[WSA LOGO] [WSA NAME] Annual Water Services Development Plan Performance- and Water Services Audit Report as directed by the Water Services Act (Act 108 of 1997) and the Regulations relating to Compulsory National Standards and Measures to Conserve Water FY 20YY WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Version Control Description Date Reference Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Approval Prepared by: Designation Name Contact No. E-mail Page 2 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Background to the Annual WSDP performance- and water services audit report Template Water Services Authorities are required in terms of the Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 of 1997), as well as the ‘Regulations relating to compulsory national standards and measures to conserve water’, as issued in terms of sections 9 (1) and 73 (1) (j) of the Water Services Act, 1997, to report on the implementation of its water services development plan during each financial year and to include a water services audit in such annual report. In October 2010, the Department of Water Affairs issued a draft template to support Water Services Authorities in complying with the legal framework and the template was termed the “WSA Annual Business Plan: Audit Report on the Implementation of the WSDP”. In terms of the Water Services Act, the annual water services development plan implementation report must be made within four months after the end of the financial year, and must be given to the Minister, the Minister of Provincial Affairs and Constitutional Development, the relevant Province and every organization representing municipalities having jurisdiction in the area of the water services authority. It also states that the water services authority must publicise a summary of its report and that a copy of the report and summary must be available for inspection at its offices and must be obtainable against payment of a nominal fee. The Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) (Act 56 of 2003) states that the council of a municipality must within nine months after the end of the financial year deal with the annual report of the municipality. National Treasury through its MFMA Implementation Unit, issued a revised Annual Report template in July 2012 with the purpose to assist municipalities in the preparation and development of improved content and quality of Municipal Annual Reports. In terms of the MFMA, the annual report of a municipality must include an annual performance report, whilst the template outlines the service delivery performance expectations of the annual report stating the purpose as “Provide an overview of the key service achievements of the municipality that came to fruition during year 0 in terms of the deliverables achieved compared to the key performance objectives and indicators in the IDP.” The Municipal Annual Report as contemplated in the MFMA cannot replace or constitute the annual report on the implementation of the water services development plan as contemplated in the Water Services Act, nor the water services audit as contemplated in the Compulsory National Standards. It is however agreed that information contained in a water services authority’s annual report on the implementation of its water services development plan and water services audit, need also to be referenced in its Municipal Annual Report as provided for in the template issued in this respect. This template termed the “Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report” is created to: Represent water services delivery performance in the context of the WSA’s water services development plan; To present water services delivery performance for alignment with- and input to the Municipal Annual Report; Present the full water services audit requirements as directed by the ‘Regulations relating to compulsory national standards and measures to conserve water’ This template is supported by a Microsoft Excel template which specifically references information sources as contained in the WSDP Guide Framework. Please note that this section should be deleted when drafting the final report Page 3 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Foreword Delete note once section is compiled It is proposed that the Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report should be accompanied by a foreword and which should serve as an executive summary and provide a general overview on performance for the past financial year in the context of the WSDP and regulatory requirements. The foreword should be written by the Accounting Officer of the Water Services Authority i.e. the Municipal Manager. It is proposed that the foreword should clearly state the purpose and reason for the report, example: Water Services Authorities are required in terms of the Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 of 1997), as well as the ‘Regulations relating to compulsory national standards and measures to conserve water’, as issued in terms of sections 9 (1) and 73 (1) (j) of the Water Services Act, 1997, to report on the implementation of its water services development plan during each financial year and to include a water services audit in such annual report. Page 4 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Abbreviations and Definitions DWA Department of Water Affairs BDS Blue Drop Certification System FY: Financial Year - means in relation to – • a national or provincial department, the year ending 31 March; or • a municipality, the year ending 30 June. GDS Green Drop Certification System IDP: Integrated Development Plan - An IDP is a legislative requirement for municipalities which identifies the municipality’s key development priorities; formulates a clear vision, mission and values; formulates appropriate strategies; shows the appropriate organisational structure and systems to realise the vision and the mission and aligns resources with the development priorities. MFMA Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003) m3 cubic metres = 1 000 liter = 1 kiloliter Ml Megaliter = 1 000 kiloliter = 1 000 000 liter SDBIP: Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan – is a management, implementation and monitoring tool that enable the Municipal Manager to monitor the performance of senior managers, the Mayor to monitor the performance of the Municipal Manager, and for the community to monitor the performance of the municipality. WSA: Water Services Authority - means a municipality with the executive authority and the right to administer water services as authorised in terms of the Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act No. 117 of 1998) WSDP: Water Services Development Plan – means the plan to be developed and adopted by the WSA in terms of the Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 o f1997) WSDP Modular tool which has been developed by the DWA to support Water Services Authorities Guide in complying to the Water Services Act with respect to Water Services Development Framework Planning and which is also used by the DWA to regulate such compliance WSP: Water Services Provider - means any person or institution who provides water services to consumers or to another water services institution, but does not include a water services intermediary Page 5 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table of Contents Foreword ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Abbreviations and Definitions................................................................................................................. 5 Section A: Water Services Authority Profile ............................................................................................... 7 A1: Map of Water Services Authority Area of Jurisdiction .................................................................... 7 A2: Water services administration and organization............................................................................. 9 A3: Water services overview ................................................................................................................ 10 Section B: WSDP Performance Report...................................................................................................... 13 B1: WSDP reference and status ........................................................................................................... 13 B2: Performance on water services objectives and strategies ............................................................ 15 B3: Status of water services projects ................................................................................................... 19 B4: Past financial year water services project impact declaration ...................................................... 21 Section C: Water Services Audit Report.................................................................................................... 22 C1. Quantity of water services provided (Water Balance)................................................................... 23 C2. Water services delivery profile ...................................................................................................... 27 C3. Cost recovery and free basic services ............................................................................................ 