Disposition of Chemical Compounds

Disposition of Chemical
Four Phases To Disposition of
Chemical Compounds
Absorption of Chemicals into the Body
Distribution of Chemicals within the
Metabolism of Chemicals within the
Excretion of Chemicals from the Body
Absorption of Chemical
The most common means of entry of
chemical compounds include:
Digestive Tract (Oral)
Lungs or Gills (Inhalation)
Skin (Dermal)
Other Routes
Intraperitoneal, intramuscular, subcutaneous,
Absorption - Continued
Absorption necessarily involves the
passage of compounds across
membranes. Therefore, membrane
structure and transport processes are
important issues.
Absorption - Continued
Transport Across Membranes
Passive Diffusion
Active Transport
Facilitated Diffusion
Absorption - Continued
The most common transport process for
absorption of chemical compounds in
passive diffusion.
Depends upon diffusion through
phospholipid bilayer
Must be a [ ] gradient across membrane
Compound must be lipid soluble
Compound must be in non-ionized state
Absorption - Continued
Absorption of compounds by diffusion will
follow Fick’s Law
Rate of diffusion = KA (C2 – C1)
The concentration gradient will normally be
maintained and an equilibrium will not be reached.
The concentration on the inside of the membrane
will be continually decreasing as a result of
ionization, metabolism, and distribution to another
Absorption - Continued
Passive diffusion relies on dissolution of the
compound in the lipid component of the membrane
and therefore only lipid soluble (lipophilic)
compounds will pass through the membrane.
Lipid Solubility measured by Octanol – Water Partition
Coefficient (Kow)
Lipophilic compounds have a Kow = 100 to 1,000,000
Log Kow value is used so Kow = 2 to 6 for lipophilic
Very lipophilic compounds --- Kow > 6 may get stuck in
membrane and not be absorbed as readily as Kow 2 to 6
Absorption - Continued
Active and Facilitated Transport:
a specific membrane carrier system is required
the process may be saturated at high substrate
substrates may compete for uptake
5-fluorouracil, an anticancer drug, is absorbed by the
pyrimidine transport system
Lead is absorbed by the calcium transport system
Absorption – ContinuedCompartments
Sites of Absorption
Digestive Tract
This is one of the most important sites of
absorption because many substances are in the
food that we eat; also for drugs we take
If a compound is a weak acid or a weak base, the
compound is mainly absorbed from the part of the
digestive tract in which the compound exists in the nonionized form (the most lipid soluble form).
Handout for Students!
Absorption – ContinuedAcids and Bases
Digestive Tract - Continued
The amount of the chemical that enters
the systemic circulation after oral
administration depends upon:
The amount absorbed into digestive tract
The amount metabolized (bio-transformed)
by digestive tract cells
The amount extracted by the liver –
termed the “first pass effect”
Gases, vapors of volatile compounds,
particulate matter
For compounds with a low solubility in blood – the
rate of transfer from air (in alveolus) to blood will
be mainly dependent on blood flow (perfusion
For compounds with a high solubility in blood –
the rate of transfer from air (in alveolus) to blood
will be mainly dependent on respiration rate
(ventilation limited)
Lungs - Continued
Particulate matter
Skin is not very permeable but some
compounds can penetrate skin (nerve
gases, some insecticides, carbon
Compounds must pass through epidermis,
sweat/sebaceous glands or hair follicles;
most movement is through epidermis
Distribution of Chemical
Compounds With Body
Compounds are distributed to various tissues
by the plasma
Distribution is a very complex process and the
final distribution of a particular compound
depends largely on the affinity of the
compound for various tissues
Important Point! – The site of highest [ ] of a
compound is not necessarily the site of toxic
Absorption – ContinuedCompartments
Distribution - Continued
Storage of Compounds
Plasma Proteins
There are a number of proteins in plasma that can
reversibly bind various chemical compounds
Most compounds that bind to plasma proteins bind to
albumin – albumin has 6 different binding regions
Environmental chemical and drugs can compete with and
displace endogenous compounds that are bound to plasma
Environmental chemicals and drugs can compete with each
