called osteoporosis.
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Chapter 15
Chapter Review
Choose the appropriate option.
Q. The muscles that act on the
lining of passageways in the
body and on internal organs are
called ____________.
1. smooth muscles
2. skeletal muscles
3. cardiac muscles
4. flexors
Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. The muscles that act on the lining of passageways in the
body and on internal organs are called smooth muscles.
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Chapter 15
Chapter Review
Choose the appropriate option.
Q. The natural tension in the fibers
of a muscle is called
1. hernia
2. extensor
3. muscle tone
4. tendonitis
Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. The natural tension in the fibers of a muscle is called
muscle tone.
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Chapter 15
Chapter Review
Choose the appropriate option.
Q. The ________ is a stalk of
nerve cells and fibers that
connects the spinal cord to the
rest of the brain.
1. cerebellum
2. brain stem
3. neuron
4. cerebrum
Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. The brain stem is a stalk of nerve cells and fibers that
connects the spinal cord to the rest of the brain.
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Chapter 15
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Choose the appropriate option.
Q. The second largest part of the
brain is the ______________.
1. cerebellum
2. brain stem
3. neurons
4. cerebrum
Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. The second largest part of the brain is the cerebellum.
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Chapter 15
Chapter Review
Choose the appropriate option.
Q. A disorder of the nervous
system that is characterized by
recurrent seizures is
1. cerebral palsy
2. quadriplegia
3. epilepsy
4. paraplegia
Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. A disorder of the nervous system that is characterized by
recurrent seizures is epilepsy.
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Chapter 15
Chapter Review
Choose the appropriate option.
Q. ________ is a group of
nonprogressive neurological
disorders that are the result of
damage to the brain before,
during, or just after birth.
1. Epilepsy
2. Quadriplegia
3. Paraplegia
4. Cerebral palsy
Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. Cerebral palsy is a group of nonprogressive neurological
disorders that are the result of damage to the brain
before, during, or just after birth.
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Chapter 15
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Provide a short answer to the question given below.
Q. Explain how tendons are involved in movement.
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Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. Tendons attach muscles to bones. Muscles push and pull on
bones, creating movement.
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Chapter 15
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Provide a short answer to the question given below.
Q. Explain the difference between bursitis and arthritis.
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Chapter 15
Chapter Review
Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa. It can result from
overuse or injury. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joint
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Chapter 15
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Q. What is muscular dystrophy?
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Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. Muscular dystrophy is an inherited disorder that destroys
skeletal muscle.
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Chapter 15
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Provide a short answer to the question given below.
Q. Identify and describe the three parts of the brain stem.
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Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. The brain stem consists of the:
1. Medulla oblongata: It connects the spinal cord to the
brain and regulates heart and respiratory rates.
2. Pons: It is involved in the regulation of breathing.
3. Midbrain: It controls eye movement and pupil size.
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Chapter 15
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Provide a short answer to the question given below.
Q. What is quadriplegia? What is paraplegia?
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Chapter 15
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A. Quadriplegia is paralysis of both upper and lower limbs.
Paraplegia affects the lower limbs.
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Chapter 15
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Discuss the following.
Describe what lifestyle choices you can make to protect your
bones and skeletal system from damage or injury.
Chapter 15
Chapter Review
A. Correct! A division of the skeletal system that includes
the bones of the skull and face, the vertebrae, and the ribs
is called the axial skeleton.
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Chapter 15
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A. Correct! A ligament is a band of fibrous, slightly elastic
connective tissue that attaches bone to bone.
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Chapter 15
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A. Correct! Scoliosis is a lateral, or side-to-side, curvature
of the spine.
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Chapter 15
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A. Correct! A condition in which there is a progressive loss of
bone tissue is called osteoporosis.
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Chapter 15
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A. Correct! The muscles that act on the lining of
passageways in the body and on internal organs are called
smooth muscles.
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Chapter 15
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A. Correct! The natural tension in the fibers of a muscle is
called muscle tone.
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Chapter 15
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A. Correct! The brain stem is a stalk of nerve cells and
fibers that connects the spinal cord to the rest of the brain.
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Chapter 15
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A. Correct! The second largest part of the brain is the
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Chapter 15
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A. Correct! A disorder of the nervous system that is
characterized by recurrent seizures is epilepsy.
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Chapter 15
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A. Correct! Cerebral palsy is a group of nonprogressive
neurological disorders that are the result of damage to the
brain before, during, or just after birth.
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