40 C4. Water quality ................................................................................................................................. 47 C5. Water conservation and demand management ............................................................................ 56 Section D: Approval and Publication Record ............................................................................................ 58 Page 6 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Section A: Water Services Authority Profile A1: Map of Water Services Authority Area of Jurisdiction Delete note once section is compiled It is proposed that a map of the area of jurisdiction of the Water Services Authority with specific reference to settlements, water services schemes and infrastructure, will provide additional clarity to the reader with respect to the nature of the WSA’s services provision. More than one map may be provided to visually represent the water services provision profile of the municipality. Figure A1.1: Location of WSA within DM/ Province Page 7 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Figure A1.2: Map of WSA area of jurisdiction Page 8 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY A2: Water services administration and organization Delete note once section is compiled This section to provide the necessary contact details to the water services management, and can be used to explain and outline the organizational structuring of water services provision (as background to the performance- and audit report). For clarity purposes, an organizational structure can be added. Table A2.1: Water services administrative structure Accounting Officer Designation: Name: Telephone Nr: Fax Nr: Cell Nr: Email: WSA Manager Designation: Name: Telephone Nr: Fax Nr: Cell Nr: Email: WSP Manager Designation: Name: Telephone Nr: Fax Nr: Cell Nr: Email: WSDP Manager Designation: Name: Telephone Nr: Fax Nr: Cell Nr: Email: IDP Manager Designation: Name: Telephone Nr: Fax Nr: Cell Nr: Email: Municipal Manager Page 9 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY A3: Water services overview Delete note once section is compiled The overview of the settlements within the WSA area of jurisdiction aligns with Chapter 1 of the Municipal Annual Report template (T1.2.6) which provides an overview of neighbourhoods within the municipality. For the purposes of the WSDP Implementation- and Water Services Audit Report, the overview of settlements to include the water services delivery profile of each settlement, which is then also provided in summary format as part of the Water Services Audit. The settlements and service level profile must be sourced from- and hence be completely aligned with Module 1 of the WDSP Guide Framework. The service level profile will therefore reflect the past year baseline figures used by the WSA in planning and managing its water services. Sufficient narrative should be included to explain the service level profile as an ‘adequacy’ profile. In order to avoid confusion with respect to multiple needs, it is recommended that the adequacy profile for each settlement be indicative in nature. This section should also be used to provide an overview of the water services schemes which have been established and which are being operated by the WSP. Page 10 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table A3.1: Water services overview (water) Sub-Total Formal Town Example Town 1 Sub-Total 0 Sub-Total Sub-Total: (Urban) 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 No Services: Formal No Services: Informal Infrastructure, O&M & Resource need Infrastructure & O&M needs Infrastructure needs only O&M needs only Adequate Below RDP None Adequate Below RDP None Adequate Below RDP None Adequate Below RDP None Adequate Below RDP None Adequate Below RDP None Adequate Below RDP None 0 0 0 1 000 2 600 0 Water resources needs only None 0 1 0 0 0 Informal Settlements Sub-Total Sub-Total (Rural) Below RDP 1 Rural Scattered Sub-Total Adequate 1 000 2 600 Rural Small Village Sub-Total None P RURAL Rural Dense Village Sub-Total Below RDP 1 000 2 600 Informal Settlements Sub-Total Working towns & service centres Adequate 0 Townships Sub-Total Adequate: Sahred Services Adequate: Formal Population Metropolitan Area Adequate: Informal Water category 20YY Households Settlement Type URBAN Population Households 2011* 0 0 1 000 2 600 1 Page 11 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table A3.2: Water services overview (sanitation) Sub-Total Formal Town Example Town 1 0 Sub-Total Sub-Total: (Urban) 0 P 0 0 TOTAL None Adequate Below RDP None Adequate Below RDP None 0 0 1 Adequate Below RDP None Adequate Below RDP None Adequate Below RDP None Adequate Below RDP None 0 Informal Settlements Sub-Total Sub-Total (Rural) Below RDP 0 Rural Scattered Sub-Total 1 Adequate 0 Rural Small Village Sub-Total No Services: Formal None 0 0 1 000 2 600 0 No Services: Informal Below RDP 0 RURAL Rural Dense Village Sub-Total Infrastructure, O&M & Resource need Adequate 0 Informal Settlements Sub-Total Working towns & service centres Infrastructure & O&M needs None 1 000 2 600 0 Infrastructure needs only Below RDP 0 Townships Sub-Total O&M needs only Adequate 1 000 2 600 Sub-Total Water resources needs only Adequate: Sahred Services Adequate: Formal Population Metropolitan Area Adequate: Informal Sanitation category 20YY Households Settlement Type URBAN Population Households 2011* 0 0 1 000 2 600 1 Page 12 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Section B: WSDP Performance Report B1: WSDP reference and status Delete note once section is compiled The Water Services Act, 1997 (Act 108 of 1997) places a duty on Water Services Authorities to draft, invite comments and adopt a Water Services Development Plan. As promulgated in terms of section 16 of the Water Services Act, a WSA must prepare and adopt a new development plan every five years, unless substantial deviations require an earlier interval. In order to report on the implementation of the water services development plan, it is essential that the WSDP which is being reported on is adequately referenced. This section therefore references the adopted WSDP in the context of the previous financial year which is being reported on. It is proposed that the colour coding presented in the example should be used throughout the document to clearly reference the reporting year in the context of the planning year. It is important to highlight that the WSDP as envisaged in the Water Services Act, and on which the implementation status must be reported on, relates to the adopted plan which outlines the future demand requirements and strategies of the WSA. The WSDP referenced above, is then also included as Module 3 of the DWA’s WSDP Guide Framework. In this respect, it is emphasized that Module 1 of the WSDP Guide Framework does not comprise the WSDP as envisaged in terms of the Water Services Act. This section to include a narrative with regards to the status of the WSDP and which may include reference to detailed plans which has been instituted as part of the WSDP. Page 13 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table B1.1: WSDP- and reporting reference Nr WSDP Title and Reference Status 1 Dra fted: Comment s ubmi t: Fi na l i s ed: Adopted: Publ i s hed: 2 Dra fted: Comment s ubmi t: Fi na l i s ed: Adopted: Publ i s hed: Date WSDP Year Financial Reporting Year year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX FY2009 Year - 2 Year 0 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX Year X Year X Year X Year X Year X Year X Year X Year X Year X Year X Legend: Pa s t Fi na nci a l Yea rs Previ ous Fi na nci a l Yea r (fi na nci a l yea r of reporti ng) Future Yea rs Example WSA Name: Water Services Development Plan (WSDP), 1 Final Report, Version 1.3, 2008/9 Dra fted: 31/01/2008 Comment s ubmi t: 30/03/2008 Year 1 Year 2 Fi na l i s ed: 04/04/2008 Year 3 Adopted: 15/05/2008 Year 4 FY2011 FY2012 Publ i s hed: 03/06/2008 Year 5 FY2013 FY2010 Year - 4 Year - 3 Year - 1 Page 14 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY B2: Performance on water services objectives and strategies Delete note once section is compiled The Water Services Act, 1997 (Act 108 of 1997) specifies in section 15, that the WSDP must form part of the municipality’s Integrated Development Plan. It is therefore essential that the water services delivery objectives and strategies as established in the WSDP, should be incorporated into the IDP and specifically in the Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP). The performance of the municipality is presented in terms of its SDBIP in the Municipal Annual Report. This report on the implementation of the WSDP must therefore focus on presenting the performance with respect to the achievement of the water services objectives and targets, established through the WSDP and incorporated into the IDP and specifically the SDBIP. In order to relate the performance of the WSA in terms of the WSDP, it is necessary that the performance objectives established by the municipality, be reported per each of the WSDP business areas or topics. This section should also be used to emphasize specific performance achievements by the WSA in the previous Financial Year (reporting year) Page 15 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table B2.1: Performance on water services objectives and strategies per WSDP topic Objective Nr Strategy Key Performance Indicator Inclusion (yes/no) WSDP IDP WSDP Year 1 FY 20YY Target Actual WSDP Topic 1: Administration EXAMPLE Ensure proactive water services development planning and regulatory compliance 1,1 Develop and adopt a new WSDP every 5 New WSDP every 5 none years years Compile and submit annual WSDP Date submitted October 1,2 implementation- and water services every year audit report Extract and incorporate WSDP Date completed 1,3 objectives and projects into IDP / SDBIP Review and submit the WSDP Guide Date submitted 1,4 Framework on annual basis WSDP Topic 2: Demographics sheet 1 of 2 WSDP Year 2 FY 20YY Target Actual none not achieved October every year WSDP Year 3 FY 20YY Target Actual none not achieved October every year WSDP Year 4 FY 20YY Target Actual none not achieved October every year WSDP Year 5 FY 20YY Target Actual 100% not achieved October every year 2.1 etc. WSDP Topic 3: Service levels 3.1 etc. WSDP Topic 4: Socio economic 4.1 etc. WSDP Topic 5.1: Water Services Infrastructure management 5,1,1 etc. WSDP Topic 5.2: Water Services Infrastructure management 5,2,1 etc. WSDP Topic 6: Associated services 6.1 etc. Page 16 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table B2.1: Performance on water services objectives and strategies per WSDP topic Objective Nr Strategy Key Performance Indicator Inclusion (yes/no) WSDP IDP WSDP Year 1 FY 20YY Target Actual sheet 2 of 2 WSDP Year 2 FY 20YY Target Actual WSDP Year 3 FY 20YY Target Actual WSDP Year 4 FY 20YY Target Actual WSDP Year 5 FY 20YY Target Actual WSDP Topic 7.1: Conservation and Demand management (Water Resource Management) 7,1,1 etc. WSDP Topic 7.2: Conservation and Demand management (Water Balance) 7,2,1 etc. WSDP Topic 8: Water Resources 8.1 etc. WSDP Topic 9: Financial profile 9.1 etc. WSDP Topic 10: Institutional Arrangements profile 10.1 etc. WSDP Topic 11: Social and Customer service requirements 11.1 etc. Page 17 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY The following performance highlights may be presented for the past financial year: 1. Page 18 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY B3: Status of water services projects Delete note once section is compiled The report on the implementation of the WSDP must provide the status of the water services projects which have been identified for implementation in the WSDP and must therefore highlight the water services projects which have been planned for, but not yet implemented. Provision is also made to reference water services projects which may have been incorporated into the IDP, but not necessarily sourced from the WSDP. Therefore, the municipality to present the status of all water services projects identified in the respective plans of the municipality, pertaining to the current planning cycle. The actual performance of projects identified for implementation in the previous financial year (reporting year) is then also presented, with the emphasis on the expenditure against the assigned budget. Where required, two rows to be used where projects are ring-fenced to specific funders. This section must include a narrative with respect to the general progress on water services projects identified in the WSDP and as adopted by Council for implementation over a five year period, also emphasizing the reasons for any deviation between water services projects executed versus established in the WSDP. Page 19 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table B3.1: Water Services projects status and performance sheet 1 of 1 Inclusion Nr Project Title and Description Total Total Project Year 0 Performance - FY20XX Cost FY Budget Expended R'000 WSDP IDP % R'000 R'000 R0 R0 R0 Funding Source(s) Project Category / Type Planned Period From FY To FY Project Status Actual Completion Year ###### Page 20 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY B4: Past financial year water services project impact declaration Delete note once section is compiled This section of the WSDP performance report must outline the impact of water services projects which have been implemented (completed) in the previous financial year (reporting year). Table B4.1: Past financial year project impact declaration Nr Project Title and Description Project Category Settlements which benefitted Nr Beneficiaries Hous ehol ds Popul a ti on Impact Declaration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL 0 0 Page 21 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Section C: Water Services Audit Report Delete note once section is compiled This Section C: Water Services Audit Report represents the requirements as established in the ‘Regulations relating to compulsory national standards and measures to conserve water’, as issued in terms of sections 9 (1) and 73 (1) (j) of the Water Services Act, 1997. It should be emphasized that in all instances the regulations require information to be presented for the previous financial year and, if available, comparative figures for the preceding two financial years. The information tables presented herein, therefore provides for the capturing of comparative figures. Where available, information presented in this Water Services Audit Report is aligned with the WSDP Guide Framework and hence, WSA’s are required to source- and align such information from the WSDP Guide Framework. The presented tables, references the information sourced from the WSDP Guide Framework. Where required, WSA’s may expand this section with additional information which it may deem essential to report on, and which is maintainable on an annual basis. Page 22 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY C1. Quantity of water services provided (Water Balance) Delete note once section is compiled The ‘Regulations relating to compulsory national standards and measures to conserve water’, requires in section 10 (2) (a), that the water services authority should report on the quantity of water services provided, including at least: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the quantity of water used by each user sector the quantity of water provided to the water services institution by another water services institution the quantity of effluent received at sewage treatment plants; and the quantity of effluent not discharged to sewage treatment plants and approved for use by the water services institution In addition, the regulations require in section 10 (2) (g), the WSA to report: (i) (ii) the results of the water balance as set out in regulation 11; the total quantity of water unaccounted for Regulation 11 states that: “Within two years of the promulgation of these Regulations, a water service institution must every month –“ (a) measure the quantity of water provided to each supply zone within its supply area; (b) determine the quantity of unaccounted for water by comparing the measured quantity of water provided to each supply zone with the total measured quantity of water provided to all user connections within that supply zone; (c) measure the quantity of effluent received at each sewage treatment plant; and (d) determine the quantity of water supplied but not discharged to sewage treatment plants by comparing the measured quantity of effluent received at all sewage treatment plants with the total measured quantity of water provided to all user connections In essence, the above pertains to the recording of the annual water balance of the Water Services Authority, as provided for in the WSDP Guide Framework, Topic 7: Conservation and Demand Management. The information template, presented below contains the full water balance as to be reported in terms of Module 1 of the WSDP Guide Framework and appropriately highlighted to reflect compliance to the compulsory national standards regulations. Where feasible, it is proposed that the results of the water balance should be graphically presented, to depict water used per sector as well as to highlight unaccounted for water. Page 23 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C1.1: Quantity of water services provided / water balance (m3 per annum) WSDP Ref. # Regulations Ref. # 7.2.1 7.1 / 7.2.2 7.1 / 7.2.3 7.2.14 7.2.4 7.2.5 10.2 (g) (i ) 7.2.6 7.2.7 7.2.7A 7.2.6A 10.2 (a ) (i i ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) (i ) (i ) (i ) (i ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) (i ) (i ) (i ) (i ) 10.2 (g) (i ) 7.3.1 7.2.3/7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6 10.2 (g) (i i ) 7.2.9 7.2.11 7.2.13 7.2.14 10.2 (a ) (i i i ) 10.2 (a ) (i v) Description RAW WATER Surface water purchased Surface water abstracted Ground water abstracted Effluent recycled less Raw water supplied to others Sub-Total: Raw Water supplied BULK WATER SUPPLY Volume of water treated Purchased treated water Ground water not treated less Treated water supplied to others Sub-Total: System Input Volume WATER CONSUMPTION Billed Metered: Domestic Commercial Industrial etc. Billed Unmetered Domestic Commercial Industrial etc. Unbilled Metered Unbilled Unmetered Sub-Total: Authorized consumption UNACCOUNTED FOR WATER Raw water bulk loss Billing losses Apparent losses Illegal connections Inaccurate meters Data errors Real losses Sub-Total: Unaccounted for water WASTEWATER TREATMENT Total received at WWTW Total