other for binding sites and displace eachother
Distribution - Continued
Storage of Compounds
Liver and Kidney
These two organs concentrate more chemical
compounds than all other organs combined
Ligandin (binds weak acids) and
Metallothionein (binds metals) are two proteins
that concentrate in the liver and kidneys
Distribution - Continued
Storage of Compounds
Adipose Tissue
Many toxic compounds are highly lipophilic and
they accumulate in adipose tissue by
dissolution in neutral fats (triglycerides)
Adipose tissue can constitute ~ 50% of body
weight in obese people and ~ 20% of body
weight in lean people
Issue with migrating and hibernating animals,
significant weight loss
Distribution - Continued
Storage of Compounds
Compounds such as fluoride, lead, and
strontium accumulate in bone
90% of lead in the body is eventually found in the
Fluoride displaces OHLead and strontium displaces Ca++
Distribution - Continued
Storage of Compounds
Central Nervous System
Compounds entering the Central Nervous System must
pass the Blood-Brain Barrier
Increased lipid solubility increases rate of chemical entry
into CNS while ionization decreases rate of entry (passive
Some chemical compounds (very few) enter the CNS by
carrier transport processes, ex. Methylmercury combines
with cystein forming a compound similar to methionine
and then compound is actively transported into CNS
Blood Brain Barrier is not fully formed in infants – therefore
some compounds like morphine and lead are much more
toxic to infants than to adults
Distribution - Continued
Storage of Compounds
Many compounds (especially lipophilic
compounds) can cross the placenta
Placenta has metabolizing (bio-transformation) ability
so some compounds might not reach fetus
Fetus has little fat so fetus does not accumulate
large amounts of lipophilic compounds
Excretion of Chemical
Excretory Pathways:
Kidney (Urinary Excretion)
Digestive Tract (Fecal Excretion)
Excretion - Continued
Urinary Excretion
Compounds with high lipid solubility (nonionized) will be reabsorbed from the
nephron back into the plasma
Compounds that are ionized will tend to be
Bases are excreted better at a lower urinary pH
Acids are excreted better at a higher urinary pH
Ex. Phenobarbital poisoning (weak acid) – treated
using sodium bicarbonate to increase urinary pH
Excretion - Continued
Urinary Excretion
Because some kidney functions are not fully
developed at birth, some compounds are excreted
more slowly in infants than in adults
Ex. Penicillin – excreted at 20% rate of adult
Proximal tube cells reabsorb small proteins –
Cadmium and mercury attached to metallothionein
enter proximal tube cells, remain in cells and kill
Excretion - Continued
Fecal Excretion
Some percentage of chemicals ingested
pass through digestive tract unabsorbed
The biliary route is the most important
mechanism for excretion from digestive
Bile production occurs in the liver, bile flows to
bile duct and then to small intestine
Excretion - Continued
Fecal Excretion
Factors that affect excretion by digestive
Molecular weight of the chemical compound
Charge on the chemical compound
Animal species
Excretion - Continued
Fecal Excretion
Molecular weight of chemical
MW of 300 or more give significant excretion
through bile. The exact cutoff varies with
Excretion - Continued
Excretion - Continued
Fecal Excretion - Continued
Charge on compound
If the compound stay ionized at pH of small intestine
little of the compound will be reabsorbed
If the compound becomes non-ionized at pH of small
intestine then compound will be reabsorbed, called
Enterohepatic Circulation
Enterohepatic Circulation
Microflora in the gut can metabolize the chemical back to
a lipid soluble form – chemical then reaborbed
Excretion - Continued
Excretion - Continued
Excretion - Continued
Chemical with low solubility in blood – fast
Chemical with high solubility in blood –
slow excretion
Particulate matter involved with “ciliary
escalator” or macrophages
Excretion - Continued
Other Routes
Sweat and Saliva – Minor importance
Hair – some metals like mercury
Milk – lipophilic substances and some
metals such as lead, transfer from mother
to infant
Can also be tansfer through consumption of
dairy products
Concept of Half-Life
Half-Life With One
Compartment Model
Half-Life With Multiple
Compartment Model
Multiple Dosing of Compounds