discharged Returned to environment Recycled Quantity of water supplied not discharged to WWTW's Year 0 FY20XX m 3 per annum Year - 1 FY20XX Year - 2 FY20XX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 24 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C1.2: Quantity of water services provided / water balance (Ml/d) WSDP Ref. # Regulations Ref. # 7.2.1 7.1 / 7.2.2 7.1 / 7.2.3 7.2.14 7.2.4 7.2.5 10.2 (g) (i ) 7.2.6 7.2.7 7.2.7A 7.2.6A 10.2 (a ) (i i ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) (i ) (i ) (i ) (i ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) 10.2 (a ) (i ) (i ) (i ) (i ) 10.2 (g) (i ) 7.3.1 7.2.3/7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6 10.2 (g) (i i ) 7.2.9 7.2.11 7.2.13 7.2.14 10.2 (a ) (i i i ) 10.2 (a ) (i v) Description RAW WATER Surface water purchased Surface water abstracted Ground water abstracted Effluent recycled less Raw water supplied to others Sub-Total: Raw Water supplied BULK WATER SUPPLY Volume of water treated Purchased treated water Ground water not treated less Treated water supplied to others Sub-Total: System Input Volume WATER CONSUMPTION Billed Metered: Domestic Commercial Industrial etc. Billed Unmetered Domestic Commercial Industrial etc. Unbilled Metered Unbilled Unmetered Sub-Total: Authorized consumption UNACCOUNTED FOR WATER Raw water bulk loss Billing losses Apparent losses Illegal connections Inaccurate meters Data errors Real losses Sub-Total: Unaccounted for water WASTEWATER TREATMENT Total received at WWTW Total discharged Returned to environment Recycled Quantity of water supplied not discharged to WWTW's Year 0 FY20XX Ml/d Year - 1 FY20XX Year - 2 FY20XX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 25 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Figure C1.1: Quantity of water services provided / water balance Page 26 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY C2. Water services delivery profile Delete note once section is compiled The ‘Regulations relating to compulsory national standards and measures to conserve water’, requires in section 10 (2) (b), that the water services authority should report on the levels of services rendered, including at least: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) the number of user connections in each user sector; the number of households provided with water through communal water services works the number of consumers connected to a water reticulation system where pressures rise above 900 kPA at the consumer connection; the number of households with access to basic sanitation services; the number of new water supply connections made; and the number of new sanitation connections made. In turn, section 10 (2) (c) requires that the number provided above, must also be expressed as a percentage of total number connections or households. The above information may be sourced from Module 1 of the WSDP Guide Framework, although referenced in different topics. For this reason, the information as required above, is presented in the following sub-sections: User connections: addressing regulation item (i), (v) and (vi) Residential water services delivery access profile: addressing regulation item (ii) and (iv) Residential water services delivery adequacy profile: to align with the WSDP Guide Framework services profile The details for each of these sub-sections are further discussed below. It should be noted that section 10 (2) (b) (iii) is addressed as part of Section C5 of this Water Services Audit Report. C2.1 User connection profile Delete note once section is compiled The proposed user connection profile, to address regulation items 10 (2) (b) (i), (v) and (vi) can be sourced from Topic 3: Service Level Profile of Module 1 of the WSDP Guide Framework as section 3.3: Residential, Public Institutions and Industries. Where deemed appropriate, the template may be adjusted to represent the user connections per area as serviced by the WSA. It is proposed that this section should include graphical portrayal and sufficient narrative to explain the user connection profile. Page 27 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C2.1.1: User connection profile: Water Water Services WSDP Ref. # Category of users Year 0 FY20XX Nr 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 RESIDENTIAL (DOMESTIC) Metered: Uncontrolled Metered: Controlled* Unmetered (flat rate) Communal water supply Sub-Total: Residential EDUCATION Schools Tertiary educaton facilities Sub-Total: Education HEALTH Clinics Hospitals Health Centres Sub-Total: Health INSTITUTIONAL Public Institutions Magistrate Offices Police Stations Prisons etc Sub-Total: Institutional INDUSTRIAL Dry industries Wet industries Sub-Total: Industrial COMMERCIAL Businesses Office Buildings Sub-Total: Commercial MINING Sub-Total: Mining OTHER Agriculture Churches Unknown Sub-Total: Other TOTAL Year - 1 FY20XX % 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% Nr % 0 New Connections Year -2 FY20XX 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Nr % 0% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0% 0% 0 Year 0 Nr 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0% 0% 100% 100% 100% 0% 1 100% 0% 1 100% 1 100% 0 1 100% Note: * means connections which in terms of the by-laws should be metered and controlled, but may include unauthorized connections which are neither presently metered nor controlled Page 28 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Figure C2.1.1: User connection profile for water Figure C2.1.2: User connection distribution for water - Year 0 Page 29 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Figure C2.1.3: New connections for water Number of new connections: Water - Year 0 Other Mining Sector Commercial Industrial Institutional Health Education Residential 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 Number of new connections Page 30 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C2.1.2: User connection profile: Wastewater Wastewater Services WSDP Ref. # 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 Category of users RESIDENTIAL (DOMESTIC) Metered: Uncontrolled Metered: Controlled* Unmetered (flat rate) Communal water supply Sub-Total: Residential EDUCATION Schools Tertiary educaton facilities Sub-Total: Education HEALTH Clinics Hospitals Health Centres Sub-Total: Health INSTITUTIONAL Public Institutions Magistrate Offices Police Stations Prisons etc Sub-Total: Institutional INDUSTRIAL Dry industries Wet industries Sub-Total: Industrial COMMERCIAL Businesses Office Buildings Sub-Total: Commercial MINING Sub-Total: Mining OTHER Agriculture Churches Unknown Sub-Total: Other TOTAL Year 0 FY20XX Year - 1 FY20XX Nr Nr % n/a n/a 0 n/a 0 % Year 0 Nr 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 0% 1 50% 0% 0% 50% 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 1 0 0% 0% 0% 1 50% 0% 50% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 100% 1 100% 1 100% % 0 0% 0 0 Nr n/a n/a 0 n/a 0 0% 0 New Connections Year -2 FY20XX 0 0% 1 50% 1 50% 2 100% 0% 1 2 100% Page 31 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Figure C2.1.4: User connection profile for wastewater Figure C2.1.5: User connection distribution for wastewater - Year 0 Page 32 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Figure C2.1.6: New connections for wastewater C2.2 Residential water services delivery access profile Delete note once section is compiled The proposed residential water services delivery access profile, to address regulation items 10 (2) (b) (ii) and (iv), can currently only be partly sourced from the WSDP Guide Framework, due to the fact that the WSDP Guide Framework presents the water services delivery profile in terms of adequacy, irrespective of type of access provided. The Census 2011, in turn, presents the service level profile per municipality, in terms of access only and ignores the adequacy of the services provided. For this reason, and also to align with other documents which may be prepared by the municipality, including its IDP, it is proposed that the municipality’s water services profile should be presented from both perspectives, i.e. access vs adequacy. Where available, the WSDP Guide Framework base data can be used to provide the access profile, or alternatively, the municipality, can use this sub-section to provide the service level profile as per the Census 2011. It should however be recognized that the provision of the ‘access’ service delivery profile in terms of the Census 2011, would not be aligned with the current water services delivery base data used by the WSA in planning its water services delivery. The information template provided to present the residential water services delivery access profile, has been aligned with the proposed ‘Water Services Delivery Levels’ template (T 3.1.3) to be established as part of the Municipal Annual Report. It is proposed that this section should include graphical portrayal and sufficient narrative to describe the water services delivery access profile. The municipality to clearly reference the source of data. Page 33 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C2.2.1: Residential water services delivery access profile: Water Census Category Description Year 0 Nr % Year -1 Nr % Year 2 Nr % 1 000 1 000 1 000 WATER (ABOVE MIN LEVEL) Piped (tap) water inside dwelling/institution House connections Piped (tap) water inside yard Yard connections Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance less than 200m from dwelling/institution Standpipe connection < 200 m 5 000 36% 4 500 32% 4 500 32% Sub-Total: Minimum Serivce Level and Above 6 000 43% 5 500 39% 5 500 39% 8 000 57% 8 500 61% 8 500 61% 7% 0% 7% 0% 7% 0% WATER (BELOW MIN LEVEL) Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance between 200m and 500m from dwelling/institution Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance between 500m and 1000m (1km) from dwelling /institution Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance greater than 1000m (1km) from dwelling/institution No access to piped (tap) water Standpipe connection: > 200 m < 500 m Standpipe connection: > 500 m < 1 000 m 0% 0% 0% Standpipe connection: > 1 000 m 0% 0% 0% No services 0% 0% 0% Sub-Total: Below Minimum Service Level Total number of households 8 000 57% 14 000 100% 8 500 61% 14 000 100% 8 500 61% 14 000 100% Page 34 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Figure C2.2.1: Household water access profile *Means access to 25 liters of potable water per day supplied within 200m of a household wand with a minimum flow of 10 liters per minute Page 35 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C2.2.2: Residential water services delivery access profile: Sanitation Year 0 Census Category Description Year -1 Year 2 FY2013 Nr % FY2012 Nr % 2 026 3% 2 024 4% #### 0 0% 0 0% #### 156 0% 0 0% #### 0 0% 2 0% #### 30 460 52% 24 132 45% #### 0 0% 0 0% #### 32 642 55% 26 158 48% 0 #### FY2011 Nr % SANITATION (ABOVE MIN LEVEL) Flush toilet (connected to sewerage system) Waterborne Waterborne: Low Flush Flush toilet (with septic tank) Septic tanks / Conservancy Chemical toilet Pit toilet with ventilation (VIP) Non-waterborne (above min. service level) Other Sub-Total: Minimum Serivce Level and Above SANITATION (BELOW MIN LEVEL) Pit toilet without ventilation Pit toilet 0 0% 0 0% #### Bucket toilet Bucket toilet 0 0% 0 0% #### 0% #### Other toilet provision (below Other min. service level No toilet provisions 0 No services Sub-Total: Below Minimum Service Level Total number of households 0% 0 26 421 45% 27 893 52% #### 26 421 45% 27 893 52% 0 #### 54 051 100% 0 #### 59 063 100% Figure C2.2.2: Household sanitation access profile Access to Sanitation 30% HH's with access to flush toilets 40% HH's with access to on-site toilets (above min. service level) HH's below minimum service level 30% Page 36 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report C2.3 FYYYY Residential water services delivery adequacy profile Delete note once section is compiled The residential water services delivery adequacy profile is aligned with Module 1 of the WSDP Guide Framework and should therefore be sourced therefrom. The information portrayed in this section will therefore reflect the past year baseline figures used by the WSA in planning and managing its water services, and as updated in terms of the WSDP Guide Framework. This section quantifies the water services overview which has been reflected per settlement in Section A. Sufficient narrative should be provided to ensure correct interpretation of the adequacy profile and specifically to highlight that specific settlements or households may have more than one adequacy need (therefore duplicate counting in terms of households). Furthermore, it should be highlighted to the reader that the adequacy profile focuses on identifying the water resources-, operational- and infrastructure needs of the Municipality, and hence that where areas are serviced private or by others (example farms), that the adequacy profile considers these areas as having ‘adequate’ services, even though the access profile may highlight that certain households within these settlements are provided with less than a basic level of service. It is proposed that this section should include graphical portrayal and sufficient narrative to describe the water services delivery access profile. Page 37 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C2.3 (a): Residential water services delivery adequacy profile (Water) Water Categorisation Number of settlements FORMAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 23 0 29 0 0 3 0 0 0 Adequate Hous e Connecti ons HH Total Household Interventions required % 21 179 Ya rd Connecti ons HH % Sta nd Pi pes HH % Water Resource needs Sha red Servi ces HH % HH INFORMAL Infrastructure Needs O & M Needs % HH % No services Upgra des Extens i ons HH HH % % Adequate No services Refurbi s hment HH % HH % HH % HH % 67% 5 347 100% 650 100% 10 503 33% 31 682 15 100% 15 Water Needs: Settlements 165 100% 165 2 394 100% 2 394 72 100% 0 0 3 500 2) Adequate: Informal 27 143 50% 21 179 39% 10 494 Water Needs: Category 1) Adequate: Formal Households (2013) 72 3 500 100% 10 494 100% 3) Adequate: Shared Services 0 0% 10 494 19% 4) No Services: Informal 5 347 10% 0 5 347 Adequate: House Connections Households (2013) Adequate: Yard Connections 650 1% Adequate: Stand Pipes Adequate: Shared Services Water Resources Needs O&M Needs 5) Water Resource Needs Only Infra Needs: Upgrade Infra Needs: Extensions 6) O&M Needs Only 3 500 7% 72 0% 2 394 5% 7) Infrastructure Needs Only 8) Infrastructure & O&M Needs 5 347 10% 650 1% 650 9) Infrastructure, O&M and Resource Needs Infra Needs: Refurbishment No Services 165 0% 31 682 58% 15 0% Adequate: Informal No Services: Informal 1 Adequa te 3 Adequa te: Sha red s ervi ces 5 Wa ter Res ources Needs Only 7 Infra s tructure Needs Only 9 Infra s tructure, O&M & Res ource Needs 2 Adequa te: Informa l 4 No Servi ces : Forma l 6 O & M Needs Only 8 Infra s tructure& O&M needs 10 No Servi ces Page 38 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Water Categorisation Number of settlements Table C2.3 (b): Residential water services delivery adequacy profile (Sanitation) FORMAL Adequate HH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 1 49 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 Total Household Interventions required Wa terborne Low fl us h Wa terborne % 501 HH % Septi c Ta nk/ Cons erva ncy HH % None Wa terborne HH % Water Resource needs Sha red Servi ces HH % HH % INFORMAL Infrastructure Needs O & M Needs HH % No services Upgra des Extens i ons HH HH % % Adequate No services Refurbi s hment HH % HH % HH % HH % 1% 5 347 100% 650 100% 34 548 99% 35 049 18 100% 0 Sanitation Needs: Settlements 0% 18 51 100% 51 Households (2013) 5 347 28% 13 273 69% 9 704 100% 0 0 0 9 704 3 500 100% 3 500 Sanitation Needs: Category 1) Adequate: Formal 2) Adequate: Informal 5 347 10% 3 500 6% 3) Adequate: Shared Services 0 0 Households (2013) 650 1% Adequate: Waterborne Adequate: Waterborne Low Flush Adequate: Septic Tank / Conservancy Adequate: None Waterborne Adequate: Shared Services 4) No Services: Informal Water Resources Needs 5) Water Resource Needs Only O&M Needs 9 704 18% 6) O&M Needs Only Infra Needs: Upgrade Infra Needs: Extensions Infra Needs: Refurbishment 7) Infrastructure Needs Only 650 3% 5 347 No Services 8) Infrastructure & O&M Needs 9) Infrastructure, O&M and Resource Needs 51 0% Adequate: Informal 18 0% 35 049 65% No Services: Informal 1 Adequa te 3 Adequa te: Sha red s ervi ces 5 Wa ter Res ources Needs Only 7 Infra s tructure Needs Only 9 Infra s tructure, O&M & Res ource Needs 2 Adequa te: Informa l 4 No Servi ces : Forma l 6 O & M Needs Only 8 Infra s tructure& O&M needs 10 No Servi ces Page 39 650 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY C3. Cost recovery and free basic services Delete note once section is compiled The ‘Regulations relating to compulsory national standards and measures to conserve water’, requires in section 10 (2) (d), that the water services authority should report on cost recovery, including at least: (i) (ii) (iii) the tariff structures for each user sector; the income collected expressed as a percentage of total costs for water services provided; and unrecovered charges expressed as a percentage of total costs for water services provided. In turn, section 10 (2) (e) requires the water services authority to report on meter installation and meter testing, including at least: (i) (ii) the number of new meters installed at consumer installations; and the number of meters tested and the number of meters replaced as expressed as a percentage of the total number of meters installed at consumer connections. The Regulations, furthermore specifies in section 10 (2) (b) that the number of households with access to free basic sanitation services should be recorded. A requirement of the MFMA Municipal Annual Report is that municipalities should also report the number of customers, receiving Free Basic services. In order to provide this figure to the Municipal Annual Report, this section has been expanded to include reference to the number of households receiving access to free basic water. The above information may be sourced from Module 1 of the WSDP Guide Framework, although referenced in different topics. For this reason, the information as required above, is presented in the following sub-sections: Tariffs: addressing regulation item 10 (2) (d) (i) Metering, Billing and Free Basic Services: addressing regulation items 10(2) (e) (i) and (ii) as well as regulation item 10(2) (b) (v) Revenue collection and cost recovery: addressing regulation items 10 (2) (d) (ii) and (iii) The details for each of these sub-sections are further discussed below. C3.1 Tariffs Delete note once section is compiled The record of water services tariffs over the past three years should be presented as promulgated by the water services authority in terms of each charge category. Provision is made to reference the user sector to which the charges pertain as well as the Unit of measurement example R/customer/month or R/kl. Once, completed for Year 0 and Year -1, the increase in tariffs will be depicted. Tariffs to be presented separately for water- and wastewater services. It is suggested that narrative should be added to provide an overview with respect to the tariff structuring and strategy followed by the water services authority. Page 40 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C3.1.1: Tariffs for water Nr Category Sector Unit Tariff (VAT excluded) % increase Year 0 Year -1 Year - 2 Year 0 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX BASIC CHARGES #DIV/0! #DIV/0! VOLUME CHARGES #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! RECONNECTION CHARGES #DIV/0! #DIV/0! OTHER CHARGES (DEFINE CATEGORY) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Table C3.1.2: Tariffs for wastewater Nr Category Sector Unit Tariff (VAT excluded) % increase Year 0 Year -1 Year - 2 Year 0 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX BASIC CHARGES #DIV/0! #DIV/0! VOLUME CHARGES (where applicable) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! CHARGES TO EMPTY TANKS #DIV/0! #DIV/0! OTHER CHARGES (DEFINE CATEGORY) #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Page 41 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report C3.2 FYYYY Metering, Billing and Free Basic Services Delete note once section is compiled Although the details pertaining to the number of user connections has been presented in Section C2.1 of this Water Services Audit Report, in order to provide additional details pertaining to metering, billing and free basic services, the template presented herein, should be completed. Information presented in this section should be aligned, where applicable with information elsewhere presented in this report. In completing this section it should be recognized that not all user connections may be metered and in turn, that not all metered connections may be billed. It is also recognized that more than one meter may be installed at a single customer site. It is therefore proposed that the information pertaining to meters and bills (accounts) should be sourced direct from the customer billing system, whereas information pertaining to the number of units supplied, should be derived from the water services access profile, in order to derive conclusions with respect to the above. The water services authority should include sufficient narrative to explain the status and performance with respect to metering, billing and free basic services. Reference should be made to systems and processes in place to manage metering, billing and free basic services provision. Page 42 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C3.2: Overview of metering, billing and Free Basic Services Regulations Ref. # 10.2 (b) (i ) 10.2 (b) (i v) 10.2 (b) (vi ) 10.2 (e) (i ) 10.2 (e) (i i ) 10.2 (e) (i i ) 10.2 (b) (v) Description UNITS SUPPLIED (as per water services access profile) Household water connections (house and yard connections) Household sewerage connections METERING Metered Water Connections (aligned with Table C2.1) Residential Commercial / Business Industrial Government / Institutional etc. Sub-Total: Metered Water Connections Proportion of metered connections (residential) Total number of meters Total number of new connections (aligned with Table C.2.1) Total number of new meters installed Proportion of new connections, metered Number of meters tested Proportion of meters tested to total number of meters Number of meters replaced Proportion of meters replaced to total number of meters BILLING Customer billing (water and sewerage) Residential Commercial / Business Industrial Government / Institutional etc. Sub-Total: Customers billed Proportion of bills to metered connections Residential Commercial / Business Industrial Government / Institutional etc. FREE BASIC SERVICES Nr customers receiving: Free Basic Water Free Basic Sanitation Proportion of Free Basic Services Water Sewerage Unit Year 0 Year - 1 Year - 2 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr % Nr Nr Nr % Nr % Nr % Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr % % % % % % 0 0 0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Nr Nr Nr #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Nr Nr % % Page 43 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report C3.3 FYYYY Revenue collection and cost recovery Delete note once section is compiled In order to comply with the Regulations, the water services authority must present its revenue collection in terms of the cost of water services rendered. Improved alignment between the WSDP Guide Framework and MFMA regulations has been sought and water services authorities will be required to report the above specific details as part of its National Treasury reporting templates. The information required to be presented below, can therefore be sourced from the municipality’s MFMA reports, or alternatively from its Annual Financial Statements. The template presented for this section provides an overview and total of revenue collection and cost recovery for water provision and sewerage / wastewater services. If available, water services authorities can expand the template to provide the information per user category (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.). It is proposed that this section should include graphical portrayal and sufficient narrative to explain performance, progress and issues concerning revenue collection and cost recovery. Page 44 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C3.3: Overview of water services revenue collection and cost recovery Regulations Ref. # Description INCOME Billed Water reticulation / provision Sewerage / wastewater Sub-Total: Billed Collections Water reticulation / provision Sewerage / wastewater Sub-Total: Collections Equitable share income Water reticulation / provision Sewerage / wastewater Sub-Total: Equitable share income EXPENDITURE (O&M) Water services Sewerage / wastewater services Total: Water Services O&M COST RECOVERY ANALYSIS / RATIO'S 10.2 (d) (i i ) Billed as % of Cost Water Sewerage Total 10.2 (d) (i i i ) Unrecovered as % of Cost Water services Sewerage / wastewater services Total Year 0 Year - 1 Year - 2 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX R'000 R'000 R'000 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R'000 R'000 R'000 R0 R0 R0 % % % #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Figure C3.3.1: Revenue collection and cost recovery profile (water) Page 45 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Figure C3.3.2: Revenue collection and cost recovery profile (wastewater) Page 46 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY C4. Water quality Delete note once section is compiled The ‘Regulations relating to Compulsory National Standards and Measures to Conserve Water’ (April 2001) determines that the water services audit to be included in the annual report on the implementation of its water services development plan, should include: “10. (f) the water quality sampling programme contemplated in regulation 5(1), the results of the comparison set out in regulation 5(3) and any occurrence reported in compliance with regulation 5(4)” Regulation 5 of the Compulsory National Standards determines that: “5. (1) Within two years of the promulgation of these Regulations, a water services authority must include a suitable programme for sampling the quality of potable water provided by it to consumers in its water services development plan. 5. (2) The water quality sampling programme contemplated in subregulation (1) must specify the points at which potable water provided to consumers will be sampled, the frequency of sampling and for which substances and determinants the water will be tested. 5. (3) A water services institution must compare the results obtained from the testing of the samples with SABS 241: Specifications for Drinking Water, or the South African Water Quality Guidelines published by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. 5. (4) Should the comparison of the results as contemplated in subregulation (3) indicate that the water supplied poses a health risk, the water services institution must inform the DirectorGeneral of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and the head of the relevant Provincial Department of Health and it must take steps to inform its consumers – a) that the quality of the water that it supplies poses a health risk; b) of the reasons for the health risk; c) of any precautions to be taken by the consumers; and d) of the time frame, if any, within which it may be expected that water of a safe quality will be provided.” In essence therefore the water services audit to present: 1. The water quality sampling programme 2. Water quality compliance in terms of SANS 241 3. Incident reporting with respect to water quality exceedances posing a health risk Even though the above matters are evaluated in terms of the Blue Drop Certification Programme, compliance with the regulations requires the water services authority to present the annual status and performance in terms of the water services audit. Water services authorities are reminded that this ‘Annual water services development plan performance and water services audit report’ should be published as provided by the Water Services Act, and hence that the inclusion of the relevant water quality compliance matters herein may contribute to the bonus point for publication of performance in the Blue Drop Certification Programme. The sections below reference not only the potential sources of information but also the alignment with the WSDP Guide Framework to enable the establishment of a comparative water services audit as required by the Compulsory National Standards (progress from previous two years to current year). Page 47 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report C4.1 FYYYY Sampling programme Delete note once section is compiled It should be recognised that the WSDP Guide Framework requires the water services authority to present not only the existing sampling programme, but also to identify the gaps in the sampling programme by matching the drinking water sources to the sampling programme. Although the Compulsory National Standards presently limits water quality reporting to potable water, the WSDP Guide Framework expects the water services authority to also report on water quality parameters related to wastewater treatment. It is therefore recommended that water services authorities should include water quality reporting on wastewater treatment systems as part of their water services audit. The information formats presented below has been aligned with the Blue / Green Drop Systems and the WSDP Guide Framework. It is recommended that the water services authority should provide a narrative portrayal of the information presented in this section for ease of interpretation by the broader public. References to the presented tables should also be incorporated. It is essential that this section should not only reflect the sampling programme, but should also reflect the WSA’s compliance to the sampling programme. The following additional notes for completion of the templates provided below: Should the municipality wish to present the data in graphical format, this should be presented in addition to the actual values provided in the tables. Where different parameters / determinants and/or frequency apply to different sample points or sites, these should be presented separately – the example below assumes two standard sampling programmes only, i.e. one for treated water schemes and another for borehole schemes. Page 48 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C4.1.1: Sampling programme for potable water quality Treated Water Schemes Active (yes/no) Registered Sites per Scheme # Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency (days) Determinands per Year 0 Year-1 Year-2 Category FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX Microbiological (Health) Year 0 Year-1 Year-2 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX Chemical (Health) Physical, Organoleptic (Non Health) 8 9 10 SANS 241 Operational Tests 11 12 13 Borehole Schemes Registered Sites per Scheme # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name Active (yes/no) Year 0 Year-1 Year-2 Determinands FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX Frequency (days) Year 0 Year-1 Year-2 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX Microbiological (Health) Chemical (Health) 8 Physical, Organoleptic (Non Health) 9 10 11 12 13 SANS 241 Operational Tests Page 49 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C4.1.2: Sampling programme for wastewater effluent quality Active Registered Sites # Name Frequency (days) Determinands per Year 0 Year-1 Year-2 Category FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Year 0 Year-1 Year-2 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX Microbiological Chemical Operational Physical Table C4.1.3: Compliance to the sampling programme (s) Measurable / Enabling Factor Year 0 FY20XX Unit M C P Year-1 FY20XX O M C P Year-2 FY20XX O M C P O Potable Water Quality Supply system submissions Monitoring compliance Data Credibility BDS In-Time Submission Nr registered Nr submitted* Annual % Average % Average % Annual % Wastewater Quality Monitoring compliance Operational monitoring compliance Average % Average % Legend M: Mi crobi ol ogi ca l ; C: Chemi ca l ; P: Phys i ca l ; O: Opera ti ona l Page 50 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C4.1.4: Water quality monitoring overview from WSDP Guide Framework perspective Year 0 WSDP Ref # Measurable / Enabling Factor 6.3 Water Supply and Quality 6.3.2 Process Control in place 6.3.3 Monitoring Programme in place 6.3.4 Sample Analysis Credibility 9.2 Monitoring 9.2.1 % of water abstracted monitored: Surface water 9.2.2 % of water abstracted monitored: Ground water 9.2.3 9.2.6 9.2.7 9.2.9 9.3 % of water abstracted monitored: External Sources (Bulk purchase) Water quality for formal schemes? (1: daily, 2: weekly, 3: monthly, 4: annually, 5: never) Water quality for rudimentary schemes? (1: daily, 2: weekly, 3: monthly, 4: annually, 5: never) Is the number sufficient in accordance to the SANS241 requirements? Unit yes/total WTW in % yes/total schemes in % Average % Q monitored / Q abstracted in % Q monitored / Q abstracted in % Q monitored own / Q purchased in % frequency frequency yes/no yes/no 9.3.1 Reporting on quality of water taken from source: urban yes/total schemes in % & rural 9.3.5 Quality of water taken from source: urban - % monitored by WSA self? 9.3.9 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX Water Quality Is there a water quality plan in place? 9.3.6 Year - 1 Year - 2 monitored by WSA / total schemes in % monitored by WSA Quality of water taken from source: rural - % monitored / total schemes in by WSA self? % Are these results available in electronic format? yes/no Page 51 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C4.1.5: Wastewater quality monitoring overview from WSDP Guide Framework perspective WSDP Ref # Measurable / Enabling Factor 5.3.1 Monitoring and Sample Failure Unit Year 0 Year - 1 Year - 2 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX Monitoring: % of tests performed as required by general limits /special limits/ license requirements (Average % Annual % over previous 12 months) Operational: % of tests performed as required by Annual % general limits /special limits/ license requirements (Average % over previous 12 months) 6.4 Wastewater Supply and Quality 6.4.2 Process Control in place 6.4.3 Monitoring Programme in place 6.4.4 Sample Analysis Credibility 9.2 Monitoring 9.2.10 Is the number sufficient in accordance to licences? 9.3 Water Quality Is there a water quality plan in place? yes/total WWTW in % yes/total WWTW in % Average % yes/no yes/no 9.3.2 Quality of water returned to the resource: urban 9.3.3 Quality of water returned to the resource: rural 9.3.7 Quality of water returned to resource: urban - % monitored by WSA self? 9.3.8 Quality of water returned to resource: rural - % monitored by WSA self? yes/total WWTW in % yes/total WWTW in % monitored by WSA / urban WWTW in % monitored by WSA / rural WWTW in % 9.3.9 Are these results available in electronic format? yes/no Page 52 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report C4.2 FYYYY Water quality compliance Delete note once section is compiled Although the Compulsory National Standards presently limits water quality reporting to potable water, the WSDP Guide Framework expects the water services authority to also report on water quality parameters related to wastewater treatment. It is therefore recommended that water services authorities should include water quality reporting on wastewater treatment systems as part of their water services audit. The information formats presented below has been aligned with the Blue / Green Drop Systems and the WSDP Guide Framework. (It is recognized that improved alignment and categorization within the WSDP Guide Framework could be pursued). It is recommended that the water services authority should provide a narrative portrayal of the information presented in this section for ease of interpretation by the broader public. References to the presented tables should also be incorporated. Should the municipality wish to present the data in graphical format, this should be presented in addition to the actual values provided in the tables. Table C4.2.1: Overview of water quality compliance WSDP Ref # Measurable / Enabling Factor Year 0 FY20XX Unit M C P Year-1 FY20XX O M C P Year-2 FY20XX O M C P O Results per the Blue Drop System n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Total Analysis compliance Nr Failures Compliance % Total Samples frequency Nr Failures Compliance % Total Sites compliance Nr Failures Compliance % 6.3 Water Supply and Quality 6.3.6 Blue Drop Status 9.3 Water Quality 9.3.10 % Time (days) within SANS 241 standards per year Average of sites compliance % Legend M: Mi crobi ol ogi ca l ; C: Chemi ca l ; P: Phys i ca l ; O: Opera ti ona l last year certified by DWA Page 53 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C4.2.2: Overview of wastewater quality compliance WSDP Ref # Measurable / Enabling Factor Year 0 FY20XX Unit M C P Year-1 FY20XX O M C P Year-2 FY20XX O M C P O Results per the Green Drop System n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 5.3.1 Total Regulatory compliance Nr Failures Compliance % Total Operational compliance Nr Failures Compliance % Monitoring and Sample Failure Average % of sample failure Failure % 6.3 Water Supply and Quality 6.4.6 Green Drop Status last year certified by Legend M: Mi crobi ol ogi ca l ; C: Chemi ca l ; P: Phys i ca l ; O: Opera ti ona l C4.3 Incident management Delete note once section is compiled Although the Compulsory National Standards requires the water services audit to report “any occurrence reported in compliance with regulation 5(4)” it is deemed essential that incidents that should have been reported should also be identified. Although the Compulsory National Standards presently limits water quality reporting to potable water, the WSDP Guide Framework expects the water services authority to also report on water quality parameters related to wastewater treatment. It is therefore recommended that water services authorities should include water quality reporting on wastewater treatment systems as part of their water services audit. The information formats presented below has been aligned with the Blue / Green Drop Systems and the WSDP Guide Framework. (It is recognized that improved alignment and categorization within the WSDP Guide Framework could be pursued). It is recommended that the water services authority should provide a narrative portrayal of the information presented in this section for ease of interpretation by the broader public. References to the presented tables should also be incorporated. Should the municipality wish to present the data in graphical format, this should be presented in addition to the actual values provided in the tables. Page 54 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C4.3.1: Incident management and reporting overview Year 0 WSDP Measurable / Enabling Factor Ref # Unit Year - 1 Year - 2 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX 6.3 Water Supply and Quality 6.3.1 Incident Management Protocol in place yes/total schemes in % 6.3.5 Failure Response Management in place yes/total schemes in % 6.4 Waste Water Supply and Quality 6.4.1 Incident Management Protocol in place yes/total schemes in % 6.4.5 Failure Response Management in place yes/total schemes in % Table C4.3.2: Water quality incident reporting compliance (health oriented) Chronic Health Acute Health - 2 Micriobiological Acute Health - 1 Chemical Acute Health - 1 Micriobiological Year-2 FY20XX Chronic Health Acute Health - 2 Micriobiological Acute Health - 1 Chemical Acute Health - 1 Micriobiological Year-1 FY20XX Chronic Health Acute Health - 2 Micriobiological Unit Acute Health - 1 Chemical Measurable / Enabling Factor Acute Health - 1 Micriobiological Year 0 FY20XX Total nr Nr of failures Failures in terms of Analysis Failure % Nr reported Reported % of failure Total Nr of failures Failures in terms of Samples Failure % Nr reported Reported % of failure Total Nr of failures Failures in terms of Sites Failure % Nr reported Reported % of failure Page 55 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY C5. Water conservation and demand management Delete note once section is compiled The ‘Regulations relating to compulsory national standards and measures to conserve water’, requires in section 10 (2) (g), that the water services authority should report on water conservation and demand management, including at least: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the results of the water balance as set out in regulation 11; the total quantity of water unaccounted for the demand management activities undertaken; and the progress made in the installation of water efficient devices Items (i) and (ii) above has been addressed as part of Section C1 of this report. In turn, section 10 (2) (b) (iii) requires the water services authority to report on the number of consumers connected to a water reticulation system where pressure rise above 900 kPa at the consumer connection, and in section 10 (2) (c) that this number must be expressed as a percentage of the total number of connections or households. The above information may be sourced from Module 1 of the WSDP Guide Framework, as part of Topic 7: Conservation and Demand Management. In order to record the information required above, in the broader context of water conservation and demand management, the proposed template provided herein, aligns completely with the WDSP Guide Framework, Topic 7. Care should be taken to present the percentage based figures in the context of the applicable totals, i.e. consumer units, or schools, or consumers (people). It is required that in addition to the templates provided herein, water conservation and demand management status and interventions should be dealt with in supporting text and should include an overview of the water services authority’s WCDM strategies and actions, including awareness campaigns. The water services authority should clearly indicate whether a Water Conservation and Demand Management Plan is in place, and the extent in which such plan is translated to specific objectives. The funding allocated to water conservation and demand management should also be clearly outlined. Page 56 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Table C5: Overview of water conservation and demand management activities Urban Settlements Rural Settlements Year 0 Year - 1 Year - 2 Year 0 Year - 1 Year - 2 FY20XX FY20XX FY20XX F20XX FY20XX FY20XX REDUCING UNACCOUNTED FOR WATER AND WATER INEFFICIENCIES Number of customers where the % of % of % of % of % of % of Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr following activities have been total total total total total total pursued: Night flow metering 0 0 0 0 0 0 Day flow metering 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reticulation leaks fixed 0 0 0 0 0 0 Illegal connections formalized 0 0 0 0 0 0 Un-metered connections, 0 0 0 0 0 0 metered REDUCING HIGH PRESSURES FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSUMERS Number of residential consumers % of % of % of % of % of % of Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr total total total total total total with water supply pressure of: < 300 kPa 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 kPa - 600 kPa 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 kPa - 900 kPa 0 0 0 0 0 0 > 900 kPa 0 0 0 0 0 0 LEAK AND METER REPAIR PROGRAMMES Number of consumer units targeted % of % of % of % of % of % of Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr total total total total total total by: Leak repair assistance 0 programme 0 0 0 0 0 Retro-fitting of water inefficient 0 toilets 0 0 0 0 0 Meter repair programme 0 0 0 0 0 0 CONSUMER / END-USE DEMAND MANAGEMENT: PUBLIC INFO AND EDUCATION WSDP Ref. # Regulations Description Ref. # 7.1.1 10.2.g.i i i 7.1.2 10.2.g.i i i 7.1.3 10.2.b.i i i 10.2.g.i i i 10.2.g.i v 7.1.4 10.2.g.i i i Nr Number of schools targeted by education programmes Number of consumers (people) targeted by public information programmes 0 % of % of % of % of % of % of Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr total total total total total total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 57 WSA Name: Annual WSDP Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FYYYY Section D: Approval and Publication Record Delete note once section is compiled The Water Services Act requires in section 18, that the Report on the Implementation of the WSDP, should be: “(2) The report(a) must be made within four months after the end of each financial year; and (b) must be given to the Minister, the Minister for Provincial Affairs and Constitutional Development, the relevant Province and every organisation representing municipalities having jurisdiction in the area of the water services authority. (3) The water services authority must publicise a summary of the report. (4) A copy of the report and of its summary must be(a) available for inspection at the offices of the water services authority; and (b) obtainable against payment of a nominal fee.” This section serves as the record of approval by the Accounting Officer of the Water Services Authority, whilst also recording the processes which will be put in place to ensure compliance with the publication requirements of the Water Services Act. D1. This Annual Water Services Development Plan Performance- and Water Services Audit Report for the Financial Year ending 2013 (FY2013) is hereby approved for submission to the Minister of the Department of Water Affairs, the Minister for Department of Cooperative Governance, the Province and to SALGA, as required by the Water Services Act, 1997. D2. The municipality will endeavour to publicise a summary of the report. D3. This report will be available for inspection at the offices of the municipality, as of ___________ and obtainable against payment of a nominal fee of R_______. RECOMMENDED: ____________________ Signature Name: Title: ______________ Date ____________________ Signature Name: Title: ______________ Date APPROVED: ____________________ Signature Name: Title: Municipal Manager ______________ Date Page 58